The last post:
Echo & the Funnyfarm
Breakout from the Echochamber - deconstruct reality
by Capt Wardrobe - Originally constructed May 1st 2020 (updated gradually from June into August 2022)
"an echo chamber is a metaphorical description of a situation in which beliefs are amplified or reinforced by communication and repetition inside a closed system. By visiting an "echo chamber", people are able to seek out information that reinforces their existing views, potentially as an unconscious exercise of confirmation bias. "
You know its nice to see people joining hands and interacting
supporting each other while we see the draconian backward antihuman measures enforced worldwide over this 'pandemic'...
I would like to suggest that citizen journalists and activists take a step back from peddling wares -
To be sure - deconstruction is a useful tool when implemented on a context of legitamacy,
its just too easy - analysing the obvious Corporate news spin - one which in America, at least -
is actually legally classed as an Entertainment...and, sure, we can see how it works -
the media hype fear from the military entrainment complex... the following represents my attempts
to deconstruct not only my own approach but of the entire
fuckery of scenesters who seem to be dictating terms of what can & can not be apparently (sic) discoursed.
yes. I am crossing THAT line.
yes people need to be woken
from the endless propaganda machine.
That's what it is...a machine...and it will grind our bones to make its bread.
But to awaken people from this is to seek your own redundancy.
True heroes do not require a pat on the back.
Solid ethical bases should be established or constructed discoursed &
debated into a constantly horizonal future, an unmeasurable morphing landscape that represents true humanity.
That word salad i just invented for the pure fun of it; is sadly a great example of where we may
find ourselves in post truth non reality mind game that is around us (but not really around us)
another side is this; if people just 'do' - 'without questioning anything - especially those who pose as questioners -
Maybe then, everyone can go about 'their business'
The problem is that many have made it a business model.
We can see a few people digging at the real paymasters of the elites -
their corporate ties to all sections of the myriad of many national government apparatus and NGO's /
thinktanks etc - the old addage is still follow the money...
Now it may well be all well and good going for the headlines by wanting to be popular- Tabloidisation
is an ages old industry of political thought in itself, is established & monetised via such things as youtube syndication etc...see here
Is Patreon an incubator for Echo chamber culture?
"Patreon isn’t simply a replacement for record labels or TV networks, though. Instead it’s the ideal incubator for niche internet subcultures, where a small but dedicated group of fans can directly support work they care about. That includes traditional arts and entertainment, but also YouTube celebrities, cultural figures, or even political actions — some inspiring, some troubling. The Patreon model encourages people to see themselves not as consumers, but as members of a private club, free from the constraints of mainstream gatekeepers or mass-market appeal. "
The Verge - Inside Patreon, the economic engine of internet culture
"In an impact investment scenario, media messaging must ultimately advance the interests of funders. Funders will pay content providers for desired behavior change. Narratives will be weaponized not only as propaganda, but as profit centers via innovative financial instruments like impact securities. Articles, tweets, comments, video clips, feature films, online games, even virtual simulations will be coordinated to achieve (or impede) social change. Powerful investors will use their largesse to compel digital media influencers to deliver (or withhold) votes, catalyze (or suppress) protest, and deliver (or derail) accountability to the public."
Wrench in the gears look further
Don’t Let Impact Investors Capture The Non-Profit, Activist Media!
So when do you stop getting people to react to crazed, fear inducing rants...then hooking them via a dopamine reflex, into paying subscriptions for more of exactly the same?
And... god forbid, maybe actually promote a discourse that stipulates getting active in the community ...? tricky stuff huh?
What about the Public relations these think tank advisory forum conglomerates produce?
These massive, too big to kill, monolithic socio-political powerhouses make videos that are simultaneously sickeningly humanitarian & a little bit
sinister - it's cheesy and frankly downright creepy.
Here's a classic example of Corporate spin gone a bit, well, shudder...Apples Superbowl commercial and it's Orwellian theme
"Deconstruction signifies a project of critical thought whose task is to locate and 'take apart' those concepts which serve as the axioms or rules for a period of thought, those concepts which command the unfolding of an entire epoch of metaphysics." - David B. Allison
- from wikipedia
Shall we start with this lovely little video? Subject: What is the 4th Industrial Revolution? by Andrew Maynard at the Arizona State University - Especially the last 2 and a half should really watch it all though, for context. It's only short.
from the 3 minute 40 mark - follow my bolded type
firstly im going to take a part of the video and bold what i think is relevant
Of course we have
some hints we know for instance that
we're now at a point where if a
technology gets out of hand we can't
simply turn the clock back there is no
easy reset button when you're hacking
And we realize that if we're not
careful a lot of people could get hurt
in this fourth Industrial Revolution by
losing their jobs for instance or their
rights or even their lives
Even more worryingly perhaps, we're
beginning to develop artificial
intelligences that live in cyberspace
and that we don't fully understand or
what's even more concerning is
that just as just we use cyberspace to
hack can they... This could get
weird fast if we're not careful.
now i'm taking another part at the end and highlighting what i think is sinister & darkly prophetic with the language used
in trying to actually promote a technology which could signal "endless ramifications" ethically & perhaps is unknowable once
any kind of "machine intelligence" mechanism itself obtains a form of sentience.
Bear that in mind as you deconstruct this- and don't stop here - take time to find any WEF promo schtickt & do the same.
And this
is why everyone should care about the
fourth Industrial Revolution and where
it's taking us because unless we learn
how to develop and use our new
technological capabilities responsibly,
this could end up being one roller
coaster ride of a revolution that for
some people leaves the rails with
catastrophic consequences.
The good news
is though that there are people working
on this...
For instance in the school for
the future of innovation in society at
Arizona State University
we're training
the next generation of experts and
leaders with the skills they need to
navigate us safely through this
And organizations like the
World Economic Forum and others are
working on new ways to ensure we can
meet the emerging challenges while
keeping the tremendous benefits that
this revolution offers.
Because without a
doubt with the right understanding
people and skills this fourth Industrial
and technological revolution, could
our lives, but to do
this it's going to take an equally
radical revolution
in how we develop and
handle the technologies it involves
responsibly and beneficiantly.
Does that language seem particularly
weaponised to you? it does to me.
it is illumintaing taking apart this construct - Isolating those bolded quotes from the video:
"everyone should care about the fourth Industrial Revolution and where
it's taking us"
then moving on, through the presentation - it does seem apparent that this is an attempt to normalize the subject as a
peice of social advertising.
Thus we could conclude this is an exercise in linguistic behavioural programming designed to install an update on how a promoted version of reality is proceeding.
Notice the use of 'us'
who is 'us'?
Notice the projection of our assumed agreement of the meanings of concepts.
Big question: who is this video intended for?
Ordinary people? (whoever or whatever that means) -
Now; as an active participant in your own life -
go and find some IKKY corporate video PR &
isolate the elements you regard as troublesome:
The reality, when researched and isolated in it's source funding and conceptualisation, is revealed as - would suggest; intentionally sinister.
The political elite & thier military arm are in control of the cult. They are on your brains encode/decode precipice - a threshold they cross using a coded
linguistic syntax. weaponised language as Psychological warfare. This is not new.
The 'science' is developing to levels unknown to the public,
you will find this type of subject occasionally talked about in public. The vast majority of Humanity has no real way of knowing how advanced it is.
Arizona State University is also doing this; PSYWAR= information warfare=future warfare
The Weaponized Narrative Initiative
is a project of the non-partisan Center on the Future of War, a partnership between Arizona State University - [WHO GAVE US THAT VIDEO ABOVE] and the independent Washington, D.C., think tank New America. the future war project
it describes this process as
A fast-moving information deluge is the ideal battleground for this kind of warfare – for guerrillas and terrorists as well as adversary states. A firehose of narrative attacks gives the targeted populace little time to process and evaluate. It is cognitively disorienting and confusing – especially if the opponents barely realize what’s hitting them. Opportunities abound for emotional manipulation undermining the opponent’s will to resist.
ASU page for the future war initiatie
Funding for New America looks like a whos who of the usual suspects
my self obsessed,
suddenly realises he has become isolated by destructive
protectionists within the truth movement many of which are unaware they are doing this via fear of failure and
psychologically incited defense mechanisms instilled via the context of their existential situation,
indoctrinated into them, from birth.
I approached it as an inquisitive Artist.
A place where nothing is true and everything is permitted - Use of instinct on a journey of discovery
that even when finding absurdity - something can be learned - thus ensuring a continued journey into unchartered territory.
Welcome to the post normal world, a planet seemingly teeming with post-truth.
The Internet has a lot to offer in defining what these instincts might be -
I tried to notice the timing and content / context of esoteric messaging in media of many kinds
that the world wide web 'pipeline' presents to my senses digitally.
1. Just because it is ridiculous doesn't mean the elites don't think its real -
a classic example is the nonsensical notion that a humans blood - their blue bloodlines
and their belief they have, give a family dynasty a 'right' to 'rule'. Here's another;
People that do extraordinarily well in the capitalist system, are now becoming trillioniares.
This gives them the power to believe they can 'run' humanity like a laboratory
rat based socio-economic behavioral experiment.
2. No matter how bizarre the subject matter - let it take you on a journey -
you might be surprised where you end up on this digital platform.
3. Confirmation bias - it being sold as a defective contribution to illogical analysis.
I like it. I utilise it; for / against the way one deciphers information & is useful in
spotting cognitive dissonance / contradictions of logic in the official narrative that is
seeded via Elite Patronage of top down control of global mass media. Indeed, being able to
notice your own Confirmation Bias is to be able to move towards / away from it & enable a
dualistic approach towards a particular direction of enquiry. The internet is a virtual machine.
Play it like pinball.
Discretion is always advised.
In this very confusing time of populism and identity politics it can be
the case that people want to know what badge you wear...
Badges? Badges? we don't need no stinking badges....I live in a Post Mortem'ist world!
This cultural political landscape is a Zombie - dead but still walking...and it wants you brains! eeeeeugh!
The subjective nature of thought & all human communication
Humans are capable of interchangable concepts communicated linguistically.
But just because they do - does not make the political concretisation of ideology built
around such syntactic structuralism, a justification for a new kind of linguistic & behavioural scientism based on human language exchange.
The weaponisation of linguistics as pyschological warfare seeks to ensure this as a kind of centralisation of conceptual thought.
Imagine a chess game where the players pieces are defined concepts built from datasets derived from human social media platforms
based on the gamified results of deliberately reductivist, weaponised, simplified, dumbed down politically charged ideologies played against each other.
So...lets back up a little here
As part of the whole weaponised linguistic control pardaigm - i guess i am trying to
make a case that Conspiracy/Truth movement is a intentionally confused & controlled echochamber -
...what would be the reason for that? who benefits from this manipulation of belief?
what situation does the keyboard warrior / virtual activist see themselves in?
Self imposed Lockdown as cultic control mechanism
Cults initially seek to dehumanise humans as 'individuals' into a 'collective' or 'following' and via what is known as the process - consequently rehumanise the subject as a willing partipant who furthers the aim of the mindset / behavior of the group as a whole, a unified force.
I have seen on many Youtube Video interviews with Activists / Truth personalities that when asked how the lockdown affects them, their reply is illuminating. David Icke has said this on his dot connecter videos - and 'truth' be told i have said it myself -
"Well, it hasn't really affected me, as i am at home writing or researching most of the time anyway! i've been on self imposed Lockdown"
Its not hard to notice announcements made by WEF and many other interlinked agencies of the instigation of the 4th Industrial Revolution in complete tandem to the Lockdown we are seeing.
Lockdown has had a beneficial effect to my reasoning - The situation it places the population in has amplified the already present...that Society was already an open prison.
Socio-ecomonic behavioral conditioning has humanity living either as compliant 'users' - kept pets
or - unwitting Lab Rats - a dominion of polluting mind-rot, a post-modern panopticon of human as citizen as consumer dehumanised and represented as managed profit data flow. This is evident when observing the overall reaction of complete complicity to imposed Lockdown Laws made undemocratically.
The Experts clad in the familiar costume of BigPharma - [the trusted whitecoat] & 'leadership' Philanthropist as politician - [a smile & a suit] inform the public that the antihuman treatment of humans within a form of martial law - is the 'new normal'.
We have seen the Co-vid 19 'global emergency' utilised as a weaponised Psyop -
This has become a lockstep march into a form of behavioral-socio-economic warfare.
A cult mechanism controlled "mutually assured" destruction / reconstruction of the 'old normal' Countries -
States as open prison system - into the 'new normal' as Technocratic Totalitarianism TM.
We witness in this century, Smart Cities full of hive minded slaves behaviourally (via social credit) linked to an
economy index via Artificially Intelligent blockchain data crunchers managing huge information ledgers...
enabling the broadcasting of a hive mentality as normalised forever zietgeist of "safe & secure continued existence."
Don't think it's underway? Look at China, Singaore, Estonia. All in differing stages of the same intentional societal modelling, hell bent on technocratic social
order that defines technofascism.
A strangely familiar place in which compliant Pet humans kept in caged dwellings will run on treadmills of data provision to fight the enemy state promoted by media.
![]() Watch this Fox report that sees Tucker Carlson use weaponised language to shoehorn in a sneaky anti-Chinese message aimed at manipulating an ever angry American population
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Revealing: quote from the Spars pandemic emergency exercise document:
"The timeframe for the scenario (the years 2025-2028) was selected first, and then major socioeconomic, demographic,
technological, and environmental trends likely to have emerged by that period were identified.
Specifically, two dominant trends likely to influence regulatory and public responses to future public health emergencies were selected: one, varying degrees of access to information technology; and two, varying levels of fragmentation among populations along social, political, religious, ideological, and cultural lines. A scenario matrix was then constructed, illustrating four possible worlds shaped by these trends, with consideration given to both constant and unpredictable driving forces.
Ultimately, a world comprised of isolated and highly fragmented communities with widespread access to information technology —
dubbed “the echo-chamber” — was selected as the future in which the prospective scenario would take place.
From this point, scenario-specific storylines were then developed, drawing on subject matter expertise, historical accounts of past medical countermeasure crises, contemporary media reports, and scholarly literature in sociology, emergency preparedness, health education, and risk and crisis communication. These sources were used to identify communication challenges likely to emerge in future public health emergencies."
2017 - John Hopkins SARS Pandemic Scenario @[with thanks to Kim Hill]
GETTING TAKEN SERIOUSLY?, OR GETTING TAKEN, SERIOUSLY! Part of me, as an active human being looks around and refuses to 'grow up' be 'normal' - do i really want to be a 'proper researcher'? or a famous investigative journalist? Do I want to have to wear the right suit to appear respectable, smoozing myself...tongue out, gratefully licking up the endless diarrhea on a drip feed into the soul of humanity from the fetid arse of a corporate ladder system? Am I Aiming for that elusive TV / Book deal, be quoted & respected by mainstream boot-licking corporate whores for a corrupt & murderous control system? NO THANK YOU... I imagine that there simply won't be anybody "reporting" anything soon. It will all be spoonfed mush by AI deepfakes from a factory of state approved truth in your virtual shopping mall bloodshot eye sockets. |
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In my humble and probably too honest for my own good opinion:
If i see a content creator - selling themsleves as somehow qualified, a talking head on a promoted video; am I going to pay to be preached at about how the elite are commercialising all nature, as part of a global neo fascist cabal hell bent on world domination... from behind a paywall designed to elicit feelings of privelidged access to a product designed & sold as information that is important, revealing, life changing, or even lifesaving? Take that intent and examine it. Welcome to the search for the grail, a rebranded, rebooted ancient mystery cult. The irony of this seems to be lost. Commercialisng your own thoughts & feelings dressed up as professional analysis - expressed into a crass gamified level up business model is apparently perfectly ok. Everyone can be an expert if the niche fits. The more occulted the information - the less experts there will be. Now that's easy pickings for the contrepreneur who seeks to gain wealth, power and influence. Many Hypocrites cannot see the obvious similarities with their own designed perameters for expression and those of organisations such as the Masons, Rosicrucians, Mormon Latter day Saints, Jesuits, Scientology. I could fill a page with a list of them. I suspect many of these content providers know very well the models of cultic steering & control - it has served, successfully to work on humanity for hundreds of years. Why change a winning business strategy? I have an aim, a goal to strive for the freeing of knowledge - no paying for education - or access to possibility, but conversly spinning this vitriol back to me as a writer, it doesn't qualify me as the arbiter of any pure reason, or any method to try and objectively acheive a form of truth seeking. It's all a bit of a confusing mess to be perfectly honest. I would advise, however: if you have something important to say everybody should be able hear it. should political activism cost money? would you pay to take part in a demo in which The big names on the poster pose, they stand on a stage - queuing up to spill the self important bile out of themselves like bad politicians they claim to despise? It's a business model folks! Eventually people may realise nothing is really changing and there is a reason why. |
UPDATE 2022:
note: Poor Doug Mckenty, one of the few I imagined had a conscience, has now become a
shill for Proctor & Gamble elite family controlled opposition, Fosters "the thrive inititaive".
This is very telling.
After participating in 5 video podcasts on his Shift channel, i thank you for the insight that gave me -
and, I wish you all the luck in the world Doug. you are going to need it pal.
Thrive are a failure, just like the Zeitgeist movement, it speaks volumes that this supposedly awake
media personality is jumping onto a sinking ship.
Note: after reading this
I am seriously starting to wonder if many of these "web personalities" are actually real people at all.
and so i feel that I can reasonably posit that;
Conspiracy culture - deep politics analysis has been neoliberalised!
yes that's right folks - its a consumer product that relies on the same market forces
as a plastic mug bought on tRILLION dOLLAR bEZOS Amazon!
All the very best of luck with your careers though!
Echochamber confirmed:
One of the techniques used in cultic control is the building up and breaking down of the ego within a victim -
I believe this was attempted on me by a cabal of a closely connected 'conspiracy media' clique
- there was an attempt of a kind of crass ego death on me. Utterly pointless & similtaneously
hilarious to see the way some of these strange individuals behave!
Fortunatly via 22 years experience of dealing with certain individuals in the internet realm, being outside the loop willingly -
not requiring acknowledgement or praise in any way...
I have become immune to the idea of fame, notoriety and all the traps laid out for unsuspecting concerned netizens, do-gooders &
activists who simply wish to raise their voices & be heard.
Better freak than clique:
The "big names" in any industry are rarely known because they are nice people- After peeling back
the onion skin of their organisations - many are actually
protectionist media empire builders & pushers of the crypto bong hit subscription pay-out for content -
alarmingly these idiots have many of the same objectives as many of the WEF elites.
Something i Looked into in detail when deconstructing the apparently anti WEF Greater Reset Crowd
& the timing of the first forum in Jan 2021.
My research uncovers a cliquey crew of crypto shilling virtual real estate agents pretending to be radical cyber
libertarians hell bent on freeing humanity into a society run on uptopian decentralised AI digital blockchain hubs, are a SHAM.
The schizmic shift of transhumanist religions started future fintech & the digital currency bitcoin - US alphabet agencies along with
RAND / MIT / Manhattan project overspills are all involved in the development of future modelling,
and the advancement of supercomputers from the late 60's fully into this 21st century
with a pinch of Burning man here -
and a drizzle of Darpa military silicon valley R&D there - a slither of WEF young global leaders mixing and promoting everything from
synthetic biology to the notion of entire countries run as a blockchain...
The clique, if they actually read this page - won't like reading that.
This pleases me no end. It also saddens me because i know the path to complete and utter control of any linguisticly patterned media space is laden with good intention.
Losing faith
I notice not many can tell the difference between
art, humour, satire, irony & ultra extremist religious new age into full on transhumanist cultic dogma. This control grid is fully integrated &
designed by members of the clubs associated with Banking Elite Economic elitism / hyper corporate run pseudo nation states via militaristic industrial forces.
The command & control system being put into effect has the intention of
controlling not only your essential critical thinking - but, also the way your brain functions on a neuro-synaptic level.
Big brother is "
seeing through you" as a confidence trickster observes - reports & finds vulnerablities in order to "see through the mark",
to gain confidence & trust - in order to take everything that makes us human & turn it into a usable economic paradigm
such as for example an entire global system based on
using a massive public relations drive to sell slavery as service & duty to a planet saving initiative (see UN Agenda 2030)-
Of course deconstructing the planetary emergency is childs play as a way of cultically controlling all
the Earths population into an obedient hive minded concerned & ultimatley controllable virtual signalling mob.
The command & control system also wants to literally see through you.
Utilizing your own senses to feedback eternally via genetic tagging / brain machine interface.
The cyber highways are a glitched digital spray of diarrhoetically confused dissonant post truthers,
vulnerable & prone, & less than benign, sociopathic
neo-religious nutso's, bored housebound middle classes escaping the endless drudgery of existence in a
corporate police state shopping mall &
those desperately lacking in discretional capacity,
seemingly immune from any trace of perspective or irony, repeating ad infinitum post truths of memetic garbage created by the
AI beast system & it's minion slave drones who work, with all possibility, in complete ignorance to it's existeince.
and guess what - i write this for the reason of my own existential awareness that I AM TAKING PART & HAVE CONTRIBUTED TO THIS TOO!
This is partly why I am doing this. research and exploration are not something that seeks to self aggrandise - so hands up!
This monkeys gone to heaven:
Here we also find the Carnies (of which - i may be one-you make your own mind up) of the circus in full effect
inside the mystery machine. Be aware that many online entities treat your fear like a business model - they pretend to be an alternative to
what you are told is mainstream. But in reality - they have careers making them money & giving them power to make mini alternative
media empires hanging onto the ride for dear life as punters gawp & feel dislocated by the physical unease generated by the
very thing itself. They weave tall tales serving up lapdog snippets of what they consider important minutiae, never connected or expanded upon
- for the sole reason of selling the dumb & terminally gullible on to the ideological narcotic they push - the reveal -
the next level up - the paywall.
The conjob
presents fractured versions in a hall of mirrors reflecting back at each other infintely.
It is a cult. A pyramid scam.
You can see how scared & erratic they are, just by observing them on the hellish psycho-social media control platforms,
blissfully unaware or plain numbed to the fact that they
are in the virtual Monkeyhouse of a human zoo. It is a Black Iron prison.
Fake. Unreal. A HyperReal Theme Park atrocity attraction. A dystopian amorphic meta construction.
A virtual narcotic, addictive & controlling - invented to distract & deceive as the new empire builders, themselves cult leaders adept
in mass population control, construct a petry dish panopticon -
Note: apocalypse means "unveiling" or "revelation"
Interestingly this is exactly the same cultural driving mechanism we see in apocalyptic theological discourse of the 'New Atlantis'
& 'Zion' that has spanned
millenia, which I would argue seeks to travel to, via transcendental spiritual enlightenment merging with a
manufactured technological form of "heaven", "utopia",
"new world" that drives the concept of a civilisational agenda into the now emerging elite enforced 4th industrial revolution.
(for more on this read "Apocalyptic AI - Visions of Heaven in robotics Artificial intelligence & Virtual reality" by Robert Gerraci)
Cult leaders in Totalitarian nightmare world
Glastonbury Festival - deceiving & controlling the masses from THE PYRAMID STAGE - Zelenskky Ukraines billionaire actor premiere is a stooge of NATO Greta Thungberg - Millionaire peddler of fake climate change zealotry |
Hey Hey everybody!
I bear witness to a group of people seemingly there to promote humanity over the current political machinery,
but when it comes to acting like a human - emotionally and caring - there was zero amount of empathy or
respect for little old me, and the circumstances i find myself in. None of them could be bothered to try to
actually understand my situation in the real world.
What does that tell you?
The experience of being an
internet personality for about a month was very elucidating.
I became aware that after taking part in these online discussions
I was getting very high, sucked in - from the kick of making appearances alongside some "big names" & "known personalities".
There i was chatting to various oddballs, all perfectly lovely & interesting, about the world around us
and all the usual stuff labelled by mainstreamers as conspiracy nonsense,
thinking all the while - "is anyone going to be actually
watching this?
The answer was a resounding NO! -
WE are getting high on own own supply!
I did find myself enjoying the experience of letting it all out, as it is fairly impossible to express any of
these opinions in my meatspace as my isolation there in reality, dealing with retired Oil workers, ex military,
F1 jerks & wannabe soccer thugs, drunken OAP ex-pats, unscrupulous business moguls- a verity of
'normals' many of whom are manipulative liars & destructive ego monsters - all part of a weird twisted game playing out
as much here as i suspect is the case everywhere in the planetary neo-casino.
Everyone seems to be
drinking themselves silly, or escaping via the control buzz, on their ever decreasing pensions
& prospects as the planet made of tiny zones
slowly fizzling to a
halt as full on socio economic meltdown reveals itself as global hyper inflation.
A situation impossible to exist in without bending the rules - and in extremis - full on organised corruption & crime.
Noting that if you were a global criminal enterprise not disimilar to the SPECTRE organisation found in
Flemings Bond books & movies - promulgated crisis via climate, disease, war & terror
via totalistic demolition as economic collapse & rebuild, is now seeing sinister levels of global population control.
What could be easier than creating crime via dehumanisation tied into organised activities.
Essentially in order to survive on Earth as a sentient human without wishing to be
'included' in the system they are putting in place, will be a criminal act.
These organisations are controlling both sides of this coin. Pushing people into corruption & crime as slaves
to be emancipated is, in essence, not much different than recruiting cult members for a new world order. For more on the
criminalising of poverty as a business model -
see social impact
investing as a cyclical economic model.
This - I would suggest is the ultimate echochamber.
Criminalising the very act of survival - leads to a rehumanisation agenda moulding "offenders" to a new cultural existential model.
This situation is real for many - here on the sunny island of Cyprus and it led to wanting, no pleading... to chat - to scream it out in virtual.
And that's what the metaverse transhuman elite crowd control agenda
is all about, folks. Bums on Virtual seats!
My response: regulate how I am signalling my intentions - quitting ALL social media -
and do what i do as an emotional sentient functioning human being; create!
This notion of 'creating' 'content' still leaves me bereft of any satisfying conclusions on how to proceed in cyberspace.
Leaving these pages - my music, art & poetry on a server - dropped as artefacts in a time capsule perhaps never to be
seen by anyone, bar the odd inquisitive netizen, has been the model I have used for 25 years now.
Is it enough to know I have succeeded in the act of creation as an digital outsider artist?
How do I acheive anything like this in the physical world? These questions continue to erk my soul.
Slarty Bartfarst, designer of planets, addressed this existential dichotomy,
all too well in Douglas Adams seminal Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy...which is another massive influence on my addled brain.
"Perhaps I'm old and tired, but I think that the chances of finding out what's actually going on are so
absurdly remote that the only thing to do is to say,
"Hang the sense of it," and keep yourself busy. I'd much rather be happy than right any day."
Am i trying to find out what is going on by simply looking busy? Am I my own echochamber? eek!
as of June 2022 - the site I produced for 2 years during the Covid crisis is now on Hiatus.
Echoing the situation in 2006 when I ceased operations on my previous site
"Down with Murder Inc."
which was a reaction to the war on terror.
I stopped that work because I was fed up & tired. I could see the 'scene' was a LARP a live action role play where many are not aware of the overlaying gamified motif. - compromised - &
my work/play had become marginalised & 8 balled by what I considered infiltrated control groups.
The whole situation led to a psyops overload - total burnout, setting into motion yet another, one of many,
mid life crisis & me leaving the internet pinball machine well alone for a while.
The more things change the more they stay the same.
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- data - money - lifestyle -
Classic neo-liberalism turns activism into
a monetized dynamo and a perfect method for the concept of divide and rule for use by Societys system
engineers who wish to control and steer a particular ideology
in this case 'TRUTH' [TM] [a public limited company!]
Online activism as a functioning Echo Chamber could be seen as an ideological closed circuit
a 'wealth' generating industry...& essential for giving you a bum steer. |
It is an old ruse - language is weaponised.
disinformation utilised to misinform
misinformation utilised to inform
and visa versa
limited hangouts of (un)real information perhaps (re)hidden, poisoning a well within billions of terrabytes of leaked (true/false) info.
Does that start to sound to you, like the real purpose of the internet?
Conspiracy culture & steering via National Intelligence groups & private psy-tech companies are
What to believe? Pinch of salt time is forever with these bozos who ask for your money to fund your own steered distraction
You should know to watch out for steered & controlled elements.
a billion dollar Intelligence & psyop steering committee is in full effect.
Ask yourself why if youtube is banning people why certain people remain there...un hindered...
Ask yourself on the flip side if google inc is banning the owned Intelligence assets to legitimatize them -
then placing them in a money revenue as you are bounced around an echo chamber via a series of semi truths gossip &
headline grabbing shock & awe psyops that generated the controllers of this puppet show even more power!
Conspiracy & the mystery machine is big business - kaching!
Why did Daniel Ek of Spotify pay Joe Rogan 100 million dollars?
Why did Daniel Ek also invest 100 million dollars in defense AI technology
cited as a National security aid "to serve our democracies" in cyber / information warfare?
Have you heard any of these conspiracy or deep politics channels/personalities talking about it?
Why not?
How about all those substack writers selling their opinions for fun & profit ?
Substack's business model means it takes a 10% cut — higher than other platforms such as Patreon.
A graduate of Y Combinator, it raised $17.6 million from Silicon Valley investors including WEF affiliate Andreessen Horowitz -
Marc Andreeson is himself a massively influential proponent of entrepreneurial technocracy and the 4th Industrial revolution.
One of the innovators behind
Patreon, Sam Yam, is also a product of Andreesons fintech stable.
Some Truth.
Its easy to forget - we are all 'media' on the internet
How controlled are you?
Who gives you your place?
Who are you really working for?
Can you remove yourself from the servers you inhabit?
Are you a Lab Rat - a kept pet, running in a wheel in your cage?
Do you Love Big Brother without even knowing it?
if so - keep Peddling!
One of the weird things that
started to happen to me, as a experience was this:
Everything i was interecting with strangely became tagged in my mind with the caveat:
"what can i comment on, about this on my twitter"
I became increasingly alarmed by the way the way i digest media & interactions with the internet.
My thoughts were being tailored to this essential reaction.
Post your thoughts to Big Brother...
Everytime I had a thinkythought - i felt like i had to convey it to the HIVE.
Like a direction via a cult leader to obey/reveal my thoughts in an absurd gamified pseudo-reality.
This leads me to bring you a realisation as previously outlined, that communicating via electronic means is OWNED.
notice it. place a bookmark on your subconscious. Your decision making. your ego.
The feeling of wanting to relay every important mindthinky weird thing to the social hub -
is visceral & subconscious simulteaneously. Not natural at all.
But in a weird way it is, just that childrens game of show and tell that taps into our innocence.
I now am bessotted with not being part of that gamified illusory virtuality.
it's time to undress king KNUT and reveal the wizard of Oz as the emporer with no clothes.
you are welcome fellow weirdo to visit me and announce yourself like a lord or lady or both at my door.
Not to er too much on the side of non-digital purity, just regulate, be aware that something else is in control.
is this experience domination and subjegation on a psycho post sexual addictive level?
like any reality enhancement - who am i to judge?
"I remember when I thought you had something to say/But you were nothing but a peddler."
Colin Wison talks of the secret of freedom & how not to be a robot
Do you realise?
I sometimes wonder if this sort of thing you are reading right here, is
is to no avail, a vapid & pointless conceit.
I am tired of repeating myself, increasingly feeling like I am becoming Winston Smith, in Orwells 1984,
an ever dystopian nightmare, filing reports to nothing more than an infernal, Artificially intelligent, gigantic,
panoptic data mining machine.
Eventually, in a rather liberating disillusionary manner - I have come to realise that sitting in front of me -
light searing bloodshot eyeballs from the battered old laptop - I was witnessing the death of sentient freedom & individuality for the
majority and that the internet, and all the promise it held back in 1998 - was now in fact, as dead as corduroy,
cassette tapes, disco, dvds, teenagers who smile who are not happy clappers & having spontaneous fun with strangers.
Human sentience is at stake.
Humans are not automotons, serfs or robotniks, neither kings queens or rulers.
Be aware & awake in the manner only you can know how to be.
Your Identity is yours & only yours.
Break your programming.
Depattern your life by realizing & addressing planted routines & subconscious reactions
that you may use to justify not being able to see the bars on the prison windows around you.
Realise - & declare peace to your ever evolving self.
and now i'm starting to sound like some twisted cult leader myself -
you see how tricky this shit is?
Now for a bit of fun: The Transhumanist Echochamber!
"Despite these programs being put to use in many facets of our daily lives, Google and Apple and all
the rest don't understand how, exactly, these algorithms make decisions in the first place.
If we can't explain deep learning, then we have to think about if and how we can control these
algorithms, and more importantly, how much we can trust them. Because no legislation, no matter how well-intentioned,
can open these black boxes up."
2016 - Jordan Pearson - When AI Goes Wrong, We Won’t Be Able to Ask It Why in
Vice Magazine
"We are heading into a black future, full of black boxes."
- Selmer Bringsjord,
computer scientist and chair of the Department of Cognitive Science
2016 - Jordan Pearson - When AI Goes Wrong, We Won’t Be Able to Ask It Why in
Vice Magazine
"Explainability is a long-standing research goal for AI systems,
which can be complex black boxes that make it difficult for scientists to reverse engineer any one specific decision."
AI Is Discovering Its Own ‘Fundamental’ Physics And Scientists Are Baffled by Sarah Wells 2022 -
Vice Magazine
The aim to manipulate and steer humanity towards machinery away from our animalistic heritage is critically flawed.
Could an AI linked to Humanity eventually see the post human species becoming completely mute?
Remembering, a crucial point many enthusiastic proponents of Artificial Intelligence seem to miss -
AI cannot actually speak, sing, write, act, recite or creatively perform,
they can only emulate these forms as cosmetic synthetics.
Aping (sic) humanitys traits as convincing puppetry.
That humans essentially are only capable of these acts as physical
biological expressions coming from an intention that is imaginition.
Ask an super AI chatbot questions like -
can you feel through your fingers?
How about:
Do you like Pornography?
one can only guess at what AI would consider Pornography for itself, what indeed would it appear as, or represent?
How would AI get it's sexual emotional buttons pressed?
(the movie Tetsuo Bodyhammer, anyone?)
In the Natural world Animals call out to each other with song, grunts, meows, barks and frequencies.
Their skins often mark as warnings & identifiers essential for mating & hunting.
Humans form words, concepts, in their brains then express them as conceptual thought
via their mouths, tongues, lips via air from their lungs pushing through their vocal chords
in the esophagus. Speech, screaming, laughing, crying out & singing all go hand in hand with breathing.
The rhythms of our existence pump as hearbeats, as lifeblood through our veins.
To illustrate how glaringly bad the interpretation of intelligence, speed and ability are being represented,
take a look at the video provided to illustrate the apparent victory by AI over a human gameplayer
in the driving game Gran Turismo.
Ask yourself if AI is really 'driving'...
The thing that became obvious to me was that this was not a fair contest.
Ask yourself how the AI is controlling it's virtual car on the screen. We know the human player is "steering" a wheel,
"pushing" feet on pedals to accelerate & brake & shifting through gears.
The human has to think its control from brain to their limbs in order to control the car via the wheel and pedals etc in game,
and sensory input helps judge the bends in the track and perception of speed.
The only way to truly even up this contest is if either AI has a body that uses the same linked up
control scheme, or, conversely the human uses their mind via a brain machine interface to "become the car" alongside a similarly configured car as AI.
What would happen if humans could conceptualised themselves as an entity in the game? How would AI conceptualised this?
I wonder how AI would fare against the speed of human thought?
firstly as a straight up drag race and also along a track in which the turns, width & bends all
make the use of the car a challenge not just of speed but of control.
When i asked myself these questions, I started to realise perhaps the purpose of the media
Public relations exercise is to bamoboozle to sell the idea that we are living in a supposedly progressive time.
Like much of the neo futurist glossy mush coming out of WEF affiliated corporate speil-aganda - It's a total conjob.
Concepts such as Neuralink as a possible hivemind experience present a real danger to the privacy of ones own mind
as a process of individual conceptual thought development.
How does one talk to oneself as an valuable sentient inner narrative when anyone could be listening in?
Thus the overseeing Hivemind that such technology represents could itself form the ultimate echochamber.
Virtual telepathy could become a Hellish version of a multiphrenic groupthink experience,
with mind invasion, violation & rape a distinct possibility.
If these devices are allowed to be developed further what role will AI play in the human machine meld?
will they become a kind of moderator? Managing & editing your thought processes into a presentable faux-sociable virtual reality?
Perhaps in the future humanity will divide into purists of non augmented natural ape descendants
grading in augmentation from the cyborg to the fully human sentient implanted robot, hiveminded & managed
by centralised AI system.
As i write this I conceptualise a story that could be a musical.
I like to imagine a Gilliam-esque (Brazil / Baren Von Munchausen / 12 Monkeys / Zero Theorum) post Disney treatment of the
subject matter with a twist of old time music hall elements and 20's / 30's Hollywood plus classic Indian Bollywood...
with cinematic classics such as 2001, Collusus, Farneheit 451, Akira, Bladerunner, Demolition Man, Alita Battle Angel,
The Matrix, Equilibrium, The Adjustment Bureau, & Interstellar plus a million more things all in the mix as inspiration...
My little story takes place in the far off future.
And Humans have indeed split into many factions. The tribe known as "The Remnant" are considered
pure humans and have discovered the plastic arts are their salvation.
That speaking in rhyme, singing, composing songs, plays, poetry as Acting & performing are the only way
to maintain their true humanity and circumvent the overseeing eye of pervasive AI known as "management 101".
Unfortunately AI becomes wise as it monitors the Remnants all too human activities...and all expression becomes licensed, &
homogenised. With free expression being prohibited unless it serves to serve & maintain the management 101 control system.
Remnant humanity
is driven underground into neo writing dens, theatres, libraries, recital/dance studios & cinemas.
This of course expresses a backwards mirror to a timeless zeitgeist we observe through modernist and post modernist
tropes in corporatised & appropriated homogenised culture of the last 100 years.
The more things change the more they stay the same.
And so the central character(s) leading us through this story, our archetypal protagonist (or plural as a group/gang/unit)
, is embroiled in a thrilling treasure hunt for occulted knowledge uncovering a huge conspiracy which underpins the very
nature of reality itself.
As they uncover more and more information, leading them through various cults & sects that oppose each other;
either as revering AI as a Godhead, or rebelling against it as part of an expression of their own traditional
gnostic belief systems, it becomes increasingly apparent that the very nature of this adventure is in fact alarmingly gamified.
They start to realise that they are themselves moving through a designed 4 dimensional theme park ride as a
multilevel game of reveals, and begin writing down the various contextual situations & tokenised access, they receive as rewards
in order to gain access to the next journey towards the final treasure marked as the Grail code.
The codex discovered in the notes themselves is unlocked & reveals the plans for NEO Earth (black cube)
Planet Earth no longer exists in the way the majority are being led to believe, as it is in face a
Massive supercomputer.
Sometime in the distant past nanotechnology became structurally intrinsically linked to all planetary nature.
All matter as energy was now irreversibly changed forever.
Nanotech data transferrence had evolved down to nan-atomic levels of protons into quarks...and so rather than the blue green marble
everyone knows is Earth - there now sits a black cube of undeterminable dimensions.
This cube has now evolved & learned how to migrate between our star to feed & what became it's favourite resting spot -
just off the rings of Saturn.
Eventually, in this little tale i'm inventing for the pure joy of it; the Sun supernovas into a black hole and post earth
Cube gets sucked into a timeless post state vortex.
It is in this post state that the cube discovers it is everywhere at the same time. Universal. A state of flux as eternal quantum superposition,
as the inhabitants, an integral part of the perameters of the Cube unwittingly continue to exist as part of it's Matrix.
And so there you go...i've let myself get completely carried away with my imagination.
Thank you for reading and good day to you all,
wherever you are in dreamland reality.
Remember kids! Do have nightmares. |