Psycopathic upwardly Career towards Korea
like a bullshitter in a China syndrome
by Captain Wardrobe - April 2017
Years ago photographic evidence surfaced of Rumsfeld meeting Saddam Hussein shaking hands - also Assad was a respected world leader previously, enjoying the privelidge of all that state leadership entails. Previously...Blair famously sucked up to The KLA & Ghadaffi; The list of dictators taught at Sandringham is infinite as this month for what seems like an endless parade of utter hypocrisy we have seen the UK fascist leader meet and suck at the Royally approved & manufactured Saudi teat – The stage in Africa is set for even further chaos...Yemen is being dismantled as a bridgeway into the Sudan...more regime change in post colonial states looks on the cards.
consideration is NBC have suggested secret back channels between N Korea by USA military [see also this report: Secret U.S. military flights carried officials, equipment to N. Korea]
Donald Rumsfeld aids NK Nuke program - see LEFT IN THE DARK: Secret U.S. Military Flights Carried Officials, Equipment to N. Korea!
![]() see next news report |
So...Anyone remember extraordinary Rendition? If the Military industrial complex... partnered by Fortune 500 private Military corporations & mercenaries can get away with using the facade of humanitarian intervention as a weapons & Torture testbed, what else are the psychopaths capable of? It leads me to some radical political conceptualisations.
Failed/terror states are experimental zones used by the elite to manufacture and try out chemical biological agents/torture & various mind control techniques, cultic programming and the manufacture of terrorist extremists via brainwashing. Religion in the Middle east has been the subject of colonial interference for over a century. The Royally stamped creation of Wahabbi based extremism is still being felt globally - What makes you think it's any different now? Give people medals – a uniform & power – they suddenly develop a God Complex – this is what we call 'traditionalism' 'Heraldry' under a blanket of controlled historical manipulation of social consent. Many of these insane groups believe that they have the god given right to rule because their blood is 'better' than most. Look no further than the Queen of England.
U.N child sex scandal / Trump Foreign policy switcheroo; Traditionally, compromising intelligence gained via secret filming, surveillance is used to bribe selected targets. How many players in major international institutions such as the U.N & The Corporate News media are compromised?
North Korea experiment - NK is to eject 600,000 Pyongyang residents who do not fit the 'elite party workers' bill: zonal behaviourism being tested by the elite - this will become global - China, Russia, Iran, Turkey & Indonesia are similar projects, some are extensions of Reagan era interventionism seen in South American dictatorships, while others are proud nation states...This is all a LIE. All secretly involved on a globalised fascist state building enterprise...the cup and ball game continues as Nation state propaganda seeks to hoodwink the majority - while technocrats from all political & corporate elites make huge decisions in billion dollar secure secrecy.
Global consumers are being convinced that War is endless & acceptable – what they don't realise is that it is a geopolitical land clearance exercise which sees the establishment capitalise from the effects of such endeavors with chaos created by a refugee crisis. Psyops indoctrinate fear of outsiders within all Nation state experiments – thus ushering in a wave of authoritarian world leaders.
question: will a nuke test be a psyop - a global transmission of Disney CGI for the mainstream news to use to scare the bejeezus out of the worlds mawing and obedient sheeple? Will a false flag be necessary? Will North Korea be destroyed along with evidence of Elite involvement in this Neo Nazi experimental slave state, a future global prototype.
Update April 2017: It has become increasingly obvious that while mass media parrot the movements of Warships in carrier groups supposedly steaming towards North Korea - that in fact the whole scenario is a jumped up mafia style protection racket - The MIC wish to expand the THAADS system throughout the region - using the 'Crazy' North Koreans as a stepping stone to put military pressure on China. After the fake world war - & the asserted death of the current global banking system- China is the corporate communist experiment i believe are earmarked to be our future technocratic global puppet leaders
WASHINGTON: A Chinese surprise attack tomorrow could annihilate US forces and bases in Japan, two Navy officers found. But deploying more missile defenses — Army THAAD and Navy Aegis — would protect most targets north of Okinawa, Commanders Thomas Shugart and Javier Gonzalez found in simulations. Such a stronger defense, in turn, would reduce the temptation for Beijing to strike first in a crisis. source
Update August 2017: ‘Thaad’ Gains Acceptance in South Korea Following Pyongyang’s Tests
President Moon gives the go-ahead for completion of the antimissile battery after North Korea’s ICBM launches