Remember the victims: RIP
James Adams, 32, a mortgage broker from Peterborough, England
Lee Baisden, 34, a fire brigade accountant from London
Samantha Badham, 36, from London
Philip Beer, 22, a hair stylist from Borehamwood, England
Anna Brandt, 42, a cleaner from London, originally from Wagrowiec, Poland
Michael Brewster, 52, from Derby, England
Ciaran Cassidy, 22, a shop assistant from London
Benedetta Ciaccia, 30, a business analyst from Norwich, England, originally from Italy
Elizabeth Daplyn, 26, a hospital administrator from London
Jonathan Downey, 34 a local government worker from Milton Keynes, England
Richard Ellery, 21, from Ipswich, England
Anthony Fatayi-Williams, 26, an oil executive from London
David Foulkes, 22, newspaper sales worker from Manchester, England
Arthur Frederick, 60, from London, originally from Grenada
Karolina Gluck, 29, an office worker from London, originally from Chorzow, Poland
Jamie Gordon, 30, a banker from London
Richard Gray, 41, a tax manager from Ipswich, England
Gamze Gunoral, 24, a London language student, originally from Istanbul, Turkey
Lee Harris, 30, an architect
Giles Hart, 55, a telephone engineer from Hornchurch, England
Marie Hartley, 34, from Oswaldtwistle, England
Mirian Hyman, 31, a picture researcher from London
Ojara Ikeagwu, 55, a social worker from Luton, England
Shahara Islam, 20, a bank cashier from London
Neetu Jain, 37
Emily Jenkins, 24, a trainee midwife from London
Adrian Johnson, 37, from Sutton-in-Ashfield, England
Helen Jones, 28, an accountant from London
Susan Levy, 53, from Cuffley, England
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Sam Ly, 28, a computer technology worker from Melbourne, Australia
Shelley Mather, 26, from New Zealand
Michael Matsushita, 37, a former tour guide from New York
James Mayes, 28, a healthcare analyst
Anne Moffat, 48, a marketing and communications worker from Old Harlow, England
Colin Morley, 52, from London
Behnaz Mozakka, 47, a biomedical officer from London
Jennifer Nicholson, 24, a music company employee from Bristol, England
Miheala Otto, 46, a dental technician from London, originally from Romania
Shyanuja Parathasangary, 30, a post office worker from London
Anat Rosenburg, 39, a charity worker from London, originally from Israel
Philip Russell, 28, a financier from London
Atique Sharifi, 24, from London, originally from Afghanistan
Ihab Slimane, 24, a waiter originally from Lyon, France
Christian Small, 28, an advertising sales worker from London
Fiona Stevenson, 29, a lawyer from Little Baddow, England
Monika Suchocka, 23, a trainee accountant from London, originally from Dabrowka Malborska, Poland
Carrie Taylor, 24, from Billericay, England
Mala Trivedi
Laura Webb, 29, from London
William Wise, 54, from London
Gladys Wundowa, 50, a hospital cleaner from London
Rachelle Yuen, 27, an accountant from London, originally from Mauritius
The suspected bombers killed, as identified by police:
Hasib Hussain, 18, from Leeds, England
Mohammed Sidique Khan, 30, a former teaching assistant at a northeastern England primary school from Dewsbury, England
Shahzad Tanweer, 22, occasional worker at parents' fish-and-chips restaurant, from Leeds, England
Lindsey Germaine, 19, Jamaican-born Briton from Aylesbury, England
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10 French unaccounted for after London bombs
11/07/2005 - 09:46:17
About 10 French nationals are still unaccounted for after last week's deadly terror bombings in London, France's minister for European affairs said today.
Catherine Colonna said Europe had made progress in the fight against terrorism since the September 11, 2001 attacks on the US, but more needed to be done.
Referring to the London attacks, Colonna said, "We still have no news from about 10 French citizens … as time progresses, we hope to have more information."
She credited Europe for improving cross-border operational co-operation and implementing new European arrest warrants to help fight terrorism, but said more needed to be done between intelligence services, police and state prosecutors. -IOL
Poland says 17 unaccounted for since London attack
11/07/2005 - 15:02:44
The Polish Foreign Ministry today said it believed 17 Poles were unaccounted for in London as a result of last week's terrorist attacks.
"The consulate (in London) is searching for 17 Poles," said Boguslaw Dubinski, an official in the ministry's consulate department. "But this number may change."
Thursday's terrorist bomb attacks in central London killed at least 52 people and wounded several hundred.
27 still people missing on the 11th July? How many on the above list of the dead are from Poland or France?
I count 2 victims from Poland & 1 victim from France
A temporary emergency mortuary is set up in the grounds of the
Honourable Artillery Company in the City of London, Monday, July 11, 2005,
to house the bodies from the bombing attacks on London 7-7-2005 .
(AP Photo/ Stefan Rousseau, pool)
On Tavistock Square - The British Medical association is splattered with the blood of the victims of the No.30 Bus explosion -
interestingly it was the BMA who announced
in a paper on Iraq, that over 100,000 had died
under Bush & Blairs FAKE WAR

Tavistock Institute programmers deal with the effects of war - Reprogramming the shellshocked to fight again...
In I94I a group of psychiatrists at the Tavistock Clinic saw that the right questions were asked in Parliament in order to secure the means to try new measures. As a result they were asked to join the Directorate of Army Psychiatry, and did so as a group.
To understand how such a small group was able to be so influential, we must go back to the period immediately after World War I when there was a growing recognition that neurotic disabilities were not merely transitory phenomena related to the stress of war, but were endemic and pervasive in a modern society. In order to respond to the 'felt social need' thus arising, the Tavistock Institute of Medical Psychology (better known as the Tavistock Clinic), the parent body of the post-World War II Institute, was founded in I920 as a voluntary outpatient clinic to explore the implications for treatment and research.
The founding group comprised many of the key doctors who had been concerned with neurosis in World War I. They included general physicians and neurologists, as well as psychiatrists, and one or two multiply-trained individuals who combined psychology and anthropology with medicine. The group, therefore, showed from the beginning the preparedness to be linked to the social sciences and to general medicine, as well as to psychiatry, which has characterized it ever since.
Interest focussed on the then new 'dynamic psychologies' as representing the direction which offered most hope. Because of the uncertain and confused state of knowledge in these fields, tolerance of different viewpoints was part of the undertaking and the Tavistock Clinic functioned as a mediating institution, a clearing-house where the views of several contending parties could be aired. On the one hand were the adherents of Freud, Jung and Adler, who were preoccupied with establishing their own professional societies and advancing their own theories. On the other were a neurologically-oriented general psychiatry, a somatically-oriented general medicine and a surrounding society puzzled, bewildered, intrigued and frightened by the new knowledge of the unconscious and its implications for important areas of life.
The Tavistock Institute of Human Relations, a novel, interdisciplinary, action orientated research organisation, was founded in London in 1946 with the aid of a grant from the Rockefeller Foundation.
It was set up for the specific purpose of actively relating the psychological and social sciences to the needs and concerns of society. In sustaining this endeavour for more than fifty years, it has won international recognition.
The circumstances of World War Two brought together an unusually talented group of psychiatrists, clinical and social psychologists and anthropologists in the setting of the British Army, where they developed a number of radical innovations in social psychiatry and applied social science. They became known as the Tavistock Group because the core members had been at the pre-war Tavistock Clinic. Though only some of them continued their involvement with the post-war Tavistock organisation, those who did built on the war-time achievements to introduce a number of far-reaching developments in several fields. This style of research related theory and practice in a new way.
The objectives of the Institute were to study human relations in conditions of wellbeing, conflict or breakdown, in the family, the community, the work group and the larger organisation, and to promote the health and effectiveness of individuals and organisations.
Since that time, the Tavistock Institute has evolved into an organisation that does research and consultancy, evaluation and professional development work in support of change and learning. We try to contribute to the development of the social sciences by publishing our work. We also own and edit Human Relations, an international social science journal, and edit the journal Evaluation.
The Institute was located in the Tavistock Centre in Belsize Park, which we shared with the Tavistock Clinic until the summer of 1994, when we moved to our current office in central London.
We do research, consultancy, evaluation, and professional development work to support change and learning. We also produce publications.
We are interested in inter-organisational relations, the emergence of the knowledge society, and problems of organisation, particularly in the delivery of public policy.
We like to work creatively with people involved in innovative activities, working across boundaries, or in difficult situations. In our work we combine research and analytical skills with practical help in devising solutions and in following through to implementation.
We come from a variety of disciplines, including sociology, social psychology, economics, anthropology, policy science, and management.
We also have a sister website,, which is a resource for people who are interested in the dynamics of people and organisations. It contains information about the theory behind group relations; a calendar and details about upcoming group relations training and events; news; group relations publications and people and organisations who work in group relations. - homepage

The Grubb institute
The Grubb Institute began its life as the The Christian Teamwork Trust in the late 1950s. Funded voluntarily and involving nationally-known Christian leaders from banking, insurance, business, industry, law and the church it provided a supportive framework within which a staff core worked with a large network of volunteers at issues of faith, life and education in people's working lives. The Trust tackled over 1000 different requests for help in 8 years which developed into projects including The Lyndhurst Club, The Abbeyfield Society, The Richmond Fellowship, Langley House Trust and Christians in Industrial Life.
The work of the Trust in understanding human behaviour led to involvement in the early development of the group relations movement. Through working with Dr A K Rice and Dr Pierre Turquet of the Centre for Applied Social Research at the Tavistock Institute the Trust explored how the insights of group relations conferences related to basic beliefs of Christian theology. This developed new understanding of psychodynamic and systemic theory within the Group Relations movement itself and to the development of Group Relations conferences like Being, Meaning, Engaging which are still run to this day.
The change of name to the Grubb Institute of Behavioural Studies in 1969 was a recognition of the fact that since 1966 the Trust had been winning consultancy assignments and applied research projects in which it was now seen as a professional body, competing in the secular world of universities, research bodies and management consultancies.
In the 70's and 80's the Institute submerged itself in the critical social issues of the time through, for example, seminal work with the Prison Service, the Transition to Working Life Program for the Unemployed and even work with the Communities in Northern Ireland during the height of the Troubles. It also developed the breadth and vision of its thinking through the setting up of bodies like the Centre for the Study of Social Consciousness and through seminal publications such as Bruce Reed's The Dynamics of Religion.
In the early 1990's the Institute's experience of transforming Institutions and seminal work with ITT led to the development of the conceptual framework of Person, System and Role. This provided a basis for the Institute to branch into professional coaching and consultancy through methodologies like Organisational Role Analysis and the Corporate Work Process. Since then, these conceptual frameworks and methodologies have been continuously tested, redeveloped and adapted in education, health and social care, business, industry, government agencies, the voluntary sector and religious organisations.
Through its persistent search for truth and reality and the experiences of its staff over the years the practice and theory of the Grubb Institute has turned out to be very contemporary. It has been a humanistic approach, in the best sense, which has turned out to have a theological validity - a validity which has come from the positive and often transformative impact the Institute has had, and continues to have, on persons, communities and institutions.
The Grubb Institute
The Bayswater Institute was founded in 1991 by Dr Lisl Klein, formerly of the Tavistock Institute with the help and advice of Harold Bridger. It was created as an independent research organisation and a registered charity.
Mission Statement
The Bayswater Institute uses research, evaluation studies and action research
To further:
organisational strategies and methods which reflect and integrate the whole complex of values (human, technical and economic) that are espoused by the organisations and their members;
consideration of the needs and development of people in the design and implementation of technical, managerial and administrative systems.
uses education, training and developmental programmes
To further:
the dissemination of methods and experience in working with and integrating human aspects of organisation;
the use and application of the understanding that has been gained in these areas from research and experience in the social sciences.
The Bayswater Institute
Relations Organizations in the World
my note: The purpose of these social organisational 'reforms' is to not just break down human autonomy, but rebuild human social relations and psychology in the image that THEY dictate. They achieve this by UTILIZING OLD/NEW THEOLOGY as an UBER-CAPITALIST CONSUMER CULTURE. This in itself is a way of indoctrinating NEW BELIEF SYSTEMS, garnering cultural dependance upon the corporate state mechanism - it's called 'the process'
Red Cross sets up 'help' centres:
Tavistock brain washing techiques go into OVERDRIVE
Improved centre to help families
A centre has been opened to help families and friends trace people missing since last week's London bombs. The centre at the Royal Horticultural Conference Hall near Victoria, central London, replaces a temporary centre at the nearby Queen Mother Sports Centre. It will offer 24-hour help and be staffed by police family liaison officers and workers from groups such as the Red Cross and Victim Support.
Fifty families have sought help since the first centre opened on Saturday. Culture Secretary Tessa Jowell, who visited the centre at its opening on Tuesday, said it was for bereaved families as well as others affected by the bombs.
Ms Jowell, who has been put in charge of providing government support for victims' relatives, said: "I hope families will see this as a one-stop shop, a place where they can come but also a place they can telephone. "Help will be here for as long as families need it."
So far, police have sent 74 family liaison officers to help families who fear they have lost relatives in the attacks. Some families have had more than one officer assigned to them.
Private rooms
The new centre's facilities include private family rooms, children's play areas and internet access. Commander Steve Allen, of the Metropolitan Police, said the centre was moved because the sports centre was not big enough and its facilities were not adequate. He also denied that police had been slow in setting up the centres. He said: "In the immediate aftermath of the bombings, the police response was about identifying families who needed family liaison officers, trained detectives to work alongside families, and right from the beginning we were deploying these. "On Saturday afternoon, we set up the first centre and since then 50 families have visited."
Relatives who visit the centre are asked to bring identification and a maximum of three other family members. People wanting to volunteer are asked not to visit the centre. Witnesses are asked not to present themselves to the family centre, but instead call the anti-terrorist hotline on 0800 789 321.
"so....tell me what you saw on the day of the bombings, "
"well we werent allowed on trains at 6 in the morning...why, not?"
"yes very interesting....hmmm... I 'm afraid you are remembering it all wrong, you's the trauma...don't worry if you talk to Dr Cameron & take these tablets everything will go back to normal" - You'll forget everything...
"If soldiers did something that ended up with children getting killed, do you want to give them beta blockers so that they can do it again?" - Dr Paul McHugh, Johns Hopkins University
MK Program in full swing...Beta-blockers 'blot out memories'
A common blood pressure drug could help people who have witnessed traumatic events, such as the London bombings, to block out their distressing memories.
Cornell University psychiatrists are carrying out tests using beta-blockers, the journal Nature reports. The drug has been shown to interfere with the way the brain stores memories. Post-traumatic stress disorder affects around one in three of people caught up in such events, and memories can be triggered just by a sound or smell.
People with PTSD are given counselling, but because it is not always effective, researchers have been looking for alternative therapies. However there are concerns that a drug which can alter memories could be misused, perhaps by the military who may want soldiers to become desensitised to violence.
Fear and memory linked
The beta-blocker propranolol has been found to block the neurotransmitters involved in laying down memories. Studies have shown that rats who have learned to fear a tone followed by an electric shock lose that fear if propranolol is administered after the tone starts. The Cornell University team are reported to be seeing similar results in early studies in humans, Nature reports.
Margaret Altemus, who is one of the psychiatrists working on the study, told the journal: "The memory of the event is associated with the fear, and they always occur together."
The researchers plan to recruit 60 patients for a clinical trial where participants would be asked to take a dose of propranolol whenever they experienced symptoms of PTSD, such as an increased heart rate or breathing difficulties. But so far only one person has volunteered to take part.
Dr Altemus believes patients can be reluctant to try new therapies. She said a drug treatment could be a useful option for those with PTSD. "People with PTSD are disabled - their communication and relationships can be crippled. "It's a serious illness."
But other psychiatrists have expressed concern about the use of the beta-blocker in PTSD treatment. Berthold Gersons, based at the University of Amsterdam in the Netherlands, said: "We hope it will work, but it is a simple solution." He cautioned it may not work in all cases of PTSD.
But other experts say PTSD is a natural response to traumatic events and should not be treated with drugs. Dr Paul McHugh, a psychiatrist at Johns Hopkins University in Baltimore, Maryland and member of the US President's Council on Bioethics expressed concern over the possible uses of the drug. "If soldiers did something that ended up with children getting killed, do you want to give them beta blockers so that they can do it again?" He added: "Psychiatrists are once again marching in where angels fear to tread." - BBC Tavistock unit
many side effects have been reported from these medications, including rash, anaphylactic shock (sudden unconsciousness or death), slowed heart rate, low blood pressure, cold extremities, worsening of heart failure, fainting, rapid heart beats, dizziness, fatigue, headache, depression, sleep disturbances, nightmares, hallucinations, short term memory loss, high or low blood sugar, stomach ache, flatulence, constipation, nausea, diarrhea, dry mouth, vomiting, heartburn, bloating, impotence or decreased libido, difficulty urinating, bronchospasm, cough, wheezes, naal stuffiness, joint pain, and muscle cramps. - BETA BLOCKERS AND PERFORMANCE ANXIETY IN MUSICIANS
| Charity, or control?
British Red Cross said: "It is a great pleasure to announce that HRH The Prince of Wales will be our President, succeeding HM Queen Elizabeth The Queen Mother who served the Society for many years. "The appointment of His Royal Highness was made by The Queen in her capacity as Patron of the British Red Cross. Red Cross UK
'The Red Cross has been allowed to visit [camp x-ray], which is something that we welcome, and hopefully could lead to improvements in conditions. Unfortunately, as part of its role, the Red Cross is not permitted to make public any of its findings, so the rest of us still have no idea what's going on at the camp.' - Amnesty International
Camp X-Ray and the Red Cross
The Queen Ego Massages the main witness to the inside job
CAMBRIDGE dancer Bruce Lait has spoken of his miraculous escape when a bomb exploded just yards away from him in a Tube train carriage. The 32-year-old was knocked out by the blast and awoke to a terrible scene of devastation in the underground tunnel near London's Aldgate East station.
"I've had people who know me phone me from all over the world and ask if I am alright. Those pictures of me and the Queen have gone all over the world."
Shortly before 9am on Thursday, July 7, Waterloo ambulance station received an emergency call to an incident underground, first described as at Liverpool Street Station, and then confirmed at Aldgate. Paramedic Alan Treacy, 42, of Weald Hall Lane, Thornwood, colleague Phil Greene and a duty manager responded.
"As we went down I saw the walking wounded coming up. They were covered in soot, limping, blood running down their faces and on their hands."I didn't know what had happened. We thought it was a derailment or a power surge." He climbed down onto the tracks and walked 200 yards along the tunnel to the stricken train. A firefighter helped him scramble into the carriage where the blast occurred.
He said: "As I arrived it was obviously a bomb. The roof had blown off."
He added: "I've never worked in conditions like that. We were on a train. It was pitch black. There was smoke everywhere and the smell of burning. We were working by torchlight. The floor was blown away. People were screaming and moaning. There were dead bodies and limbs blown off. The site was slippery from blood. - epping forest guardian
The Guardian's Mark Honigsbaum spoke to several eye witnesses to the Edgware Road tube bomb on July 7th.
He reported "an explosion this morning under the carriage of the train", and went on, "some passengers described how the tiles, the covers on the floor of the train, suddenly flew up, raised up". Victims also told him the train "had been derailed by this explosion", again suggesting the bomb was under the carriage. A man caught by the blast was reported to have "very, very bad injuries to his legs
What seems to have happened is that ... passengers had just left Edgware Road when they heard a massive explosion under the carriage of the train' he explained, which had caused all this mayhem. Just as their train left for Paddington, passengers felt the blast as 'tiles and covers on the floor of the train suddenly flew up, and then, the next thing they knew, there was an almighty crash which they now believe was from a train opposite hitting their train which had been derailed by the explosion. Then everything went black and the carriage filled with smoke. A man caught by the blast had "very, very bad injuries to his legs".
'Davinia', M.H. reported on the audio, experienced a massive fireball coming towards her, and the next thing she knew she was burned all over. posting
MP3 of Mark Honigsbaums report
From Owen Bowcott and Mark Honigsbaum
Saturday July 9, 2005 printed report in The Guardian
Bernie Scranney 33, from Shepherd's Bush, west London. At Edgware Road blast.
"I got on a Circle line tube at Notting Hill and was heading towards the Guardian, where I work in the advertising department. The train was full and I stood immediately behind the driver's cab in the first carriage. We set off and another tube began to pass in the opposite direction.
"Almost immediately there was a huge bang and flash. I knew it was a bomb. Our train came to a halt and there were clouds of black smoke.
A second later and the explosion would have punched a hole in our carriage.
The emergency lighting came on and we heard screaming from under the other train. We could hear a guy shouting 'Help me, help me.' Some people tried to get out but the doors wouldn't open.
"We didn't know if our driver was OK and I started banging on the cab door. At first there was no answer. Eventually he opened it. He was quite dazed, perhaps concussed. His windows had shattered but not blown in.
"He opened the outer door and looked at the track ahead. There were huge pieces of metal which had been ripped out of their rivets lying about. The driver warned it would not be safe to get out if the track was live. The guy under the train was still screaming.
"The driver must have taken the brunt of the blast but he got it together very quickly and made an announcement that there had been an accident. No one was hurt on our train and after a while he walked down the track and met transport officials who had come down from Edgware station.
"We were down there for about 20 minutes. Eventually they led us out along the rails. The guy under the train had stopped screaming. I think he'd died.
"There were passengers coming out of the other trains with cuts and lacerations to their faces. I had smoke black all over my face and hands. I went out and had a cup of tea in a cafe. My hands were shaking." - - Gaurdian
Why would this witness imagine that a second later the bomb would have affected his carraige... If he didn't believe that the train was actually travelling over a Bomb placed on the track?
Why would a victim be UNDER the Carraige? Bodies on the track?
underground... a horrific narrative was starting to unfold. Terrified commuters were choking on dust in the dark. An explosion had ripped through the floor of the third carriage of a tube train as it was coming into Liverpool Street station. It was 8:51 AM. The tube, travelling on the Circle line from Aldgate station, was packed with commuters.
George O'Connell, 16, was on his first day of work experience in the City. 'I remember the moment the blast happened, I saw white light, I thought I was dead. I heard a massive bang, I was covered in blood. The doors blew off from the force of the blast. People were screaming get us out.'
'We felt the train shudder,' said another passenger, Terry O'Shea. 'Then smoke started coming in to the compartment. It was terrible. People were panicking, but they calmed down after one or two minutes.' Laser pens were used as torches. Fire extinguishers were used to break down doors. Lights on the tube flickered on and off. People sobbed. Some screamed. Others were silent, struck dumb by the terrifying noise of the explosion. As the dust settled reassuring voices came over the speaker system urging the passengers to stay calm as an evacuation process was introduced. 'As they led us down the track past the carriage where the explosion was, we could see the roof was torn off it, and there were bodies on the track,' O'Shea said.
Loyita Worley, 49, was in a neighbouring carriage when the explosion struck. 'There were people with blood dripping off them. Eventually they opened up the front of the carriage. We walked along the track in between Aldgate and Liverpool Street.'
exerpt from "The Horror" - Sunday July 10, 2005 - The Observer
a sinister development...does the following story read like a witness appeal?
Witnesses sought to Tube shooting
Investigators have been appealing for witnesses to the shooting dead by police of a Brazilian man mistaken for a suicide bomber at Stockwell station.
Jean Charles de Menezes, 27, died last Friday after being shot eight times on a train at the south London station.
The Independent Police Complaints Commission is conducting the inquiry.
Mr Menezes' funeral is to take place in his home town of Gonzaga on Friday. A requiem mass will be held at London's Westminster Cathedral at the same time. Mr Menezes' family and friends based in London are set to attend the Westminster mass, which will be conducted by Father Frederico Ribeiro, chaplain of the Brazilian community in the capital.
Cardinal Cormac Murphy-O'Connor, the Archbishop of Westminster, will read a message at the end of the service. "The Brazilian Catholic community is angry and grieving and the Cardinal felt it was important to accompany them at the funeral," said a spokesman for the head of the Roman Catholic Church in England and Wales.
Expired visa
On Thursday the Home Office said the visa of Mr de Menezes expired two years before he was shot by police.
A passport stamp apparently giving him indefinite leave to remain "was not in use" on that date, added officials. Home Office officials said they wished to end speculation over his immigration status but added that the statement was not intended to influence any investigations.
Some of the dead man's relatives have questioned the police account of events and called for the banning of the Met's shoot-to-kill policy for suicide bombers. Scotland Yard has admitted Mr Menezes was not connected to the attacks.
Metropolitan Police chief Sir Ian Blair has apologised to his family but defended the force's policy as the "only one way to stop someone who is a suicide bomber". - BBC FEAR
Q: How bad was the damage?
"It was extensive. There was wreckage on the track. Whether the rescuers have pulled the side off - I don't know. The whole one side of the tube (carriage) was on the track. Large panel of the side of the carriage... And they were bringing people out, they were naked, they were black but alive. Cloths have all been blown off and they were just black."
Q: How quickly were the emergency services there?
"I think 10 minutes or so. Everyone was trying to pull the alarm cords but they have already been triggered. I assume the communication lines with the driver have gone. We just didn't know what has happened or what was happening. The people were really good actually. The people stationed themselves at the doors to stop stampedes. And one man went from the very back carriage. Well, the carriage where it happened. And he made his way to the driver to try and get help as soon possible because there were some badly injured people over there."
Q: Could you guess how many people were hurt in this?
"I Don't know. Some of them must have been taken off the train before we walked pass by the carriage. But I saw at least one body lying on the floor of the carriage."
Q: Were there injured?
"I don't know. They were not trying to shift them so I don't know whether they were injured or dead."
Q: What happened after that?
"Eventually we managed to get through to the front - the driver's carriage, and they got us down onto the track. But than we had to walk up the track past the damage up top Aldgate where they siphoned us off. They were brilliant than. They took us over to the area by the bus garage and they had some double-decker buses and they treated the seriously wounded in the buses. They took everyone's names."
[from Democracy Now! transcript]
While the authorities were treating people on Buses after the initial the 7-7 attacks, did they comandeer a bus full of damaging Witnesses, drive it to Tavistock Sq, & explode it an hour later?
Remember Richard Jones witness statement? He described the No. 30 bus bomber Hasib Hussien as standing opposite him, fiddling with a bag, whilst supposedly the bomb exploded on the upper deck. Standing is not permitted on this deck...and Jones describes getting off the bus just before the explosion
Mr Jones said he saw a man in an agitated state on the bus
Passenger believes he saw bomber
A bus passenger says he may have seen one of those responsible for the bomb attacks in London.
Richard Jones, from Binfield, near Bracknell, Berks, had got off a bus just before it was blown up in Tavistock Square on Thursday.
Mr Jones, 61, an IT consultant, has told BBC News he saw a man acting suspiciously on the bus.
He said the man was fiddling with something in his bag and seemed in an agitated state.
Everybody is standing face-to-face and this guy kept dipping into this bag
Mr Jones, who was forced to take the bus from Euston after Tube services were suspended, said: "He was standing next to me with a bag at his feet and he kept dipping into this bag and fiddling about with something.
"I was getting quite annoyed with this because it was a crowded bus.
"Everybody is standing face-to-face and this guy kept dipping into this bag."
Mr Jones, who said he got off the bus because it was in heavy traffic, has given a statement to police.
Police have yet been unable to establish whether a suicide bomber was responsible for the attack on the bus.
Police have said thirteen people were killed on the bus. -
Were the 2nd 'bombs' an elaborate hoax...designed to create a distraction while the authorities continued to silence witnesses of that first staged and deadly Bomb attack?
unthinkable... isn't it?
Philip Stuart Russell, 28, from Kennington, south London,
appears to have only taken the bus after being evacuated from the London Underground on his way to work at JP Morgan, PA quoted his family as saying.
His father, Grahame, said his son would normally have got off the subway at Moorgate, but in the unfamiliar surroundings of Euston he took the wrong bus. "I am just trying to mourn and grieve his loss. He's a wonderful kid that was in the wrong place at the wrong time,"
Very hard to imagine how Philip Stuart Russell could have ended up anywhere near Euston. Anyone who looks at the way the London Underground joins up can see how everything links, which in many ways works against the planners of this attack but helps us to investigate.
I think the Kennington clue is really important as it is on the Northern line which was closed early on the morning of the 7/7 and police cars seen around Balham station. The massive police operation around Stockwell Kennington Oval that has appeared as a man hunt is I think to shut people up, they don't want anyone talking. Especially after witnessing an execution. The events on the 21/7 are showing us this.
The Shepherds Bush train was opposite the BBC, the Warren Street train besides UCL hospital (where police swooped after 7/7 and many of the injured were taken) the Oval (the Northern line link) and the BUS at Hackney (telling us and them that the bus was diverted on its route from Hackney Wick and not from Marble Arch).

Buses were used to ferry the injured to hospital from Kings Cross on 7/7. This is why there is such panic to get these guys (who have injured or killed precisely no-one).
The other coincidence is that all the lines where the 3 incidents happened on 7/7 were closed for about half an hour before 8.30 that day.
A temporary emergency mortuary is set up in the grounds of the
Honourable Artillery Company in the City of London, Monday, July 11, 2005,
to house the bodies from the bombing attacks on London 7-7-2005 .
(AP Photo/ Stefan Rousseau, pool)
The mortuary was set up in the grounds of Armoury House in the City of London (which also has its own police force The City of London police) and the Royal London Hospital where many of the injured did not recover and was visited by the Queen is on Corporation of London ground.
from a posting made to Team 8 Plus
'Police shot bombers' reports New Zealander
09.07.05 A New Zealander working for Reuters in London says two colleagues witnessed the unconfirmed shooting by police of two apparent suicide bombers outside the HSBC tower at Canary Wharf in London. The New Zealander, who did not want to be named, said the killing of the two men wearing bombs happened at 10.30am on Thursday (London time).
Following the shooting, the 8000 workers in the 44-storey tower were told to stay away from windows and remain in the building for at least six hours, the New Zealand man said. He was not prepared to give the names of his two English colleagues, who he said witnessed the shooting from a building across the road from the tower.
Reports of attacks carried out by suicide bombers have been rife in London. Canada's Globe and Mail newspaper reported an unconfirmed incident of police shooting a bomber outside the HSBC tower. Canadian Brendan Spinks, who works on the 18th floor of the tower, said he saw a "massive rush of policemen" outside the building after London was rocked by the bombings. -
[Richmal Oates-Whitehead]
Bomb bus 'doctor' found dead
20 August 2005 - A New Zealander with questionable qualifications who was hailed a hero for her actions during the London bombings has been found dead in London.
Richmal Marie Oates-Whitehead, 35, who worked in a non-doctor role for a British Medical Association publication, was found by police at Shepherds Bush on Wednesday (British time), an Auckland paper reported today.
The Metropolitan Police said her death was not suspicious but it would be investigated by a coroner.
The paper said officers went to Ms Oates-Whitehead's home after a call from a worried relative in New Zealand. Ms Oates-Whitehead had resigned last week as editor of the British Medical Journal's Clinical Evidence web publication after questions were raised about her claim to be a doctor.
She was quoted in a New Zealand newspaper after the London bombings as saying that she did the "ethical and moral" thing when asked to enter a wrecked bus in Tavistock Square and tend to the injured, despite fears of a second bomb. The paper said the Gisborne-raised woman studied medicine at Auckland University but the Sunday Star-Times said at the weekend the university had no record of her graduating. New Zealand's only other medical school, Otago Medical School, also had no record of her graduating.
bearing in mind all the following points were
Government LIES spun by a compliant MEDIA
1) Menezes was wearing a heavy jacket on a hot summer day. wrong!
2) Menezes jumped the turnstiles, violating the law.wrong!
3) Menezes ran from police. wrong!
4) Menezes was shot after being bundled to the ground.wrong!
A message referring to British Prime Minister Tony Blair is seen
at a floral memorial near the site of Thursday's deadly bombing
in a bus at Russell Square in central London, Tuesday July 12, 2005.
The families of those missing since the attacks were enduring
an agonizing wait Tuesday for word of the fate of their loved ones.
Bombs families' 'feel sidelined'
The families of some victims of the July bombings in London say they have felt "overlooked" by the government, ahead of a national memorial service.
One woman who lost her mother said she felt "sidelined" during preparations for the St Paul's Cathedral service.
A bereaved mother who made an emotional speech after the attacks said she had not been contacted again since being asked to contribute to the service.
The government said it had been working for victims' families since day one.
But one victim's father said relatives should have been contacted sooner. Sean Cassidy, who lost his 22-year-old son Ciaran in the Piccadilly Line blast, said he felt relatives' concerns had not been a priority. He said, while the memorial service "may be a good thing", the government should have made contact earlier.
Like any other normal murder we need to know what's going on and that applies to the police as well
Saba Mozakka
"We had contact last week with Tessa Jowell. But the government were having contact with the Muslim community within 24 hours of the bombs going off. "Why didn't they come and see some of us? We were the ones who were suffering."
A spokeswoman for the Department for Culture, Media and Sport (DCMS) - which has responsibility for the aftercare of victims - said it had been working to help victims' families since day one.
'Best friend'
Saba Mozakka, whose mother Behnaz was killed in the same explosion, told BBC Breakfast she felt "sidelined" by the government in their preparations for Tuesday's event. While she was glad the service was being held, she said some relatives and survivors had not been sufficiently consulted about the form the service should take.
"We are pleased the government has taken this initiative but we want them to talk to us more. We want them to consider we are suffering at the moment and we do have an input." She said they had heard nothing from the government until a meeting was arranged with Tessa Jowell last week at two days' notice. "It just feels we have been totally sidelined," she said.
Describing her mother as her "best friend" Ms Saba described how she, her brother, father and around 60 friends searched London's hospitals after the bombings in the hope her mother would be found. "As far as we are concerned my mother has been murdered. Like any other normal murder we need to know what's going on and that applies to the police as well."
Also speaking on BBC Breakfast Marie Fatayi-Williams, who made an emotional plea to stop "this vicious cycle of killing" in the days after the attacks, said she had some reservations about the service. Her son Anthony was killed on the No 30 bus in Tavistock Square. Four days later, as she waited for confirmation of what had happened to him, she asked in a public speech: "How many mothers' hearts shall be maimed?"
Mrs Fatayi-Williams said she felt the victims' families were being overlooked four months on.
'Just a number'
She said she had received a letter asking if she would like to contribute to the memorial service but, when she requested the hymn Magnificat be included, she heard nothing back. She had since learnt it will not be part of the service, she said. Since the tragedy struck she had wanted to reach out to other grief-stricken mothers, she added.
"Other mothers' hearts must be bleeding like mine. It's the same blood flowing through our veins and the same death pangs and the same love for our children and so when one is taken so brutally from you, you want to know. "It's as if you are just a number, you do not count."
Mrs Fatayi-Williams has set up the Anthony Fatayi-Williams Foundation for Peace and Conflict Resolution in honour of her son.
We take advice from bereavement specialists who say we should be too invasive - DCMS spokeswoman [BBC's error SIC]
Culture Secretary Tessa Jowell had worked with family liaison officers and the Red Cross to immediately set up the family assistance centre, with which she is still in weekly contact, said the department spokeswoman.
Family were asked if they wanted direct contact from the government or to get information via liaison officers.
Just over two months after the bombings each family received a condolence letter with details of the memorial service, and were given the chance to get in touch with problems or questions, she said. "We take advice from bereavement specialists who say we should be not too invasive or bombard people with government letters while they are grieving, but obviously we are learning how to deal with this kind of situation and we will take their feelings and concerns on board."
She said the meeting with Ms Jowell last week was arranged on a tight timescale when it became clear some families wanted to have more of a say over the ceremony, with some wishing to meet the minister prior to the event. Families who could not make it were also offered some alternative dates after Tuesday's service, she added.
Story from BBC NEWS