Timid new world;

Welcome to Mindspeak

by Capt Wardrobe Aug 29th 2020

In Timid New World Pt 3 I took a peek at the new Neuralink demo by Elon Musk Aug 28th 2020 -

The device will be able to eventually save & replay memories. so looking like this will be developed to become a brain facebook...with possibilities of "consensual telepathy of non linguistic concepts" [referred to; 1hr4mins]

An interesting thing to note is the assertion that human brains can transmit non-linguistic concepts. This is a very dangerous avenue to proceed down. Language & it's development relies on the brains language centre misunderstanding & creating many alternative assumptions of what a concept could be or could actually mean, in the process of crunching ideas. This in turn creates innovation & leads to new concepts forming - ad infinitum. To treat concepts as pure unarguable dogmatic data could see the development of an over-simplified NEWSPEAK - which seeks to stop independent innovative creative thought processes.

"consensual telepathy of non linguistic concepts"

what could this become?

if one looks at the development of computing we see the evolution of icongraphy inherent in push button as icon /open program within Windows O/S.

Imagine a future of inhabitants living in Dom-Cell cube homes. They work within these while attached to a virtual augmented reality.

The credit they earn will be counted - a crypto-cyber-currency.

Will it be as simple as that?

Elon Musk alluded to the telepathic transferral of concepts.

Will these be neuro-tokenised emoticons?

Will the future 4th Industrial Biosecurity police state; run on a globalised Artificially Intelligent blockchain, the digital ledger that records bit-credit - Preserve anonoymity?

Shall we ask Edward Snowden or Julian Assange?

State behavioral control

"China’s social credit system promotes the establishment of a unified record system for people, businesses, and the government. This seeks to track and evaluate standards of trustworthiness and merit."

"The system has the capability to carefully monitor and control individual behavior. People are rewarded or punished based on their scores, and people’s scores can increase or decrease based on their individual behavior. "

An introduction to Chinas Social Credit System

This is voluntary; for now!

Pavlok, the wearable band

that delivers electric shocks to its users, is reported to have raised investment, which could see the band move closer to a release date.

The band that promises to change people's behaviours by training the "reptile part of the brain"

"The band works by training your subconscious to avoid bad behaviours, such as smoking or eating sugary food, by shocking your body at the time of the action. The company states that after just four days, the human brain's behaviour will start to change. Some actions can be automated, such as going on Facebook from your phone. However, for actions like smoking, it's up to the user to administer their own punishing shocks. The idea is backed up by decades of studies, including the famous Pavlov's dog study in 1902, which used a bell to train a dog to salivate at the anticipation of food.


imagine all of these and more as felt emotions within a realm, after doing a task, as a reward or a punishment.

Echo chambers as realms?

what i mean by that is - will the employment of Social Credit System be an enhanced mood based pychocivilised form of behaviorism?

Will we see a form of post hypnotic neuromarketed reward & punishments system in the form of mood control via the transferrence of bitcoin - as conceptual emoticons. A pharma induced emotional response within realms in an augmented virtual space?

simply put; Will we see rewards or punishments for work / behavior in the form of mood stimulus.

If a worker deserves promotion - will they be allowed access to a happy place - an augmented holiday? a dopamine feedback loop created to reward the obedient?

If a worker perfroms badly or disobeys - goes against protocol will we see them put into a form of augmented pharma-punishment 'naughty box' of fear & isolation or even a prison of torture?

"You asked me once, what was in Room 101. I told you that you knew the answer already. Everyone knows it. The thing that is in Room 101 is the worst thing in the world."

O'Brien, 1984 - George Orwell - Part III, Chapter V

We have another 1984 type possibility here; In room 101 - the punishment was whatever the subject most feared.

Will we see reward & punishment tailor made to suit the citizen-avatars psychology based on its tracked user neurological feedback history?

You can forget VR headsets!

this will all be happening in your head

as you sit in your DOMCUBE...

In a Psychocivilised global Hive mind will there even be any dissent?

Will any dissenters be alligned via constant propaganda, embedded in all realms -

to a fairy story of terrorism?
a virus?
a disease?
a fake disease?
not wanting a vaccination?
an implant upgrade?

Have we not seen it all before?

How will a 4th Industrial revolution based in the same political architecture benefit Humanity?

"Goldstein is the Osama Bin Laden figure in Orwell’s novel, an extremely elusive person who is never seen, never captured, but believed by the leadership of Oceania to be still alive and hatching his conspiracies: perhaps somewhere beyond the sea, under the protection of his foreign paymasters. Since Goldstein is never captured, the battle against his crimes, treacheries, sabotages must never end."

11 September 2001: War, Terror and Judgment, by Bülent Gökay & R. B. J. Walker, 2002, Taylor & Francis

"O'Brien states that Goldstein's book was written by the Party leadership, including himself, but this statement leaves the questions of Goldstein and the Brotherhood's existence unanswered and may be a lie by O'Brien to deceive Winston.

One possible interpretation is that a political opposition to Big Brother - namely, Goldstein - was psychologically necessary in order to distract, unite and focus the anger of the people of Oceania. Ostensibly, Goldstein serves as a scapegoat for the dictatorial regime in Nineteen Eighty-Four and justifies its surveillance and elimination of civil liberties. "

wikipedias Goldstein entry

Donald Trump / Boris Johnson evokes fear of an invisible enemy

"75 years after the end of World War II and the founding of the United Nations, we are once again engaged in a great global struggle.

We have waged a fierce battle against the invisible enemy, which has claimed countless lives in 188 countries. "

President @realDonaldTrump:

"But we have to acknowledge this is a great and freedom-loving country.

And while the vast majority have complied with the rules, there have been too many breaches, too many opportunities for our invisible enemy to slip through undetected.

The virus has started to spread again in an exponential way." - full transcript of UK PM Boris Johnson speech 22nd Sept 2020

Further reading; Virtual reality heaven: How technology is redefining death and the afterlife

Zbigniew Brzezinski- Between Two Ages - America's Role in the Technetronic Era

Joseph Degado - Physical control of the mind - Towards a pyschocivilised society

in response to Covid19; The Farce Awakens

more essential reading

Timid New World index