
The Wow factory

there is a man waiting
he sits in wings that symbolise
nations made from credentials
all the realm is but a mandarin
usurped from old drug dealers
bought and paid for by
dinner at the same top table
its a triumph of equality
hats tip to totalists
in equilibrium
as these chosen
scoff at spoils
willed to them via their
bloodline itinerant power nap
now its your chance
to waltz like
the bohemian
presidential palace
an agent in place
facing drake on chessboards
of counter intuitive delusions
built on nation state pawn game
when the outcome is decided
it is done
curtains will part
and old royals
will fart out
another era
another revolution
same old scratched record
futuristically packaged
added wow recipe
in hidden factory settings
and you or somebody
who looks like you
label it progress