Timid new world;

It's the Econ-OH-my! STUPID!

Capt Wardrobe - Oct 2020

VR in Schools? Another type of mask...

Who else finds this all more then a little sinister?

if someone told you that to 'educate' your kids they were going to strap a screen to their face and bombard their tiny mind with indoctrination what would you have said & done about it?

what is it about a device that masks the eyes - stopping humans from sharing their experiences socially...its about isolating experience - indoctrination of humans individually...

mask the face - mask the mouth and nose - mask the eyes

This is Cultic control in the 21st century of the mask

...and it's all about trade. The New Slave Trade.

Data collection as behavioral force multiplier

"Because SIF pays for results achieved “outcomes” rather than “outputs,” the private funders who cover the up-front costs of service delivery have a financial incentive to ensure that social service providers know and employ the most effective methods for meeting performance expectations. One way to do this is to collect as much human behavioral data as possible in order to develop very accurate predictive algorithms.

The SIF system encourages social impact investors to extract as much human data as possible–data about experiences, thoughts, choices, feelings, preferences, and any other factors that help investors predict and modify human behavior. This data may be collected from things like surveys, reports, camera and audio surveillance, access badges, web-based learning or record-keeping applications (such as educational technology and training programs), even video games. It is analyzed not simply to understand how or why people make the choices that they do, but also to determine how some choices may be encouraged and others discouraged.

It has the potential to create a lucrative cycle of impact protocols that not only promote the mission-oriented outcomes that social impact investors support, but also generate an ROI for the social impact investors."

Julianne Ramanello

There seems to be a complete cut off with the understanding of corporate intelligence. Corporations are in the classroom - and they are there to experiment on the notion of indoctrinating subservience to the product -

the process is cultic in nature -

state - military - corporate = onestate

the process = dehumanise to rehumanise

its a process of mass moulding - factory lines of isolated fearful subjects become cult members in order to survive & succeed within the new architecture of control.

The concept of social impact investing is the crux of this sinister form of social behavioral economics. The tentacles of this insipid ideology go to the heart of all nations societal infrastructures.

"The whole body is generally directed by the central driving brain of government without which no body and System of society can operate. This does not mean control from Whitehall, or constant interference by Government with the business of industry. But it does mean that Government, or rather the Corporate System, will lay down the limits within which individuals and interests may operate. Those limits are the welfare of the nation - not, when all is said, a very unreasonable criterion. Within these limits, all activity is encouraged; individual enterprise, and the making of a profit, are not only permitted, but encouraged so long as that enterprise enriches rather than damages by its activity the nation as a whole." - Oswald Mosely, Leader of the now defunt British Union Of Fascists

see more here -

the rise of Corporate feudalism -

Corporatism - Fascisms Brand identity

a list of key points in neoliberalism:

transaction maximalisation

maximalisation of volume of transactions ('global flows')

contract maximalisation

supplier/contractor maximalisation

conversion of most social acts into market transactions

artificial maximalisation of competition and stress

creation of quasi-markets

reduction of inter-transaction interval

maximalisation of parties to each transaction

maximalisation of reach and effect of each transaction

maximalisation of hire/fire transactions in the labour market (nominal turnover)

maximalisation of assessment factors, by which compliance with a contract is measured reduction of the inter-assessment interval

creation of exaggerated or artificial assessment norms ('audit society')

Paul Treanor


The source-point for social impact investing...

"THE RULE OF THE MARKET. Liberating "free" enterprise or private enterprise from any bonds imposed by the government (the state) no matter how much social damage this causes. Greater openness to international trade and investment, as in NAFTA. Reduce wages by de-unionizing workers and eliminating workers' rights that had been won over many years of struggle. No more price controls. All in all, total freedom of movement for capital, goods and services. To convince us this is good for us, they say "an unregulated market is the best way to increase economic growth, which will ultimately benefit everyone." It's like Reagan's "supply-side" and "trickle-down" economics -- but somehow the wealth didn't trickle down very much. "

[source=http://www.globalexchange.org/campaigns/econ101/neoliberalDefined.html - link now gone]

The Public Private Partnership concept [PPP] championed by Reagan & Thatcher morphed into the death of the Left as Tony Blairs love affair blossomed with Bill Clinton & and saw the PPP renamed as The Third way.

Society was made to fail. National infrastructure Sectors, Transport, Education, Health, Defense etc... increasingly privatised, or partnered with Global uber Corporate psychopathic greed scheme machines.

2001; The 911 attacks saw GW Bush & Tony Blair cosy up in a new relationship in the War on Terror psyop initiative...reshaping the Middle East & Afghanistan extending the notion of full spectrum dominance across the globe.

2005 saw the Charity event Live 8 - which took place as a youth Public relations exercise in relation to the Make Poverty history campaign, which served as a backdrop to the G8 Gleneagles meeting.

2005 also saw these specifically lined up PR events culminate in a massive show of Patriotism & flag waving as The UK or Team GB as it was being promoted as, won the 2012 Olympic bid. Rallies were held & National pride displayed in a sickening series of staged manipulated social behavioral psyops.

Then Britain witnessed the final spectacle of 2005; The 77 bombings in London. The catalyst for the further oppression of citizens via the seemingly never-ending war on terror.

What creates Poverty more than illegal wars of occupations - stemming from Terror Attacks?

"Brown University's Costs of War project released a study last week which states that it is the first analysis to comprehensively measure the number of people forced to flee their homes as a result wars involving the United States since 2001. It states that 37 million people have been displaced by America's Global War On Terror and that estimate is likely conservative with the true figure possibly as high as 59 million. The study points out that it focuses on conflicts where the U.S. government bears a clear responsibility for initiating/escating armed combat or where it has been a significant participant via other means such as battlefield advising, drone strikes, arms sales or other means. It does not suggest that the U.S. alone is solely responsible for displacement as causation involves multiple and complex factors. Statistica.com


"Consider a future of criminalized poverty where the threat of family separation is forever held over people’s heads to get them to comply to draconian edicts. The mass impoverishment being created by the global response to Covid is straight up market-shaping for a Fourth Industrial Revolution economy that will run on social impact schemes.

This is biocapitalism, coyly branded by the Davos crowd as stake-holder capitalism.

The sources of data extraction fueling it will be education, healthcare, and housing services.

Human behavior, our relationships to one another and to the earth, will be calibrated against United Nation’s Sustainability Goal metrics ensuring we’re “good” obedient citizens, the scope of our lives limited to the generation of harvestable “transparent” data that will profit sociopathic investors."

Alison MacDowell - wrench in the gears blog

Rockefeller, Ford Foundation & Rothschild backing, Globally

The term “impact investing” was first coined in 2007 by the Rockefeller Foundation. According to the Global Impact Investing Network (GIIN), the formal definition of impact investments is investments made in companies, organizations, and funds with the intention to generate positive, measurable social and environmental impact alongside financial returns. Impact investing has become a legitimate and recognized investment practice among a small but critical mass of players and is being increasingly adopted by diverse types of organizations. The latest high-profile example is BlackRock, the world’s largest asset manager, which announced in early 2018 that in order to receive investment from the firm, companies will need to demonstrate that they positively contribute to society

source JFN.IL PDF

When examining the Israeli ecosystem in light of this model,it is challenging to place Israel exactly at the end of marketplace building,alongside the global ecosystem.However, it does have some outstanding achievements–internationalorganizations such as the Global Steering Group for Impact Investing, established under the UK ´s presidency of the G8,and Toniic, the global action community for impact investors,opened branches in Israel. Furthermore, there are three Social Impact bonds and the Capital Market Authorityissued a "Statement of Expected Investment Policy in Investment Institutions".

Edmund de Rothschild Foundation

"The OECD has been playing a key role in the Global Social Impact Investment Initiative launched in 2013 during the U.K. Presidency of the G8. Its report “Social Impact Investment: Building the Evidence Base” (2015) called for developing global standards on definitions, data collection, impact measurement and evaluation of policies.

Historically, the OECD has been working in close partnership with the Global Social Impact Investment Steering Group, the World Economic Forum, the Global Impact Investing Network, and other platforms at the national and regional level. "- OECD Social Impact Investment Initiative

"Social impact investment can provide new ways to more efficiently and effectively allocate public and private capital to address social and economic challenges at the global, national and local levels. While these innovative market-based approaches will not replace the core role of the public sector or the need for philanthropy, they can provide a potentially powerful means for leveraging existing capital." OECD report - Social Impact Investment Building the Evidence Base

“For more than 200 years, our existing version of capitalism drove prosperity and lifted billions out of poverty, but it no longer fulfils its promise to deliver widespread economic improvement and social progress. Its negative social and environmental consequences have become so great that we can no longer handle them.” - Sir Ronald Cohen - source- Raconteur August 9, 2020

“The whole of my life was preparation for the phone call I got from the Treasury in 2000, asking whether I would look at the issue of poverty with a more entrepreneurial eye as they put it,” says Sir Ronald now aged 75.

How do you keep a hidden slave lo cost low wages caste system in place? how do you control lower class revolt? how do you maintain the middle classes via aspiration culture?

Reskilling badges and upgrading skillsets as constant life -

I lived through, suffered from the welfare merry go round as an 'unemployable' artist in UK between 1990 & 2006...

Benefit claimants / Jobseekers were given sets of un-workable job application criteria to fulfill on a weekly or even a daily basis - and placed on weekly, monthly courses run by executive seminar/course crony companys as a money generators - unemployment got worse. But due to a loophole in the system - the people attending these courses were not technically unemployed...it helped the political massaging of the true numbers of jobless in the UK - much like the previous ways the government introduced wacky training schemes in the 70's & 80's - YTS - the only winners were the people running the greed schemes.

In Liverpool - big building firms utilised unemployed as part of Youth Training etc to run their construction projects in Thatchers Britain. [see the TV show - Boys from the Blackstuff]

Interestingly i have been looking at one of the very first Social Impact Investing schemes that was run out of Peterborough Prison for out-mates - in conjunction with benefits systems & local businesses. it failed. It is a merry go round of poverty & investment - designed in effect to be constantly perpetuating a system that appears to want to help - but conversely stimulates degradation via a constant hamster wheel of fullfilling targets invented by uber-capitalists.

These Economic social engineers are hell bent on perpetuating the problem they say they want to 'solve'.

"...the creation of the world’s first social impact bond, or SIB, which successfully lowered reoffending rates at Peterborough Prison. The crux is that investors fund social services, with financial success dependent on positive social outcomes. In other words, investors only get their money back with a chance of making a return if the outcome is achieved."


“In the Peterborough deal in the UK, the government decided that they weren’t going to play any more… so there’s some who say ‘Oh it’s because it wasn’t going well’ and others are saying ‘It was cos it was going too well’ so whichever it is, they decided that they weren’t going to do it, that they weren’t going to go into the next cohort, so what does that mean to the investors?” Eileen Neely - Living Citys sourced here; Emma Tomkinson

why kill the golden goose? it lays eggs of constant dehumanising dysfunctional lives of drudgery & slavery.

basic sustinence/education/housing/employment/social welfare are all within their realm

And. Get this.

These very same companys are invested in the reaction to this generated 'failure' as - justice - law & order ...The control of poverty has led to the re assigning of what is considered criminal, in order to not just make money, but the opportunity to continue doing so.

It is a behavioral socio-economic dynamo - they call it a growth industry.

Now take a long look around you at this time of the Covid19 pandemic - as measures taken by governments around the world close down the economy...the creation of poverty forments the industrial human capital bond base for the WEFs global reset - eventually leading to the 4th Industrial revolution.

It is not an accident.

Its is interesting to note that Sir Ronald Cohen along with British Prime Ministers Gordon Brown, [then UK Chancellor] & eventually David Cameron, via Think tanks - The Rockefeller Foundation & RAND alongside The U.N sustainable development initiative & later the OECD & World Economic Forum - These are the originators of the concept of Social Impact investing.

All Investment demands a return from social contracts, sold via flashy PR as improvement of impoverished social infrastructure. Society is impoverished by the same players that want to capitalise from them

Social impact investing is just public relations for the economic bondage of human capital markets - an extension of human slavery to feudal elites...

Have a wild guess at who is in charge?

The same elite bloodlines. The same old Oligarchs. The same old compartmentalised hierarchical structures

These psychos are creating worldwide poverty with disease famine war and pestilence - a global prison that Sir Ronald Cohen would orgasm over...

They want to capitalise from it all. They want returns from their 'investments'.

COVID-19 Could Drive Global Poverty to over One Billion People

, ,

2020•06•12     Helsinki

New research from the UNU World Institute for Development Economics Research (UNU-WIDER) estimates that extreme poverty could spike as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic.

Key findings from the working paper, Precarity and the Pandemic: COVID-19 and Poverty Incidence, Intensity and Severity in Developing Countries — a joint effort between UNU-WIDER, King’s College London, and Australian National University — include:

  • extreme poverty could rise to over 1 billion people globally as a result of the crisis
  • the cost of the crisis in lost income could reach US$500 million per day for the world’s poorest people, and the intensity and severity of poverty are likely to be exacerbated dramatically
  • poverty is likely to increase dramatically in middle-income developing countries and there could be a significant change in the distribution of global poverty
  • the location of global poverty could shift back towards developing countries in South Asia and East Asia

To address global poverty impacts, the authors — Andy Sumner and Eduardo Ortiz-Juarez of King’s College London and Chris Hoy from Australian National University — propose a three-point policy plan:

  • create a rapid-response global commission on poverty and COVID-19 chaired by a G7 leader, a G20 leader, and a G77 leader to discuss the poverty impacts and what financing is needed
  • release funds quickly by expanding the existing IMF debt servicing standstill to all developing countries and freezing World Bank debt repayments at least until the end of 2020
  • swiftly allocate the newly available funds into countries’ own cash transfer and other social safety programmes

Contextualising the policy plan, Professor Andy Sumner added, “The actual poverty impacts will be determined by what governments do to mitigate the damaging consequences of the pandemic. We have a three-point plan, but global leadership is urgently needed on this. The world’s poorest can’t wait until the G7 meeting in September or the G20 meeting in November”. 

More information regarding the study can be found on the UNU-WIDER website.

A report by Swiss bank UBS found that billionaires increased their wealth by more than a quarter (27.5%) at the height of the crisis from April to July, just as millions of people around the world lost their jobs or were struggling to get by on government schemes.

The report found that billionaires had mostly benefited from betting on the recovery of global stock markets when they were at their nadir during the global lockdowns in March and April. UBS said billionaires’ wealth had hit “a new high, surpassing the previous peak of $8.9tn reached at the end of 2017”. The number of billionaires has also hit a new high of 2,189, up from 2,158 in 2017.


Luke Hilyard, executive director of the High Pay Centre, a thinktank that focuses on excessive pay, said the “extreme wealth concentration is an ugly phenomenon from a moral perspective, but it’s also economically and socially destructive”.

“Billionaire wealth equates to a fortune almost impossible to spend over multiple lifetimes of absolute luxury,” Hilyard said. “Anyone accumulating riches on this scale could easily afford to raise the pay of the employees who generate their wealth, or contribute a great deal more in taxes to support vital public services, while remaining very well rewarded for whatever successes they’ve achieved.

“The findings from the UBS report showing that the super-rich are getting even richer are a sign that capitalism isn’t working as it should.”

Guardian - Oct 7 2020

Bretton Woods moment

Notably, Ms. Georgieva, the first person from an emerging economy to lead IMF, recently noted the global economy had reached the tipping point that requires decisive actions to fight the crisis and create a more sustainable and equitable world.

We face what I have called a Long Ascent for the global economy: a climb that will be difficult, uneven, uncertain—and prone to setbacks.

Meanwhile, the digital currencies may become part and parcel of the new world order. Recent developments prove that global regulators have been moving away from denial of cryptocurrencies to embrace the concept.

Basically, it means that the regulators are ready to admit that the future of money is digital. The same is confirmed by the poll launched by the IMF ahead of the conference.

report via FX street

Focus on the future of banking supervision in a changing world

International banking supervisory community meets virtually -

At the 21st International Conference of Banking Supervisors, senior banking supervisors and central bankers discussed issues related to the future of banking supervision in a changing world. Discussions covered the digitalisation of finance and the evolution of banking models, operational resilience, climate-related financial risks and remote working arrangements. This was the first time the Basel Committee has worked with a host country to offer a completely virtual conference.

The 21st International Conference of Banking Supervisors (ICBS), hosted virtually by the Office of the Superintendent of Financial Institutions (OSFI) and the Bank of Canada, was held on 19-22 October 2020. Approximately 450 senior banking supervisors and central bankers representing close to 100 countries took part.

Delegates discussed a wide range of issues related to the future of banking supervision in a changing world. The discussions covered the digitalisation of finance and the evolution of banking models, operational resilience, climate-related financial risks and remote working arrangements. Participants also exchanged views on the challenges for central banks and bank supervisors in advanced and emerging market economies during the Covid-19 pandemic, as well as adapting to the changing operating environment for central banks and supervisors.

BIS Press release | 22 October 2020

Alternative perspective; a simple outlook.

A planet that relies on printing wealth -

a Central bank system based on playing markets as gamified economic theory.

bets placed;

boom & bust.

Bad loans.

Quantitative easing.

off shore banking fraud.

Trillions in debt.

Imagine a planet which chooses to shut down its economy -

because of a virus -

Then the authorities who decided to do it, use headlines to blame the virus itself...
then, blame the population for the spread of this global killer.

So they continue to lock down society.

Economic woe continues.

More and more people demand to go back to normality.

A normality based in wage slavery & debt to the Godhead of Money & wealth acquisition.

Humans have been indoctrinated to believe this is the only system.

One which the major decisions concerning all minutia of their everyday lives is being subject to measurement & control are seemingly beyond the masses comprehension.

Beyond the majority.

Who, or what... considers itself beyond Humanity?

Is the human population of planet earth being brainwashed to rely on yet another FAKE global economy...as the solution?

Why do you think it is the World ECONOMIC forum - who are leading the charge to a 4th Industrial revolution?

it's not called The world center for mutually beneficial harmless technology' is it?

or 'the center for a post debt world' is it? or 'Global loveliness as gorgeous humanity goes off into space & explores' is it?

The never-ending Covid 'Pandemic' has seen a 'reaction' by the WHO - Vaccine alliance groups run by Bill Gates, Pharmaceuticals & Governments around the globe.

The pressure is on as these groups rush for a vaccine from the amplified threat of a virus...

Operation Warp speed is the Total Information Awareness program 2.0

"In addition to deploying 62,000 military service members in direct support of fighting COVID-19 on frontlines across the globe, the Department of Defense is racing towards a vaccine," said Defense Secretary Mark T. Esper. "Through our research and development labs such as DARPA and the Defense Health Agency, and our massive logistical knowledge and capacity, we are committed to achieving the goal of Operation Warp Speed for the American people. I am confident that, as with any mission our military undertakes, we will adapt and overcome all obstacles in our path."

Elements of Operation Warp Speed

Operation Warp Speed is a public-private partnership to facilitate, at an unprecedented pace, the development, manufacturing, and distribution of COVID-19 countermeasures, between components of HHS, including CDC, FDA, NIH, and the Biomedical Advanced Research and Development Authority (BARDA); the Department of Defense; private firms; and other federal agencies, including the Department of Agriculture, the Department of Energy, and the Department of Veterans Affairs. It will coordinate existing HHS-wide efforts, including the NIH's ACTIV partnership for vaccine and therapeutic development, NIH's RADx initiative for diagnostic development, and work by BARDA


These people are using a 'Pandemic' to make this Vaccine Program implement mass surveillance on the global population...

once you get vaccinated they will seek to track your health - oh and everything else you do... They've already got part of you - with Google - Youtube - Amazon - Facebook - Instagram...All started by CIA funding - via In-Q-Tel et al.

Tracking your activity & location via cell phones & the satellite based internet system - invented by Darpa... has been proven by wikileaks via Edward Snowden...

Whats the point in this then? i hear you ask...

Real time global population bio surveillance ...

it is necessary for the human capital bond markets success...

live feeds into dashboards of every humans biological / brain / physiological systems...

that's right eventually FMRI live feeds...

We may see a world of inoculation at birth of a vaccine containing CrispR based nano particulates genetically enhanced to be a Radio Frequency Identity transmitter ...

yes...its beyond creepy - it's 5G creepy.

but, hey... don't worry our fact checkers insist this will not be happening...yet!

research from 10 years ago

"The long term goal of a sub-micron sized nano-robot with computing and communications ability is the realm of nanotechnology, and currently does not exist. This goal can be best stated as a vision, because the particular roadmap to get there (and even the best route) cannot be clearly laid out given our current state of knowledge of how RF fields interact with nanosystems. We have proposed one possible implementation of such a vision, using nanotube antennas and frequency domain multiplexing for high-bandwidth communication with integrated nanosystems "

source; Towards a single-chip, implantable RFID system: is a single-cell radio possible? Peter Burkecorresponding author and Christopher Rutherglen Biomed Microdevices. 2010 Aug; 12(4): 589–596. ...

Timid New World index