10 years ago i saw the anti cap / reclaim the streets- 'left' shun me for stating that Globalization was a conspiracy by the elites - the thing is with the mainstream and activists left is that they cannot bring themselves to reconcile this with the age old rightist conspiracy which so many use as a mask to attack the Jewish as controllers of media & banking - IE the usual repugnant Nazi schtikt etc - its the 'Joooos' -
So now as it becomes more apparent that conspiracy is real...but a cross racial and cross theological ideology -
The technocracy of Communitarian Happytalism HIDING BEHIND GLOBAL NEOLIBERALISM
We as researchers, need to move beyond, and challenge the world of publishing - of art of making a consumer product - one that relies on patronage and wealth acquired by empires to fuel its dissemination.
I think that is what we are dealing with here - traditional values that are being represented as a brand of 'rightism' & 'leftism'.
People have the right to have opinions - So why is it that anyone who chooses to express themselves as writers or artists & poets - making it at home - and putting out independently via their own sites are sidelined, ridiculed ...palmed aside as traditional patronage make it all the bastion of 'experts, even within the so called alternative research community.
Personally, I am a massive outsider art fan - i believe in craft, home trade, make & do - and commune & exchange of learned experience.
So called 'Professional' writers & 'winners at debates' - are now undermining the stance inherent within their limitations - that's an Achilles heel for all to see.
We need to grow a rump of steel skin in this - These people are the product of being in a bear cage...rules of the jungle - it really is like that - i had it in UK years ago with Neo-Nationalists hiding behind 911 truth, Champagne Socialists masked as socialist workers, even the old left as alt culture - they were all bastards at heart...
Watch out for the tell tale signs...they are a symbol of control.
The evasive general smear is always cowardly.
They preach Socialism and Marxism, social justice, pollution, climate awareness and the rest - anti racist, anti capitalism and then smear anyone who dares to say that Globalization is a conspiracy, as they grab it first fuck the rest, re-label it and steer it towards oblivion. Owned. branded. re-framed
I challenge the faux intellectual linguistic acrobatics that seeks to hide their conformist reality via obscurity and cleverness...
Using a lot of buzz words...seeking to own & row a subject merrily down the memory stream...
The big picture became apparent when recently, I gave a few people links to a group called 'Le Cercle' and the fact
that the new UK vaccine minister, was not only a member of this shadowy steering committee ...he was an ex leader -
Another ex Le Cercle member Rory Stewart was also Minister at the time - responsible or the burgeoning private mega prison complexes springing up around the UK...
Another factiod which got memory holed was the fact that Imperial College prfessor Robin Shattock was present
along with other influencial Vaccine technology developers at a WEF meeting in 2019 - just months before the Covid 19
fiasco was set into motion. After it has been revealed many MRNA vaccinated subjects in this obvious
war crime as globa human experiment, are now immune compromised to a level previously recognised as Vaccine Aquired
immune deficient (V-AIDS) - it may be important to also realise that the same Robin Shattock was working on a
MRNA vased vaccine to treat AIDS (DNAVAC) see
I noticed my efforts to make people aware of this were totally ignored - very telling.
The narrative is being controlled away from the heavy players and politicized into regular left / right divides - not top/ down control via elites - the church / Vatican /Holy see / the Deep State / Royal classes & the predator class bastions of Financial institutions such as Wall St & The Corporation / City of London.
Also Of course, it is seen as dangerous to mention Israel - all the above, being classic examples of entities that are being ignored, sidelined & steered away from.
Years ago I was Studying at Art School. My BA(hons) thesis concerned language & Identity...it wasn't very good - and because it was an Art degree was only 50,000 words long. - in it I hoped to summarize Post Structuralism and its discontents...
my conclusions eventually made me want to make poetry out of a simple language. The experience of The Art World pushed me away to the outer limits of creative endeavors.
Linguistic Communication is the medium and that is the message.
We must be vigilant to not see your DISCOURSE BECOME CONSOLIDATED BY SHARED IDEOLOGY that becomes A CLUB or elite fraternity ...
IE a political clique - many who walk this path are shunned and put out of the minds eye for FAILURE TO COMPLY BY USING LANGUAGE - deemed unfit for consumption by their ego inflated little clique of obedient truth managers.
To be open minded and accept others and use all in the ever growing debate...because its healthy to be accepting and inquisitive - in a horizon-al way of exploring and coming to conclusions that do not shut down the nuances of slight or marginalized ideological difference.
So more and more, here in the new post normal reality we see the lines being drawn - and that makes me think, in my paranoid minds eye, it is by design.