moooslim rayguns & tourist synthesisers

[muslim rape gangs] [terrorist sympathisers]

People are losing their minds to a mass Mind Kontrolle programme -
the corporate controlled worldwide web

a politically driven cult of socially engineering - run as a paradigm building exercise of cognitive dissonance via Neural Linguistic programming

switch off the telly folks - we don't need the x-files - its actually here...

Soon after the World War - Smart infrastructure will permeate every part of everyday life.

Every building will be able to monitor you & every household appliance from your toaster to your TV [Samsung: already happening] will inform you - & inform on you.

The next industrial revolution is upon us - techno-fascism as collectivist corporatism.

Order [NWO] from Chaos [war] must be sold to every human as a future historic evolutionary fact in order to implement this global control mechanism.