Welcome to this festival for the mind for all those with an interest in re-discovering the secrets of the ancient past.*

Please join us in geodesic domes (supplied by the Dome Company) on Holly Hills, an unspoilt rural spot in coastal Suffolk for a fascinating weekend of talks, workshops, music and entertainment - as well as good food and a great opportunity to exchange views in friendly company.

'We would like to acknowledge the inspirational work of the late Sir John Agnew in creating the Stars & Stones forum and we hope that this new event will carry forward his vision'

Eternal Knowledge Festival Eternal Knowledge Festival Eternal Knowledge Festival Eternal Knowledge Festival Eternal Knowledge Festival Eternal Knowledge Festival Eternal Knowledge Festival Eternal Knowledge Festival Eternal Knowledge Festival Eternal Knowledge Festival

Eternal Knowledge Festival
Sir Isaac Newton, father of modern science, referred to eternal knowledge as "prisca sapientia", and others, such as Aldous Huxley, as the 'perennial philosophy'. They believed that there are certain kinds of spiritual and scientific knowledge that have always existed. Bronze Age city cultures were the first we know of who built their societies on this knowledge.

Characteristic of those ancient cultures was the use of copper and its alloys. Was this choice of metal deliberate? Did they know how to exploit its electrical conductivity? Does that explain its use in agriculture? Did they know about other subtle forces, such as magnetism, or the piezo-electric properties of quartz crystal? Ancient texts suggest that Egyptians and others were aware of the importance of the fundamental vibrations that shape the physical world; and were familiar with the concept of sympathetic resonance.

From agriculture to architecture, metaphysics to physics, harmony and healing, the Bronze Age ancients knew how to address the needs of the city dweller and still have with respect for the Earth and the natural world. So, as we look for ideas about how to go forward, now is the time to look back and reconnect, because much of what they knew has been lost or forgotten.

We have invited a wide range of experts in different fields to share their findings with us:
Eternal Knowledge Festival

Eternal Knowledge Festival Book your place now to take advantage of our 'early bird discount'.
Basic camping is available or else there is a choice of accommodation locally.
Price - £95 (early bird discount £65)
N.B.(Price does not include food or optional extras such as yoga

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