
Captain Wardrobe on interweb-chat telly!

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my first interview
with The Shift

I explain my background - tell some stories - & talk about some of the things i've researched over the years.

March 25th, 2022 - In this roundtable discussion host Doug McKenty discusses the first month of the Russian invasion of Ukraine with Moscow-based journalist Riley Waggaman and long-time conspiracy analyst Captain Wardrobe. They expand on McKenty’s recent blog post concerning propaganda and its impact on the debate concerning this topic, compare a variety of interpretations as to the motivations behind the invasion, and place the conflict within a larger geopolitical context including de-dollarization and the potential influence of the World Economic Forum.

April 15th, 2022 - In this episode, host Doug McKenty discusses the controversial substance, graphene oxide, with returning guest Captain Wardrobe. This conversation utilizes Wardrobe's July 2021 article, “Graphene… and the Coming Robotnik Brain", to take a deep dive into a decades-long endeavor by military technologists to develop an electronic system on a nanoscale that can be used to both collect and transmit information to organisms jacked into the network. Now called the Internet of BioNano Things, this network utilizes graphene oxide as the principal conductor, which allows it to grow and function inside biological systems

Breaking The News

with Doug McKenty & Paul@SpaceStationEarth

April 2022 - After many situation reports & discussions online concerning the worrysome reactions to the pandemic, long time interview / content producer Doug Mckenty (The Shift) & creative researcher, Paul (captain wardrobes synthetic webgarden)(Down with Murder Inc.)(Spacestation Earth) -

Sat, staring at the situation facing humanity, they banged their heads together to see if they may be able to present a different kind of online talk show. One that is an exploratory, loose & free discussion without the need to pressure the guests to plug or push anything too overtly, giving them the space & time to just go with the flow & explore each others perspectives.

Breaking the News Episode 2:

Davis & Atwill

April 29, 2022

episode 2 of "Breaking the News"

Enjoy this second episode of Breaking the News where cohosts Doug McKenty and Paul@SpaceStationEarth discuss the current state of affairs with journalist Iain Davis and author Joe Atwill. The conversation focuses on the power of dominant narratives and why it is important to remain skeptical.

Find out more about Iain Davis at In this Together

Find the work of Joe Atwill at Ceaser Messiah

watch on you-tube or Odysee

or listen to the podcast on soundcloud

Breaking the News Episode 1:

Waggaman and Lena -

April 22, 2022

Enjoy this first-ever episode of "Breaking the News"

where cohosts Doug McKenty and Paul@SpaceStationEarth discuss global politics,
emphasizing the Ukraine crisis with Riley Waggaman and Tessa Lena.

Riley is a US-born journalist based in Moscow, reporting his direct experiences
concerning how the crisis affects and influences Russia's average citizen.

Find out more about his work at

Conversely, Tessa is a Russian-born, US-based blogger capable of observing Western
narratives from a distinctly Russian perspective.

You can find her work at

watch on you-tube or Odysee

or listen to the podcast on soundcloud