Spotting Fake diseases
1. What group is running the research?
2. Have they created a closed loop of labs to "find the germ?"
3. Have relevant studies been published in journals, in advance of press-conference announcements that name the "causative germ?"
4. Have those studies been replicated by many scientists outside the closed loop?
5. If the elite group of researchers who are monopolizing the research look for a virus right off the bat, are they clearly ignoring, even by their own conventional standards, possible bacteria, fungi, and other agents?
6. Have the initial investigators sent to the scene of the nascent "outbreak" thoroughly looked for environmental causes, such as open sewage, malnutrition, toxic pesticides or other chemicals, recent prior vaccine programs, natural disasters such as hurricanes and floods which have collapsed the local infrastructure?
7. Is the list of symptoms for the "new disease" merely borrowed from already-existing illnesses, such that there is no way to tell the difference between old and new?
8. If the answer to #7 is yes, have the researchers published already-existing rates/illness numbers and deaths from the older diseases?
9. Week by week, are clear figures given for the percentage of patients diagnosed with the "new disease" in whom the "the new germ" is found? Not found?
10. Are clear statements made about the volume/number/density of "the new germ" found in patients who have been diagnosed with the "new disease?" It takes a whole lot of germs to do anything.
11. Are the researchers forced to use artificial amplifying techniques, such as the PCR, just to infer or observe the presence of the "new germ?"
12. Are we getting independent analysis of the method used to isolate and identify the "new germ," or are we forced to believe the elite research team, who in fact may not have isolated a distinct germ at all?
13. Are we hearing that very, very small amounts of the new germ are being found in patients? And are we then hearing that researchers are "puzzling" over how such small amounts could be causing illness?
14. Do we then hear wild speculations about how a very small amount of germ may be causing the immune system to go haywire, or some such?
15. To bolster case numbers, are researchers blurring distinctions between people who have "a germ infection" and people who are really sick?
16. Is no one saying that a healthy immune system is more than adequate protection against the "new germ?"
17. Is some group being targeted for inclusion, such as the elderly, who are already prone to illnesses whose symptoms are indistinguishable from the "new disease?"
18. Is there a rush to quarantine and seal off people who have well and previously known symptoms indistinguishable from the "new disease?" And therefore, are there clear political motives in play?
19. If the symptoms of the new disease are vague, are the same as in other older diseases, is the tracking method to show how the new disease has been spread merely a hoax? Could not anyone cook up a map of how these vague symptoms have been "spread?" Couldn't dozens of different such bogus maps be constructed? Is the "authentic map" inevitably one that shows the disease is coming from some "strange and distant place" like Africa or China, as opposed to traveling in the reverse direction?
20. Are we being told that the World Health Organization and/or the CDC is in charge of the research? Do these groups ever say that by cleaning up the water or fixing the sewage system or improving the nutrition in the area of the "outbreak" or giving back stolen farmland to the people, the "outbreak" can be cured? Are such obvious measures ever undertaken with zeal, and are the results ever announced?
Now you know.
With this list in tow, you should be much better prepared to assess the next SARS or QXR or VBG or TYC we are told is coming down the pipeline.
- with special thanks to Jon Rappaport
"As many as 195,000 people a year could be dying in U.S. hospitals because of easily prevented errors, a company said on Tuesday in an estimate that doubles previous figures.
Lakewood, Colorado-based HealthGrades Inc. said its data covers all 50 states and is more up-to-date than a 1999 study from the Institute of Medicine that said 98,000 people a year die from medical errors. "
"The HealthGrades study shows that the IOM report may have underestimated the number of deaths due to medical errors, and, moreover, that there is little evidence that patient safety has improved in the last five years," said Dr. Samantha Collier, vice president of medical affairs at the company.
The company, which rates hospitals based on a variety of criteria and provides information to insurers and health plans, said its researchers looked at three years of Medicare data in all 50 states and Washington, D.C.
"This Medicare population represented approximately 45 percent of all hospital admissions (excluding obstetric patients) in the U.S. from 2000 to 2002," the company said in a statement.
HealthGrades included as mistakes failure to rescue dying patients and the death of low-risk patients from infections -- neither of which the Institute of Medicine report included.
It said it found about 1.14 million "patient-safety incidents" occurred among the 37 million hospitalizations.
"Of the total 323,993 deaths among Medicare patients in those years who developed one or more patient-safety incidents, 263,864, or 81 percent, of these deaths were directly attributable to the incidents," it added. - Reuters
feeling depressed after reading the above quote?
Try taking...Prozac
Are you feeling
listless, drowsy???suicidal...[ $ ]
"Prozac is a selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor (SSRI) used to treat depression, bulimia, obsessive compulsive disorders (OCD) and severe symptoms of premenstrual syndrome (PMDD). This medication works by helping to restore the balance of certain natural chemicals in the brain."
drugstore central
"I have no history of suicidal or aggressive thoughts. Yet in a recent arguement with my wife, after three days on Prozac, (She has been on it longer) our 20 year marriage came to an end. The fight was horrible and unyielding. In the past, I have always known when to leave, when to avoid, and what her statements would lead to and take appropriate actions to get out of there. This night, I stood my ground as much as she did and now its 20 years down the toob."
message posted by Chris W
"Hi. I hope someone can help me. I've been taking generic Prozac for over 3 weeks (for mild OCD). Well, one day I woke up and couldn't get out of bed because I was so depressed. I thought seriously about killing myself. This went on for four days. I have never felt like this before!! I stopped taking the Prozac six days ago and now feel back to my old self. Is it possible that my suicidal thoughts were because I was taking Prozac? I'm scared to begin taking it again! "
message board Post By: lk
"Researchers at Baylor University have found fluoxetine hydrochloride, the active ingredient in the antidepressant Prozac, in in a Denton County, Texas creek, raising concerns about the welfare of the fish and the people who eat them..."
"...The study is believed to be the first to determine that antidepressants in the water can accumulate in biological tissue, raising the possibility of long-term health and behavioral problems in fish, said Marsha Black, an aquatic toxicologist at the University of Georgia at Athens. "That's really a significant finding," said Black, who is studying the health effects of fluoxetine and other antidepressants in fish. "This opens up the door and says these things are important."
Eli Lilly and Co., which manufactures Prozac, has a material safety data sheet for fluoxetine hydrochloride on its web site. Under environmental information, the data sheet states that the chemical is "moderately toxic to fish and highly toxic to invertebrates and green algae" and can be considered persistent in the environment because of its low rate of biodegradation. The data sheet also states that the chemical has low potential to accumulate in aquatic organisms.
Earth crash earth spirit
Planet earth - an experiment in Mass medication?
Prozac 'found in drinking water'
Traces of the antidepressant Prozac can be found in the nation's drinking water, it has been revealed.
An Environment Agency report suggests so many people are taking the drug nowadays it is building up in rivers and groundwater.
A report in Sunday's Observer says the government's environment watchdog has discussed the impact for human health.
A spokesman for the Drinking Water Inspectorate (DWI) said the Prozac found was most likely highly diluted.
The newspaper says environmentalists are calling for an urgent investigation into the evidence.
It quotes the Liberal Democrats' environment spokesman, Norman Baker MP, as saying the picture emerging looked like "a case of hidden mass medication upon the unsuspecting public".
He says: "It is alarming that there is no monitoring of levels of Prozac and other pharmacy residues in our drinking water."
Experts say the anti-depression drug gets into the rivers and water system via treated sewage water.
Prescriptions increase
The DWI said the Prozac was unlikely to pose a health risk as it was so "watered down".
The Observer says the revelations raise new fears over how many prescriptions for the drug are given out by doctors.
In the decade leading up to 2001, the number of prescriptions for antidepressants went up from nine million per year to 24 million per year, says the paper.
The Environment Agency report concluded that the Prozac in the water table could be potentially toxic and said the drug was a "potential concern".
The exact amount of Prozac in the nation's drinking water is not known. - BBC
Fluoxetine hydrochloride is an antidepressant for oral administration; it is chemically unrelated to tricyclic, tetracyclic, or other available antidepressant agents. It is designated ()-N-methyl-3-phenyl-3-[(a,a,a-trifluoro-p-tolyl)-oxy]propylamine hydrochloride and has the empirical formula of C17H18F3NOHCl. Its molecular weight is 345.79.
Fluoxetine hydrochloride is a white to off-white crystalline solid with a solubility of 14 mg/ml in water.
Each Prozac Pulvule contains fluoxetine hydrochloride equivalent to 10 mg (32.3 mmol), 20 mg (64.7 mmol), or 40 mg (129.3 mmol) of fluoxetine. The Pulvules also contain starch, gelatin, silicone, titanium dioxide, iron dioxide, and other inactive ingredients. The 10 mg and 20 mg Pulvules also contain FD&C blue no. 1, and the 40 mg Pulvule also contains FD&C blue no. 1 and FD&C yellow no. 6.
Each Prozac tablet contains fluoxetine HCl equivalent to 10 mg (32.3 mmol) of fluoxetine. The tablets also contain microcrystalline cellulose, magnesium stearate, crospovidone, hydroxypropyl methylcellulose, titanium dioxide, polyethylene glycol, and yellow iron oxide. In addition to the above ingredients, the 10 mg tablet contains FD&C blue no. 1 aluminum lake, and polysorbate 80.
The oral solution contains fluoxetine hydrochloride equivalent to 20 mg/5 ml (64.7 mmol) of fluoxetine. It also contains alcohol 0.23%, benzoic acid, flavoring agent, glycerin, purified water, and sucrose. - source
Prozac is a fluorinated pharmaceutical. It is a fluoride compound. Among other things, fluoride is also known to be a thyroid toxin.
When the thyroid is not functioning properly, one of the symptoms can be depression. - Mary Sparrowdancer
Judging by this Dumbed down News report
I'd say that there was quite a lot of Prozac in the water!
You may want to drink something nice to cheer yourself up...
How about a glass of Sunny D??? mmm...nice!
A spoonfulful of sugar...
Sunny D- The product contains more than 5 tablespoons of sugar per glass
Vegetable oils was added to give the product a gloopy child freindly 'mouthfeel'...
The product was labelled a 'Florida style orange Juice', and was deliberately stocked in chiller cabinets next to fruit juices in order to fool the public into believing the product was healthy...
After tests were done on the drink, it was found that Sunny D contained no bacteria that could be described as needing re-fridgeration to keep it fresh...
"Consumers began to lose faith in the product, particularly when a little girl turned orange having drunk large quantities of it.
The negative publicity which surrounded this story was not helped by a badly-timed Sunny Delight ad showing a snowman turning orange.
James Griffiths, a director of the advertising firm Saatchi and Saatchi which was responsible for the ad, admits that the timing was unfortunate."
[BBC - the rise and fall of Sunny Delight]
Saatchi and Saatchi tried a re-launch campaign that went for the 'Energy drink' angle using skateboards/ Basketball street punk in the TV AD
and S-club 7 to promote the drink.
They then tried ANOTHER re-launch campaign aimed at pushing the Vitamin / HEALTH angle using a character called 'Max Wild', the 'sensible eater'.
Info from 'The Money Programme' BBC2
Charles Saatchi, corporate ruiner of modern art, is currently one of the chairmen of the Conservative party !!!
How about a coke?
"Del-Boy would have been proud. Stick some tap water in a fancy bottle, give it a poncy name, brag about the highly sophisticated purification process based on Nasa spacecraft technology and then sell it back to the public with an astronomical mark-up! But in true Trotter style the scam seriously back-fired for Coca-Cola last week when its entire UK supply of Dasani water was pulled off the shelves because it has been contaminated with bromate, a cancer-causing chemical.
But while in the UK Coke are just busy ripping off their customers and encouraging people to drink a can which contains six sugarcubes, across the world their fizzy pop actions are a lot more life and death."
Croaker cola
What isAspartame? [DANGEROUS OVER
it's in over 60,000
products [thanks
to J. J. for the info]
"Aspartame was originally conceived, and an application submitted, as a drug to treat peptic ulcer. To place its magnitude in perspective, over two-thirds of the population now uses thousands of "diet" sodas and products--including an ever-expanding list of new ones having greater potential for adverse effects (e.g., strips placed on the tongue to freshen the breath). "
Aspartame Disease: An FDA-Approved Epidemic
"As a way to capitalize on the low-carb diets, PepsiCo plans to introduce their new soda called Pepsi Edge, which will have 50 percent less the sugar and carbohydrates than its regular cola.
Market research has found that ever since approximately 3.6 percent of the U.S. population has been following low-carb diets, restaurants have been coming up with selections that are compatible with their diets. This is a major development for the U.S. beverage industry and acts as a response to the consumer concerns of calories and carbohydrates.
Pepsi Edge will consist of a combination of Splenda, an artificial sweetener, and high fructose corn syrup for sweeteners. It will target those consumers who are counting calories but don't want to switch to diet beverages. The key to success involves cutting back 50 percent of the calories without sacrificing the taste."
Great, Now We Have Artificial and Real Sugar in the Same Soda
FDA Docket 02P-0317 Recall Aspartame as a Neurotoxic Drug
Subject: RTM: FDA: objections to neotame approval
"Two thirds of the population and 40% of the children in this
country are using products with aspartame
(NutraSweet/Equal/Spoonful/Canderel, Benevia, E951, etc.). It is a
neurotoxic drug, a deadly chemical poison, and masquerading as an
"...Aspartame is also a teratogen and causes birth defects
and mental retardation. Aspartame has a synergistic and additive
Safety of artificial sweetener called into question by MP
Examples cited in the Commons of the 6,000 products with aspartame
In 1977 Donald Rumsfeld, now George Bush's defence secretary but then chief executive of the pharmaceutical company GD Searle, publicly stated that he would "call in his markers" to win a licence for aspartame, the sweetener that had been discovered by chance in Searle's laboratories, according to Roger Williams in the Commons yesterday.
Mr Williams, MP for Brecon and Radnorshire, said in an adjournment debate that there was much controversy about aspartame's safety at the time but "Rumsfeld appears to have honoured his pledge". In fact, "the history of the approval of aspartame puts public health regulators and politicians to shame".
The sweetener is now used in 6,000 products, from crisps such as Walkers prawn cocktail, to soft drinks including Diet Coke and Robinson's fruit squash, chewing gums such as Orbit, and vitamins pills and medicines. Yet the science on which it was given approval was "biased, inconclusive, and incompetent". "There is compelling and reliable evidence for this carcinogenic substance to be banned from the UK food and drinks market."
On the day of his inauguration as president in 1981, with Mr Rumsfeld on his transition team, Ronald Reagan personally wrote an executive order suspending the head of the US Food and Drug Administration's powers on aspartame, Mr Williams further claimed. One month later Mr Reagan appointed a new head of the regulatory authority, Arthur Hayes, who granted a licence for the sweetener.
"The history of aspartame's approval is littered with examples showing that if key decision makers found against aspartame's safety, they were discredited or replaced by industry sympathisers, who were recompensed with lucrative jobs."
The MP said he was using his parliamentary privilege to highlight "the strong scientific evidence" that the components of aspartame and their metabolites can cause very serious toxic effects on humans, and that long-term aspartame use can cause cancer.
Searle had originally submitted a host of studies to the FDA in 1970s in the hope of getting aspartame approved. But when flaws were revealed in the science behind another Searle product, Flagyl, the FDA set up a taskforce to investigate 15 of the key studies submitted by Searle on aspartame. Dr Jerome Bressler was commissioned by the FDA to investigate three of these studies. He had found 52 major discrepancies in Searle's clinical conduct of the studies, Mr Williams told the Commons. Tumours contracted by rats were removed before dissection but not reported; one record shows an animal in the experiment was alive, then dead, then alive again, then dead again.
MPs were told that because it lacked funds, the FDA submitted 12 other studies to be analysed by a research body that was under contract to Searle at the time. It declared all 12 studies authentic.
Doubts about aspartame among FDA scientists were overruled by the FDA's administration and it was given approval. Many other countries soon followed suit and approved aspartame on the basis of the same flawed studies, Mr Williams said. In 1996 a review of aspartame research found that every single industry-funded study found aspartame safe. But 92% of independent studies identified one or more problems with its safety.
Mr Williams outlined to MPs the evidence that the breakdown products of aspartame include suspected carcinogens and toxic molecules that damage nerve cells. But the final nail in the coffin for the sweetener, he said, was a new, "monumental" peer-reviewed study, that should have "set alarm bells ringing in health departments around the world".
This vast study, conducted by the Italian-based European Ramazzini Foundation, demonstrated that aspartame caused a significant increase in lymphomas and leukaemias, malignant tumours of the kidneys in female rats and malignant tumours of peripheral and cranial nerves in male rats. These tumours occurred at doses that were well below the acceptable daily intake recommended by the regulatory authorities in the EU and US.
The public health minister, Caroline Flint, responding for the government, said it took the issue very seriously and would look at any new evidence. But she added that the use of food additives was very strictly controlled at EU level. The safety of aspartame had been very extensively reviewed many times and the current advice remained that it does not cause cancer and is safe.
Artificial sweeteners help in the control of obesity, she said. Acceptable daily intakes were set at a very conservative level. Moreover, the UK's expert committee on toxicity had reviewed the initial data from the Ramazzini Foundation and had not been convinced by its interpretations, but the European Food Safety Authority would conduct a review when it had the full data.
The trade associations for confectionery, snack, soft drink and pill manufacturers and the sweetener industry's Aspartame Information Service said aspartame had been used safely for many years and evidence for its safety had been reviewed and approved many times by regulators around the world, including by the WHO, the FDA, the UN expert committee on food additives and the EU scientific committee for food.
They pointed out that the European Food Safety Authority has said that "based on current evidence, it does not recommend that consumers who wish to choose foods containing aspartame make any changes to their dietary habits".
The compounds
Aspartame breaks down into three components - a methyl ester and two amino acids: phenylalanine and aspartic acid, according to Roger Williams during the parliamentary debate.
The sweetener industry repeatedly pointed out that these compounds occur naturally in food and drink, yet that statement hid the complex science that makes each one harmful to humans when found in aspartame, he added. In food, phenylalanine and aspartic acid are bound to other amino acids in long, complex chains of proteins so that they are not absorbed in a way that could cause damage. But in aspartame they are not, and enzymes in the gut can easily split them apart.
Once phenylalanine is released in its free form, it is metabolised into diketopiperazine, a suspected carcinogen. Aspartic acid in its free form becomes an excitotoxin, a toxic molecule that stimulates nerve cells to the point of damage or death.
The third component of aspartame, methyl ester, was the most harmful, Mr Williams said. It is metabolised by the body into methanol, a well-known poison. In the US, the environmental protection agency defines safe consumption of methanol as no more than 7.8mg a day. Anyone drinking three cans of a drink sweetened with aspartame a day was consuming about 56mg of methanol, the MP said.
The public health minister, Caroline Flint, responded by saying that studies had shown methanol levels were not increased by the ingestion of aspartame.
- guardian
Splenda Compared to a "Biochemical Warfare Agent"
"If you are using Splenda (the brand name for sucralose) because you think it is a safe alternative to sugar or other artificial sweeteners, then you may be in for a surprise. Splenda is not healthy and it can cause many problems in the body."
Dr Mercola
In 1986, The International Journal of the Addictions published a most important literature review by Richard Scarnati. It was called "An Outline of Hazardous Side Effects of Ritalin (Methylphenidate)" [v.21(7), pp. 837-841].
Scarnati listed a large number of adverse affects of Ritalin and cited published journal articles which reported each of these symptoms.
For every one of the following (selected and quoted verbatim) Ritalin effects, there is at least one confirming source in the medical literature:
Many parents around the country have discovered that Ritalin has become a condition for their children continuing in school. There are even reports, by parents, of threats from social agencies: "If you don't allow us to prescribe Ritalin for your ADD child, we may decide that you are an unfit parent. We may decide to take your child away."
Jon Rappaport The Ritalin Facts
. Paranoid delusions
Paranoid psychosis
Hypomanic and manic symptoms, amphetamine-like psychosis
Activation of psychotic symptoms
Toxic psychosis
Visual hallucinations
Auditory hallucinations
Can surpass LSD in producing bizarre experiences
Effects pathological thought processes
Extreme withdrawal
Terrified affect
Started screaming
Since Ritalin is considered an amphetamine-type drug, expect amphetamine-like effects
Psychic dependence
High-abuse potential DEA Schedule II Drug
Decreased REM sleep
When used with antidepressants one may see dangerous reactions including hypertension, seizures and hypothermia
Brain damage may be seen with amphetamine abuse.
Americans would be horrified to learn that 2 million children across the nation are being given cocaine by their parents and doctors to make them behave better in school, but in 1997 about 2 million American school children and zooming numbers of adults [we]re taking the cocaine like medication to control their thoughts.
Pharmacological Lobotomy
Paxil / Seroxat

Profits held over child suicide
The decision by New York's attorney general to sue GlaxoSmithKline for "persistent and repeated fraud" represents a more dramatic challenge to the major pharmaceutical makers than first realised. Distracted by the modesty of the lawsuit's demands - a fine equivalent to the profits Glaxo made from sales of its antidepressant Paxil (called Seroxat in the UK) to children - there is temptation to dismiss the case as small beer. Glaxo's sales of Paxil to under-18s are estimated to be around 140m, a piffling fine for a company worth 67bn.
If that were all Glaxo had to worry about, then this would be an embarrassing episode. But in choosing to charge the company with fraud, the New York suit may change the way pharmaceutical companies market and sell their drugs. At the heart of the suit are allegations that Glaxo deliberately downplayed several studies that showed Paxil to be ineffective and liable to provoke suicidal impulses. Eliot Spitzer has a smoking gun in the form of memos from Glaxo, including one which says the company wanted to "manage the dissemination of these data in order to minimise any potential negative commercial impact".
Glaxo rejects the suit, and says it had not covered up anything. Yet Mr Spitzer argues the company is guilty of fraud if it fails to inform doctors of the full spectrum of results for a drug. There are some recent cases that should encourage the New York suit: Pfizer, the world's largest drug manufacturer, recently paid a 240m fine for promoting a product with no benefits. Glaxo itself is under investigation in Italy for an estimated 150m worth of gifts to doctors there.
Bad medicine
Glaxo responded to findings that adolescents taking the drugs were at increased risk of suicidal thoughts by emphasising the need to "effectively manage the dissemination of these data in order to minimise any potential negative impact". Oh, the glories of management-speak.
Doctor's diary: economy with the truth
search news
Bush plans to screen whole US population for mental illness
Mental health plan forums end, parents concerned about findings
Friday, July 23, 2004
Finishing up a week of public forums, the members of the Illinois Children's Mental Health Partnership ended early in Chicago today following testimony from an overwhelming number of program supporters who agree that mental health screening is needed for Illinois children ages zero through 18.
As a hyphenated sponsor of last year's legislation, State Representative Patti Bellock (R-Wheaton) said she thought that the stigma on mental health problems was fading, and that the new mental health plan's main emphasis was to create an awareness of mental health needs in the state's children.
The Illinois plan is the first in the nation to have progressed thus far.
"This program will not be voluntary," Paul Schneider of Champaign told the task force. "No one will be exempt. If a family doesn't want to accept the school's evaluation of their child's mental health, what recourse will they have?"
Schneider said he is very concerned that pharmaceutical companies will benefit tremendously from having an explosion of young children diagnosed with hyperactivity or ADHD whose parents are told that their children need Ritalin or another psychotropic drug.
"Who is going to pay for this and who will determine who is mentally healthy and who is not?" Schneider said. "I'm a business owner, and this worries me."
Bellock agreed that questions are likely to be raised as more people learn about the contents of the program, something, she said, she hadn't had time to fully read through yet herself.
"I am one of the appointed task force members, but I'm not familiar with all this contains," Bellock said. "There should be a lot of discussion and that's good to get us to the place where we can find consensus," she said.
Tragedies like the Columbine shooting are connected to young people who are depressed and with low self-esteem, she said. Studies show that one out of six students suffer from depression, the reason why she believes such a program is so important.
- moreMental health plan forums end, parents concerned about findings
Anti-depression drugs or Obsessive compulsive disorder & ADD treatment?
Britain's largest drug company drew up a secret plan to double sales of the controversial anti-depressant Seroxat by marketing it as a cure for a raft of less serious mental conditions [...]
The internal report carries a section which outlines how GSK planned to double sales of 'selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRI)' - the industry term for anti-depressants - by winning the marketing war against Seroxat's chief rival, Prozac, manufacured by Eli Lilly.
Written in 1998 and subsequently updated in following years, the section is entitled: 'Towards the second billion - all SSRIs are not the same' and discusses strategies to see off the threat posed by Prozac.
The document outlined how GSK intended to market Seroxat for a range of conditions other than clinical depression. Chief among these was a condition the company identified as social anxiety disorder, although other forms of anxiety were also discussed internally.
'What this document makes clear is that a number of different forms of anxiety were being targeted in a systematic way. The thrust was to move sales beyond the $1 billion to $2 billion mark by pushing it to people who were not clinically depressed,' said Professor David Healy, a psycho-pharmacologist at Cardiff University, who has given evidence to the House of Commons Health Select Committee. -
Revealed: secret plan to push'happy' pills
see: Here for more on how the Columbine Kids were mis-prescribed the SSRI 'LUVOX'
Isn't that just sooo cute? GW BUSH and his cronies
reap kickbacks while they give themselves
the right to label anyone ill / depressed...
What kind of a world are these fascists unleashing?
Let's say for instance that mandatory screening for depression
becomes the norm. Every kid has to pass what the authorities say
best matches their idea of 'NORMAL'. [IE: OBEDIENT]
Wouldn't that pressure alone be enough to make you depressed?
Legions of Children on untested, damaging & poisonous drugs.
Remember, the ones who survive the suicidal Psychotic effects,
will be guarding malls, working traffic, or flipping burgers, and if Bush brings in the draft,
they'll be bullied through BOOTCAMP and unleashed to vent their anger on the next
poor defensless country on the NEOCONS list...Think about it...
Bush is trying to create an army of pharmaceutically dependent killing machines
erm, i'm sorry i'll just correct myself there...
America HAS created an army of pharmaceutically dependent,
emotionally repressed killing machines
Malaria pills - Mefloquine - causes paranioa and hallucinations
Pills made him snap, says soldier
The drug’s manufacturer warned of rare but severe side effects including paranoia and hallucinations. It became his defense: The pills made him snap. The Army dropped all charges, a spokesman later saying that [the soldier] Pogany “may have a medical problem that requires care and treatment.”
Pogany is among the current or former troops sent to Iraq who claim that Lariam, the commercial name for the anti-malarial drug mefloquine, provoked disturbing and dangerous behavior. The families of some troops blame the drug for the suicides of their loved ones. Though the evidence is largely anecdotal, their stories have raised alarm in Congress, and the Pentagon has stopped giving out a pill it probably never needed to give to tens of thousands of troops in Iraq in the first place.
“What are we doing giving drugs that cause hallucinations, confusion, psychotic behavior to people that carry weapons and hold secret clearances?” asked Pogany, 33, who is now seeking a medical discharge. “It doesn’t pass the common-sense test.”
Ecstasy trials for combat stress
American soldiers traumatised by fighting in Iraq and Afghanistan are to be offered the drug ecstasy to help free them of flashbacks and recurring nightmares.
The US food and drug administration has given the go-ahead for the soldiers to be included in an experiment to see if MDMA, the active ingredient in ecstasy, can treat post-traumatic stress disorder.
Scientists behind the trial in South Carolina think the feelings of emotional closeness reported by those taking the drug could help the soldiers talk about their experiences to therapists. Several victims of rape and sexual abuse with post-traumatic stress disorder, for whom existing treatments are ineffective, have been given MDMA since the research began last year.
Michael Mithoefer, the psychiatrist leading the trial, said: "It's looking very promising. It's too early to draw any conclusions but in these treatment-resistant people so far the results are encouraging.
"People are able to connect more deeply on an emotional level with the fact they are safe now."
...and here is the final irony: BUSH IS ONE OF THEM!
President George W. Bush is taking powerful anti-depressant drugs to control his erratic behavior, depression and paranoia, Capitol Hill Blue has learned.
The prescription drugs, administered by Col. Richard J. Tubb, the White House physician, can impair the President's mental faculties and decrease both his physical capabilities and his ability to respond to a crisis, administration aides admit privately.
"It's a double-edged sword," says one aide. "We can't have him flying off the handle at the slightest provocation but we also need a President who is alert mentally."
Tubb prescribed the anti-depressants after a clearly-upset Bush stormed off stage on July 8, refusing to answer reporters' questions about his relationship with indicted Enron executive Kenneth J. Lay.
Angry Bush walked away
from reporter's questions.
Keep those motherfuckers away from me, he screamed at an aide backstage. If you cant, Ill find someone who can.
We have to face the very real possibility that the President of the United States is loony tunes, he says sadly. Thats not good for my candidates, its not good for the party and its certainly not good for the country.
Genetic Modification
facilitation of toxic and addictive food/drink additives...[ $ ]
"The problem with Monsanto's gene pool is that there's no
-- Roger Sanders, California cotton farmer. source
"Genetic technologies are also facilitating the rapid corporate
integration and concentration of the food system, as a handful of
corporations move towards the ownership and effective control of every
stage of the global food System."
Gyorgy Scrinis source
Corporates gain control over nature's seeds as the Terminator patent is granted
Amsterdam, 25 October 2005 - Greenpeace today exposed details that the patent for the controversial "Terminator technology" was granted in Europe on 5 October 2005. The Terminator patent (1) has been approved for all plants that are genetically engineered so that their seeds will not germinate. Further research by the "Ban Terminator Campaign", a network of farmers' unions and environmental organisations revealed that a patent was also granted in Canada on 11 October 2005.
Plants created using Terminator technology will produce sterile seeds, creating a monopoly and unnatural control of the seeds. Farmers will not be able to use seeds from such plants for the following season's cultivation. The seeds will rot in the soil without producing new plants. If this technology is introduced in crops such as soya, wheat, canola and cotton it will force farmers to buy new seeds every year from the same company.
"Farmers should be aware that corporations all over the world are ready to take control of their seeds with genetic engineering (GE). These corporations will control the entire food chain with the help of monopoly patents and Terminator technology," said Christoph Then, Greenpeace International GE campaigner. "We need a global ban on this technology and on any patents on seeds. These corporate instruments will disrupt the backbone of global food supply, making it impossible for the farmers to reuse their own harvest for planting." -
The cloning of pigs hearts for use in human transplants ...
"Twelve voices were shouting in anger, and they were all alike. No
question, now, what had happened to the faces of the pigs. The creatures
outside looked from pig to man, and from man to pig, and from pig to man
again; but already it was impossible to say which was which."
George Orwell-Animal Farm |
Between 1994 and 2000, hundreds of higher primates were subjected to grotesque 'xenotransplantation' experiments. Hearts and kidneys from genetically engineered piglets were transplanted into the necks, abdomens and chests of monkeys and baboons captured from the wild.
The primates were then injected and force-fed massive doses of immune-suppressing drugs in a vain attempt to prevent the alien organs from being rejected. The results were truly appalling.
The research was conducted by a biotechnology company, Imutran Ltd, which is a subsidiary of the multinational drug firm Novartis Pharma AG, in collaboration with the University of Cambridge. The experiments took place at the controversial Huntingdon Life Sciences laboratories.
The Cloning of animals for production.
"Scientists have described for me some of what's wrong with these animals. Many are monstrously overweight -- several times their normal size -- and filled with fluids to the point of looking like they're about to burst. Others are born with normal bodies but big, hideous, so-called "bull heads." Others look okay on the outside but have peculiar abnormalities of the heart, lungs or other organs -- including livers that are mysteriously filled with fat -- or defective thymus glands that blunt normal development of the animals' immune systems. "
Rick weiss-At stake on your table
more by author; 'Gene Police' Raise Farmers Fears
from Farms to Factorys to Labs...
Our food sources will all be copies, the life patent of which, they will illegally own...
you will be become what you eat...a manipulated slab of meat...
One can only guess of what strange tests we are being put through today...
Industry Jargon:
Trigger words are repeated all through the text. Now in the case of GM foods, the public is instinctively afraid of these experimental new creations which have suddenly popped up on our grocery shelves which are said to have DNA alterations. The IFIC wants to reassure the public of the safety of GM foods, so it avoids words like:
Frankenfoods Hitler biotech
chemical DNA experiments
manipulate money safety
scientists radiation roulette
gene-splicing gene gun random
Instead, good PR for GM foods contains words like:
hybrids natural order beauty
choice bounty cross-breeding
diversity earth farmer
organic wholesome
The Doors Of Perception: Why Americans Will Believe Almost Anything
Ibuprofen 'increases the risk' of heart attack
A new study lists ibuprofen as one of a number of anti-inflammatory drugs which may increase the risk of heart attacks.
Another study earlier linked both ibuprofen, widely used for headaches and arthritis, and aspirin with an increased risk of breast cancer.
The finding came as a particular shock since ibuprofen had recently been identified as a possible preventive against the cancer and some women had started taking it for that purpose. - the herald
Cancer drug helps arthritis
Scientists have revealed a cancer drug can help ease arthritis. Blood cancer drug MabThera was found to help rheumatoid arthritis patients by 50-70 per cent reports The Sun. Professor Paul Emery, from St James Hospital, Leeds, said: "MabThera is a revelation, providing patients with significant relief to joint pain in just a few treatments." - ananova
What could be more politically useful than legally putting
toxic waste / genetic material into the water supply / food chain
in order to generate profits for a global pharmaceutical industry...
and to control what is referred to by elitists as 'the useless eaters'...
One Industry controls infection and the other controls the cure...
Are the animal disease outbreaks throughout the world a test run?
Are they triggering outbreaks of, for instance Avian Flu,
and West Nile Virus as a form of economic political pressure?
Politically useful genome targeted bio-warfare? SARS?
economic warfare...The rising 'REAL
virus' scaremongering...Laboratory
Mad cow
disease,foot and
mouth / SARS and
other socio-economic panic models?
[ $ ] [ $ ]
"Here is a very interesting quote from the TARS
"WHO's SARS-reporting methodology could be viewed as highly
suspect by some, especially considering that ]WHO is] requiring $200
million from businesses and governments.
It's ironic that those from whom
they are seeking funds are the very ones that have been most damaged by
the SARS panic."
Huh? Businesses are being extorted by WHO?
Businesses are
at the end of WHO's gun?
Businesses are being fed the not-so-subliminal
message that, unless they fork over $$ to WHO, they could feel the wrath
of more travel advisories and quarantines? " -Jon Rappaport,
| |
"I, however, do NOT believe SARS naturally jumped from animal to man. I am 100% sure that the First Military Medical University in Guangdong helped the virus along. It recombined several viruses, including Influenza, in bacteria, and added to it some mycoplasma and voila: SARS! "
From Patricia Doyle, PhD -SARS And The Military
which conveniently enable the introduction of
quarantine culture (martial law...disaster contingency...)
and feeding yet more xenophobia via 'foreign disease'
A few weeks after the Porton Down theft, the foot and mouth epidemic surfaced all over England, indicating a terrorist attack, but strangely enough the British press, which usually falls over itself to report anything to do with terrorism, wasnt interested in the terrorist angle. They were interested in the Blair angle, and for months New Labour was blamed for foot and mouth.
It was announced that MI5 would investigate the Porton Down episode, but we can be certain that the report will never be made public, because Britains farmers might turn nasty if they find out that the viral strain that caused the outbreak was the same as the one that disappeared from Porton Down. At the behest of Charles Moore, the editor of the MI6 house newspaper, the Daily Telegraph (29th March), Blair was forced to delay the general election by a month so as to give the secret government a little more time to drag down his rating.
Bellwether MI6 journalist Tom Bower struck the final futile blow for his puppetmasters on the morning of the election in the Daily Mail, with a long article exposing that Blairs ministers had not only sabotaged the nations agriculture they had cocked up the planned National Football Stadium, a shocking revelation designed to enrage English football fans, whom MI6 no doubt reckon to be the bedrock of Blairs electoral support.
Foot-and-mouth phial 'went missing'
Reports that a phial containing the foot-and-mouth virus went missing from the Porton Down research laboratories have been raised at a public inquiry into the disease.
Northumberland County Council is hosting the five-day investigation into the spread of the virus and how rural communities were affected.
Professor Michael Dower, leading the inquiry, said he was still waiting to hear from the government regarding the matter. He wrote to rural affairs minister Lord Whitty on January 8 with a list of questions which had arisen from information the inquiry had received locally.
Professor Dower asked: "What forewarning did the Ministry of Agriculture (Maff) have of a possible foot-and-mouth outbreak prior to the outbreak in February? "Several of the written submissions the inquiry received refer to reports of a lost phial of foot-and-mouth virus from Porton Down," he said. Professor Dower said there had been reports that the disease was present in the country before it was officially admitted. There were also "reports that Maff officials were taking preparatory steps (eg making inquiries of timber merchants, taking part in simulation exercises, printing of `footpath closed' notices etc) before the outbreak of the disease was officially announced." "Can you confirm or deny these reports or provide any further detail?"
Economy 'ravaged'
The chairman hoped to have a reply before the end of the week-long inquiry. Farmers on Monday told the inquiry team how the disease had ravaged the local economy.
Iain Robson, a farmer and butcher from the Kirkwhelpington area, had farmed through two previous foot-and-mouth outbreaks in 1960-1 and 1967. "The impact of this one has been far, far greater," he told the hearing.
Doug Watkin, a stockman and county councillor from the Norham area, saw his livestock culled in April. He said: "I lost a lifetime of work in a short time." After he lost his animals, he said it was difficult to face other farmers.
Charles Scott, head of the Farm Business Survey Centre for Rural Economy, worked on producing a report for the regional development agency One NorthEast which has initially found that farmers whose animals were culled lost an average of £60,000 and received £80-£120,000 compensation. But Mr Scott said farmers who had had culls had lost an average of £15,000 due to increased costs and movement restrictions. - BBC
Stolen foot-and-mouth virus 'released deliberately'
The foot-and-mouth outbreak could have been started deliberately by someone who stole a test-tube of the virus from a laboratory.
The Sunday Express says a container of foot-and-mouth virus went missing from a secret Government lab at Porton Down in Wiltshire two months before the crisis began.
The disappearance was discovered during a routine audit of the sensitive unit, which also houses smallpox, TB, anthrax and Ebola. The newspaper says there are rumours the missing test-tube could have been taken by an animal rights activist.
The paper quotes a 'senior military source close to Porton Down' as saying: "A phial appears to have gone missing from one of the labs following a routine audit last year.
"Ministry officials were informed immediately and an investigation was launched initially by Special Branch and then by MI5, who are interested in the activities of animal rights protesters."
It says questions will be tabled in parliament about the Porton Down link this week. A Department of Health spokesman wouldn't comment but the paper said an agriculture ministry spokesman said the matter was being investigated.
The paper also claims it has seen documents confirming some sheep carried the virus long before the outbreak was confirmed on February 20. According to a Welsh vet, it was in Wales as early as January, says the paper.
Timber merchants say they were approached by the Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food in early February to supply wood for pyres. Agriculture minister Nick Brown insisted this was part of a "regular contingency planning exercise".
He told the paper: "There are a number of urban legends doing the rounds that the ministry knew about this disease before. That is not true." Annanova
and helps to create a culture
which seeks to call any dissent against
the global cartels experiment - a terrorist
Scientific McCarthyism: Is The Bush Administration Compiling a Hit List of AIDS Scientists?
"A list of over 150 scientist researching a wide range of topics relating to health and sexuality, including HIV and AIDS, sexually transmitted diseases and adolescent sexual behavior has been compiled and given to federal officials by a conservative advocacy group. The list of about $150 million in grants was prepared last summer by the Traditional Values Coalition, which claims to represent 43,000 churches nationwide. The list is being used by the Coalition and its government allies in attempts to discredit the researchers and challenge or revoke their federal grants. The list is circulating among members of Congress and was forwarded to the National Institutes of Health which is responsible for awarding the crucially important grants. N.I.H. is asking the scientists to provide additional justification for their work."
Democracy Now...
here for more
Drugmakers seek funds to fight 'terrorists'
James Rossiter, Evening Standard, 24 June 2005
BRITAIN'S pharmaceuticals industry wants more funding to help enforce a crackdown on 'terrorist' animal rights groups.
The call comes from the BioIndustry Association (BIA) in the wake of Canaccord's resignation as broker to drugs firm Phytopharm after extremists blew up the car of Canaccord director Michael Kendall.
New legal powers come into force in a week allowing the police to use powers of criminal investigation to pursue extremists whose threats to, or attacks on, drugs firms can lead to hefty financial losses.
Until now, such firms have had to rely on civil actions - a route that is often too slow or ineffective. The Animal Liberation Front's website claimed the attack on Canaccord was due to the broker's investment in Phytopharm which, it said, had links with Huntingdon Life Sciences - a company that uses animals for drugs testing. - this is
Activists now 'terrorists
Once was a time when Osama Bin Laden's Al-Qaida were the FBI's key anti-terror focus, but no more. A top FBI official has just declared that violence by environmental and animal rights extremists against U.S. drug makers is currently the FBI's top domestic terrorism issue.
John Lewis, FBI deputy assistant director in charge of counterterrorism made the startling claim in his address to some of the 18,000 biotechnology executives gathered in Philadelphia for the biotech industry's annual convention.
Outside, a helicopter hovered overhead the convention center, amid high security preparedness -as scattered handfulls of demonstrators made their way through police cordons.
Nobody seemed to be looking out for middle-eastern types.
"There has been an increase in the use of incendiary devices as well as explosive devices," said the FBI terror chief. The agency has about 150 open cases of arson, bombings and other violent crimes associated with militant environmental and animal rights activists protesting the experimental use of animals in medical research, he said.
Protesters — some dressed as tomatoes and ladybugs — gathered outside the convention center, banging drums and holding signs with slogans that read, "We Are Not Lab Rats" and "Biotech is Biohazard." - fintan dunne
Are there plans to attempt to turn this planet into a gas chamber?
To cull their racist ideas of the 'weak' population
with a genome specific holocaust?
and control those who are left with disease based behaviorism
Has that already been happening?
How many more years of Mass starvation
and disease through economic warfare...?
Is this what they mean by 'a politcally useful tool'???
What more of a warning could anyone need?
are we too late?
Geneticists feel that information from the human genome project could eventually be used to assist doctors in streamlining the search for the right diagnosis for a set of symptoms, and then allow the use of drugs tailored to a particular patient group.
However, concerns have been voiced regarding the possibility of research into genetic variation impacting negatively on society. There are worries that data showing genetic variation between groups could be oversimplified and used by racists as evidence for the superiority of a particular group of people.
Others have voiced concerns that poorer populations could be neglected in drug development, whereby companies developing drugs for specific ethnic groups create orphan genotypes genetic groups not large or profitable enough to conduct work on. Advances in understanding the genetics of richer populations could then lead to an exacerbation of disparities in the quality of health care among different racial or ethnic groups.
- Ethnic drugs: sensible treatment or racist ideology?
"Scientists have been exploring the possibilities of selective biological weapons for some time now. This is roughly how these weapons would work. Genetic information is implanted into bacterias programming, reflecting the gene structure or gene combination of a certain targeted group of people. Once the programmed bacteria enter someones system, they recognize their target and kill the person. If the genetic structure of the infected person does not correspond, the microbe dies without harming him."
The Mark of Doom
are some pathogens /bacteria / viruses / additives a form of genetically modified 'withdrawal
a way to make a body physiologically yearn for a substance which can be
called a cure? a vaccine... A prescription of a cure which is really an
addiction to an imposed 'normality'? Is this 'social engineering'? Is this
population control?