Dealing with The Symptoms of the Human conditioning
Captain Wardrobe
Hey PUNK! What are you going to do about it?
December 2020
In a post truth - post Orwellian dystopia
organizing is very tricky...
Be one...but be autonomous - it is being designed by your slave masters to appear as a schism - an opposition of ideology in an attack on the processes of the new reformation. We can be both. A group & individuals. This is the essence of human power. And its never going to change.
Realize that the power of control want to do a number on you.
Be unrecognizable - don't fill out the forms truthfully - lie - steal - be an outlaw...change your name - attack the idea of ID and forget the EGO ...then use those as a weapon. Burn your passports and your birth certificates - they are labels of slavery. re assert your domain.
Be whatever they think you are not ...switch and return.
Then hide, wear a suit, ingratiate yourself into their system, appear as the enemy and look trustworthy and get ready to pounce...its the hackers delight.
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Remember that you are a member of the human race.
This does not qualify anything but your own acknowledgement of being within your own dimension as a sentient being. Your conscious awareness does not qualify you to judge or control any other dimension, as another conscious dimension. This is paramount.
And... next? Disregard this all - as it is the very essence of what I have just said...and forge your own way.
Try it.
Write a new anarchists cookbook for the 4th industrial revolution,
reverse engineer the contractual obligation.
Take ownership of your own biological / psychological essence &
data mine the systems of control.
Hack the fakery...reveal the Wizard of Oz behind the big machine - The King Cnut delusion. Using Public relations to appear to be pushing back the unstoppable tide of Humanity.
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The Emperors have always been naked and it is up to you to be that 'little boy' - an atomic bomb strike into the very heart of the nature of control.
The essence of the basis for their control is based on a Bloodline promulgated Imperial ideology, and is built on a fallacy ...
It is a cult built on crypto dogmatic nerve endings stimulated by the very thought itself.
Think for your selves, evaluate. Never trust your own instincts because that is the instinct...The only instinct. survival. These psychopaths love using humanity and its survival instinct against itself. You would be wise to take advice to lean into the wave of all that feels right. Instinct is generic.
And, not least, be creative for no monetary gain.
It really annoys the hell out of those who seek to make industries.
Industrial revolutions are the mask for control - they are an obvious coup on humanity...there are different stages in the way it happens. IT'S A MECHANISM - be aware. be awake.
To be fore knowledge' to be fore armed.
Ready for the battle? its already here.
All you can be is YOU ....and that is the fucking bomb!
Go Ahead...Set your self OFF!
Be a pretend version of yourself & hide inside the machine if you have to.
Pretend to be onside with the CTRL, sit in the SSystem, fight against all those ready to kill all opposition to the machine
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Remember this is all done with compassion, empathy & your owned & understood love.
Then when the time comes reveal your plan and kick out the jams!
Reverse engineer the enemy, and be righteous!
This is all subjective and the elite really hate that.
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Mr Sugar Mountain & HIS ELITE CLUB know they are the now global emporers. As does the rest of the now present, new generation, of Technofascist Globalization 4.0 , a reallocation of power stabbers, in their industrial revolution of the long knives.
They are killing off the old guard in the minds of the public. The Power players, The Rothschilds, The Bushes, Clintons, Kissingers and Rockefellers, The Morgans, The Duponts, Astors et al ...are going to be will be in a theatrical way. They will seek to convince the continuum you think you have no other choice to exist within in, that their bloodlines are extinct. This will be a false victory. know this. Queens Kings & Princes rise & fall - Watch out for William.
The elite are getting aged, and as they face their inevitable & timely deaths, they know they are the old guard. Set yourself up for a few surprises as the pricks all young-ish, by comparison... the Bill Gates & Klaus Schwabs et al will be gone too... Peter Theil, Elon Musk, Jeff Bezos, Eric Schmidt, Erik Prinze, Mark Zuckerberg, etc are being lined up as de facto global technocratic intelligence fronts. watch it. its happening now.
To really nail it; what happens in nazi world when the old become weak?
They kill them and replace them with more nazi doctrine aligned people...
witness it. NOW!
We are collectively observing a reallocation of immense power.
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VALUATED AND CONFIRMED BY HUGE DEBT PYRAMID SCAM SCHEMES - called Global central banking...with a standard backing which has the
equivalency of zero. Nothing - a lie. Witness the shift move to digitalised values in a planetary slavery system of Human capital bonds based on behavioral credit systems.
It is PSEUDO power ...never forget that. the knives are out... the dynasty and the genetic bloodlines of power are realligning. It is inevitable.
The corporate state is becoming 'Rollerball & Bladerunner'
Watch these along with the original Total Recall...Robocop...Starship Troopers and Running Man, more recently, Demolition Man & Minority Report... to get a feel for the kind of weird shit we got coming. More recently observe the rise in the Superhero genre, War films dressed as fantasy as part of a Hollywood industrial indoctrination cult.
always remember;
Fuck 'em if they can't take a joke!
Capt Wardrobe - Feb 2021
OK where to start?
life on this funny little planet
ok thats a good start
we exist
i say we, i mean us.
now when we talk to each other we exchange
ideas and these ideas come from a situation
and form a place, we denote as existence.
They have an origin backstory.
Like Superhero movies.
They help the continuous formulating of your identity
and keep you from feeling like you are going insane.
one of the biggest mind control experiments is the idea that
people can be free.
note the "can be"
now think
aren't you already free?
wasn't our species always freedom?
in old countercultural terms;
'the man' is laying it down'
with ways, mechanisms, designed to make you suspect & eventually base your life
or as i should expand upon - the narrative of your life, experienced
as moment to moment points upon a timeline. A gamified representation of your memories
and identity made up of trillions of emotional choices and experiences.
This is called 'the past'
The present is the GAME
The future is where 'The Game' wants you as an expedient useful node.
It's aim is the continuence of the Game.
So the question is - are we being played?
What if i told you this timeline is designed?
That this very thing you think is normal?
is a way to exert a slavery mechanism?
Why am i any different?
People can choose to follow a way of their choosing.
But has the path been designed? a Theme park ride?
What if there was a consensus to describing this control?
The world seen by humans who wish to be advantagious,
as a realm we live in now 'seems to me' a steering and control mechanism.
A dead end. On a Carousel, that simply repeats as a designed reality.
Choice as a public relations exercise has been mastered.
ideological labels such as Democracy, freedom and liberty are in fact lies.
many who defend it say they are helpful and positive lies.
Do this for every other ideology. the template is the same. why?
Because these systems, urge you to represent your ego
and take a stand in an arena of enforced choice
This is how the new modes of ultra-fascism work.
I would suggest a way of sidestepping this idiocy of bestial control
via an organisational instrument, a machine that directs people who cannot
and simply will not attempt to see humanity for the thing it is. chaos.
6. imagine change & try to conceptualise changing it
No6. is the best part;
Imagine changing the world.
Wow eh?
Can we, as a species do it?
When can this become reality?
Is it yet another, in a long litany of wastes of everyones time and effort?
This might seem like a weird way to combat an enemy as an old friend, but it essential to
understand that humanity in all its weird and evil and lovely carnations are just that.
The expression of authority is being transmitted via a force of super ego.
I say it is up to you to become your own super ego - and regain the common ground.
We constantly battle each other despite our differences
Why is that?
Every point in time is just a way of reflection
Humanity is made up of difference.
Similarities are what bring us all together.
Paradigms are designed to make us all fight each other.
We must preserve and create so that all is available.
Face it folks!
Humanity becomes through time ever evolutionarily
beautiful and a undefinable
mixed up change state.
This metomorphis is beyond control.
No matter what people think. What they espouse. know they are your family.
People who Live...experience, see, learn, eat, fuck & shit.
Every Human being is their own dimension in time and space.
Humanity is not your enemy.
The plans, and directions, that have become dogmatic mandate.
So...ask yourself, if life was great for those who choose the life of
the mercenary; a life which is denied human connection Via vile choices of disassociation?
Further, ask yourself if the mercenary spirit handed down from pyratea
merges with the picket fence 2 kids and a steady job version of reality?
Also remember.
We all have the capability to be renegades
To be outsiders
When you make the choice
Empty your closet of bought trinkets based on designed and promulgated control.
Here are some clues:
Phonecians & Khazars
Funding of Bolshevism / Nazism / Stalinism / Maoism
Fear of Terror / Disease / Alien-Unknown outside threat
Anti Soviet / Rise of China - Cold war
Anti war steering & control Hippy movement
Satanic Panic as Cover for human trafficking
Child rape abuse & organ harvesting
The Presidio / Silicon valley
Asymmetric / non linear warfare
The Rise of Corporatism
Five Eyes satellite Surveillence grid Echelon program
Public private Partnerships
Darpa - The Internet
Crispr gene editing & bio hacking
HG Wells / Huxley Brothers
Rothschild Central Banking cartel
The Rise of decentralized CryptoCurrency
Oligarchic evolution of industrial revolutionary hegemony
Covert into Overt reveal of advanced economics & technology
Young Global leaders / Global Mayors program
Making Enemies
Capt Wardrobe - March 2021
I see a lot of people labelling adversaries in ideology as;
idiots...unable to see...sheep...mindless...
just my opinion here folks but;
be aware;
Many people are waiting this out -
Many are starting to realise for themselves.
Many are "suffering" from cognitive dissonance .
Many are just plain suffering.
some want it.
Many people believe the media.
None are less than human.
many are "suffering" from delusions;
of political control...
Many are wanting to belong to;
'the right tribe.'
Many wish to belong.
The reality of their existence...
held to ransom...
Humanity is not our enemy!
Beware the trap of the difference engine:
Fight the systems of control
The normalization of insanity
the poor
The truthseeking missile
People who aquiece
always get replaced
have a thought
an original one.
for humanitys sake
Why is anyone different?
Old feudal system
European Royal bloodline elite
Empire & The Slavery Triangle
Ivy League College network
Skull & bones
Bohemian Grove
Bilderberg Group
Le Cercle
Intelligence promulgation of rebellion culture
Reefer madness
Drug Wars
MK LSD, Cocaine smuggling as war funder
Mockingbird media infiltration & consolidation
US Military Psyops Jim Channon /
John B Alexander / Hal Puthoff
Glastonbury / Burning man
Steered Subcultures for Fake revolutions
Lucis Trust
5th dimensional light
New Age subculture
Aquarian Conspiracy
Alien UFO Galactic federation
Channeling & Ascension cults
The Rise of fake Free market Captialism
as neo-liberal Globalization
Fake downfall of Sovietism
Managed Democracy
Russian Advisor Vladislov Suryev
Peter Mandleson CIA New labour
The death of 'The Left'
Clinton - Blair Third way
The rise of China as new WW3 adversary
The Rise of The MegaCity
The Rise of Techno-Communitarianism
global Industrial psychopath template [WASP Nations]
Terror Wars of Full Spectrum dominance as hidden force mutiplier of control of Space
Social Impact investing
Nature as commodity
Humans as commodity
NLP / MK Ultra into Global Search engine data analytics
Artificial Intelligence as Neo-Hollerith Tabulating Machine
Video games into behavior as data
Sandbox narrative design
Augmented reality
Social media as test bed for
3d real time digital twinning as Psycho-social Health surveillance
Synthetic biology as Pharma society
Nutraceuticals - food as drugs
Vaccines become Pills as 'nourishment'
Neo-Social hygiene programs
league of nations
Tavistock - Behavioral social Engineering
Psychology / Psychic driving
Entertainment narrative control
Human labeling as Archetype / Stereotype
identity nudging towards badge wearing
Wall St / City of London / Vatican City
Pump & Dump / Big Shorts & market manipulation
The Death of Ordinary Money
The Global centralization of Digital Currency
Creation of Israel as terror war template towards behavioral future technology hub
Belt & Road initiative - Middle East, Indo-China, Africa, Malaysia
WEF Klaus Schwab =
Bilderberg into Davos
Mark Zuckerberg - Elon Musk - Jeff Bezos - Bill Gates - Eric Schmidt
etc etc etc
Global Smart cities initiative
4th Industrial Revolution
Internet of things / bodies / minds
Blockchain / Satellite 5 into 6 into 7 G
Quantum Internet
Type 1 civilization
are you calling people who disagree with you "disabled"?
some accept it.
The printed word
and the Public Relations exercise;
all of which are multi billion dollar enterprises,
staffed & run by very clever people who manipulated
the masses professionally for many, many years.
of truth, aspiration, grandeur,
power and wealth.
The right 'way of life'
the correct 'future'
Many have a lot to lose if they choose not to.
They have their whole future;
Their Jobs, property,
Family, friends...everything
they hold dear to them,
if they make the wrong decision.
Make the wrong friend.
Tell the wrong joke.
Make the wrong observation.
Wear the wrong clothes.
Say the wrong thing.
Think the wrong thought.
and be mindful of it's use in CULTS.
reverse engineer reality.
makes those who question it...
different to the eyes of those in obedience
the foreigner
the religious
the unclean
the sexual
the weirdo
the writer
the poet
the artist
the terrorist.
the criminal
the insane.
the mentally ill
the peaceful
the dissident
the conscientious objector...
of self destructive
delusional prophecy
are not the enemy
Do you really hate people?
or is it the things they say and do?
is a heavy burden
and too often virtue signalling
is being used on these things
they call
social media platforms
medicated by dopamine
justified by think
you seen all
are you free to think?
to express?
the machines we use
are designed
to limit our movement
this is a big machine
it is limiting the possibility
reasoned thought
no one is right
we are all product
the factory needs closing down
and the nurturing of empathy
and understanding is necessary
know your 'perceived' enemy
its your neighbour
in the global village
this is not normal warfare
built for normalised minds
soaked in oppositions
this is the grey state
fought on battlefields
made of greyer matter
dulled blunted knives
are out for people
systems are still in place
head cut off snake