lie continued the drivel at him, t9ey rirre O.K to,'ether, they did actually bulityc in so' Solitude...
·Tney reserved tre rl~-ht ot the reception area w~~1ch. was rat or ~uoh of tn,, 'tract.
"A lot of,t'is deat:-, qri.d the doctors w~o represent ·~e shon pine. mall...'1 be rerninded te nenpie, ard :9e:9"d tn get UHed to ttie belief It was ft true. Th~y s"t at~or~jt the ~~ivc)liyq', old. Fe alec
be~1eved that time en~bIed every tie, whi~e beini' FL mood for the moan, a secret wand of chqrj'.ing,. Oily with ignor-'t·nce. fbi. '3pset t.i~, mental far '~~c mo-neni Vor they "are wierd.
They stretohe(i h~rn oat OrE a cola.
flRfl5. Da?.ston, the t'£flCr'~n
Ed hcd to thtnk what this was all about.
"Mi Iris? woving proccat tc,.qn and imrtges? or S~eflfl Tnon he hail fina:ly explained what this wa§ all about,
"?,'here the *~v the sound track of many filters." wqs he being warta shed?? and ttiri eunpense. "..e found -rio hi'. an ous, ii ~e mod ideol'ag~stu, but strar~e and seorioned orly Ir' t:ne -novice inspired Lone. '2hL-y were &tbout him, tron ~irn ard thro'j~,h his King, Jacit Daniels arid rarthor lie oca) dn' t see why hnd tour~t 1 otn of itnir to scoff far the sake or shittine, a.'g.a,' all he was wortb!
·~Of a rather faskoirable theatred rinish, and he, a poor poor Day, ah'::hi
hours later they nad cane out wit-hu~oured. Ec locied at the irnplemcnt, they had talkec' deliberately, rre-looked. like the kinky sex toy. je bayed bhe darkness outside as t:~is be the new envIronment. the pro-~tss-'j' me-hare.
CAner unf~rtunate reopl er neon'.e that, it had I ntn~ded .pr-ags ci' enber'bairnnent tl'.p.t .~e had. A£terwar'n he ha ha'rl rind had 'tat luckily oat of the bLack ri,'.ht tIme. A few posh PCOO'S ant haviap,, there flicker of ~i'e, television £unches.
Wnat a lii'e. . ." ne Ihought, chabtne on a sniff of flish. Any VeIL feelin~s 'were sorry Car him,",'!. lie won the early hours. It would soon be, Urn, like the doctors ral seen. ace it would noon fill Lhe bedrawn a~ain. 'it was him t.:ty were interesbed in.
"Listen to the jazz." they were innide an o?(' exoli-ni ye resaurant Iis1er.jnpr~ to the rad'io..

The ni,,r,11t was a lorir. na~ slog or a (lay! '2hey had turned groaning to each other.
"'VA one of who? Xe?!" was his young bride what he had dre~nt ahouL? On tiaturday niay~t wt.t'r. n'e risad snent. -;fley wox'~ hirn un as thin one had out,despite these moahey u~terances began. Vith a lively jump out, boxes were wycrywnere ar:d they trotted down obediently.
"At 'as '-I" he tho'i&rht. "I e"n 'ive working.'1 he had ended no nitt~ng wnile tniu l~festyIe, he had missed the rest of the~.
L'e had wiendered. II burned into the long livin~ moster.
L~ckLn&' upirallod over them and around the open as he trudge6 back to the !~at ard down the aide of the sofa. 'flipped arid a libtie pissed. he thought,
"His mind can (Ic, Ihi s?~ 'Inc'. ha?. watchc!I in the ehort weekend
Ir- a dirrerent way. ~h(e flex t:9oizvhtn rung and attn-. a I Oflif rent,
96 ·.Vrt.5 Ihinkine a'ovnt tho 'jex hp hi red ani ni eked up in the v'm.
a b!'g ercatton be had ~ttained a--i they lmd to waib araund.
Ideal men and floren strut ted arourd .':ut~idn the wir-a' own. loud
dance co'.aldn' stop himself,
"Junt like cecti I" no one bothered thor. about it. flat he suddenly fe~t so imbe3.ieveably ~ after all it was rOuLrh. She slinped his knob out and stroced it ."~owIy and -~hey expected so~neone to ~nve a go !t~l~. into and oub of a quic''~ ~~n1 ob, his assu-nn,b'ijns wore stun I Ike his argasm. Shc'. wt'n~ and sat A~oWfl to en,'.a'y the ~pect't.el .','f t~ern...
T'hc w]fldr,ws, the flazz on tY.e nice, lis'~eninr' and wqtcn'in~ the
L*i','ri' 'Sic'. cLurA'jr storm and -~n t'jrn,t'jre q-,3i n~ Ir' ta tbe transit.
It 9ing~! he w:LS gro~ey sknd sew,ened "'hey ha~'~ firm' ,y 9,ot (SI I Lhe
uie,,'r c',1c,t''u~ a' 0 r,u:.'a't. H 'nad reer an acci4ent ant tF'"v had otber pi aceti tc, g0. "ihee lee', sor~ to ard t:'rn '.'nc~mfortab~iy it: thier setees. t:,p suprised hlr,self ho'n much ho had to have. He was flow in-'inate'.'y ndc?btnd to '~',:e prospect or losina, £100. ~huy ciittrt't think of ~~hi Cr Kumo and ladati, in 3ne of treason, I'o co'£d now re-nember watchirj. ~nem. Thcy recorded o;hr,'r people into them as they ~-d backed into oLher peorles ortica.1 nerves. qeckee,, be had 'n,ade a screec:':ing snund and b-eked, Thu' ·,,,s mast exitins' as wqs the ~dea of it all, Ihey all burst into Inuphter...
~Sport, i~ t~t'y er.j'',d rL'cord F:ie 'Irea'rs? " it W*Lo a nice srn~JIis cosy-ilati fl:~ liked 'flu bloody tel'y and thought thou~tn of posnib~e vnr'~ ef-~er ~eeinp his sku;'i once Ttare. 'Ihe callers they had.. He walked. '1he nostrils of the cq~ler and the rood cl3plloard peerin', inside. A ligbt in the dark in a funny way r~ji; ,~oaked
that mRs him dread. They-al a:: NQflC to 'i narty, ~,":e new world...
Thouthto retook ~ .9quat. w:-,at 'wall tis driver dear frL'end do
wi Lh sbe inoney Ruy records? 'j~O ~o ;ne pub, find a dealer? Speed?
1,otent ideas indeed.
"3et the r~,ocd st'-'ff! it was £Lne ..'n b alono with the thin WI'' Sc he had got hair of it. You ,4ust couldn~t tp'~, biji tt had turned out to be thn, epitomy.He ~unt wasn't into the place, pa~e ronnie jnst don't natch the qua~. ity. He would be up creek now with ours around your orgitna. It had be"n Icing. About it had to be of scinatters and college columbuses of things ~ Ike correction f~uid, yeah! lie coui(in' t Inn; himself in. Th,at else 'lad :.ore ':~£tcr the COUT&Ci I had core. 'is head 5p~lr- an he leaned out of the ice.
'qh.o would undcubtab'~)' break ~he men~ They ~ake down the high scaffolding, the amps and dt't'ks wtth so-called power and harI i-. to tk,4.' e',ro'arid, two flowers, *'I,] of t~in equinw~en-~ ir the lathed, csicp dark soil. 'The cars were into a quieb erc~,anp,ed trip-anoed.
Over to tito c,J d but gand sterilised twat who would give you thtn; "Traf£~e got too wijub. . ·' annoyed bhe balcony most of the time
as if he was watoha~ng a (Liliet arnyl nurate. Fe had left when they wanted to hear it. Gi got q'~1eter al aboiat 3:30 ~.
be pat on this to thior ne~ kos'e, 'iti) .1 6'pe*+din~ in ti.'e air energe.icatjy"to ;he front doort r',e toaq. ted,
~'To ~te front doori"
fligbt-time programmes us until 6 0~ c:oek, He would use ii ii be bad '~;9C nerd party sit,npsions. had ~o chansre his olotF:en.
"Cr not," It was Sorl. wno Ret s~'ir-g thin,shr.' w~n., rea~,ror a while,
~Ch Hollocks I" he tad liked tier and reac Led
she was LrlCP rni, sq us oX' one ~," htn V.~jendi and ib woiald have been nice to have nj'ressive sex with her that eveninr,. The eZay S-ad been lan;, ho'~ arid stio'Ky.
As ~'.3Cy Lonned tie ~ let or tievcra] ~c.'oi)'~ e he hail awo~en and had not remomlered tSflat this had left them broke...
This wan normal Vor Lhe-r.. Ihough even if it all hid pone on food for trie L'ra'~! ~oItiing could be done in this sweaty sleep.
It was tre d~ and -~nc.'y t~~il' sat Ir, thier r:rw C; plan bed I Then af~er a coffee he had realised L'iere were no places to bQr4':
the clothes.
2hcy wore in the put bo find out when they wou]d be oat of hir suiucase. "or a '&tn ~itLing and wat'tin~ aria drinkir,..
~he opium insence. P.orne still not s'jre when they would be 'in a slow trail of L¶oke that saqe..
flp0 ntl esa." he blur'~ed to flinselr, to his own senses. Re put hLs nand In his erart C] o'~:~,es, he r*.~t &itudyi Ly, the tiJ irney 'not.
and ou~ or &'irht I" wando red b'ack to tlie mantle of nany films "noone can see The or itor Tr.c. they had all imnerced hiw...
"Ir win k""veu," it quickLy raced through n'is mine', in side the red d~ stain. They had F. las'- nirj~t are was deligh bed. ~he reQ van, eari,y on in tre daytime, j'2nt by the very ttinn;ht of tt ~l as he 1}L"t on the stereo. iLL'' anenke r3'Jr~',trt bc.tirjl' :15 e~It' Ids. He TCflsJc had blared oat intc the st~ke, when ho ~'.'j on cxtatiy. To 'i-n it wan a big, suprise to the potert and 1SO~4. 'Ic wit,'~ed thin poor kind or ;:ace, and he had even kird of liked increasin~ it as he eased him, iftor a while tie re61 ins U wgs dissapotr:tinr,. but s~i;hr~y re~ isv- irony tn'at incut o:~ ~lie pc'cp, the livi rr, roar.. Staring out of t~o ving;' After waiti-radjo. the ·itr tisd bec.'n broken los~ing up~ 'Ph CI rut by U tin head, ard it fe ;~t ci enrer tban t~i s ma. Came '~o no bt Jurri BC t'rto-.igh tF:at sneceed all over thc kitchen floor che stuff. ~hoy drove off.
"£L'ere, he was thihking about moyin~ to ~alnag,e. Tbe side of it '~ith a law of central heatirq·,~ ar'd be ~hifte'd to the side of it w~y to a A~cflt I;aV uncoolly half 'my a] onq;~. i:e hal. rareetti thet "'ad let bin genourousl.v take it a''. Tt!(i qecident ars. ~e ted. ~ao tbem as &'ocit elder sons are ii rca'. nattt'r, tnuvh similar to some era. zy film ho han seen. '-~n'ey iLad tho'aFJl't the side 0£ the othp.rn. Vans pitch. Play or' cyor, w,n'~, trar.'nrlant it i-rod into the big park SPROC. 1-ceplor thin~s he h'&d fo'jnd s-' 4' t arid sound. 'rhey brad knowi edgc,i of recordLn6- tne o'.her peoples dr£s£nn, the '-our.'dl~ng of ~..ifl!t. Radlcat~y, th(: lent's '.:-.ey would have to censor' ttjein, 7 tke the 'ide video and ttie phone. r:'e hp.i' tea.
Vn'e sexy men and women entered tie dis~orted irag,es of the ciant louc upper lip, and rous'.,h. Into the b --'ohen and ope~ed with the f! ickeri nar 3£ thu pasra' rig cars a can of beans. Leapt o'jt onto the ~reat njye,.~ or weR~th arid a trip around tat. It wnt, betn, held in, the tower burned about the ,4,ob and what he was livina, in he had gone to.
"L'ake more work..." s~L~OflC had said to ilir.
"But some drugn'. he wcnld have ~o sort it, "If tim don't get you roing..." the dale people didn't find ou~ about a ff,, all flu cou~d al'i'ord, "But it'1i...~
",itd -~hc secret police could be walLIOJ ,.nd talking of good
d~s when the situation c~-ne or notice, snd that would be it IN Then lighty of the druRs. that are whiattit a padd]e, he tried to stop A nixcd bunc'.h, a ".urlous mirtitre ~O ff0 back into town. ~e would have to get the league, some of Vie wont from that, Sor one '-."ing L'S WILL' U~ST ·tt was tryinr. to call tterr his friends.
i~m,hoy thc~u~'t?" he th.cught, he scr'atched and i'.-'.reater.ed to pet them polos from the top floor wlndo*. WatcS~.inN, t't(r.R down tbe door, and s~ash the corn. t.'hqir...
The tattoc'd man took a p0's to the full spesker an bhey balloned down. It impaled itself ir. Bud, .:'~,y quirky. Yen,, t'ne party r'.ad returned ~nd buses rattled by loud]y. Ire wa4.~n.d, speed talking with the occasia rally reo who turned irp with sometliecs a life story. They had stood out him tc the point ol' anger, especiall to bhe speed of t.-'-e '~rogra,~o or the television and the music had beer; bur'ned,even tairen on a lone' but Aece~'t'try walk. Girl,. coated the walls arid junped dowr.. They had watched the meaninr.lcss as nhe had the casheard just in. Thcu~hts of too. that they coula not decide whether to become unbearable. Their was one NU.,y, aio. He wajkcd arojard thinkin8 for an ug,ly guy, and b-ad cone onto him ir, stror-j; lACkS,
and sod it I" be tho'~r41t. it was eleven arid with her it wan no e;ood, rem~nding him of needless sex and the ~ad darigt'rouo and tloodi'~y impulsive Then that he felt for. The nrimittve, rnovir£g, was alebgitd and always said by so rany things th~t
?:ts syn.pton.s or &i'Vluenoe, it was lap ol' one the friends of his supported window. As I~C did often he gave it often bituitly and ib was tn-n'y the way that some £o'kn hil to RoCent. But bhey all watched him sected screttnp,, secret]y.
He wo'ndered whether the past wou3d come one Cay. it bad been ages. ~hey are to get some money sombow. Anny original~y fell,whioh -B an slurp-ups and a Vast trip in the storniy bedroom (she was) He counted tote. would he ever get that exiffic sound? This place was much betted, much a glance later,wae quietly into the ~iving room. They didn't care for the pie-in-the-sky. Dry onto his doewy memory, which for years had made a flaccid inhabitant. Yet they didn't like thin down and took a deep breath pouring of cyber-punics and renegades remembering rower and examining it. They drank it without these individuals and had sat, light.
"We are inside a magic trick!" flier was a tinge of rasoism of the ted on the couch. He was much bigger, and they weren't too keen on the crappy corpy guy. with strangely enough wel] off, great! Thin always made bin eat attitndes. Be had seen it rear rails clash class war ways. Bitt in the wake of this be ,shouted
MISC. up you la~y cuntT"

Cad., the Art student with a hey!, had ventured Into Daiston "WPtat fun,'" he thought secretly bailing out this in. They were all a bit ratty. ~hq surly individual walked concerned through the empty Sunday stratosfeer. It -45 Mm think slot as did the racket that they greeted him with. They -re hungry and they were poor by giving him lots of judging. ~ aertain app].., were he ever dub enolagh to be thier guest! Eventually they heard 'etamorphosie, who were from polite greek familiee,who were custard workers.
MWhat a shitty worM..." they sang...
They had wslked hoe. slowly snd ting3 ed at you through tbier rotton wierd memories -a thier shopping bags,
"This is whey what von will be, a dead ring 'bout to burst!"
"who needs to be honest?" it sausilli tn'bled al] around. They were ash.
"Ire, is it so darn depressin'?" a finger tapped mindlessly alone.
"Your death out of yonth, your pit is ~ust like rhythms to sound of the aftermath. Like breathing air or boring films..." this was simultaneously on about the s-o thoaghts that slipped a solid member of his family into a p-oorna.
She was in the kitchen Iftaking a split, she had taught him how unsuspecting and arrogantly stupes mrs anyway,
NAnyImy it was a long time ago, guns and sex penetration... she shouted into the spattered old epeskers, talently squelohing in juices of hormoniality.
"In his mind will I land teetering ertasy, spurbing 0o",57N Be ran dowsing and bleeding, scre~ing and slurping between his raild yellow fingertip.. Thick hair, mottled pale skin, soft digital meters finesse, Oiled vulupturons points of interest.
"Oh clock..." not that time meant the intended into the night. On and on, he had the rest of his life, his own little way. The uninterbated in the toilet...
On striew lig~t, he awoke. The light curtaored as he thou~ht all about these, so he was awake earlier than us ally a year ago. He couldn't bend normality, the new would take off on the side with thin own little way. The speca had leethed and the rest of the gang, had gidded it in Mm like a dagger. This marked like tb.e day to day activity, it eMning to him, a library of unrest.
"The pain of life can be more entered..." the tape ~cked into the blank page on its w~tndering jourmey through time and space.
"H; the rhetoric and poelsis. ~." some hopeling, he was ernpty and in moral need of sympis homes.
"~ skull!" the duvet shifted in sympathy. Her face us peace itself. Sleep had wanged a serious flaw in his character. Thier noise went on into Monday.
How human Identity mythioally stirring into the late morning,
lie quoted r',i~,sn' 1' arror,ar,'tly. S9L' l~ad thoit,'h-, about such pain. a no t.'lue sod he bad always ber',n, not In a luxury. He had to nlgn on. So? he thoueA't, 3'al tj're". L?,i Cr idEir'ti -y. Ke 'a.' lure it wan htn weak and wbicL' son, The sk~me '£fld divisions often intrirued him, Xe sat,
It is killing us ~l...'· he tritta Lnto the hot tea, eat)'fl~ tflel'! whole change, he 'arts.
Sarriwayn, a o-.ressfail c''~asiness, 'r:-a- like all brothers hail been .yrinc;. It ~ad 'CCL' bearaL, v, I ookifl4g out of tt,t' top. Sad £rtemis, he was la~g, fling arId It gave him a clue of tb.' kind 0£ z'.:aJ iLy he Wa, tr.vLrjr, to, be. A man they had, &c$ they were lucky. But not too m'Jcn so. L was suspected it WE'LL' d 'L'e ''icky rar bin today. He wan in a worse sLate at, flu [magihed arrnc~ robbery arA~ noiti,r.7ne sun wan sfl1,'J1.'k$' lilcil a stolen sports car.
"Dream oni" he ;floug;,., and coulin' t hear much CXitLVTh
Would this ii:. ever 'l~eart La wan?" yes indeed to wan wal'Aing yet again and had decided thab qe didr.' t have his broLt,ern tact. The indentied ar£'am *orld that other pe3ple seemed cale back. Quicir he cane back cper.tng '*C awe, Lhe sound cc tr':e corny rhetoric, His thin himself was a glass claud, wnen what? a few nor Lbs ago be had met a few. A eroup ot ranters. F,e listened LO wI~b nteh~ be, '-~ier past pseudo-concern, anubstancer '2r'e stirrinar of taste. ic was now suprised, but at least in himself, A 0~eat big lumorrect, rhey were however secretly veg, l~p:i ideas, ·atd a lumpy 2ade him sick to the stomache, not in -,he ugly head way, lis'e las-. nighb, bu~ in the way Jr ~'he whole dance, tre race,
Later tk:e rich pa;ernal rLng C': 0' R wother secreted. He had thought, "Tired t,'io'agn'~ irnelr isn't a bad tnt n~. bu. when they burned into his neck as the re~ending!
'Co be a squatter, mareets Co tne closed supormats a1~. At least his parents eave a surefal sigh, they neede6. food and eveeybhinN, This would be the was, ifiten. The couple turned towards them
"Let his sperm nave tbc energy of me"
"Like the smal food mart runs by!" it would never happert, "a-~~~ay its fucktns;, hatly running in and out wit;q stad La live

'i9he brain damadired ciby s-.arcd in. Draggine thier feeb thin, in windows rrwalr4r tne sutfcr~',e-~te city that dar£gled precariously and bulging anger rot nu,,an ifaebe dip,p'j~.,a1.
"Unit V'?" she asked
"Sexy? a i~c~in nori,nj' ucc'~pat ion, no thought," sloop well·"
"~ight as we' I baNe uome tLme, you know when you drag, ~~witchin J lie a puppet, thinking depressir£g tho'~,n'ts..." 'Aron passed slowly by, like i~. belonged to him, the television,
~Tont~t'~~ be to ~ '&ij'~cntiy ana maa~y. ana an o~d o,~ into a deep state ::f sleep, a mcntal ha' spital." skie was crac.'k~ng ur,. after elrn']ees ty preparing more food,
~he tiucs, the sound t,pl,l le(i rrom 'Tenessec. Liquid dripping &r£d sucking thou~~h bs And memories which foue~t for superiol rage. Paces or satisf'acti on live for tonniorrow, and washen ,r C"e', ings. SI ewn sLair's with a fra-nkens'~ein roll up. 3ruinerj shouts of tih&rp pains. ~LIp5 -a Ci,'£d post and the nerved rlenh,nextured,uwcaty,sticiy',. Potrusions excrete dealt'. lie co~d sit around for they had gone to bed t',nrly, their irasa-impartant Jives.
~nnd probably he will in Lfle flits,.," he typed over and over again,(3uins let all the daynis, h'e r':ad wribter, ard finished excact. His brother would be offended or barbered to read it, He just sat there. lie would of coarse have concinued in b3 A book tn'a~~ was l3rtreed. Sartre got a depression that stuck. bis writing Was a rogue arrong the pints of life. ...and fear haunLed the bible images that were rothing and every half anwritrer and unread, tra~n1r4', on the belly.
He came ~ a c~ick on the end o~ its j.ny. '*':£y' wee ho ~ver bothering with it? flo listened '~o LLe t&~e L'i~OflOO, a feetcl LryinN tiwe, this place, camp empa' beside hir... ilL' 'ave n 'roan,
~Empq. try, a pa'-hetjo pat windtrn~, 'a]one in security... The birds santRr, once unor.~ ~ tLro be had written this,. no had flra~. crc! S,, forever ch'nr.,able. ·7r.en she nnd s,-c. 're to work he had remained in .he same ,angra~e."Jl voice. Inyir4', in was a lifestyle.
~~jat do pej pie hold on -0 aroura here?"
~e day on a k"ondai" no wasn't a quind and been ta] kir£j; ultimate Lies about the next. 1.aca3ised ti'mn w~n the bl'mo of it all. '2his envirornert thipre. Quickly dirping bnsqaed tho'agJit. It "us earns- thing else. jive Wa. a uomntex thir-g- inilk' that was it!
was a wvek la~.e in the g,me where ;';e just ·lidr,'t want to live, which was gojd in one wartnp, to 1t~ C ima~~ined Fi3te5, the flow plac.'c, a palace with dc-clever, never ta~inr,, ol'r in a oapL~alist lideo. The phone we'it on ~flc trort door. It was ticktrq': the same tL'e wnolo world over crc. listening to ibe steady hun.--eZrabs of BL'sh who had a hit ot' a stralp.
'k'ug -;ne retit, the loL'.y grime," who fuis companion,
"LI I day fucki the world, chemical prcna;,,anda given a for,, si~u and forms a war oj' clothes ~nd candy!" t:e rived as hn bad I no" to all the ants. lie n.oc.'ked the ~urny in the junk ttAt had boon 07cr acc'~milated in trio ·trA-kin'Aon.
"We are the 'fliers," Lhings seemed like Lt.ey hid ;iven half .he c.'nanee to ?et a woe. lie really erot ar.noyed, j'JThptna better after he h~d devoted some or F:tta as ".10 k~ ·u.' aft ~ jati or, with all the bttchinj'. tLr,otht'r stuP~d arsehole for food, joints 'and b'! cop..
"fl"eO~ good ·.tbo'-'~ yoursej f? 1'.anpy? Like dome, t~is? 'Coday I oould still be on strike, withouL any warning!" they had a feeble lie and a paradox ir: t, j'or a siltrnt an-. nt-,l thy ~etaway,
"You ,t!Il tryt" and tryio"'r. wan --alt ful.3 arid SLerned to be
-jy1n·~' arojnd as lie tipexed the last bit out of hts wry eyes. He nated the reeponsibilty arour-d o'~tsi.-te. SLyle was bortng~ and the place was full ol' red tape of (.'o'jrt flutters. flotetlien he juet aokt'd at tn~ eh,mco of r.,ettinr, in, askir4' to look like them.
lie asked him (secuz~i,', which one they co'ard use tar free. fle just turned ard replied...
"blue Peter is tkie end or the world, they wi' 1 enter ro:' hc,r.e soon a""A they would be away! "to '~each tIe fools who renamed, kniok- mg it arid unying; orad it now."
He ;rjo'~ht, "Cynic" ho watted to jro to Europe for one last 1..ook at lb .~';usted h:m ali otmaache Joined in a couple of years time. A' Iwo te Lly now ahi the stupid rorons 4,,ust sat there and then, waiting, scaitirg, for a phone call to do. Sore lie kr,ew how it "It, Sad. ~ food st~-~fed plu~kole.
The day had to be to eo for a long, wn~k I fltJ tlte towns farce. The next, a show ol' snilked '1 owly thro~ tho bi oak.
"Sc" him?" but whon a b'I&&c offered wltb smashed o'jt windows, the faL.IL'r that they conid move. He felt war, frustration and tension wan in and ofit'rsng to drive.
Another hid-been was givina hin, etrange ] ODAS, you croule never Leji Lese days. n'u'~ it was unooyr.£or-~nble an over decorated sank. :ie j,jst laugt'ed at L:~:r.fl havin;.
"*herir did that ~or?" he tho'agbt -~o ~ir£e]f, "it's at,out the catqh tk'at was saved, you are nil ~iiI~~y in that ease." ii was a Jot ahi ha noud buy brarsibian and Lead across the sky and now made a sound for Inc sate L¶ount. But this in oomparis~n, the sudden .~pread of the microwave beans over +~re roadside. 'Che reop] e did aye him. Xe 64dn'~~ like t)ein~ one or the most VL¶azir4! stows...
3ur~ival, ard rroney 7 fuek that hard folks I', leone raced by .n thier rlei~-tirne drer' sign'. lie loved the stinky wet storm. A eompacb dise,tbat head r'.ad beer digi-itnimated in lirerese
morttalily inrei'iority.
This vision of tnc dude, dowr, ir' a sud"un sL't.'w or pathetic and all knowing time. Por hours he would timply iry in t?.e atmoanhere. lie often iTnagined piss bl onted and a'istorted different bodies th~b wa~ked by. 'ahen he ii&'od kill1n.~,i~~ .lnst wasn'~~ murder. It q.oi.'¶ed sausage meat. The tL'ous&ritLs 'ar Le t~ ass people dying, ~"nrping a~d pouring througn' and around in help~ess desp'a'ir. ~o,the passengers life was fluat sinow. It was 'ard '-0 e~press afly?.ny. P.c thu139,ht 0' the time when money didn't rrovo .'Yo'fld it be of the evidence as the deft nihilism lefL ~irn i'alIin6-. thir j,hted woylier of the egoAnorality that only raqia ror w~r> c.'onvern~.tion, ~

Tbe radio pleys a oo~'nd.

"A tree is your evidence?" he s:'ghed, 'Yes in this style tj3e wor~d A'eeru tipi nni ng. .1' 1 istertin,! to

him for a roment he knew hie cr1 gins. but t'L'" mtnd was ~.ed 1313,~] i~e aging socialism, a~okly and ~3w'y.s the relief o~ sexy One'S 0+ PolitIcally Oh so correc; in the nt .~.asp,cine!
He *as at stage H and they l.aA.. found a 1'ott.'nded flew p-ace where you could buy any idea. It was corny bnt ~elry ~ectic. In otler planes like tk;e ti~e p.o~ whare ralitL''fl'ni TJOIiti(.'S were With trick gates on the front. Thil w'an -~hc saint ,(pol)nmalier buc cheaper as a he thought on self interest.
"ibeiral" he felt shc,rter ~1' Le-nner arc had to rile beine in t.he rich thaflcy beat. This h"d not pte'iscd his Xing.
"Care for a snit?" he spoke in ';nat wrty of waitim", in a qucas.
"Just to be me I he thouzht a'.' -~L'n hi' rrles and Iqe soldiers,
·1Which side are you. anyway?~' ne rantee formerly,

·'Be aware, arid beware " he rcmombcrcd this from so'q.ewhere. are the norms wha h:'du ourr,e~vcs away.. ." they r~nted on

contorraity and barred on rtbout -rOn~wtda. LF:e packing~, the boxes and the paper




users. Y£' v,fl~ald h' na':d tc L~e-..seIves on purpose in edgeways. Peelir~ a Little band down screamtnp.; AML£LA'.~r'! An citra special time towards kating the loonies who went into shoppir£g mail-holes, and after all yvi can1t tt:row tt,er~ ftll away, and he often felt Ji~c -I'ul
He typed; "THE DAY TIZ LAi'DWRD ~OT IT." this of course was turned and spoilt thier plain self, no matter...
"How hard you try, from the flat words, and dictiontried work" he decided this head even when he red shut Ihis instead.
Long hairs walked with all its trappings and the new,someti~es, he w&&ted to be released. It was the only reason they had jumped people who hrd what they waited.
"Cnhe place had a sauna!" bu~ jacci gol no rep~y flOfl, Ofli tbey were now in the Amazon, sne nou]d head there ~oo.
He kind of hi-hoped for it in gs3inN. for 5 w~k in the forest villag~e to hire a van. ~e drew ~e show, a lesson sow.ebndy should have told him, didn't lean sinythin~': to him wbilt takir'g Italy. The cor.tintial namblin; exan. led hero,', the Panel sto took over the dawn chorus. 2'r.e itoruti...
'Ehe ronkey was on bhe van, fle was sure it wo'jld -nase a goi3d present. He was talkin~ about i~, "alking out dreaming. Tt ~jcked trying to bruak rree from wast:inr. nn. laber after unyluni rlnirtna,, things he decided were mixed an one -nirube corpleLe pertaps...

His L'floujr)tts wandered perhaps to nj'.oLher pub. He once vowed that popularity would never bothered .':irn +~hrourt the pity-scape or tbe lines cats. He wou].d ut't -;-ern a van toe;e~er. "~he others were creased and crumpled ai.'a htablv. Anothor friend had the air. Be noticed this in a lot or peop'. 0, or maybe he was paranoid. Fe coloured on, and sat tack down. It didn't roally bother him that rate.

It Wail getting sunby, they wouj d go a-nd phase some people oat. "That moneys all gone..." h,,' thought, ... on elota' as, colour, looks for living!"
The relieved thunder rolled lively by whilst they vmre trav.l~fnp
around. ~he inhabitants of Hackney ]ocksd dull and stale as the bresd he had, Plashes of li*,t flit the chauffer. Lunch, Still the worries annoy, not taking 'inch notice at ni] of the middle o2ace, worried about the life of nature, it didn't seem to throw them.
·'Puck tMs I rack themi" the car roared,
Not k-ne though, the ~ates, each one of them probably playi~, It reminded him of his animosity in Italy. remastered from Sn ori4nal that he wished would strike,
"SOMC future," it alwyys made him wile. "Pat, where no one will be able to tcucn. .," he looked out into the exhanstified base that was there. There was just a old drunk wbo smelt, the blood pumping "rotirid the dated, the busy legs that were piled up~ ~e could imagine and often viatralise the blood just in K white flash, thier faces look, ungrateful faces and ears of the time for real emotions wbich slowly went by. Par him anyway at least, most of it was crazy coldness, it would not distract Mi from taking notice of these waves when he was bored or dissapointed in Mmself in a se~fish Case of rough peop~. who were dull always-..
"It was just a moth," he said to himself loudly. ,'.~.we lack for the rest of the lives." and like the s-pie of a record be was on an invisible aija of .npernatural,dre=ing of better t1~es and spaced with crazy thought,. They tarrwd right like an ,eitension of the ~a1n.,,
