Neuro-linguistic Programming (NLP)
Neuro-linguistic Programming (NLP) is one of many New Age Large Group Awareness Training programs. NLP is a competitor with Landmark Forum, Tony Robbins, and legions of other enterprises which, like the Sophists of ancient Greece, travel from town to town to teach their wisdom for a fee. Robbins is probably the most successful "graduate" of NLP. He started his own empire after transforming from a self-described "fat slob" to a firewalker to (in his own words) "the nation's foremost authority on the psychology of peak performance and personal, professional and organizational turnaround." The founders of NLP, Richard Bandler and John Grinder, might disagree.
NLP has something for everybody, the sick and the healthy, individual or corporation. In addition to being an agent for change for healthy individuals taught en masse, NLP is also used for individual psychotherapy for problems as diverse as phobias and schizophrenia. NLP also aims at transforming corporations, showing them how to achieve their maximum potential and achieve great success.
What is NLP?
NLP was begun in the mid-seventies by a linguist (Grinder) and a mathematician (Bandler) who had strong interests in (a) successful people, (b) psychology, (c) language and (d) computer programming. It is a difficult to define NLP because those who started it and those involved in it use such vague and ambiguous language that NLP means different things to different people. While it is difficult to find a consistent description of NLP among those who claim to be experts at it, one metaphor keeps recurring. NLP claims to help people change by teaching them to program their brains. We were given brains, we are told, but no instruction manual. NLP offers you a user-manual for the brain. The brain-manual seems to be a metaphor for NLP training, which is sometimes referred to as "software for the brain." Furthermore, NLP, consciously or unconsciously, relies heavily upon (1) the notion of the unconscious mind as constantly influencing conscious thought and action; (2) metaphorical behavior and speech, especially building upon the methods used in Freud's Interpretation of Dreams; and (3) hypnotherapy as developed by Milton Erickson. NLP is also heavily influenced by the work of Gregory Bateson and Noam Chomsky. -
DHE(tm) or Design Human Engineering(tm)
is the succosser to NLP as developed by Richard Bandler.
NLP concerns itself with modeling exesting cognitive processes, and designing interventions based on redirecting resources that a preson already has.
DHE concentrates on creating powerful states and mental tools so a person naturally moves in the direction they want to go. DHE training consists of learning to create sounds, sights, and internal experience in a way that naturally propels you to be the kind of person you want to be.
For example, an NLP intervention for stage fright might involve donig a Change History on a past event involving public speaking. It may then entaiil anchoring new resources in place so the person enjoys public speaking in the future.
DHE would begin by asking the question: what internal experience would allow a person to be on stage, enjoying public speaking? A DHE intervention would then create the sounds, pictures, and feelings directly so someone would be able to get right up on stage and begin speaking. It would bypass the previous "stage fright" by simply creating a very, very powerful positive state that moves a person right into their desired behavior-speaking on stage.
Design Human Engineering
look up the history of NLP and you will often see:
NLP was developed in the early 1970's by Richard Bandler, Ph.D., an information scientist, and John Grinder, Ph.D., a linguist. Bandler and Grinder were interested in how people influence one another, and in the possibility of being able to duplicate the behavior, and therefore effectiveness of highly influential people. Their early research was conducted at the University of California at Santa Cruz. What made their search special was their use of technology from linguistics and information science, combined with insights from behavioral psychology and general systems theory, to unlock the secrets of highly effective communication.
History of NLP
"NLP grew out of the activity of the 'behavioural modelling' activity of Grinder and Bandler in studying Satir, Perls, and Erickson.
Richard Bandler enrolled as a young 20-year old psychology student in the University of California, Santa Cruz in 1970. John Grinder, in his late twenties, was an associate professor of linguistics there (reputedly the youngest in the states at the time). Bandler joined the group of Grinder-followers and they became friends."
But then we read:
"...This is neither an accurate nor a definitive 'history' of NLP. This has yet to be written. Much of the above is based on 'folk memory' and gossip and is, rather like NLP itself, based on subjective experience. "
A version of the history of NLP...
definition of NLP in skeptics dictionary
"NLP is a wonderful model and can be used in many situations. I tend to use it for soft skills training with a focus on communication and behaviour. It is excellent for such things as management communication, selling skills, customer management and team behaviour."
message from 'trainerbase'
"NLP is a bit like an 'owners manual' for your brain! At school and college we learned wonderful things like history and geography and algebra but we did not learn much about how to feel good or to have great relationships. That's where NLP comes in."
Just what is NLP?
Anchors & Triggers
The field of NLP has over time gathered many mini-models and associated techniques that can be applied to various situations. The models and techniques range in purpose from information gathering and building rapport, to anchoring and triggering of internal states, to trance induction and changing beliefs. There are models of internal representations (visual, auditory, kinesthetic, gustatory and olfactory) and their submodalities and concomitant effects on emotions, beliefs, and behaviors. (Accordingly, one early book on NLP subtitled the field as "the study of the structure of subjective experience".) As fallout of the modeling process the field has also developed specific techniques that can be applied to applications ranging from psychotherapy, e.g. curing phobias, handling criticism and flattery, handling grief, stopping unwanted habits and behaviors, etc., to sales and persuasion techniques, to learning techniques, to curing some allergies, and many others.
NLP can be taught through live training programs, but also through self-study by using techniques and exploring.
In this guide to the principles of NLP it states:
You will run into situations in which the models you've been taught do not seem to work. When this happens, or anytime what you are doing does not seem to work, try something else -- anything else -- until you get the outcome you are after. Milton Erickson, whose flexible approach to hypnosis is one of the forerunners of this principle, recommended this humorously as scattergun approach.
In a interview entitled 'Neuro Hypnotic Repatterning', Dr. Richard Bandler describes the following:
Q. What is Neuro Hypnotic Repatterning - and how would you describe it?
Richard: Using the Hypnotic process to restructure people at the level of cortical pathways. Most of the problems and things that people do and bad feelings that they have, work automatically but they weren't there when they were a baby. These are learned behaviors and when you hypnotically repattern someone what you are basically doing is teaching them not to get to what they don't want to get. Archival memory systems always have to have up-datable memory where you put new information in front of old information. So if you teach somebody a new way to respond it makes it so that it is easier because they never get to the bad system. Everything human beings learned will always be there but sometimes what you need to do is make a left turn on the cortical pathways and use a new learning. People should always be relearning things anyway. The older we get the more millions and millions of neural cortical pathways we establish and there are many things that happen automatically, a handshake, kisses, all kinds of stuff, but it also includes people getting angry when it's inappropriate or being afraid of things that are not really scary.
After having done NLP which basically is designed to take the way in which somebody learns something and give it to somebody else, Design Human Engineering looks at the limitations of only what humans produce and then artificially creates things which have never been used, as thought processes. All of these things are grounded and started by the fact that we were doing hypnosis so I've come back to doing deep trance and seeing how to get people to respond in a new way. Think of the many things people do, like being afraid or being depressed, a lot of these things create a chemical base in the body, they change what you are doing and to get people before they get in the chemical bath of depression or suddenly getting angry or be afraid to try things or who are overly shy. They have to start being shy at a certain point and if ahead of that you can get them to do something else. This is about using very very deep trance tools to be able to make very pervasive changes across a wide range of behavior to try and teach people the most important thing, which is to spend more time practicing feeling good than they do feeling bad so becomes a habit. -
see also: Hypnosis
MK Ultra - The CIA experiments with Hypnosis
The CIA's first major involvement with hypnosis originated in the Office of Security, which in 1950 formed special interrogation squads -- each of which was staffed with an expert hypnotist -- for the purpose of evaluating potential foreign agents and defectors from enemy countries. Code-named BLUEBIRD, the program was put under the command of Morse Allen, a former officer of both Naval Intelligence and the State Department, who developed an avid interest in hypnosis when he joined the CIA's Office of Security. (Shortly thereafter, BLUEBIRD took on the new code-name ARTICHOKE, the project that directly preceded MKULTRA.)
According to Marks, not only did Allen consult with and employ some of the top academic experts on hypnosis, he also conducted his own experiments:
"He asked young CIA secretaries to stay after work and ran them through the hypnotic paces -- proving to his own satisfaction that he could make them do whatever he wanted. He had secretaries steal SECRET files and pass them on to total strangers, thus violating the most basic CIA security rules. He got them to steal from each other and start fires. He made one of them report to the bedroom of a strange man and then go into a deep sleep."
Allen recorded the observation that "this activity clearly indicates that individuals under hypnosis might be compromised and blackmailed." Those were helpful abilities for a spy agency, to be sure, but Allen later envisioned a more extreme use of hypnosis. In 1954 he hypnotized another secretary, and convinced her while in the trance to pick up and shoot an (unloaded) gun at another secretary. - parascope.
George Estabrooks
G.H. Estabrooks is the only mind control doctor who has publicly acknowledged the building of Manchurian Candidates. In his book Spiritism, Dr. Estabrooks describes experiments done to create multiple personality. In his book Hypnotism, Dr. Estabrooks states that the creation of experimental multiple personality for operational use in military subjects, whom he refers to as super spies, is ethical because of the demands of war.
In a 1971 article in Science Digest, Dr. Estabrooks claimed to have created hypnotic couriers and counterintelligence agents for operational use. "By the 1920's not only had [clinical hypnotists] learned to apply posthypnotic suggestion, but also to split certain complex individuals into multiple personalities like Jeckyl-Hydes. During World War II, I worked this technique with a vulnerable Marine lieutenant I'll call Jones. I split his personality into Jones A and Jones B. Jones A, once a 'normal' working Marine, became entirely different. He talked communist doctrine and meant it. He was welcomed enthusiastically by communist cells, and was deliberately given a dishonorable discharge by the Corps and became a card-carrying party member. Jones B was the deeper personality, knew all the thoughts of Jones A, was a loyal American and was 'imprinted' to say nothing during conscious phases. All I had to do was hypnotize the whole man, get in touch with Jones B, the loyal American, and I had a pipeline straight into the Communist camp. It worked beautifully."
Dr. Estabrooks did experiments on children. He corresponded with FBI Director J. Edgar Hoover about using hypnosis to interrogate juvenile delinquents. His experimentation raises the possibility that he or other investigators might have attempted to create Manchurian Candidates in children. Such a possibility might seem far-fetched until one considers the LSD, biological and radiation experiments conducted on children, and the fact that four MKULTRA Subprojects were on children. The deliberate creation of multiple personality in children is an explicitly stated plan in the MKULTRA Subproject Proposal submitted for funding on May 30, 1961.
- wanttoknow
The handlers of mind-controlled slaves carry around a black or grey 3 ring notebook or a lap top computer with the access codes and triggers.
- The Illuminati Formula Used to Create
an Undetectable Total Mind Controlled Slave
- An Introduction
Mind Control - Dave McGowan
Monarch mind-control programming quotes
"In 1983, John Alexander set up a course called Neuro Linguistic Programming (NLP).
This presented to selected officers and Senior Executive Service members a set of techniques to modify behaviour patterns. Among the first generals to take the course was Lieutenant General Maxwell Thurman, who went on to become Vice Chief of Staff at the Army and Commander Southern Command. Among other senior participants were Major General Stubblebine and no less than vice-president Al Gore, who still retains his friendship with Alexander."
..."John Alexander is currently involved in over 20 mind control and psychotronic projects at the Los Alamos National Laboratories, where he holds the post of Director of Non-Lethal Programmes. Alexander and his team have been working with Dr Igor Smirnov, a psychologist from the Moscow Institute of Psycho-corrections, who pioneered a technique to electronically analyse the human mind in order to influence it. They input subliminal command messages using key words transmitted in "white noise" or music. Using an infrasound very low frequency transmission, the acoustic psycho-correction message is transmitted via bone conduction - ear plugs would not restrict the message. The subliminal messages by-pass the conscious level and are effective almost immediately."
'Mind control and the Intelligence services'
Based on the evidence that's on the public record, the dream of harnessing such power, or even of establishing its existence, may be somewhat optimistic.
But this fact hasn't stopped a strange band of specialists, many of whom have government connections, from staking out careers at the intersection of, so to speak, ESP, the Pentagon, and the CIA: where people interested in parapsychology work with those inter- ested in weapons research and mind control. These would-be psi-spooks turn up occasionally on talk shows and at conferences on "nonlethal defense." Their ranks include companies like PSI-TECH in Albuquerque, founded by Maj. Edward A. Dames, and figures such as Col. John B. Alexander of the Los Alamos National Laboratory, who was featured in the February 1995 issue of Wired magazine. Dames and Alexander and a dozen more blend in with spookier types who shun publicity but who show up at UFO and New Age gatherings. One is ex-Naval Intelligence officer C.B. Scott Jones, a former aide to Sen. Claiborne Pell.
UFO researchers have recently become interested in the Aviary, a group of former and current U.S. spooks, along with some defense-contracting scientists, who may or may not have official status. Apparently the mission of this group is to discredit any serious research into UFOs. Its members include Col. John B. Alexander, Harold Puthoff from the remote viewing project, and Jack Vorona of the Defense Intelligence Agency (formerly the boss of Michael Persinger). The names of others are floating around the Internet as well.
Some Aviarians claim to be UFOlogists themselves, or are friendly and good-natured with other UFOlogists, and some genuine UFO researchers are quick to squabble with other researchers. This makes it nearly im- possible to sort out who is disinforming whom, and difficult to distinguish the white hats from the black hats. Since he began looking into the Aviary, British researcher Armen Victorian has been burgled eight times, his car broken into three times, his telephone tapped, and a bug was discovered in his home. All this happened courtesy of British in- telligence and police, reportedly as a favor for the CIA.
Mind Control and the Secret State
John Alexander - master manipulator
"Dr. John Alexander has been a leading advocate for the development of non-lethal weapons since he created renewed interest in the field starting in 1989. An original thinker, he has developed other unique concepts for conflict that must remain undisclosed at this time. "
check out the other projects this man is involved in : UFO's
What are 'Special Forces' doing here?
"The National Institute for Discovery Science (NIDS) is a privately funded science institute engaged in research of aerial phenomena, animal mutilations, and other related anomalous phenomena."
This guy also seems to be involved in the development / as advisor to non-lethal weaponry, Neuro linguistic programming, UFO, near death experience, remote viewing, mass media military plotlines & Homeland security
As an unofficial spokesman for the Military-Industrial Complex, Alexander has written a book called Future War in which he continues to ply his trade -- promoting war -- and most importantly advocating those all-important expendables called "weapons systems."
The oxymoronic "non-lethal weapons" which Alexander touts are anything but. They include exotic systems like electromagnetic weapons, chemical and biological warfare, so-called physical restraints like goop guns, etc., acoustic weapons, as well as information warfare technologies, which include good old-fashioned military propaganda -- like his book itself.
Spooky Boys with Spooky Toys
Microwave weapons in Iraq
Microwave weapons that cause pain without lasting injury are to be issued to American troops in Iraq for the first time as concern mounts over the growing number of civilians killed in fighting. The non-lethal weapons, which use high-powered electromagnetic beams, will be fitted to vehicles already in Iraq, which will allow the system to be introduced as early as next year.
Using technology similar to that found in a conventional microwave oven, the beam rapidly heats water molecules in the skin to cause intolerable pain and a burning sensation. The invisible beam penetrates the skin to a depth of less than a millimetre. As soon as the target moves out of the beam's path, the pain disappears.
"The skin gets extremely hot, and people can't stand the pain, so they have to move - and move in the way we want them to," said Col Wade Hall of the Office of Force Transformation, a body formed in November 2001 to promote rapid improvement across all of the American armed services. - more
High strangeness - confusion down the rabbit hole -
Is this a division & distraction exercise?
Dr. Armen Victorian, the intrepid UFO investigator from Nottingham, England has uncovered disturbing material regarding the activities of Dr. John B. Alexander who now holds a high position at Los Alamos National Laboratory. Alexander has engaged in secret government work on parapsychology and UFOs. He was officially involved with the U.S. Army's investigation of the Cash-Landrum case (in which U.S. citizens received severe radiation burns). He has admitted that the "Colonel Harold Phillips" in Howard Blum's book, "Out There" was based on himself. Alexander serves on the board of directors of Psi Tech, a company formed by military intelligence personnel trained in remote viewing.
Virtually strange
In his book, OUT THERE (38), the NEW YORK TIMES journalist Howard Blum refers to "a UFO Working Group" within the Defense Intelligence Agency. Despite DIA's repeated denials (39), the existence of this working group has been confirmed to me by more than one member of the group itself, including an independent source in the Office of Naval Intelligence. The majority of the group's members are senior members of the AVIARY: Dr Christopher Green (BLUEJAY) from the CIA (40), Harold Puthoff (OWL) ex-NSA; Dr Jack Verona (RAVEN) (DoD, one of the initiators of the DIA's Sleeping Beauty project which aimed to achieve battlefield superiority using mind-altering electromagnetic weaponry); John Alexander (PENGUIN) and Ron Pandolphi (PELICAN).
The mysterious "Col. Harold E. Phillips" who appears in Blum's OUT THERE is none other than John B. Alexander.
John Alexander's position as the Program Manager for Contingency Missions of Conventional Defense Technology, Los Alamos National Laboratories, enabled him to exploit the Department of Defense's Project RELIANCE "which encourages a search for all possible sources of existing and incipient technologies before developing new technology in-house (41)" to tap into a wide range of exotic topics, sometimes using defense contractors, e.g. McDonnel Douglas Aerospce. I have several reports, some of which were compiled before his departure to the Los Alamos National Laboratories when he was with Army Intelligence, which show Alexander's keen interest in any and every exotic subject - UFOs, ESP, psychotronics, anti-gravity devices, near death experiments, psychology warfare and non-lethal weaponry.
John Alexander utilizes the bank of information he has accumulated to try to develop psychotronic, psychological and mind weaponry. He began thinking about non-lethal weapons a decade ago in his paper "The New Mental Battlefield." He seems to want to become a "Master."
If he ever succeeds in this ambition the rest of us ordinary mortals had better watch out.
Non-Lethality: John B. Alexander, the Pentagon's Penguin Armen Victorian [back up]
Alexander turns up again:
Belief Programming via Computer / console war-games
Alexander, whose worked in a similar capacity with Tom Clancy and Michael Crichton, will be lending his knowledge and expertise on everything from futuristic battleground scenarios to advanced high-tech military planning to create stories and ideas the likes of which have never been seen.
Although the stories being produced out of this collaboration are fictional, the knowledge that Alexander brings to the table includes information that's only recently been declassified (or that can't be classified because it's "out there and in people's hands"). Alexander says, "This stuff is real--the genetic and biological capabilities that exist right now, the cutting-edge weapons, technologies and threats--these are real scenarios that we could literally face today, and it's mind-blowing."
We're going to be keeping the projects Platinum and the Colonel are working on under tighter security than Area 51, but rest assured that the details of this exciting collaboration will be trickling out as quickly as the public is ready to handle them. In the meantime, check out the links bellow to see what others are saying about this team-up of super-secret proportions. To learn more about Col. Alexander, click HERE for an in-depth biography.
To better realize the concepts and ideas being developed for the video-game medium, Alexander and Platinum will be working closely with Blue Shift Games, one of the nation's leading and award-winning game developers, as well as Handheld Games, a developer specializing in software and accessories exclusive to portable gaming platforms.
Platinum Games
Tom Clancys 'Splinter Cell'
Being a Tom Clancy game, we get an intelligent and intriguing plotline that does not disappoint. You are Sam Fisher and you work for the NSA, but as far as the American government is concerned, you don't exist. A one-man team, your sub-dermal communicators allow you to keep in contact with your commander back at HQ and your primary function is to protect the rights and freedom of the American people at any cost. Our story begins with suspicious activity of a self-elected Georgian president and information comes to light that could lead to war. As the plot unfolds, the scale of the terrorist threat against the free world becomes clear and the importance of your missions increases with every new piece of intelligence you gather.
Is John B Alexander helping to install
Neuro lingiustically programmed Belief systems
via popular media?
CFR - Los Alamos
Colonel John B. Alexander, Ph.D. continues to consult to the US government and provide guidance in military situations globally and previously headed the Los Alamos Laboratory program on non-lethal weapons. He has served as the US representative on four international studies conducted by NATO and has chaired most of the major conferences on non-lethal weapons over the past decade.
Colonel Alexander is the author of "Future War" (foreword by Tom Clancy), which is "the bible for those seeking answers to the role of non-lethal weapons in modern warfare" according to General E.C. Meyers, former Chief of Staff, US Army. He has published numerous articles widely and has appeared on Dateline, Fox News, Larry King, CNN, and other US programs plus international television in Australia, Denmark, France, Germany, Italy, Switzerland, Netherlands, the UK, and Japan.
As a member of the Council on Foreign Relations non-lethal warfare study, he was instrumental in the report that is credited with causing the Department of Defense to create a formal Non-Lethal Weapons Policy in July 1996. He has also conducted numerous non-lethal warfare briefings to the highest levels of government including the White House Staff, National Security Council, Members of Congress, Director of Central Intelligence, and senior Defense officials.
Colonel John B. Alexander, Ph.D. Secured as ShockRounds(TM) Advisor
John B Alexander
- advisor to Tom Clancy -
who wrote & directed
movie site
John B Alexander, again!
The Homeland Defense and Security Advisor
This is a very strange Interview with John B Alexander on Jeff Renses Radio show, in which he
states it says in the Koran that all Muslims must wage war against the west - A LIE that would seem to be way below the supposed intelligence of this person...And worrying because he is a homeland security advisor:
CIA Checking if Life Imitates Art
- When the plot thickens, the CIA calls in the professionals -- Hollywood screenwriters.
Addressing what the Sept. 11 commission said was one of the main failures of government -- imagination -- a senior CIA official said on Wednesday the spy agency was willing to "push beyond the traditional boundaries of intelligence."
"We had our terrorism and counternarcotics analysts meet with Hollywood directors, screenwriters and producers. People who are known for developing the summer blockbusters or the hit TV show that often have a terrorism theme," said Jami Miscik, CIA's deputy director for intelligence.
"It was an attempt to see beyond the intelligence report, and into a world of plot development," she told a House Intelligence Committee hearing on the Sept. 11 commission's recommendations about analysis and the need for imagination and creativity.
The CIA also ran a round-table discussion with 10 science-fiction authors so intelligence analysts could see how the writers spun possible scenarios.
"An invaluable opportunity for analysts to push the envelope on where a nascent development might lead," Miscik called it.
"To truly nurture creativity, you have to cherish your contrarians and give them opportunities to run free," she said.
"Leaders in the analytic community must avoid trying to make everyone meet a preconceived notion of the intelligence community's equivalent of the 'man in the gray flannel suit'," Miscik said.
To address a key election-year issue, House and Senate committees are holding hearings during their summer recess on the recommendations of the Sept. 11 commission for an overhaul of the intelligence bureaucracy.
The hearings come amid heightened alert in the United States for a possible al Qaeda attack in the run-up to the November presidential election.
By Tabassum Zakaria WASHINGTON (Reuters)
DALLAS, TX - Mar 30, 2004 - MDM Group, Inc. (Other OTC: MDDM.PK - News) advises that Colonel John B. Alexander, Ph.D. US Army (Retired) will be a featured speaker at the Homeland Defense and Security Conference to be held in Washington today.
Colonel Alexander is recognized and acknowledged as the world's leading authority on non-lethal weapons and is credited with developing the modern concept of non-lethal defense.
He also acts as a consultant and advisor to the MDM Group non-lethal weapons project -- ShockRounds(TM) and continues to consult to the US government and provide guidance in military situations globally.
Previously, Colonel Alexander headed the Los Alamos Laboratory program on non-lethal weapons, served as the US representative on four international studies conducted by NATO, and chaired most of the major conferences on non-lethal weapons over the past decade. Investment press
ShockRounds(TM) are a potential breakthrough product for the law enforcement industry, the military and border control and anti-terrorism initiatives, due to their versatility and multiple applications. When fired, a ShockRounds(TM) specialized bullet generates an extremely high voltage charge. This voltage discharges instantly upon impact causing immediate target incapacitation.
ShockRounds(TM) "electrified" standard bullets and rubber bullets are forecast to:
-- Make law enforcement safer and more certain
-- Save lives and ensure less collateral damage
-- Reduce injuries and fatalities
-- Enable far better control and effective enablement in aircraft, public places, arenas etc.
-- Provide an effective anti terrorism and border control weapon
-- Potential to decrease legal liability - through reduced injuries and fatalities
9-11 connections?
1997 - Tom Clancy's novel Debt of Honor and follow up novel Executive Orders depicts a terrorists hijacking a plane and suicide bombing it into the Capital building obliterating the President, Congress, and the Supreme Court.
Debt of Honor (July 1997) - "Razio Yamata is one of Japan's most influential industrialists, and part of a relatively small group of authority who wield tremendous authority in the Pacific Rim's economic powerhouse. He has devised a plan to cripple the American greatness, humble the U.S. military, and elevate Japan to a position of dominance on the world stage." -
Executive Orders (Aug 1997) - "Tom Clancy goes to the White House in this thriller of political terror and global disaster. The American political situation takes a disturbing turn as the President, Congress, and Supreme Court are obliterated when a Japanese terrorist lands a 747 on the Capitol." -
"JEFF GREENFIELD, CNN CORRESPONDENT: What we see now is nothing less than the worst nightmare that one could imagine come to life, probably worse than anyone could have imagined. You may remember that Tom Clancy wrote a novel that ends with a terrorist hijacker crashing into the Capitol." - CNN (09/11/01)
Sci fi - programming the coming theocratic fascist empire
Do you have what it takes to become part of something greater than yourself? Do you have what it takes to serve the Empire? To help maintain peace and order throughout the galaxy? To stamp out the forces of evil and chaos that threaten the fabric of our society? If you do, then there is a place waiting for you in the Imperial Armed Forces' new EG Division.
star destroyer
Is Neo in charge of his own destiny?
Does the final film suggest that we should allow one form of slavery to exist in order to preserve the illusion of the status quo?
Mind Kontrolle SCI-FI?
"[A currently fashionable definition of determinism has it, roughly, that the past, combined with the laws of nature, causally insures one unique future.]
... [is all human conduct purely a matter of nature and nurture? Or is determinism false, and is it instead the case that these influences do not all by themselves explain exactly what a person does at any time? If not, does the person herself contribute something over and above these other factors that accounts for why she does what she does?]...
...[Incompatibilists believe that if determinism is true, no one has free will. No one can control her future since the universe, so to speak, is really controlling it, and persons and their conduct are merely conduits through which the forces of nature operate.]..."
excerpts from Neo's freedom, Whoa! by Michael Mckenna
yet another attempt to convince us that we have
no choice in our destiny?
John B Alexander, Ph.D.
reviews Mothman prophecies
The federation is 'communist'
![](pics/startrek.jpg) ![](pics/poster1_full.jpg)
Klingon language institute
note: to be fair to Star Trek [and offshoots]: in later series it has focussed on the grey areas of realpolitik within the federation
Star Trek - the false dichotomy -
a model for the empire?
Polarized collectivism...?<
The Federation is shown as the moral, just and civilised arbitrator of the galaxy...
all other species must be assimilated into this for an imposed 'force for good'
The Borg, and before them the Klingons, are shown as the immoral, unjust and savage/insectoid tyranny of the galaxy...
all other species must be assimilated into this for an imposed 'force for evil'
"Alien species and political powers in Star Trek often have iconic properties. In some cases these have been directly envisioned by writers, and in others perceived such by fandom. Some examples:
Earth = United States of America
United Federation of Planets = United Nations, socialism
Vulcans = British
Klingons = Cold War Russians/Feudal Japanese, Sparta, Mongols, Vikings
Romulans = Chinese/Romans
Ferengi = Capitalism (or a parody thereof)
Q = God
the Borg = the Devil, Microsoft, Communism and other forms of collectivism
Cardassians = Nazis/fascism, totalitarianism
Bajorans = Jews, Israel
Suliban = Taliban
Xindi = Al-Qaeda, terrorism
"I invite the skeptical reader to examine the work of George Estabrooks, a seminal theorist on the use of hypnosis in warfare, and a veteran of Project MKULTRA. Estabrooks once amused himself during a party by covertly hypnotizing two friends, who were led to believe that the Prime Minister of England had just arrived; Estabrooks' victims spent an hour conversing with, and even serving drinks to, the esteemed visitor[11]. For ufologists, this incident raises an inescapable question: If the Mesmeric arts can successfully evoke a non-existent Prime Minister, why can't a represent-ative from the Pleiades be similarly induced?"
THE CONTROLLERS: A New Hypothesis of Alien Abduction by Martin Cannon
An In-Depth Timeline Showing the Possible Use by the Intelligence Community of "Synthetic Telepathy" in the Urantia Movement, Teaching Mission (TeaM), A Course in Miracles (ACIM), Findhorn, and Other Religious/Cultic Organizations.
An Alien species threaten earth: In order to gain full citizenship the youth must fight
An Alien species threatens earth: In order to gain full citizenship the youth must fight
"the soul of his argument lies in the military and the service of the State. The formation of young men and women does not take place primarily in schools, families, churches, sporting teams, universities, or love affairs. In Heinlein's idealized future, this takes place in boot camp. "...
"Starship Troopers" clearly should be read with special caution by the young at risk of being seduced by the sirens' song of Heinlein and his futuristic wars and rumors of war. It is not true that pain, punishment, and service are the cornerstones of the ideal civilization."
an opinion- Richard Geib
Hey!...just like Iraq - a bad sequel is made!!!![](pics/starship2.jpg)
A sequel?
For some, Sept. 11 a new beginning
Early this morning, Corey Schiller boarded a bus bound for Army boot camp in Fort Knox, Ky.
It will take Corey, 21, about six hours to get there, nine weeks to complete boot camp and another nine weeks to finish advanced individual training, where he will learn to operate, shoot and load tanks.
"Isn't that wonderful?" said Lynn Schiller, Corey's mother, with a note of sarcasm as she rolled her eyes.
It might not be wonderful in Lynn Schiller's mind, but it does show that Sept. 11 will mark more than the worst act of terrorism on United States soil for some citizens.
Sept. 11, 2002, will be a day of new beginnings for Corey, a birthday for Michael Barrios and an anniversary for Donna and Doug Dyer.
Rockford press
First Earth Battalion - Jim Channon - New age advisor to the Pentagon in the New Global Social order...
JIM CHANNON has mastered a unique process for coaching out the very deepest potential in a person or a corporation and then parading that essence forward in comprehensive drawings and dramatized stories that constitute a proactive prayer for manifestation. He does that live... on the spot. He has been described as a one-man Walt Disney studio....since he can take any idea and bring it to life in cartoons, theater, or models...indoors or .outdoors, during an adventure quest.
The Beleif engine -
Principles of Culture-Crafting
The principles are general but you can see how they would completely refocus leadership and how leaders view their jobs:
Believe that a well-crafted social event can move people to action as well or better than a management formula.
Design behavioral performance into all group celebrations, activities, and events.
Work the environment by appointing available spaces with art that evokes specific behavioral motivation.
Stimulate the full range of senses whenever the group assembles.
Create and reinforce manners that encourage the performance values you desire.
Stage events for your most cherished ideals and create the richness of venue befitting those ideals.
Learn to track and then ruthlessly adjust the "energy" at gatherings.
Understand how music can work the energy dimension while ideas can work the information dimension.
Be cautious of too many one-way communications tools like "power-point" presentations and encourage group council, games and simulations to get ideas in place.
Be constantly aware of your chances to credential a positive behavior whether during an introduction, a conversation or a public event. source
Officers assigned to the US Army War College at Carlisle Barracks, Pennsylvania [] contributed research to the project, and "The First Earth Battalion" is essentially a textual copy of one group's unclassified briefing slides.
Although decidedly New Age, the War College project was not entirely theoretical. Colonel Alexander, for example, went on to become a leader in the Los Alamos National Lab's non-lethal weapons program. [EN3] Likewise, during the early 1980s Special Forces hired Richard Strozzi Heckler and other outside contractors to provide two A-teams, a total of 25 men, with training in biofeedback, aikido, and "mind-body psychology." In the latter program, a typical training day included running, swimming, "industrial-strength" calisthenics, and 1-1/2 hours of aikido practice. After six months, the soldiers were not aikido masters but they were quantifiably 75% more physically fit than when they started. [EN4]
During correspondence with the editor in January 2000, author Channon had this to say:
The ideas circulated by this mythical force [First Earth Battalion] began with combat of the collective conscience the principal that if any contest is viewed by the television audience, it will be judged in the end on ethical superiority. Thus cameras mounted on dune buggies. The Army War College has the most exhaustive instructional materials on peacekeeping. All these ideas were first represented by Earth Battalion thinkers and the manual you have. -
The First Earth Battalion:
Dare to Think the Unthinkable,
Ideas and Ideals for Soldiers Everywhere Manual
John B Alexander, again! Remote viewing
Hal Puthoff, Ph.D., is the director of the Institute for Advanced Studies at Austin, Texas. His present research ranges from theoretical studies concerning gravitation, cosmology, and energy research to laboratory studies of innovative approaches to energy generation and space propulsion. A graduate of Stanford University, Dr. Puthoff's professional background spans research at General Electric, Sperry, the National Security Agency, Stanford University, and SRI International.
While at SRI (1972-1985) he founded the Remote Viewing (RV) program at the request of the CIA, who was interested in determining whether RV might constitute an intelligence threat if used against the U.S. by potential adversaries. With colleagues Targ, May, and others, out of this work emerged some of the first papers on this subject to be published in mainstream scientific journals such as Nature, the Proceedings of the IEEE (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers), and AAAS Symposium Proceedings 57 (American Association for the Advancement of Science). In addition, two books were published, Mind-Reach: Scientists Look at Psychic Ability (with Targ), and Mind at Large: IEEE Symposia on the Nature of Extrasensory Perception (with Tart and Targ).
Remote viewing
Reality designers
This webmaster believes that Secret Government, Military-industrial, Black ops & Special forces have been involved from the very earliest stages of the developments of mass media, and are utilising it's propaganda/programming potential
as a way of developing & controlling an alternative/mainstream paradigm...which in itself creates a realm which is crafted and used for political purposes
The concept of Emotional addiction/slavery is used to drive home a new bi-polar reality - one of success/failure - an Uber corporate emotionless state that programmes 'success' as 'happiness' ...what these controllers aren't disclosing is that success can only be achieved by obedience to the dominant market forces at any given time, which are being controlled by the dominant Corporations, as a cartel, who now control all elements of the nation state mechanism.
obedience to the program = obedience to the state = obedience to the corporation = success = happiness
some examples
The Ultimate Power or Uber-corporate Mind Control?
Success can be defined as simply "getting what you want." The difference between successful people and unsuccessful people is their ability to manage their physical, mental, and emotional states regardless of outside circumstances. A new science called Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP) studies the structure of an individual's subjective experience of objective reality and provides instruction on how to alter that subjective experience to allow the individual more power to direct his or her own life. This science is key to replicating the results of successful people through a process called modeling. Three fundamental ingredients of a successful person's life must be modeled in order to produce identical results:
The Belief System
The Mental Syntax
The Physiology
Making people 'believe' [via hypnotic suggestion] that you are a nice person?
NLP Hypnotic-Relationship Communication - often referred to as NLP-HRC - is a kind of Non-verbal Communication capable of generating an atmosphere of understanding between two persons. That pleasant kind of warmth that naturally develops inside a relationship, under the shelter of harmony and mutual pleasure, achieved through successful communication, this very atmosphere is what we mean when we speak of "NLP Hypno-Rapport"
NLP Hypnotic Relationship Communication empowers us to:
Interpret the mind's nine accessing cues to delineate "psychological profiles" - thus enabling us to use a completely personalized communication style;
Exert automatic control over non-verbal communication - enabling us to charm others at a subliminal level;
Build language structures that bind emotional states together;
Take advantage of Non-Verbal Communication to build winning relationships for both (win-win situation);
Build multiple rapport levels (postural, verbal, sub-modalities, etc.);
Instantly interpret the other people's Values and Beliefs - enabling us to understand them at a deeper level, communicate in a personalized way and comprehend needs;
- nlp-london.
Do more better?
Elvis Keith Lester says:
The models I have developed offer you some of the newest & most powerful Human Excellence Achievement Technologies (HEAT) on the planet today. We refer to them collectively as NeuroTechnics & HypnoTechnics.
Optimum Performance, Success Conditioning, General Semantics (Human-Engineering), NLP, Meta-Cognition, Meta-Representation & Hypnosis.
"Do More Better" & "EXCEED" - describe his mission in life succinctly! Most of what Elvis teaches, coaches and "walks" is driven by his favorite tag line - "Live By Design With Intention". - learninstitute
"The courage to change, the patience to grow"
Our therapeutic/personal development retreats are uniquely designed to fulfil your needs giving you the kind of break you desire. It is our goal that you leave inspired and transformed with practical life enhancing tools that help you move forward with confidence and motivation.
You will be treated with respect & understanding and receive the care and attention you need to make the changes you desire. We recognise that this is a time for you, a time when you can step back from the rush of everyday life. A time when you can relax and trust in a process that puts you in touch with your inner resources.
I am a qualified and experienced therapist and coach with a proven track record whose goal is to help you empower yourself. You may be dealing with some major issues and making some profound discoveries and transformations but there is laughter and joy on these development retreats. When you can laugh you can heal and when you heal you grow. It is a virtuous circle that proves "laughter is the best medicine".
This is your retreat. Come here and be yourself.
The core of the retreat is based on hypnotherapy/NLP and other modern psychological approaches such as Authentic Happiness Coaching of which I am a graduate. I have named this programme The Motivation Method. You will learn ways to deal with issues like regaining focus, motivation, dealing with stress, anxiety, depression and other personal challenges. Discover how to use the power of your mind/spirit to gain clarity of purpose, change emotions, attitudes and behaviours. You will gain new and deeper understanding of how the mind works and be able to take charge of your life moving towards the future you desire and experience the changes you are seeking. It is equally important that you leave with practical tools that help you maintain those changes and allow for further personal development, renewal and growth. Having personal hypnotherapy/coaching and learning the techniques of the Motivation Method is an evolving process that flows naturally and will be of benefit long after the retreat is over. - motivationretreats
Movie as NLP?
WHAT THE BLEEP DO WE KNOW?! is a new type of film. It is part documentary, part story, and part elaborate and inspiring visual effects and animations. The protagonist, Amanda, played by Marlee Matlin, finds herself in a fantastic Alice in Wonderland experience when her daily, uninspired life literally begins to unravel, revealing the uncertain world of the quantum field hidden behind what we consider to be our normal, waking reality.
She is literally plunged into a swirl of chaotic occurrences, while the characters she encounters on this odyssey reveal the deeper, hidden knowledge she doesn't even realize she has asked for. Like every hero, Amanda is thrown into crisis, questioning the fundamental premises of her life - that the reality she has believed in about how men are, how relationships with others should be, and how her emotions are affecting her work isn't reality at all!
As Amanda learns to relax into the experience, she conquers her fears, gains wisdom, and wins the keys to the great secrets of the ages, all in the most entertaining way. She is then no longer the victim of circumstances, but she is on the way to being the creative force in her life. Her life will never be the same.
How does the film: What the bleep do we know? relate to NLP?
The graphical representation of neural network pathways in the film illustrates very clearly the scientific basis behind some of the NLP techniques. And if you have ever wondered what it means to be open to something (love, success, life,etc) then have a look at the visual representations of the neuropeptide receptor sites on a cell. The neuropeptides can clearly be conceptualised as yang, male, outgoing and penetrating while the receptor sites can be conceptualised as yin, female, receptive and open. Also pay attention in the film to the concept of emotional addiction. Consider that we spend most of our life doing a behaviour to either generate a negative or positive emotion. -
induction is what creates relaxation of the body and mind. Relaxation is not hypnosis. Once the body is
relaxed the mind can begin to focus on the state necessary to create trance. If you notice your client is
moving the arms, hands or fingers, fidgeting a lot, you will need to work on some very active relaxation
before inducing deeper states of trance.
most cases I like to start with an eye fixation and closure induction. I let the client make their eyes
close as a result of overwhelming heaviness suggest that the moment they close that heavy wave of warmth
will float down through their body and relax them even deeper. Most people will look forward to this moment
and participate in the process of making their eyelids heavy and relaxed. Although there have been times
when I am dealing with a very stubborn or resistant mind, and the eyes will not close. If this happens you
can use the script for eyes open or closed, and change your language from direct suggestion, to a very
permissive approach that puts all the responsibility on the client to make the trance happen and accept the
suggestions or not. I have done entire sessions with the client keeping his eyes open, in spite of the
obvious overwhelming fatigue in their eyelids. I continue with the session and say, "you will know when
it feels like the right time to let your eyes close if it doesn't feel right for you, then that is fine
too. It is your choice." Sometimes, you are not responsible for their ability to go into trance.
If they need to feel that they are in control by not responding to suggestions, then they will get to
experience it their way.
the eyes have closed I will begin to use an induction that is most specific to their needs. If they are
hyper aware, anxious or analytical, I will overload their mind with information, talk quickly and match the
rate at which their mind is working. Once I am in rapport with their mind, then I will slow down the pace
and relax my voice.
who fall asleep easily will go into trance quickly, and the challenge is often to keep them from going to
sleep. In this case I will make the induction interactive, meaning I will ask for responses from them
frequently. The response could be to lift a finger when they are at the door, or to nod when they are aware
of the buttons on the elevator, or to touch their arm or hand frequently to keep their awareness on my
who relax easily, or fall asleep easily need an induction that keeps them curious and their mind active.
Once they are in a light state of trance you start your therapy process.
you continue with too long of an induction, you will put them to sleep, and this is NOT hypnosis, and can
result in a very expensive nap.
a spot on the ceiling or wall and let all of your awareness be on that single spot for a moment. As you
breathe and begin to relax you may notice that your awareness of the spot changes.
way it looks, the texture, the way the light touches it, the shadows, and many interesting things about the
littlest details of that spot.
you may have noticed that as you are focusing on that spot your body is relaxing a little bit more, and you
may already be aware of how heavy your arms and legs have become. Maybe you noticed most of all, that your
breathing has slowed down, becoming very slow, easy and comfortable.
your breathing becomes even more relaxed, your body will begin to feel more relaxed and the next thing you
may notice is how heavy your arms are right now.
It might just seem that the more you focus on your arms the more relaxed they become, and the heavier they feel.
continue to notice the spot, and continue to notice how heavy your arms are and now also notice how relaxed
your breathing has become.
soft and gentle and so easy, that it almost begins to feel as if each breath in naturally leads to the next
breath out, and that breath out easily leads to the next breath in.
Each breath in naturally leads to the next breath out, and that breath out easily leads to the next breath in.
It may begin to feel as if your breath is becoming more of a circle of breath
as each breath in leads gently to the next breath out
and that breath out easily leads to the next breath in.
Now notice how naturally that happens for you, beginning to feel as if your breath is a continuous, relaxing circle.
more you breathe, the more relaxed your body becomes and your eyes may become so heavy and tired that you
will find it harder and harder to keep them open. When your eyes get too heavy to keep open, you can just
let them close
relaxing your eyelids even more
and letting that heaviness travel into all the muscles of your face.
may already be thinking about how good that will feel when that wave of relaxation and heaviness floats
down through your face like a warm wave.
So you can decide for yourself just how relaxed and tired your eyes are becoming
and how good it will feel when they really are too heavy to keep open.
Now notice that circle of breath even morelike it has a flow of energy all it's own.
Easy, gentle, peaceful continuous, absolutely no effort from you.
Just a beautifuleasy circle of breath.
to notice yourself inside of this energy, inside of this circle of breath, feeling the gentle movement the
colorthe sensations the deeply relaxing sensation
and let your mind be totally immersed in the freely moving circle of your breath.
Floating freely flowing with the soft, serene, space of your breath.
you can really let yourself go deeper inside to your place of wisdom where you have all the knowledge and
wisdom to find the answers you need, and to understand what your inner mind would like you to know.
you noticed that you are already in this place of wisdom already at this place within your inner mind,
where your awareness is heightened, your inner resources so alive and so ready to discover what you are
looking for.
you hear my voice allow my voice to find it's way into your inner mind, to that place where you already
know how to create what you desire. Let my voice relax you deeper with each word, each word finding it's way
into your inner mind to that place where you are ready to make these changes now. (continue by
deepening, or if client is in a good state of trance, with direct suggestion or imagery or future self work)
A person will not be hypnotized against their will. They
can reject anything you suggest. But sometimes they don't know they can reject it, or the offer is just too
irresistible! So at times the suggestion can have an effect because the person worries that it will have an effect. Or it may have an effect because they want it to have an effect.
You might suggest: Every time you touch your keys, your have a desire to
_____ and it becomes greater and every time you hear your keys jingle your desire for _____ grows and
becomes stronger, and you find that you can think of nothing else. The more you try to think of something
else the more your mind comes back to ______ and the confidence you feel and you want and allow
this to happen. Now, your subject has a choice of not accepting that suggestion, but the worry it creates for them about how they will respond when they touch their keys, will feed the suggestion over and over to their mind. What you resist persists.
example would be in the case of insomnia. When an insomniac worries so much about whether or not they
will sleep, that the worry alone creates the insomnia. The more they try not to think about whether or not
they will sleep well the more anxiety it creates, producing the very thing they don't want.
Anytime you word a suggestion this way it becomes what is called,
the law of reverse effect. The more you try to ______, the more you will find that you______.
Or: Every time you think of _______, you will feel _______, and the more you try not to think of_______, the stronger this effect will be.
When you form suggestions for your subject think about ways that you can create this reversed effect. Once you set up the possibility that they won't be able to think of anything else the suggestion will grow and become self-fulfilling.
Suggest to your subject: Relax your eyes so deeply that they simply will not open.
When they are that relaxed you will find them impossible to open. Now go ahead and test them just to prove
to yourself they are too heavy. Good, now relax and stop trying.
Now allow your arms to get very heavy, loose and limp. You
find that the more you focus on your arms, the heavier they seem to get. Now take a deep breath and as you
exhale your arms will become too heavy too lift. (breathe) Now you will find that the more you try to
lift your right arm, the heavier it becomes. (Watch them try then say relax your arm)
When I touch your arm it will no longer be heavy, the
moment I touch your arm it will become wonderfully light and airy as if it were being pulled into the air,
lighter and lighter(touch the arm at the wrist with your thumb and finger and a gently, and tiny,
upward tug) now doesn't that feel good.
Just let it rise into the air, and every time I touch it, you notice it getting even lighter.
(touch it again as many times as you like)
Notice the way these suggestions are worded. There is a law of
reversed effect: The more you try to ___ the more you will___. There is an assumption that you will prove to yourself _____. There is a direct suggestion that when I touch you, this will happen.
is an art to creating hypnotic suggestions that could fill another book. Here I will attempt to keep it
simple. Design your suggestion to fit one of these possibilities, make sure the outcome is stated in
the result that you want. In other words, don't use the word can't or won't. When you suggest that you
won't be able to do something, the mind only perceives the part of the suggestion that is positive. For
instance, if I ask you not to think about a pink elephant sitting next to you right now, you will only think
about the elephant. Our subconscious mind does not know how to NOT do something. That is a logical,
analytical function of our conscious mind, and in hypnosis we are dealing with the subconscious. Suggest the
outcome you desire in positive terms.
You arm is too heavy to lift. Good suggestion
You can't lift your arm. Bad suggestion
You will feel strong and confident as a non-smoker Good suggestion.
You won't want a cigarette. Bad suggestion.
The subconscious mind can only create the positive image.
When I touch the area on your back, it will relax and feel soothed and pleasant. Good suggestion.
When I touch the area on your back, it won't hurt anymore. Bad suggestion.
Pain will intensify based on the wording of the suggestion. DO NOT use the word pain when relieving pain. Use only the positive words that are the feelings you desire.
Let's say that your subject has neck pain and you want to use hypnosis to change that sensation to a feeling of comfort. Your suggestion must not have the word pain, first off. You could suggest something like this:
The uncomfortable sensation you feel in your neck will begin to melt away as I count from 10-1. Any unpleasant feeling you had (notice how this was put in the past tense!) will be released and a warm a soothing feeling will grow with each number as I count down. When I get to one, your neck will feel completely relaxed and upon feeling the touch of my fingers will feel open and receptive to melting away the tension and feeling warmth a pleasure move down through your body.
OR a sensual suggestion for lovers
When you open your eyes, you will feel more connected and closer to me than you have ever
felt. You will feel as if you and I are one. You will see deeper into my eyes, feel my warmth as my eyes
take you in, and become uncontrollably filled with desire to be consumed with pleasure, wave after wave of
deep and satisfying pleasure.
ORa post hypnotic suggestion When you are at work tomorrow and you hear the
phone ring, you will notice a warm sensation in your body. As you hear my voice on the other end of the
phone, my every word will relax your body, your arms and legs will become loose and heavy, and the moment
that you hear me say the word _____, you will become deeply relax, your desire for me growing
uncontrollably. You will think of me and only me as you feel these waves of pleasure moving up through your
body a tingle at first and then a deep longing. The more you try to stop these feelings the more intense
they will become. When I say the word ____ you will be energized, clear headed and focused. (Don't leave him/her in that condition! Come on now)
You will feel lighter and warmer with each breath.
You will notice yourself getting lighter when you hear the word_____
Post hypnotic suggestions are suggestions that will create an effect after the trance, during their normal (or abnormal depending on the person!) waking times. A post hypnotic suggestion would go like this.
Every time you hear me say the word
DEEP, you will feel a sensation of heaviness deep within your body, and each and every time I say the word
DEEP the sensation will grow as your mind opens to my words drinking in every delicious word when I say
DEEPER NOW, your eyes will close and your body will become very relaxed, so relaxed in fact that you will go
into a deep state of trance.
Every time I touch my forehead with my hand you will take a deep breath and relax and as
you exhale your mind will focus on my voice as my each and every word reaches deep into your mind.
Post hypnotic Triggers for Trance next time:
The next time you hear me counting from 10 down to 1, you will go into a pleasant state of
trance. Every time you hear these words your body will relax deeply and your mind will go into a receptive
state of hypnosis.
Trigger for eyes open trance: When I say 1,2,3 eyes open you will open your
eyes. When you open your eyes you will remain in trance and respond to my voice. The moment you hear me
say, DEEP ASLEEP your eyes will close, and your body will go right back into this deeply relaxed
Trigger for breath matching: When you look into my eyes and hear me say the word
you will feel compelled to match my breathing. As your body and mind matches my breathing you will feel a tingle, then a deep sense of desire to be alone with me and only me. With each and every breath your desire for me will grow stronger.
OR. As you match my breathing your body will release any tightness or discomfort and you will relax into a state of deep and profound peace.