H,that he Irrirew were remote so he walked ala. The lift. the crappy man-made lake that was, surrounds a deliberate tnoup~t. On, parents were ant with tnier kids, and I. The stench of urine and parents. Gangs of blokes were out and on the piss,on,it's own...bead on The geese and ducks flew about.
He had waniorirdly brake the order by throwing tbemst down en S bent bench and running around shaking. Water was over nearby, a bdd body us in. and he could not which gave him a view of a good mix.
n. fl~.t awoke and was sweetlejanally. I meat head wouJd~walk by with ass. He had noticed this fire and imagined one of these dogs with a remembering. That she was~ The arly gob shaking it dead. lie even moved head like hers legs thongb, the Images together in order to get the bett. Thog~ tydok zaen's tho~ts,
"Is tide thing violence?11
"...and why do most pee?"
"Thoughts and eiperience~of much he thnng,}'t and thought and thought, until full of tea the thonghts continued I on and on and on
Yet gore remnants of the way hams had decided to go home differ ently. Thy minute eons past which nearby housing estates. The 511 concrete plat sad and had a]most bro to mention smelly. liBBy stink were syaning out his worrworr worrying. Reeked of it mostly through thier skin, and that he simply couldn't do. An alley. P!. noticed four young blokes.
Awake C.W flow nit ·=h better past them. As he did so one of the people who looked - though they could really do with sore Junk oovered the door, rubbing his ear. as he Wa] ked s=ewhat quicker toward rhe nice ron.. and grooves.
"~hat X hed something. darn"
11flound me, I must write about thes.N he sad,a balcony, and he liked himself. Ec pushed the key into the ho]e and;
"Good day." you could see Penn, waking up in tbe dark stairwell
"To the 11.11" he rep]ied...
"You us out," Penn continued, R...and...the view." and would he ever have the balls a~t nearing the dangerous ~evel, it scared him so much be put the kettle on!
~ne news us saying that the swimming in ttLC sea and the gtdtar is a lot like 'ranking! fled. hop any uric serious i:irwss both a lot. Or at least as often as hell. ~he planet at in then exiated. Was the ungratefr] git, hi. coffee. in stirring it with the 11.1.
·This battery could have come in a peir, not with minnie but thie,~ he held up in delocate balance. Fe thought about it and then typed on the lid. !es the dmage had key;
"Mouse is bot~ schiuophrenic and gay.,,

"O.K, Now back, elowlyr" nC novel with the gun around the edge. He was bored. lie looked out of the wind.
"Bitt people 1N he spoke calmly. "there were less people ear] icr. lids?"
"With thier lifestyle?" thin made him feel good even thong~ the pub was now closed. Ha knew. The place was, would be no happy end.
~Through the bedroomi11 he shouted sweating, "Draw the curtain." Re was now tiunking of sex and his thoughts seemed ode. cOu~~C5 often walked past the Terry Wogan machine...
He returned Just now hi~seIf, everybody seemed to be.. lepre stood up again. be gave lately and nobody had any money as usual."Tbe table for the box."
'Who me?" the whole day was thra'a;~, and as 'isual he'd tt. Re checked D questions and answering, funnily enough. the nearby pub for tiny Bi! he ached for a drink, hut bhis wasn't all.
·I'M looking in,"
"Hit" they plasticly couldn't feel any worse. He got up and ~ JrAabtiy come from inter-town with no choice and no-bus fare ~eq This *ipped it...
Toy bru:bu-~cs were on iLe way hub luckily rapid eye tovewert enmare bkin day wan good ·wy,ay, tile 513fl, Cc.-.asiona~ 1\£cki c'.oudu.
i.e listened to tre pyacfl crnnchino'r.e.I.imn, and ~intened an did tLn~~',r-c ab a "ilow pace throIA-. the eta! I
IL-ne crappy tag that -tian...' however it was a pleasart c'"inr.e Co te a] one. Fe Look et drag Frnd Wa, imedic.ACI.v at the underpass and the f~yover. Ije wai~ed, "I'm of tbis.' he thou~-~~t.
A tan walked by, his "sql lorping to Ins virbial re~li cy, he hadn't ra ticed '~nat as -'C Bter?e(i out, t--:e I n-~d horr-. Tt'e '-ailed T 'or b) oak rose from t'.te Nr:)und fnrL tinny. The prtrke~tion, of the curtains in tbe windows that fleas him In a political f~onr.
First, and !linr-~ to ~ail to get resolved. Cf hi~, seeing norneorte tade him pror~ess to ear-;r, '3esrer to earth...wry aflo on hin own. Arour-d 6 rt. and w't.i coffin unaped - He wonder,'. if this was edited by fu]~- ur) tont-hes on the par-~ of the desir'~r~r. They all sorts of aids no-,adays end viers out with thier aftersh~ve which was probab~y worse. rhey o'-~t usually with a r~~t~,Il n'jevktnr~ away.
DogLI Deane WsntLd to take tkie tyncwriter to the ~ Elvon into the drink then and writ+,en out into the starin,', ova':',.
But t~c S people? te fo'jnd that the spud people could heer tne key9. turnina ' r- L~a I oaks, end th: Cr ~.i a-' no the SY'~ peorle! 110 lay down. Occtttly zr~ur£ting at him with nothine, on her meat~apry dog! He layed tbe"e ti rst art had hI-ached tc himself r'fter.
There wan a yoLLq~ tcothy kid iftawLyig, afler a'l ?,e wan just a friend arid noY.inp more. lie is head as to al4-,~cn ~ they were tbin and fresh looking, Oh her picture.
·';vhat it is 'or-e-~rnesl" they had drart' tea and swapped people secret'-y, "Lovt' it an..." talking 0f the loves ar-d ]ooses, pqins. and they p-'Caflt On, on the sax he had ventured t~)~ He hiuf tho other block -'C toffee.
On the past life, b~ndreds of miles away and way, throu~a:l~~. ono or bite hitch he had rjrced back into k-is I-ire. He wits mean and hard not brake down WI LF' e~Liofl. Berore he wan Laliki rlr, where ever the the old people weru *hirring~ around in his ~~eady head ~ike R Oat. As he tunned a corner, ne didn't find. It had been wnrth it thouph. as they were usua:2y sit~~tne aboit.
"Me blokes!" he said aloud.

'took,~' -'ha.' c~id, ·~, i could p, ra." she was violtir4- hi~ now he was I jEi 1. II. artewn red "i Li;ation conti n'jsd post h-:s eyes.

-Tney went tS'irnuN~½. The squat -Ra. one h-t'neoovy, a ho'ne mcvi a in it blared jut, "dru9~a, so do with..-"
no 'iked thene places, "t-~ey al~ are cast out..." he sailly said, aloud to Dee, "P0 ont and peek over the -ity.
"C-.fl~ 'd" he said quierly as no pronned t:ne big door to floe o,it over the :~vor t.--Njren.
"tOW thats flat." she wondered aboit ~,unk.
~VJednesdsy wan a gc'c'd I
"...and tey say it. that the smot'..."
"Try it!" she interrupted him, thou~~:bs like tqis were evil and last night tbier was Sri article flicke(I up. b-c co--aid hear a sriitar, arA ~hey were pari~-g rn-c-hers of thR rJt'~ie whn Ijere nleyine. and then observing thern to see ii. ir they thou;ht ta thernse'ven qbo'rL disease. ~.he dice, he wandered th': fate like the hen. Real ininp the th1s E-~~ration. If it.the even broTh~l child whose christ is in the present ~tke a broken In... ~ouse teaspoons tha:dnoy not be replaced with this precious syswitit another.
~iolkey II. Lance tad oepn fiddled with like an abused paper. In. his cad kin. Lad be~n done and flaw hey would wa£~ch it and that settled Lis edaes. Nobice that the care nrc trave']ing, on average slawly sitting on the grassy drawn carriage of yesteryear. It was T,ore reyra tijan he ·nas msklni~ ty~os. lut it didn't rake him feel.
Very loudly Lhe flt'-. in e.oifl:'. on. Coj-li- they do it kr.owing t~at nan hid turned away eTnbaresaed as the clsnlrtn&t arid tbe spaceshi~s "--ed. ~ickir~ louder. what neemed to be fgy,what?
~-s he more coherently t!:an e~Er berore? Would they take hi-n?
There was tbinhin~~,respective1y being IRan rind tMn.
"~hr. ti R:e is. . . " ' ~ tr'.l ? I r:v a ~ Is he thouph t to i--c~- wotild Un- donh-.ably tan.
T:e rerntrnbered a time when he Wa' aboat. nir,is o1~ tbe flashing LLq'~d gold, an'. could fee! the ~F:';rnba Noir,. numb. Tacy found them- solves. It was all a p~-enhow li.'~e masteryhi. - -
Cng w~s spending up the reorle -inteide all o~ab~y, after a whirr1n~r, l.ncahere'ntly. He turne-' b~ek to his tine. in n nhre~ o~ a non Se. The :ast ra~L-age h..nd h-i riedly 'Lnd ont end been restrained. A sly wr~tten swall r~ket of -men...
"!h~n jut isn'~ going to work."
Black plastto chatr, ·' s:LC wants to hear no Li at, he was on about nin rarivine,.
"into iii S S' u~] I.' li~e his heqa was In :9i5 bands and he re]t hi his hard bead antis. ---C was used to sitt'ng in front of the ~.V. Ai~ter his scossilisation Vor you a crazy so~e ·itnpid english ass.
·18ay.II trien i.e remembered hurriedly!
"the sound or tons." the sex no used to talk aboit, this real need. Some fa-ne four day's flow L~e ;~ospita.' day. tn the larich-tirne. he had decided that his arm still Y.u.~t, would they see htm? Tt was only a short walk rind ~ey had bust his vien.It h~d been knocked on it, ar,d the tirednotis. lie got out hi. cigarrette and burned a fan.
"Are you there?" he had cried. ~-he havor b;-jcks the vtsit
I.:rhey have b;ocked the VIOL t.~' fewer had given no renly. PB walked through t-.e fog, imaginirqj the who '-'as on. Buddsn'.y ~e felt the wincing at tasks. LookirN down to the un che stairs to the toilet. .~ sour lot te see. rid p~aying. around, ho could hear anothir noise, the I.E' man or woman,walkirg na!is! TI. ninnistakat'lc soi~nd or tt.e page 'pan tL-e esta.e people. A~teni I cd to himself. "'hinkine, aboi;t tL-e ir.are~, a grou~ of lana 'ii bu-ir.g.
he left tlio 100 urn4~uslied 'ind orept bac'& inside the squat, back thr~u~h the hall and b*~k oat or the back door~zle. Fe was worktn~. Patiently he packed aftEir a secure. T'£' gassed the side of his nose WI itt his fijiger. be drank nor--c top-deck ir, the front room arid slid- badly Whern'.yer no needed a rag. lt made son.-r. oj it fair, the rt"Qr in-~unLiona~ ,he otijor tijing -~nat he needed, the money, a cushy job 'La' a 3ine-'-a critic!
"rit." he brcL'-~hed, t,t:s was in, and tin! ~hing t-~e damn stew, sho said, -'We should, I'm dying LO write. Tn-ned back to the ball. lied they laughed ardi i~~bed, fall wS-.oneypr con~ident. "ih~5 their ~j r.. but ret, a load of old p00, ho ta's"'.' Lo him sellang the values of ooki, old ri-ramortis At j~irst they ;a~ked into an nld tape recorder he had.
'-'he street was crowded with ·tfterwards, it was similar wtten they had walked through the maze. It was kiud of eribarressing ajtd also familiar. ~~queeztr~ In throueA' his ears. ~'ncour.terij,g old friends that ho had. Fiappy this pI~':s was, but 1.1 oouldh't s-~and to be near tho~ or '-alk to, w-~ich by observation was a rest in 19(32...
In the c-nd rho writil,:! that ne was attn-a- nti Ziff WaS a Ii St, from the formless. 1~ast pi'bs, and betting. from a rectum sonewhere wi ttin! tiuntin;, tne.'y looked to see ir they cob-Id Lap the old, tIe porbable teljy~which kept re~ind~-~ng him of thiar ~ision ·rid the rest of the stp.le weak language winch was the r£w nec-fascist. Tiacy however wanted to wriie oorno,.ctapLy, soinethinj' of norwaliby. A sj'ndrome, hob, n-is own sLit, ojt or r.i'n. self. Fe tbou,-,ht.
"Tradition, tee sale." bLat he bad secn durLr.g the course of tce horror and ut-c sit-corn sex. Be thought of Stefar, his dick in his pot-~ed plant.! The day of tL~e F ?.~..d r'v.er seen thin, a picture. :i~-.ey had headed .0 whart celirned like Lhe size he woald have 'sui bed.
1--en ~o dc.iigl!t was rcuiir~£, do y s~: aky reace hani,en. .9he came does, But in uiimnxed ;fle coiditiuns, the cur~ Dine into mont
en lhrobtLn& war crime.
'..Lcw!~ yct :'.ln elinaxed.
'"~he bible tells 'n·)re arid had." are anai -ii,; r'.~ cf her nunsy,
T~ightcm-aness ci tk:e pres~-Jr-e.
They Int.'w the tibic *as open, wer.~ the earth. The oric:( s~.id in, in act and -~t-en dovyr- r~h~~at wet psalm. ire rafla lap so riry..tcous, so way L&p inside Ut-s 6w keivt--c.
qaover-nt-nt tize way, thate peoplelIr but rc:- the moment shr'd a glorlos wimps prics.
"W('iJ car--, eco3 tookir4,." t-ey were part or t, do~n on his place, the £~vo,Lvcrythinr.-s in Xd~n, and ~ arr~ becoca.
"Peoliny- the genesis?'.
'1:2 cock up -~ere'." shir srar-~i.'d to a]1 over the ewly.
"Yo-j look r4~-atly soakang; wet, renijy hL:icy."
-Thin Sara Cities and pros down S~'aWfl~~~ "It's just a dream.'·
A moment, -~he ]jps wilt over exist, of contact with the orobabiL',
·~r'-e ~lans iteaqL'zis. Up wont not a flew mate ilurqrt'r, tuckness, she caiae. Is reason, for then, t.'ti&t' dawn of
a flew heaven. An-j that a Lisa, act-uraini', -~-o God.
~ Lar ted to open, us is to dwell. 2 pansy lips and the p'i-ysical earth arid Sara slid down. ·2ne title above polo riaj-'~ town. 6:37:
l:04;9, "'hat bn" crock rrir~h; down way ciC'---y peop] e. l!er tignt aunt will be perfect. 'Right up ''1, that wi2-1 rule what she'd want. lu i~ rea]~stio?"
"hey had c'-apped thier eyes on a new world.
"What a pity k:e cider the fax n':e sooght11 he thou;tt ac Gods criginal cock. 9t13] y:'.u caut the fur-an couple into this woride cave. "then a marvelr"
he sa~ Ihere fori-cy, and full, huge tbrobbing(28) . Yes a0~6 in her aunt, and move up and do earth, althourh she soe~ed all over the place.
The scene on this, be having or?~smn not your heart. wily she slowly rose up spertly. "Iv'e seen tsere gaint cock dick lay'."
"~afl Lasy, bo to Tni3ch. 5:0 was zust smilini' on etrt}i. russy wal a rubtinr, ink. "so todays snatti~ as tI--c wanar M1flg
merp and down hope. 103km? to a the time of her Jim. Vene and a new ease shut so she didn't.
1'-3ods promise." a face, bat went ur 2 peter(3z 3)
"Isish's cocki" faster and the new earth ayl r,~ -;b, feelin; the terla] heavens.
"Ork I" she was hands havinN climaxes, and heavers -sere at, when he cane they wil nc-am al 3 load of spunk into the ne's earth O~g arc Living on earth." he tr-ougnt, "wita my neat heavenly hie$i he's got a
"Over this earth~~ shoo~~ out, lLttle." It was trl9;-nd. ~l~]: be:ieve that when he comes!"
"I' its possible." p and down on ·'.-'~ch art idea], ranter till it neened on parnose, far tI-As'l' froff tbat cock, so pie' in this earthly pce~.tble. She could. Veicus a"eigrnEent thqn she started to fill the earth, and oraes~s s-C started ~o ~i' 1 the thoiip:rt flu-p-one was to faint with joy, to spread witI~ the somethtm' he lifted. They later started to c~oose ~o work his bouncing boaCs.
She seemed rent. What wan a]l over tI,e r~lac~rn f~r them, and doyrri On them? Surely its ttcre? These fec1l~4n~s. the ttaht on his t.~robi.-ing real~ Lies wor'ed herse' C~i on ~usta.
Sara was I~sving Ihe luture. She kepr her eart.b that we have ta locir at. Hand in tf~ese tand dcwr in on her; H; 65:17. Faster now annordin to power of the flew litera] galore. Hcpirig mqde perr, wm,]d chant Arnie forever. Her CLint hole wil] be a nine.
"YoL, and the luck, even thon~dom or prick."
"1se11 - ft
hell or, sooie~y or ci ribble at --pimew earth. She moved cock faster on conditions ~'jat she wo'zJ d earth he. Fast it tice¶.!Etd. Paradise of keepin~ her balenue.
Be j~rji ti hay such h'j~e "ubdued it- "?;hs -rn's rol njv...
"~hcn, them!" she shoated to dick. "at last, l).r-R."
"1~A:tAi;-[ SE I.'
Both h'i antis docidea to di~'ibey, God thus and yelled with the oriF.iPJ~' purl and time and again filled in a naf up to a frenzy of fact -
'9.hin~ on that t-u&fl rather, asi in' praying for," then be start of wlckLdrJisJ' and down kant in L-'-ew 6:9. And t:--en wher. ri~hteons, the loneer shot his. will reside for hole.. Ano+~er yell was even better. ;ods king she comid ftel, compare, a cnve of beautiful erA originally puramit holes.
"P-abed E stui~f gong upi"
6~veryone lit, f1llt~ her up else.ir. the bet jwit one man to cease to the auee,so much for liftirj- up the sword!

'Any more?"

"Ob, I doubt ahout it."

-rhe whole S! ho]e goi~ up rgrden-~i~c. F to nor, all Dr it,lobs.'.!
heso and that of it. Flain wil be written all over in tbe wi~dernas nass of spur-k torrents into her ount-ole.
"-The ~roiand will r~pplc her cur-ti"
"-Thirsty ~rour£dr The shaft 0" tk:jtt I" T.~ey were sure that she was akeise earth.
"jed? Food" The end .lust went on.
..mbe bib,~e say- wave of hot ept-r.kr" .'nd he knew the sort of p1 ace. "p' easIre
"And into her," ·j:'.u;-d rOv~ ng be unfit?
She was a-',azed ar--d her pose did no; char~e. Couj d possible worlds?
"Spun~er you pray the lord'." 5-ut there it wan, GEK, for goAs kLtga cm, gcLr-g up into her piss heavenly aovernmer.-t... and it was floodt~g to rule aver it. ar arnazine aricurb.
"And we can confide." she sat there , bliss prayer, since his word, her face, an sne f-c; t selves will posseep the thrcbbing~: up, forever upon it. She sat there and watched ·~e walls move up and down! "Life in gods new ·noe!" F:-ons-~er conk ~ minpd-~nr- I
will it bring earbhL-y.g,e1bir~ all she accomplished, evcrythirF,. Diet smiled and posed fjr his people in a rumptn,: wave,
"PreJudises ·nLII cease to ~
up into that cant or earth. will be a true friend and was p-ivin,' it to her, "3od proalnec that he will!"
She'd never had the exterity of the earth. Platural-ly every woman was ai':atnst the ration, neither will out always will. On t~e vast amount the earbb will be sho I ir-~-o A,ier cunts. The radise state. The bible say5 he spurted now rnore waterless regions. They wi~~ cml-. her and then the jayta] and blosr-am as the limp is Sara p~otl The waters wil' have her over and '-Se her like the assert plair-, & the cock dry. They hsve become as a -'reedy bathroom, for sn~e'd as nptirg'n or water. "I can see this for ~ysel~.!~ ~his gave her every reaBon to be happy. Sg hid never ~ai tbat livebefore inside her Gods insine her. It nupt b- nIl ar-i thtn nhp haQ at ejeven. bhe did have to see the prayer for the hour and there was a fluri to coi.e I You are ~he wall oj tk,e bathroa~ to rid the earth ccii mg to the hoar is a new world. bat was halr crouched dc.'wn ficent that God will down on her hard promises, Th"y pushed and opened her lege S.F the earth and thier it were, so that be (37.29, exposed her reflection or the world.
8hc could see Henly and tI,e benefit, beyord, coY d see the rluehod looking good, that god, her face could see her now to enjoy on earth and s~iff,..Sbo eo-cxtsted and evenbual thieb blobs of s~jnk, friends witti everyone! from her cant fal LB and he will n-eke wars on the bathroom. Then she was aware I "Will they 'earn war?" Standing in the do, and inc was
i~-e w.ov£.'d ~i.-r sticky hu.nyer ror jack or mOUth tine pushed the fruit ot nor owl labour. Pineers into ncr mouth,
"They wi U- certairt] y plant." She micked t~..Ler age.
"'LILSy wi I nob r.?'an." Dick watched ard wR5 eat~ng with what
tie saw, a-A 1.-is it -aoas new w:,r]d ! lie crave a lit ble twito~ of pleasure RS he era-s-I a hage nar- 1:: appi-eciatlon.
~a"i-~, for Sod 'as rurpose I" Sara ha-~ im ore..asm.
"houses nave no occupancy.
Her fingers,shL' thow.ht. ;:ta'y nil - not toil for tas-ing n1,unk. - she k-ac ever th-as. Pej ~D" wilihave produced Eter ] ire. She wanted
more. "I wiji not be ~~oring!"
H(~r ri6tt 1iar£n 'cc.- ;-ack in cime, "t}odti KiL-~io3-I.'LLqt!
50 did her other band. Full relati3fl~ tIat cx "ted, used her i'j fle.er this ;ime, ard ar.-i~aas between her lii's as wide open a" bI:ey s~y, Th~ wolf will aebually ~;fl aria --hen she starr.d at the ms-c lamb and wiLb the refi action in ~£e mirror.
Sara pear ti two Vin~ers. "aed will Wipe Jn'~.fy sPti'£k filled pussy! ar,d tne nnc-dea$t will Le no more.1' she su(.'ke-. at her ~wo fingers with an o;,tcry of pitin, the sper' are--nd her mouth had pasaed anay wi--Sq astanisning reve;atlonl
U9j. a a tries or 0-Jr creators pro~ises? they shnu~ed throu;ji every p'&£t of the yard eating j~ru.' t. Na£ed body and as ~ornoone else did, her julceti babbled on the tube '-ike t,omo of the spunk.
-"I" OL-ger people are Soon Lltere watt a -large building, run-down, I Ike the fior O~ her bathrooz, Thcy nil-' ocr Lai::]y b~ld. Again she poked. ·£9k9 hibie promised ~fltO her pusy Itole--~fl~ir£p,. Moving them atout wan a'atisfyir'£-', work. tile ~ave her a grea~ Ca]. cjhe pull.ed nor fir4'e..rs,111( '8') will e'&eri res--ore the peace!"
-flits taSL' round she Jiough L OS cne garden or eden between the Brark in her fir~ers,
"And humans?" Dick wandered. she held her rir~er, "reside for a
"Wi-h the sniff or r~t£gs, ;nc 1eopar~ itse]f will ~ie. ~'tiey were carefully atiking there way down to where thc calf was. ~ery Last drop wea to ~ to ~e maried yewia; lions mouth, ard again thc wel: fed animal, t~e cum, so sEts c~ Im al ~. tabetner ar-C a nere juicey lit~-]e boy.
"viii te be the leader?" She stood up,
"Just iTr.GN ins. - . down there, its Ldc paradise earth, all are sick." site took him by tbe ear, from the eyes and had him back in the her, I~,v1lt mcmnin': ror time mourns at all."
and '~hr?t the former thin~ hsvrr him and ~ tne head,
"surely y~ur heart must be p-jghed?" the t-in of her ~;od, n-nd rEe.ardl rig, life in his/her mot£~-h then, and whi~e some may co-nd, ~hey were deii~~~ ted, tl ensini's were too rood to be traw, and his Itip cock come from the -aid of the witch 0f p~eanJre and 145:16. OV LoturLe there are req ,-orRaHm as ehe licked to 'lye craver in the cone, thoup.ht it the tent to show the principal one.
She had even tasted the ieann for everlast:ng life and morpE "~ou I trie only true God?" she went back to- hi,r forth, ' esus Ohri~t I" ~ohn was in her hand. - -
"So, if we trnly warA to this time to spre~d, we ~Ust so from thLs flew Gods WI'] I" he held a pen as Ikey wo-jl.d.
"~flj't wj-r~d is paasir:~ awe," they stared at her,
"'rhaL daes the WI] 1 oP go rror, the eternity 0f hIessi figa mtrroer into her lovin6- creator." she ptai'ned her mo'ath, thessible.
'For you?" her fin~ern into her rout%, move~- ~' the nrornises to suck them.
"The new world or rirp~'~eousness I" the toasted as Dtck watched. lie was flonuiderinr, and real teing of such with what he saw, the hano they are not boo goc~d, he (':~C a l~tt1e twitch,
'Our loving cr~atore?"
"OF', pure psalm appreciation I" She had an 3.-gasm s's sqirt rent ~ wmeeta+e ,-o be her fingers. - ." she tbougt!t of paradise.
He stood there spnn1aneous~y,
"Zicy wna~ ~c..." Lie wit, an a~ len b' OAS 'n old nsn~itt'-. lie wao
tel l~ hin! tta~ tney all loved hir. ~re ·-~ld abCs continued bo do more wJ£-' riOre to the pn-iflL, 1? be rnp--~cr, and more calterant.
Zero ~ero, rr-an~ r'uesziofln hi1e he, this, qe ad th" tr-in£r that died in the ShlLtt Is fer away. PLfld then the wr,, ni strsfl~c not Sc 0-' Ihe thirteen year 3'd an,'ol mw In ~hat at 'irs+- reminded Yi~m of the ni~ht,hi' wat:~ down and began to la-a-h.
tver~v~thina wet. lh[n which by now all star-,cd to be jabberin"~~, the thi a jabherinp, of rasterbating tflRt k:p.d tried to- ~n Inis type of wrI tuing end no On.. They t;ad re-read tL~e routine que'stioninR. r'-hey had also ri quite thc'jfl'~tJ (?ssly thrown h~ "Wy nil he sat t:nere.
v-t5 is ji~'st?" ho w~n I aughi rig, they he;~n tel1 mt t~e 'cxi ni jokes...
It was ~ate, '~C3C~ '~.A~T9 -he adverttse---nt eneor, ~he looped ucurid was like a rechanicq~j n(rrewdriver. dy flow he felt "ink ci the sbu~~f, thq-,wau t.c ~rt'ne an wren be used to ecan,
"'ror?" it t~d occured Lo hiji, as 1-- wan W~p.rsctioll Silo was tryirig
to write eamethiny. The u"arirg ~o-psd went o~ o'rbside,rei£ambered and quite 6n-'nter-~ioflal]y. She r.~~ouaht of- i~toiicatlon ar-cl her then bee~ frtnge of friendshipti Stef. lithium CVNVO then weird thoughts! Cnt d~ he tried be s'~ick the noadl C [ri, he wandored to go to bit, house to see, }i:~ a little. but with the empty II the door was 3flOfl, when ut-cy. had known.
"!Cnrly carning wase up eaj~l I" he stink of ar-ger.
jar' icr he liwi fler. to stefe and the rriends or the ~~th f~- tar. led had boon worried, wuen there ha ace' the wart to tbink an was loo'~ing oat itt-i the ro:i;~h kitchen. The rad-:o ?.~s zero Lofl(Io9 thourY~ thro4t itt, mask, i~ was the "'ii of his bladder so he orent up the top of the etucci ~ b'-~nga1ows. The ucund Of Olin Wfls splash- mg ai~urd1ly and rJLt--3r&~ly. The ~ocetsion, the crep1ir~~ ted. Porhapti the de~ol ate and wired up groceries ta ming. :re hp.d smiled to thier ~rder,a. Over on the image or his fri end n-asterbati n~, and swoki."", dope, one of t'on was a rig:ct JUG Back down the ritairs the thrnue~h the sinpina, day, thy-cugh Cne erase-door 'ecratohing its ne~ rrame. Bed, his eyes, a lot hi: go~ ,.W~e pressed the Al carir-abis, steppin throu4i 1:-c anesr, he warti'd a ciparrette badly and atone- iftindedly. Down he would, a Ions! list totai)y ~nintended 'Ike Dodge.
an old family friend. could real",-' do with money. lie weut home...
When he was inc Lue c-s thaur:ht of his work in exhibiti or-ti end set it O~j, on t£.o carpet. -rhey had a stupid bt,ok, tbat',Lo w.[B Lryiflg to £1 r--d, or snogging.
~1 Ike it!" she tad s~id. ~-'~he ha!f em;ity page?"
"Or half fulli" tnLs was wren the lovely woman bad skir.
"~hat a losno idea." wi.er. i~ came to t~r selr all the t Itne. Em tort&tnment for the CVCn~fl~~ ~ad I-Atari hi=nelr for weeks after '11 the shoutu frc~ b:9e rarket. Star-c had video taped nis own iwrt'~e, listenir-g, to tke variety of nIl I bary By sty:es that ·:e had only encointerta. 'eNpea, the Ihangra ~t made hir hi! L-rtd ti"t and also decided t-:at he couldn't. The library of culture a happy mix to them, of pov~rty arzd under stress.
~ wrIting w&r-dt:re(1 around alone, the dirt li~e Lhe blob in h'r, rind, a 'spewed triought. L~~e went to the video dl t~count ware- ouse. in histnind he continnod.
"Any rood pornos on offer?" ltndir·', hinsel f r the inwarthyness of the good proprr.=es of r&3!.~ %~S oon~et1n,es nqiusiatinr,. He w'anted a broadoastin? corporation whic~ he nn~d mally got rid ofCsexopho ne)sexophobia. '--'ne great bri~ht buck arid wcmen appointing nost'.y tb bhs 1980's. A second of the previous day Tie tried to '-:e the must he terosexua~ or his A-Ic , nt ris rAnd. ane; al theuah ho had an old tavourite of nis, he -'an sure in 'rind or what kind of thoua:h~s
'rhoy hadn't reel isod Ilicy Wb'L-C ·nakinr o-jch observations known; ()1~i itthou~h he bad lost hia ~irt-;ini tv, the world w-~nl d cure itt, own in-lit's. Ail the detail9. or tIt varrac nurLic fascism that h~ had 'ret :)n Lha entrer V'acatiofl, tht' vt'ry existence. lie was ornsr-ed on the -1 onde ac-isaac teahur nr mor~J purity, tl:e p~ Ltj cal suhoo They w0r3t fttahLrig on the concIrIpt of '~~owLc#, all the boys had been drnrpe'~ hone for tbe bupposed ene~;. 'Ic could rarnemler the fel~ n*ti, ecling Inrortant and sorry for killirr, and 'nat-ning hieh Un nexb to th~cr teach r:g,s all tncy rig all the then profits.
~Do you foreet~-" b-s was sornethine- they r~R'ly hated. 9'he bypewn ter was probanly tFLR anly way. ~~'e tooL was s~tistac.'taty in a way, nar(.'iLIrBis, tL-:- I way, this ~rate, bu'~ then fre tad wandered.
~Ob,an anagram of truth, " t:~is led to ~im singirq', and cornin~~.

are taurrA ·ww to l~arq-...h sLr~!ng, movjng.

"iy--£abs blie jut' ~ pjayir.-g a'~i We ~nsL have t~e self, Im stupid Ir I think. Thts prise is open for you, a~ I- tbe ad rips. I j,int ~ave to ge~ it clear..." bo'- the record soitaded stuck! Some lunch...
'fall grass, tire was there. The unWn-ployahles self-assessment Wa. wa] sing irt tYL- style 0£ hat ~ing+cole. . . It was more obvious when he considereri the schizophreni'i.]iL'e the unnrnn~~oyables they adapt Lhrough birne. T~ey were in tnis stage of the ability to avcep-~. tktat 'Ifli-fi oL.it or-er Only yes -erday he wan empty and under estirated. continbo, whc'n hL' ~Rd ret some bloke and had said.
"Your old producLi Resenb poe~.ry!"
"Yes only to rorget yv'ar own!" he had ~aken thc guys number anyway, deI~i n~ Lely right. lie was still hur*ry all the tiine. Cnirne baa not even taken from the £1 ashes ·jf the pointless.
"Thin was cra~y. How could tr.is bat. ['11 need a rjink.~ as usual tk~e te'ly was on in is brq- in, it hLad a cockney accent. After a I w'ts he? las this reality? He. -nad reaped in suburban loony lard I Reality? XillinN Lime was an erabrace, a rctunn to the place,the Land mac~ine.
Fe begar- tj-pn~n,-, a" he, him, ~-t Ihis precise morn-ent. ~t:e noises outside. ~~he fr--nt ro~'n, It was dressed in pifl'c. Or the couch nyposi be Lhen there ·RCL5 Yair whien had the ,.'nnear't rca or rough as if ttey were two knee span-fuse~. It was a 1i~tl~ i,tartled which Wa. It. mate to a b:.tiy r-aifl poke
"Xou are in our world, no blue children:" 2hey were scream!rq', md pushlr-g towards nis flow trembung body.
riLsic's on L the voice of the preacher, are we part or ycurs, you are ours. Are you able to walk ~owahi the wir-dow and lear?- Ne must do Ltesebhin~ toge-ner.
ke took the ILmyl nitrate from the she-f, "Vrust Ta" to in- aa'ire this! lt!"he took sr. JnLe~ent,e gulp of it. ¶hoiir~'~s ~ out over he, his. Se, over to -~e far wLrjfow and eou;d hear. TI',, thir;'~ took out Rd to tnt, uheap o~ a bird as h,s nea6 sesned I it-c 'ranking. Nt had azed about his full ear. Yester ~i-ngers CflttifluCci heppily. 'ICC but without L;ne chemical stinuli to ac-.ual !y know anyth[n~. :rnrort the r-eoes~er Square wflefl a feeLing con-~inued,
"-4hy would you want things ~-d pe3ple?" it ~*CLD npec.,dcd up and hitude ID nOt exau;ly a goowly. Em thou~~hts were so cm-3i0'rr ~e was alien, ta creature, he paunect wk:ile h~ was tL-ern. Ire had a' so fe~ t inerea~ible, of e-r-,eetfl",, "I don't think of ~~okir~ scrass or dope, bnt as if her then was to he"r you say or even people." he lOokel at everybodys face, "Ue~jd out for you if you are thinking." and he also thought about dirrererit enti'.ies.
"We're in at what t'ee'red i~ke the esme triant thi na~" they began to make itself, and beean to ease Dir, a zittie bit he.
110h dearI~ they satd ~they are the serpent, they are net with you?" he had h-sked ar-d he had wanted and P-pok~-,
'hey are Che ttlt..." and why, he felt like it,
1'I'IL not sure if I ever will, 6'ncnninir-l" he thought then be as~ed quiccly or thou,'r~s~s of seruin' interco~rse with these shins.
