
What they want...

mind to mind transferrence

of consciouss thought

labelled as knowledge,

simply marked,

denoted as data

these will be tokenised

an internet of things

turns to minds and humans become things

minds become storage devices dehumanisation is the agenda

what will become of feelings

of emotions

and identity?

in an uber capitalist maingame?

in a communitarian mainframe

an architecture of control
short term; the eradication of stupidity

it will be the Public relations exercise.

but being unable is just as important as being able

learning from mistakes

will be eradicated

as they are not feasable

what is to be expected of us mere mortals?

no signs of life


the beep goes missing

heart rate below thresh hold

flatten the curve they said

The serf robotnik now has no need for a body

because it cannot be hygenic in the new world.

slaves transported via light transcendance

to colonies on board HALs cousin

part of a mainframe. forever.

no time. no space. no life.

we become undead.