Capt. Wardrobe - December 2021
Deloitte along with Price Waterhouse Coopers, KPMG are complicit in MASSIVE offshore banking frauds which see central banks acting in their own jurisdictions, such as The Corporation of London, this ancient entity, essentially invents it's own economic rules via an Elite old boys network - with skewed & coded definitions of it's practices. This system works on a nod & a wink basis for the initiated, and is above democratic oversight or concrete legal framework.
The Federal Reserve has essentially been taken over by Blackrock investment and is now a sixth estate within US Government, dictating Govt. economic policy.
"...only BlackRock’s new U.S. retail money flows can compare with Vanguard’s, thanks to their leadership in investors’ current vehicle of choice, the ETF. Also, for two years in a row, BlackRock and its iShares business have edged Vanguard, with others far behind. Including money markets, BlackRock’s 2021 inflows totaled $363 billion, versus Vanguard’s $329 billion."
Morningstar - The Case For Vanguard
compare and contrast:
BlackRock Bailout for “COVID Financial Crisis” Written in August 2019
2019 article: Why BlackRock CEO Fink says Stocks are on Brink of a ‘Melt-Up’
Vanguard assets are at custodian banks:
The Bank of New York Mellon,
Brown Brothers Harriman has a history of trading with the enemy
While there is no suggestion that Prescott Bush was sympathetic to the Nazi cause, the documents reveal that the firm he worked for, Brown Brothers Harriman, acted as a U.S. base for German industrialist Fritz Thyssen, who helped finance Hitler in the 1930s before falling out with him at the end of the decade. The Guardian has seen evidence that shows Bush was the director of the New York-based Union Banking Corp., which represented Thyssen's U.S. interests, and he continued to work for the bank after America entered the war.
Bush was also on the board of at least one of the companies that formed part of a multinational network of front companies to allow Thyssen to move assets around the world.
Duncan Campbell - The profitable business of war
UK Levelling up, cross party strategy=
smart city, global mayor program, neo feudalism?
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Twelve bold national levelling up missions, given status in law, will shift government focus and resources to Britain’s forgotten communities throughout 2020s
Biggest shift of power from Whitehall to local leaders in modern times announced - every part of England to get ‘London style’ powers and mayor if they wish to
Starting gun fired on decade-long project to level up Britain, with radical new policies announced across the board
Domestic public investment in Research & Development to increase by at least 40% across the North, Midlands, South West, Scotland, Wales, and Northern Ireland
Among the 12 missions, to be completed by 2030, are promises to:
Eliminate illiteracy and innumeracy by refocusing education spending on the most disadvantaged parts of the country
Bring the rest of the country's public transport up to London standards
Provide access to 5G broadband for the "large majority" of households
Create more first-time homebuyers in all areas, and reduce the number of "non-decent rented homes" by 50%
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It could be argued that gaming as a level up heirarchical aspiration based unlocking mechanism echoes many instituional established orders that have risen over Centuries as what we percieve to be the development of Modern civilisation.
Gaining access to higher levels through obedience, awards earned & via indoctrination or learning are all inherent in Royal, Military, Political, Educational, Esoteric Religious establishments & orders...
Behave accordingly, collect all the tokens & unlock to level up
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(except if your bloods the right color)
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The history of the modern democratic state can be understood as a story of shifting authority and lawmaking, first from private potentates to sovereign monarchs, and then to publicly accountable democracies. Today, this centuries-long democratizing trend is rapidly being reversed. Western democracies are not simply embracing neoliberalism in the sense of deregulating the economy. Elites are pursuing something aptly described as a new form of feudalism, in which entire realms of public law, public property, due process, and citizen rights revert to unaccountable control by private business. The system of finance, once supervised by bank regulatory agencies and the Securities and Exchange Commission, has been delegated to private realms of law. The financial collapse of 2008 is best understood as the seizure, corruption, and abuse of entire domains of regulation and jurisprudence. Laws to protect workers and consumers, reflecting 70 years of struggle to expand rights, are now erased by compulsory arbitration regimes. Trade law permits similar private tribunals to overturn or sidestep public regulation. Tech platform monopolies have created a proprietary regime where they can crush competitors and invade consumer privacy by means of onerous terms, often buried in online “terms of service” provisions. The unity of common scientific inquiry has been balkanized by confidentiality agreements and abuses of patents, as scientific knowledge comes to be “owned” by private entities. Companies like Monsanto, manipulating intellectual property and trade law, prevent farmers from following the ancient practice of keeping seeds for the next planting season. This is not deregulation or neoliberalism. It is legally sanctioned private jurisprudence—neo-feudalism. The Prospect see also: The Daily Beast: Joel Kotkin - The Coronavirus Is Also Spreading a Dark New Era of Neo-Feudalism |
![]() The crypto investment giant expanded further into the world of trading by buying global crypto exchange Luno and crypto mining firm Foundry. DCG is valued at $10 billion, and employees recently sold $700 million worth of shares on secondary markets to SoftBank and Google parent Alphabet’s venture capital branch. Silbert is holding his shares. He even told the Wall Street Journal that he sees Standard Oil, the conglomerate created by John D. Rockefeller, as inspiration for DCG. - Coindesk |
Mark Zuckerbergs Meta and many other technocratic Virtual real estate agents...are in a greedy, mad scramble for control over a new gold rush.
No doubt the fine details of what all this means for your legal human autonomy - the ethical considerations & without doubt caveats that recind many of them, will be found, contained - noted in the nanoscale small print of the contract of use agreement;
in a locked drawer
This video from Truthstream media is a must watch)
This will be a controllled demolition; as impactful as 911
"In 2019, when he was the governor of the Bank of England, Mark Carney floated the idea of a global digital currency – backed by a number of central banks – as a replacement for the dollar. Carney said his plan would help stabilise financial markets unsettled by trade and currency disputes.
Were Carney’s plan ever to come to fruition it would mark the final stage in the shift from a system where currencies were backed by something tangible – gold – to one where they are virtual. It is not hard to see why there are those who feel uneasy about this."
WEF (formed 1971 by Klaus Schwab) is funded by its 1,000 member companies-
typically global enterprises are five billion plus US dollars in turnover
(Left) 1971: Nixon abandons the Gold Standard, did his decision set the ball rolling?
Anthony Burgess, Author of Clockwork Orange cited it, in his post analysis interview available in the preface of certain versions of his other book - 1985 - as the "most dangerous book in the world".
actual graphic depicting "gamification"
It is plain to see - the reality designers have encompassed both social media within online gaming & mirrored; as gaming within social media, both as addictive experimental experiences.
I believe the last 20 years has all been a twisted & dark creepy experiment, at least as dark as MK Ultra, which I believe is an extension of it's use of psychedelics & reality engineering aims & objectives... and, further, that these elites have been entraining humanity on Social Media & Gaming platforms - adjusting their behaviour - and readying them for the next step...
The metaverse ...and then?
We see Life itself cynically being morphed
Moving onwards passing to note the horrific implications |
Paris, 27 January 2020 – Ipsos is partnering with the World Economic Forum to shed light on consumer attitudes and citizen opinions on the world’s most pressing societal, political and business matters via Global Advisor, Ipsos’ global research service.
Fielded every month in 28 countries across the world, Global Advisor provides the World Economic Forum with data and insights to inform the Forum’s discussions with the foremost political, business, cultural and other leaders of society and to shape global, regional and industry agendas.
Throughout this partnership, ongoing since January 2019, Global Advisor has delved into a plurality of topics, ranging from aviation to data privacy and automation.
Most recently, three new studies were published during the Forum’s annual meeting at Davos, showing opinions and behaviors of the population on issues related to this year’s meeting theme, “Stakeholders for a Cohesive and Sustainable World”.
Global Divide on Social Mobility, showing widespread enthusiasm about the future in emerging markets contrasting with rampant pessimism in mature economies.
Saving the planet starts at home, revealing that two out of three adults have modified their behavior out of concern about climate change;
Only one third of workers expect their job to be automated, which finds that most employed adults across the world trust they have the skills needed to weather automation.
“As the world faces increasing uncertainty and complex challenges, Ipsos intensifies its commitment to conducting research that helps understand people’s mindset and behaviors. The partnership with the World Economic Forum showcases our determination to accomplish this mission”, said Didier Truchot, Ipsos Chairman and CEO.
Oliver Cann, Head of Strategic Communications for the World Economic Forum, said “Co-producing this recurring data with Ipsos enabled the Forum to access the general population in a robust and representative way about its main topics”.
Global Newswire
It is all fakery; puppetry & illusory control; based on such abstract & subjective notions such as:
An entire global social economy built on transhuman upgrade & aspiration culture.
Which in turn could well see the ultimate Human level up existential realm built on gaining of super powers / abilities / life extension
Eventually once this evolutionary steering cult become tired of immortality within ageless Bio-robotic shells - they will seek to LEVEL UP once more & become pure data inside a totally immersed artificial world; I wonder who, or rather what, will be inside the box & outside it, perhaps controlling it...or even more presciently; an amused deity observing & reporting, tinkering with, just another game, another plaything.
Humanity is being played.
By a Military Pharma-Biotech & Cyber Industrial:
God Complex
![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() This cartoon explains why Elon Musk thinks we’re characters in a computer simulation. He might be right. |