![]() Indymedia UK was a network of individuals, independent and alternative media activists and organisations, offering grassroots, non-corporate, non-commercial coverage of important social and political issues.
Independent media? I don't buy it.
It seems any criticism of indymedia.uk has the same effect .
sad the level of intelligence these people have...isn't it...?
they say that the site hopes to promote alternative and anarchistic
also funny how the concept of 'globalisation'
has been hijacked by the neo-liberals [consumers]
who cannot accept that the whole process of
'globalisation' is being run by a corporatist CARTEL
which is by definition a conspiracy
...this is where the cognitive dissonance begins...
they are so scared of being thought of as a whacko
as they sit on the sofa in their
'Friends set' of a Bar in Islington...
that they can't think straight anymore
so while not wanting to appear like a whacko,
...and it makes them feel good, y'know : ALTERNATIVE...DIFFERENT...
The stereotypical veggie white dread...in his VW camper
going to festivals and living off daddies money...parodied years ago as the two sons in the TV show Butterflies.
Little do these people suspect that anti-globalisation has become a recognized 'fashion' . And that
the 'Camdenites' et al - are a whole market...to be advertised and sold to...and directed.
The stupid cartoon reality of liking scooby doo 'cos your on pot, maaan!'
They screened Tom & Jerry to the US soldiers in WWII & Korea, because they were KIDS!
Look at how many bank adverts on telly have dancing animated childish colorful imagery...
Advertising culture, under the guise of eclectisism and Post-modernism...wraps it's products in vague drug references.
Special effects morph gently behind every TV news report...and take up most of the running time on Hollywood [in] Blockbusters.
It's all just for you, dear alternative culture...
You're making them rich...
luckily many have studied the rise of beatnik culture, love, hippies
and the strange coincidence of LSD being 'leaked into' and 'discovered' by
U.S. 60's underground society...which helped stifle legitimate protest
all steered along with operations such as FBI co-intelpro agent infiltration, and the CIA drug smuggling
They murdered Malcom X, Martin Luther King, John Lennon & many more.
It is a belief engine...a cultural Hijacking. A brainwashing tool for marketing a lifestyle
While it's true a chosen few, took drugs and used them to enhance their reality...
The Stones were rivalled against The Beatles, much the same as Oasis versus Blur in the
cultural vacuum of the disgrace that was Brit-pop.
Do you think William Burroughs could cut it now...
a homogenised, ruined dream...was part of the plan
"they're selling hippy wigs in Woolworths, man"
[Withnail & I]
an MK SOCIETY experiment...in diversion... in psychological-economic warfare
They did it with the Eastern Block...Unions, anti-nuclear protesters, militants, and now anything 'Alternative', anything which threatens the empire...anything 'AUTONOMOUS' is targetted...
it is still going on...
Glastonbury being a prime example of the Cartel induced alternative culturing of reality: an overpriced extorrtion circus of mediocrity herded into areas surrounded by a wall of security.
I discovered that the 90's summer of love, wasn't all inclusive.
It was Cliquey & distorted...
I was around when Acid & E culture bared itself as the Gangster ridden, corrupt mindfuck
which it really was...
I watched as Yardies in Stoke Newington, posed and gunned down each other for a quick quid...Under a police force
that was dealing Heroin
I was there at Camelford in the early 90's, when the police switched the clean water supply off...
and the E dealers, selling beers and bottled water from the back of their overloaded Ford Fiestas put their prices up...!
I wonder what the 60's were really like? much the same I suspect.
Conspiracy sites make more & more effort to sell us books and tapes than to try and reach a kind of truth, or encourage anyone to break free. They have become fodder for viral marketing. Instead of lapping up redigested news, try finding out about how the corporate Cartel works...and who runs it...The internet IS media.
Examine it all...in order to examine yourself
f**k 'em...
never give up
re-invent yourself...
Update: April 1st 2005 and this is NO joke....
now indymedia is definitely suspect
Caution this site is regularly monitored by spooks acting as trolls and mediators
or maybe not considering the FBI-s tactics
Article on Gladio - The NATO based causing of terrorism to blame left wing groups - The Euro-cointelpro
[including link to this author research] has been hidden
It is imperitive that any anti-fascist researcher look into this subject
brought to our attention by Danbert from Chumbawumba [thanks]
imc-uk-process archives track how much censorship is going on
so...why are some postings hidden?
In the editorial guidelines for Indymedia it states:
articles and/or comments may be hidden for the following reasons:
Repeated : content that is reposted or text that was originally a comment posted as a report.
Non-news : posts which are clearly purely comment, opinion or rants unrelated to a recent event or action etc.
Discrimination : posts using language, imagery, or other forms of communication promoting racism, fascism, xenophobia, sexism or any other form of discrimination.
Inaccurate : posts that are inaccurate or misleading.
Advertising : posts with personal or product promotions.
Hierarchy : The newswire is designed to generate a news resource, not a notice-board for political parties or any other hierarchically structured organizations.
Disruptive : Contributions by individuals who habitually publish above mentioned discouraged content. Posts where topical or regional selections disrupts the utility of the sub pages (ie spamming regional and topic selections).
Reposts : Articles that are simply pasted from corporate news sites. Please write something original, by all means link to articles elsewhere and quote from them but don't just copy them.
So am i to beleive that the article breaks the guidelines because it was not an original article - simply cut and pasted?
Or is it because it is an opinion piece?
"Please write something original!" -the guidelines state....
so how can someone hope to write an original piece without it being opinion?
How does an original piece qualify as an article?
How do you link to an original article by yourself or the webpage/site it came from
without it becoming advertising or self-promotion?
These guidelines seek to stop original independant publishing!
which is a neat trick for a site called Indymedia
DIVIDE & RULE!!! It's an operation...
MK 9-11
Pentagon control of Hollywood
indymedia UK notice of oxford 9-11 meeting censored
This author recently signed up to Libertypost
a varied and weird forum
after posting a few articles
and having been discovered by some members
[unfortunatley some of whom are a little unpalatable
- re the Dov Zackheim situation]
but after getting good coverage from Rense
and David Ickes headline page
my posting privelidges have been rescinded!!!
what the fuck???
how deep does it go....?
all the way
The independence of the internet is fast becoming a myth
perpetuated by those who are buying up servers ISP's
and placing new laws on anyone who wishes to
run anarchistic / militant/ free thought forum
it all seems sadly too familiar to me, as a musician
whos only real outlet is the net
a few years back MP3.com
would allow anyone to post unlimited amounts of music
thus i did so
having separate sites for each album
eventually there were 20 album of
captain wardrobes music on the net
then came the purge
MP3.com was bought by CNET subsidory trusonic
CNET Networks, Inc announced today that it has acquired certain assets of
MP3.com, Inc. Please be advised that on Tuesday, December 2, 2003 at 12:00 PM
PST the MP3.com website will no longer be accessible in its current form.
tusonics web patter:
Music can be a powerful, persuasive tool for businesses that can affect
purchasing behavior and employee behavior. Music conjures positive feelings,
adds to an office or store's decor and enriches any environment.
Whether your business is a chain of cutting-edge clothing retailers, a grocery
store or a candlelit restaurant, truSONIC's rich content can create the
perfect atmosphere for your brand. Why not use music to enhance your
opportunity for success?
users were informed that they could only have 3 free tracks
on 1 page only
other sites did the same
word quickly spread of other free sites as artists
clambered to find a release for their expression
IUMA - another free music server became
home to thousands of ex MP3.com artists
until vitiminic - a subsidary of Buornjourno
which has the stink of Italian media mogul & Head of state: Berlusconi
bought the company out
and like clockwork
the IUMA site streaming / downloads slowed down to ridiculous levels...
it was unusable:
with administrators apparently unable
to give any reasons...
it seems only a matter of time before political forums
go the same way
with contributions being monitored and lists made
psychoanalysing by the FBI NSA via its global surveillance operations
and banning of those IPs that make the most noise...
methods for counter action:
during WWII the Enigma machine was the bain of the
allies war effort...
until the heroes of Bletchley park
Alan Turing et al [personal heros of mine] managed to decode the encrypted formats the Germans were wiring to U-boats
we independant fighters against these tyrants now must devise codes:
postings using a known trusted theme
eco - anti-globalsition in the case of indymedia
the big problem is
communicating the method of encoding without giving it away
to the spooks who watch our every move
via monitored e-mails and phone calls...it's a tricky one.
New street operations - the spooks appear
i have been visited by a new friend in my local boozer
he proudly states he works for New Labours election campaign -
He argues and gauds me into conversation/debate
he has even tried the old tactic of third party subversion.
This is a sly method which has to invole your partner or a freind
the conversation will be engaged with you but the protagonists real aim is to
go to work on your companion...
the argument will become fairly involved and then heighten
and the third party will feel a need to defend you
then the spook will pick on a simple word or a phrase that you have used
maybe an intellectualism or an attempt to sound clever
[in my case the word was 'synarchy']
the purpose
at this point is that the real debate is no longer in effect .
the spook now tries to obtain agreement from your companion
that the simple word or phrase does not exist.
no matter how hard you try to convince someone of the meaning of a simple
element of language, unless you carry a reputable source around with you...!
[heavy load!!!] Your veracity is impossible to prove once the seeds of doubt
have been laid down
it is an attempt to discredit your integrity...
and seed mistrust in your companion towards your opinion
this has become a familiar tactic of the trolls that argue
in indymedia postings
question: have the mediators fallen victim to the psyops spooks &
see simon the scientist and sceptic
or have they become infiltrated by spooks?
is it an individual?
or is it a clique, which is run via a head bully?
using fear of ridicule / intimidation to pervade a culture of cynicism within
other indymedia staff to certain subject matter.
for more examples of these tactics see the following:
"Propaganda Techniques" is based upon "Appendix I: PSYOP Techniques" from
"Psychological Operations Field Manual No.33-1" published by Headquarters;
Department of the Army, in Washington DC, on 31 August 1979. Appendix by Jon
Roland, July, 1998.
the real battle starts here