the creativity continuum...
When one observes the teaching of music and dance it becomes apparent that they have been somehow strangely disconnected with each other.
Dance has become an archetype which asserts it is simply a reaction to music.
But importantly, if one considers the musicians fingers, running across and manipulating an instrument to create music.
These fingers are dancing, as an extension of the players mind, and as he reacts to his music [if solo] and his surrounding players rhythms and textures [if an ensemble], continuing this dance through a feedback loop, and overall - music is created. sound is created via medium through limbs and fingers as an extension of the brain.
It is not just the fingers it is the human body, working in rhythm, breathing, moving, reacting constantly. in harmony and dissonance.
Likewise Painting is created from instruments [brushes] via medium [paint] as media [painting]
and the realm of sport, a tennis racket is an extension of the arm, as extension of the eye to the brain.
Journey via drug...are we making sense?
LSD was developed after many far flung journeys to indigenous tribal peoples
who used natural substances in a spiritual way, for such things as initiation into adulthood
or for prepardness for a great trial, a journey.
The 'magic mushroom, when imbued with caution it sends the brain into the mode commonly known as of hallucination...
Hallucination is a very similar concept to illusion.
it is asserted as to imply a state of unreality, a parlour trick our brain plays on us.
But, 'reality', as our senses bear witness to, is itself only a process.
The brain processes the input that our senses receive into electrical signals.
Are we making sense?
The concept of hallucination asserts
that these heightened signals the brain witnesses via our senses
are distortions. Thus, at it's height the taking of such substances
has become the form of an entertainment for many.
A form of 'special effects', [as used in Hollywood to enhance movies]
Hallucinagen users have frequently described their experiences as witnessing a shimmering...
feeling a sense of being at one with a great scheme.
Senses become enhanced into hyper awareness.
Time becomes distorted and sometimes unknowable, objects visually mutate, psychic connections & ESP are felt to have been made. That their experience is itself a journey.
Is hallucination a delusion or a reality shift?
Is this shimmering, evidence of our frequency range bending?
that by journeying via imbued chemical our brain alters / attunes
the senses to expand our possible frequency awareness?
It could be argued that pharmaceuticals are a technology too, that chemistry is
indeed the manufacture of substance utilising compound structures.
The chemical compounds, such as LSD were developed after natural hallucinagens were discovered. So the poetential to bend our reality has been with us a long time.
Are pharmacueticals & natural hallucinagens, in fact, another type of 'Lense'
which bends reality and brings previously unknowable things into view?
is this process of 'witnessing consciousness', itself a feedback loop?
could this feedback loop also be called a continuum?
as our senses provide information that are fed to the brain, our conditioned indoctrinated concept of normality tries to make sense of
an 'abnormal' situation in a state of heightened awareness by telling us we are in an imaginative dreamstate.
The brain continually questions, and tries to contextualise the situation, becoming aware of our ever-changing state thus feeding more back into the mix as the brain further decodes information coming from the senses.
we become aware of our own
food for thought:
one can observe everything as matter
matter is energy
According to Einstein everything is matter and energy combined. E=MC2, the theory of relativity.
He said "Matter is energy. Energy is light. Everything is light."
electrons surround the nucleus of the atom.
energy = vibrating atomic structure
this vibrates at a frequency
everything we are capable of sensing, vibrates within our reception range
Supernature can be defined as matter beyond our human frequency range
within scale [macro/micro] and frequency
electromagnetic spectrum:
Radio - Microwave - Infrared - Visible - Ultraviolet - X-Rays - Gamma Rays
Humans have utilised technology to go beyond such capability, via such things as the light wave enhance [lense] and the amplifier/receiver/transmitter - radio wave
towards a micro scale: via instruments - microscopes, electron detection. linear accelerator -X- ray - MRI
towards a macro scale: via instruments - spectacles, binoculars, telescope, radio waves, television, satellite, radio-telescope -
by utilising such technology we bring previously unseen realms [frequency ranges] into view
this is remote viewing
if we consider going into the micro level as a journey into the unknown.
are there limits on how far we can go?
if we consider going into the macro level as another journey into the unknown.
are there limits on how far we can go?
if both extremes have no limit, are they in fact the same infinite entity?
I would like to assert that the asserted Micro / Macro opposition is in fact a continuum
where both extremes are infinite and therefore are the same.
This infinity loop is itself a frequency and also
frequency travels within this infinity
in a holographic level within level format.
Energy can not be created or destroyed: ONLY TRANSFERRED.
Could it be argued that the transference of energy within the Macro/Micro continuum model [universe]
and its smaller constituents [galaxies, solar systems, planets]
are dynamos, transferring energy as matter via frequencies throughout the continuum?
Is life, the universe and its contents, a perpetual engine?

a cross-section of itself repeating infinitely