Five admirals, Carlyle Group and Rand take over [The Series]
Five admirals, Carlyle Group and Rand take over Part 1 by Leuren Moret
I think some of these folks would put nuclear tips on ice cream cones if they could. - U.S. Rep. Ellen Tauscher, D-Calif., on efforts by Bush administration officials to repeal a research ban on low-yield nuclear weapons, quoted in Global Security Newswire May 19, 2003 UC and nuclear weapons: the kiss of death The top-secret Manhattan Project was laid out by Robert Oppenheimer the night Ernest Lawrence took him to the Bohemian Club during World War II. It was a part of Californias brutal rise to economic and political power described in Imperial San Francisco: Urban Power, Earthly Ruin by Gray Brechin. In 1939, Nobel Prize-winning physicist Niels Bohr had argued that building an atomic bomb can never be done unless you turn the United States into one huge factory. Years later, he told his colleague Edward Teller, I told you it couldnt be done without turning the whole country into a factory. You have done just that. That was after Edward Teller had stuck the proverbial knife in Oppenheimers back, and pulled his security clearance.
Teller - also known as Dr. Strangelove - went on to promote a grandiose U.S. nuclear weapons program for decades at the nuclear weapons labs: Berkeley, Livermore and Los Alamos. The program remained under a no-bid University of California management contract for 61 years. In a stealth takeover by the Carlyle Group, facilitated by five admirals, the management contract will be transferred next year to the University of Texas, where the military and the Carlyle Group will have control. A new ramping up of the nuclear weapons program is underway, with program funding at the highest level ever - even higher than during the Cold War extending nuclear weapons into outer space, into the very atmosphere that makes life on earth possible, and with no real enemy in sight. Estimating the cold war mortgage ![]() In 1995 dollars, according to the Department of Energy (DOE), the U.S. has spent approximately $300 billion on nuclear weapons research, production and testing. Today in the nuclear weapons complex there are 10,500 contaminated sites, 2.3 million acres under DOE ownership, and 120 million square feet of buildings. The DOE Environmental Management program estimates that the 1995 high base cost to clean up the environmental legacy is $350 billion. That excludes the Nevada Test Site, Hanford, the Savannah and Clinch rivers and the Columbia River, which are considered to be national sacrifice zones because the technology does not exist to clean them up. That was the cost for cleaning up the environment. The damage to the human health, not only of Americans but also to the global population, was predicted by the European Committee on Radiation Risk (ECRR) in a 2003 independent report on low level radiation for the European Parliament to be 61,600,000 deaths by cancer, 1,600,000 infant deaths, and 1,900,000 fetal deaths. In addition, the ECRR committee predicts a 10 percent loss of life quality integrated over all diseases and conditions in those who were exposed over the period of global weapons fallout. The cost to the predominantly Black community living near the Hunters Point Naval Shipyard in San Francisco is much greater. Shortly after the bombs were dropped on Hiroshima and Nagasaki, the Navy established the secret Naval Radiological Defense Laboratory (NRDL) at the shipyard to study the biological effects of ionizing radiation. The premier military radiation research facility of the post-World War II era, the lab operated at the shipyard until 1969. Operation Crossroads ships returning to the Hunters Point Shipyard following exposure to detonation of radioactive blasts were researched and decontaminated, and secret experiments exposing animals, plants, military personnel, prisoners and local residents to radiation were conducted at the NRDL, where 550 civilian scientists worked with 65 Navy officers. The radioactive waste and dead animals from the lab were dumped on the base, which lies along the shore of San Francisco Bay. The shipyards largest dump, filling a stream gorge, is now a 46-acre toxic and radioactive landfill. More waste was sunk offshore not far from the Golden Gate Bridge in a battleship and 55-gallon drums, contaminating one of the richest fisheries in the world. Studies by the San Francisco Department of Public Health have documented an inexplicably high incidence of breast cancer among Black women under the age of 40, suggesting environmental causes. Dr. Janette Sherman became a medical doctor because of her concern about radiation after experimenting with radiation on lab animals at the NRDL as a researcher there in the 1950s. Her book, Lifes Delicate Balance Causes and Prevention of Breast Cancer, identifies ionizing radiation as one of the main causes of breast cancer. Even worse, the Radiation and Public Health Project (RPHP), while conducting studies on infant mortality and cancer around nuclear power plants, discovered that milk contaminated with radiation has been shipped into Black inner city communities a genocidal plan which explains why Blacks have the highest cancer rates, infant mortality and asthma in the U.S., which has been blamed on poverty. The studies using U.S. government data on radiation in milk revealed that at the time of Chernobyl the Pennsylvania Milk Board had been selectively shipping radioactive contaminated milk from dairies around the Three Mile Island and Peachbottom reactors into Black inner city communities on the East Coast (see Jay Gould, Infant Mortality and Milk, a chapter in Deadly Deceit: Low Level Radiation, High Level Coverup). An RPHP study on health improvements by race in San Francisco County after the shutdown of the Rancho Seco nuclear power plant in 1989 reports that health improved for all ages, diseases and races except for Blacks. Black infant mortality also increased after startups and accidents, but unlike improvements in infant mortality for whites and Asians, which decreased after the 1989 shutdown, Black infant mortality continued to reflect startups and shutdowns at other nuclear power plants in California. UC Regents meeting May 15, 2003: the point man One year ago, Admiral Linton Brooks, administrator of the National Nuclear Security Administration (NNSA) under DOE, informed California Lt. Gov. Cruz Bustamante and the UC Regents that the management contract for the nuclear weapons labs would be put up for competitive bid for the first time, with the award to be made in 2005. When a Regent asked if it would be for all the labs or just Los Alamos, he replied that it would be for Los Alamos. Later another Regent questioned him again, and this time he said, It would be inconceivable for just one lab. He requested a competitive bid from UC, but the Regents were now leery of the politics involved, and Brooks was challenged by a fiery Bustamante. The lieutenant governor demanded to know why UC should waste millions of dollars preparing a bid when the University of Texas was the most favored institution to get the award and had a member on the blue ribbon panel making the award decision. Admiral Brooks also informed the Board of Regents that were back in the bomb business because Los Alamos had just produced the first plutonium pit since Rocky Flats closed down. He indicated that they would be making mini-nukes only, and nuclear weapons testing would start at the Nevada Test Site in 2005. An hour later, and 45 miles away, he announced to Livermore employees that were back in the bomb business and they would be making big ones, little ones and more. By this time it seemed to me that Admiral Brooks was a slippery character, and I began to wonder why an admiral was involved. UC Regents meeting Aug. 17, 2004: two admirals stage the setup On Aug. 4, 2004, UC President Dynes, a physicist and consultant to Los Alamos and former chancellor of UC San Diego, and UC Regents Chair Gerald Parsky visited Los Alamos and met with employees over chronic and recent security and safety lapses at the lab. Parsky told them: The regents will be left with no choice about the contract competition if we do not feel confident that you understand the importance of security, procedures and safety at the lab. If we feel that you understand this and that steps are being taken to address these issues, the regents will not only endorse competing for this contract we will compete to win. During three minutes of public comment before the Regents on Aug. 17, I informed them that the lab contract was going to the University of Texas; it was a done deal. I told them that the management contract change was a chess move the Carlyle Group was making to privatize the nuclear weapons program, that Carlyle owned 70 percent of Lockheed Martin Marietta, and that Lockheed a year ago had bought Sandia Labs - they make the trigger for nuclear weapons. When Carlyle was mentioned, I noticed that the chair, Gerald Parsky, and the vice chair, Richard Blum, who is married to Sen. Dianne Feinstein, started shifting around in their chairs. Body language can say a lot. They began a disruptive and loud conversation carried on through the rest of my comments. As a Livermore whistleblower, I commented that the loss of computer discs with classified information and missing keys had happened almost daily for 61 years under sloppy UC management, and that science fraud as well as health and safety violations had been just as bad. During my week of security briefing at Livermore in 1989, we had been told the story of a scientist taking classified material home in his briefcase who did not notice it had fallen off the back of his bike. A merchant found the battered briefcase in an intersection, and several days later a horrified lab security employee found that every page of a lengthy report with CLASSIFIED stamped on each page had been taped in the window of the merchants shop hoping the owner would claim his lost secret documents. What was even more egregious, I pointed out, was an article in the July 10, 2004, issue of the Daily Mirror about the murder by the Israeli intelligence agency Mossad of Robert Maxwell, a British publisher. It revealed that Maxwell, who was the former owner of the Daily Mirror, was a high level Mossad agent and had sold PROMIS software to Los Alamos with a back door for the Mossad to spy on the lab. In closing, I told the Regents that no matter who got the contract award, The University of California would forever be known as the university that poisoned the world. References for Part 1 Imperial San Francisco: Urban Power, Earthly Ruin by Gray Brechin, UC Press, January 1999. Estimating the Cold War Mortgage: The 1995 Baseline Environmental Management Report, U.S. DOE Office of Environmental Management Executive Summary, March 1995. Closing the Circle on the Splitting of the Atom: The Environmental Legacy of Nuclear Weapons Production in the U.S. and What the DOE is Doing About It, U.S. DOE Office of Environmental Management, January 1996. ECRR: 2003 Recommendations of the European Committee on Radiation Risk Health Effects of Ionizing Radiation Exposure at Low Doses for Radiation Protection Purposes, Regulators Edition: Brussels, 2003, Lifes Delicate Balance: Causes and Prevention of Breast Cancer by Dr. Janette Sherman, 2000, Asthma; Infant Mortality; Recruiting Foster Parents by Lynda Crawford, Gotham Gazette, May 5, 2003, Deadly Deceit: Low Level Radiation, High Level Coverup by Jay Gould and B. Goldman, 1990,, Letter to Employees of University of California-managed National Labs, Today at Berkeley Lab, Aug. 6, 2004, A Career in Microbiology Can Be Harmful to Your Health: Death Toll Mounting as Connections to Dyncorp, Hadron, PROMIS Software and Disease Research Emerge by Michael Davidson and Michael C. Ruppert, Feb. 14, 2002, Media coverage of Los Alamos security lapse, July 2004, NASA plans to read terrorists minds at airports by Frank J. Murray, Washington Times, Aug. 17, 2002, Air Travel Privacy FOIA Documents: NASA Ames Research Center Northwest Airlines Briefing December 10-11, 2001, Electronic Privacy Information Center, Stop Carlyle! website, |
UC Regents lose control of nuclear weapons program Five admirals, Carlyle Group and Rand take over Part 2 by Leuren Moret
As Admiral George P. Nanos, appointed director of the Los Alamos lab in January 2003, and Admiral S. Robert Foley Jr., appointed UC vice president for laboratory management in November 2003, sat down at the table where the UC Regents waited, I began to wonder how many more admirals were involved and why. It did not take long to find out. Admiral Foley informed the regents about the missing CREM, computer storage devices with classified data, and acknowledged that the security lapse damaged the universitys chances of retaining its Los Alamos contract. This erodes your position, without any question at all, he said. Its about as bad as it could be when youre trying to prepare for a re-competition. He announced that Jack Killeen had been appointed to the UC Presidents Office as special assistant for Los Alamos security: Jacks our guy. He was with Wackenhut, and hes our guy. Wackenhut has ties to (Lockheed) Martin-Marietta 70 percent of Lockheed is now owned by the Carlyle Group - going back to 1958. By 2001, Wackenhuts revenues topped $2.8 billion as the leading provider of security at U.S. national defense sites, with a global presence on six continents.
Among nuclear weapons lab employees, Wackenhut was better known for wacking radiation whistleblowers like Karen Silkwood and attempting to run Dr. Rosalie Bertell off the road. The story of Karen Silkwoods courageous life and mysterious death are told in the 1983 movie Silkwood, starring Meryl Streep. Dr. Bertell, a Catholic nun, is a world renowned scientist and humanitarian and winner of the 1986 Right Livelihood Award, the environmental Nobel Prize. Wackenhut has a well-deserved reputation for being a nasty outfit (see Eye on Wackenhut in the reference list below). President Bush and his brother, Gov. Jeb Bush, are known to spend time together hanging out with cronies at the Wackenhut country club in Florida.
Admiral Nanos continued, complaining that employees simply would not follow the security and safety rules. When Foley chimed in that there were going to be more security incidents and lapses at the lab in the future before they got it straightened out, it began to look like a setup. Regents Blum, Parsky, Connerly and a few more leaned forward and demanded to know how it was possible, and stated it was unacceptable, that there would be more security lapses. The regents should have fired Foley on the spot when he himself predicted that he would fall down on the job. It was obvious that Nanos and Foley were there to blame the employees, justify the management change and discourage the regents from competing for the contract. They were presenting a good excuse for cleaning house and removing the old guard who would stand in the way of changes now planned for ramping up the nuclear weapons program. Admiral Nanos calls Los Alamos staff cowboys and butt-heads The decision by Admiral Nanos, director of Los Alamos, to suspend classified work at Los Alamos in July 2004 following the UC Regents meeting is an over-reaction which has hurt the nation, according to Brad Lee Holian, a physicist and 32-year lab veteran. Holian believes the reason for misplaced classified data is probably insufficient attention paid to inventory procedures rather than loss of the data or espionage. There has still been no explanation or mention of real espionage by high level Mossad agent Robert Maxwell, who sold PROMIS software to Los Alamos with a back door in the software for Mossad, the Israeli intelligence agency, to spy on the lab (see Robert Maxwell). Quoted in the San Francisco Chronicle Sept. 18, Holian said, The damage to Los Alamos National Laboratory and to the country from this shutdown could be incalculable. In a 1,500 word article he submitted to Physics Today, he says a two-month shutdown is the squandering of hundreds of millions of tax dollars and the climate of blame and zero tolerance for errors has been devastating to the morale of the scientists (see Los Alamos crackdown). Holian said that at earlier meetings, Admiral Nanos used colorful language and referred in harsh terms to certain staff members as cowboys and butt-heads and was yelling or slamming down viewgraphs onto the projector. This kind of conduct by the most senior staff member at the lab will put a chill on recruiting young scientists, and young staffers are so disheartened that some are already leaving, as well as older staff, who are taking early retirement. Holian reported that a recruiter he knows was told by young students, Were not sure we want to put our careers in jeopardy by going to a place like Los Alamos. DOE culture at the labs: the fox guarding the henhouse An editorial in the Oakland Tribune the day before the UC Regents meeting on Aug. 17 remarked that the NNSA (the National Nuclear Security Administration) was established by the Department of Energy in 1999 after the Wen Ho Lee scandal but had failed to address real security lapses since. NNSA is in bed with the lab administrators, which it supposedly is overseeing. This had been exactly my experience at Livermore in 1991 when I reported graft, fraud, corruption, contractor overcharges and health and safety violations on the Yucca Mountain Project in Nevada, and the Superfund Project at Livermore, to Richard Berta, the Western Regional Inspector in the DOE Inspector Generals office for the nuclear weapons labs, Site 51 and the Nevada Test Site. After bringing two DOE and EPA inspectors to my house and recording my testimony, he reported to Duane Sewell, the secrets keeper at the lab, and Bert Hefner, lab PR person. When I called Berta a month later to inquire about the outcome, he said, We found no basis to your allegations and I got a new office with a view and new oak furniture from Sewell. I told him I was not surprised, that my allegations had been reported many times to the FBI by other more senior lab staff and they were ignored as well. I informed him that he had missed out on the teak furniture, given to the really important players at the lab. The Oakland Tribune editorial concludes: NNSA failed miserably in its policing responsibilities. It should be reorganized or axed, and Brooks and other top officials should be replaced with more independent, less-compromised leadership. The regents meeting ended before Dr. Walter Kohn, a Nobel Prize-winning physicist representing the UC faculty opposed to UC management of nuclear weapons labs, was able to speak before the regents. Regent Sherry Lansing, CEO of Paramount Pictures, stood up and announced in a loud voice, Oh, Walter, I want to hear your presentation (at a future meeting), but I have a plane to catch, and she crossed the room to give him a big kiss. By this time, I had decided to investigate the UC Regents and their ties to the defense industry. Later that evening, a friend told me, They ARE the Carlyle Group! University of Texas students and the Fiat Pax website Right after the regents meeting, I contacted a group of University of Texas students and Texas State Rep. Lon Burnam, who are opposed to the University of Texas bid for the nuclear weapons management contract. A student told me about Fiat Pax, a website put together by UC Santa Cruz students listing the top 50 university recipients of defense funding for research and their ties to corporations (see Fiat Pax below). The UC Regents with ties to the defense industry were listed with detailed bios. Regents Chair Gerald Parsky is the top fundraiser - after Ken Lay - for George W. Bush in both his 2000 and 2004 presidential election bids and a member of the Council on Foreign Relations. Vice Chair Richard Blum is tied to the Carlyle Group, invested in URS Corp., a leading contractor with the Defense Department, and Korea First Bank - Carlyle is moving into Korea and taking over banks - and sits on the board of Northwest Airlines. A document obtained under the Freedom of Information Act (see FOIA below) revealed in 2001 that Northwest was the first airline to collaborate with NASA to install mind-reading technology in U.S. airports to catch terrorists. Regent Sherry Lansing was a trustee of the RAND Graduate School, a branch of the RAND Corp., which had been involved in war-gaming nuclear wars between the U.S. and the USSR and acts as a bridge between U.S. universities and the military. I also learned that the Carlyle Group manages large amounts of endowment funds for the University of Texas. CalPERS, the California state workers pension fund, which, at nearly $1 trillion, is the largest in the nation, owns 5.5 percent of Carlyle with a $730 million investment and an outrageous 20-30 percent annual return (see CalPERS). CalPERS has an option to buy another 5 percent in a few years, giving them 10 percent ownership of Carlyle (see Carlyle Documentary Video). For decades, many politicians and corporate interests have tried to loot the CalPERS pension fund. This could be the takeover that finally grabs the CalPERS pot of gold. Fiat Pax sums it up: The University of Californias system wide finances are incredibly entangled with weapons manufacturers. The UCs retirement plan portfolio is invested in dozens of military-industrial contractors through stock purchases. At least five corporations within the UC retirement portfolio conduct virtually no business other than weapons manufacturing and military subcontracting, these are: General Dynamics with a UC investment of $21,471,120, Northrop Grumman for $16,125,200, Raytheon for $16,818,200, TRW for $8,327,650, and Lockheed Martin for a staggering $33,046,370. It is through these informal personal, formal institutional, and financial exchanges that universities serve the warfare state and its corporate allies. Personal relationships connect military, corporate, and university personnel while bridging the divide between these institutions. Formal institutional links establish cooperation and coordination across the military-industrial-academic complex. Be they research institutes, labs, and centers, or personal relationships spanning industry-university-military, the web of connections far exceeds any attempts to quantify. Business journalist Dan Briodys book, The Iron Triangle: Inside the Secret World of the Carlyle Group (2003), reveals that the Carlyle Group is one of the most powerful and well-connected private equity firms in the world. Their incredible profits are due to investments primarily in defense and aerospace industries. Briody says the Carlyle Group operates within the so-called iron triangle of industry, government, and the military and that it leaves itself open to any number of conflicts of interest and stunning ironies. This is precisely what President Eisenhower warned against as he was leaving office over 40 years ago. And then I knew that the admirals, and the vested regents, were the kiss of death to the UC contract bid. References for Part 2 1. Robert Maxwell Was a Mossad Spy: New claim on tycoons mystery death by Gordon Thomas and Martin Dillon, Daily Mirror (UK), July 10, 2004, 2. A Career in Microbiology Can Be Harmful to Your Health: Death Toll Mounting as Connections to Dyncorp, Hadron, PROMIS Software and Disease Research Emerge, Michael Davidson and Michael C. Ruppert, Feb. 14, 2002, 3. Eye on Wackenhut: Know the Facts About Wackenhut, 4. Media coverage of Los Alamos security lapse, July 2004, 5. NASA plans to read terrorists minds at airports by Frank J. Murray, Washington Times, Aug. 17, 2002, 6. Air Travel Privacy FOIA Documents: NASA Ames Research Center Northwest Airlines Briefing December 10-11, 2001, Electronic Privacy Information Center, 7. Stop Carlyle! website, 8. Our Opinion: NNSA must share blame for Los Alamos mistakes, Oakland Tribune, Aug. 16, 2004, 9. CalPERS, Carlyle profit from Afghan war by David Lazarus, San Francisco Chronicle, Dec. 2, 2001, 10. Carlyle Documentary Video, Dutch documentary on the Carlyle Group, updated 2004 version: rtsp:// (200 MB, 500 kbps), rtsp:// (100 kbps); Dutch documentary on the Carlyle Group, original 2003 version: rtsp:// (180 MB, 500 kbps), rtsp:// (100 kbps). 11. Los Alamos crackdown imperils U.S., lab physicist warns: Director accused of overreacting by Keay Davidson, San Francisco Chronicle, Sept. 18, 2004, p.A-4, 12. Fiat Pax Let There Be Peace, a Resource on Science, Technology, Militarism and Universities, Defense Funding at 50 Universities, The University Web of Corporate Power, UCs retirement fund investments, 13. The Iron Triangle: Inside the Secret World of the Carlyle Group by Dan Briody, Wiley, 2003.
UC Regents lose control of nuclear weapons program Five admirals, Carlyle Group and Rand take over Part 3 by Leuren Moret Admiral Vishnu Bhagwat, former chief of the Indian navy
On July 17, 2004, Admiral Vishnu Bhagwat replied to my question, Why are so many admirals involved with the nuclear weapons contract bid? The reason why the Navy and the admirals are predominantly involved in the weapons, he said, is that until the space military launch posts are ready and positioned with the minimum degree of reliability, the U.S. Navy has more than 70 percent of the first and second strike capability on its boats and hence an equivalent amount of the budget earmarked for strategic systems. His comments made the link for me between the nuclear weapons program, the Navy, NASA and other types of directed energy weapons developed in nuclear weapons labs, which are intended for land, sea, air and space. Marion Fulk, a former Manhattan Project scientist and retired Livermore nuclear physical chemist, told me that nuclear weapons cannot be used in space without contaminating the atmosphere, and laser weapons will not work because there is too much space trash already up there which will impede the effectiveness of the lasers. Wars in space will create more space trash until it is impossible to leave the earth. According to Apollo astronaut Edgar Mitchell, it is already very dangerous now, since a paint chip nearly took out the windshield of the space shuttle. The U.S. plans to weaponize space are a violation of the United Nations 1967 Outer Space Treaty: Treaty on Principles Governing the Activities of States in the Exploration and Use of Outer Space, including the Moon and Other Celestial Bodies. The intent was to promote international co-operation in the peaceful exploration and use of outer space and specifically prohibited the weaponization of space with ANY weapons, including nuclear weapons. The 2001 Space Preservation Act, HR 2977, which was introduced by Congressman Dennis Kucinich, let the cat out of the bag and revealed under the Definitions in the bill that directed energy weapons, which can target individuals and populations from space for the purposes of psychotronics, mind control and mood control, are clearly the new space weapons intended to establish global dominance by the New World Order. Directed energy weapons, such as microwave and infrasound technologies, developed in the nuclear weapons labs, have been used on nuclear weapons lab whistleblowers and UC students. Theyve been handed over to the EPA to use on environmentalists and to the FBI to turn over to local law enforcement. These weapons are now land, air and sea based. Space is the last frontier. Admiral Bobby Ray Inman: Spooks-R-Us Tipped off by a journalist in Washington, D.C., my investigation of Admiral Bobby Ray Inman revealed that he was THE admiral at the center of the spider web. A look at his social network (see below) helped put the puzzle palace together, and I discovered he was national security advisor to five presidents, director of the NSA, deputy director of the CIA under William Casey, vice director of the DIA (Defense Intelligence Agency), director of Naval Intelligence, president of SAIC, chair of the 1985 congressional Inman Commission on Terrorism, affiliated with the Carlyle Group and on the advisory boards of Tufts and the University of Texas. He represents SBC Communications Corp. at Cal Tech, hes chairman of the Dallas Federal Reserve Bank and hes a member of both the Council on Foreign Relations and the Trilateral Commission. And Admiral Bobby Ray Inman is a member of the University of Texas faculty. One could say he is a dangerous man. One job he didnt get was Secretary of Defense under Clinton: 1994: Former Admiral Bobby Ray Inman, stung by press and Senate criticisms of his record, asked President Clinton to withdraw his nomination as Secretary of Defense. A Clinton aide, George Stephanopoulos, later wrote that Inman had held back information during his White House background check ( A look at Science Applications International Corporation (SAIC) reveals just exactly what kind of activities are undertaken in a spook shop where there is no accountability and what business Inman was conducting at SAIC under his leadership. SAIC is one of the largest private employee-owned corporations and, because it is privately owned, like the Carlyle Group, it escapes scrutiny despite annual revenues of more than $5.9 billion. In 1990 it was indicted and pled guilty to 10 felony counts of fraud on a Superfund site, called one of the largest (cases) of environmental fraud in Los Angeles history. The Department of Energy (DOE) contracted SAIC to manage and operate the Yucca Mountain Project (YMP), which I worked on as a scientist at the Livermore Lab. I became a whistleblower at Livermore in 1991 because of my knowledge of the extent of science fraud on the YMP, the most important public works project in U.S. history. SAICs control over internet domain names, gained when they purchased Network Solutions Inc., caused a furor and identified the ties in SAIC to the shadow ruling-class within the Pentagon. Basically, SAIC is a private spook corporation, involved in voting machines (Sequoia, Diebold etc.), controlling the internet (Network Solutions) and training foreign militaries. SAIC is the contractor that set up global communications for the U.S. military. The internet is being changed from a public resource to a lucrative operation influenced by spooks and former Pentagon officials. The internet was a Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) project to begin with, and the backbone of the internet was developed at the Livermore Lab. One of SAICs prime clients is DARPA (the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency in the Department of Defense), which recently employed five-time convicted felon Admiral Poindexter, an associate of Inmans going back to Iran-Contra. Poindexter was forced to resign over his involvement with PAM, a terrorism futures market DARPA project which predicted assassinations, terrorism and other events in the Middle East. His earlier controversial program, TIA, or the Total Information Awareness Program (see TIA), was set up to spy on Americans. It involved data mining and creating large information databases on Americans and is now being used to track citizens. Another abandoned DARPA project, which has now been revived, is Lifelog, a controversial project to archive almost everything about a person, and every aspect of a persons life is fair game. References for Part 3 United Nations 1967 Outer Space Treaty, HR 2977, Space Preservation Act of 2001, Social Network Diagram for Admiral Bobby Ray Inman, 1994: Former admiral Bobby Ray Inman, Pentagon scheme for a futures market in terror by Berry Grey, World Socialist Web Site, July 31, 2003, Best Guess: Economists explore betting markets as prediction tools by Erica Klarreich, Science News, Oct. 18, 2003, Vol. 164 p.251-253, TIA: DARPAs TIA becomes DOA after being KIAd by Congress; but spirit lives on in ARDAs NIMD by Nick Turse, Unknown News, Oct. 1, 2003, Lifelog: Pentagon Revives Memory Project by Noah Schactman, Wired News, Sept. 13, 2004,,1848,64911,00.html. |
UC Regents lose control of nuclear weapons program Five admirals, Carlyle Group and Rand take over Part 4 by Leuren Moret A controlled society
SAIC (Science Applications International Corp.), a Pentagon-connected company involved in voting machines (Sequoia, Diebold etc.), controlling the internet (Network Solutions) and training foreign militaries, also had contracts to develop information systems for the Pentagon, FBI and IRS. Police can now legally stop a person on the street, ask their name, type it into a palm pilot and come up with detailed personal information in a few seconds. An Associated Press story on Sept. 9, 2004, Conn. City Uses Scanners to Nab Criminals, revealed that police in New Haven, Conn., are now driving around in police cars with infrared scanners, connected to databases, which they are using on license plates to hunt for criminals, tax delinquents and parking ticket violators. Some of the $25,000 scanners were paid for in one month from collected revenues. A military project of DARPA, the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency in the Department of Defense, the backbone of the internet was developed at the Livermore Lab, and the real purpose of the internet is now being revealed: The technotronic era involves the gradual appearance of a more controlled society. Such a society would be dominated by an elite, unrestrained by traditional values, wrote Zbigniew Brzezinski, member of the Council on Foreign Relations, founding member of the Trilateral Commission and National Security Advisor to five presidents, in his 1971 book Between Two Ages. Soon it will be possible to assert almost continuous surveillance over every citizen and maintain up-to-date complete files containing even the most personal information about the citizen. These files will be subject to instantaneous retrieval by the authorities. The association of Admiral Inman, the Bush crime syndicate, Texas oil companies and the Carlyle Group with the University of Texas (UT) explained why an advanced fourth generation nuclear weapons research program is at UT. And it explained why the University of Texas is so eager to take over the nuclear weapons labs. But this takeover resembles Inmans involvement with a stealth takeover of the Mars program, transferring it from the management and control of the Jet Propulsion Lab to NASA. The NASA Deep Space Program was started at the Jet Propulsion Lab (JPL) at Cal Tech to do space exploration more efficiently with lower costs. Criticism of NASA/JPL Mars mission failure problems in the Thomas Young Report released on March 28, 2000, revealed that the supposedly public space program had been hijacked into secrecy and that the military was calling the shots. NASA Administrator Daniel Goldin on March 29, 2000, revealed at JPL the day after release of the report just who was in control and the existence of a JPL Oversight Committee that nobody at JPL knew existed: Id also like to acknowledge Admiral Inman, head of the JPL Oversight Committee at Cal Tech. He couldnt be here today, but I talked to him by phone. His commitment to the team here is also unwavering. And I thank him for that. Goldin was there to address beleaguered personnel, scientists and engineers of the nations premier center for unmanned planetary exploration, and to somehow advise them of the new political and engineering realities, while simultaneously exhorting them to continue to new heights but now under more stringent NASA management. The real question is what was Admiral Inman doing as chair of a committee in a private university overseeing all civilian unmanned exploration of the planet Mars without the knowledge of anyone at JPL? In two years, Admiral Bobby Ray Inman took over the space program, and in another year from now he will have succeeded in taking over the nuclear weapons program. When Newsweek called him a superstar in the intelligence community, it was for good reason. A Naval officer I interviewed later replied when I asked him if he knew Inman, Oh yeah, hes one of the players. Behind the ostensible government sits enthroned an invisible government owing no allegiance and acknowledging no responsibility to the people, said Theodore Roosevelt on April 19, 1906. To destroy this invisible government, to befoul the unholy alliance between corrupt business and corrupt politics is the first task of the statesmanship of today. Depopulation: fourth generation nuclear weapons and depleted uranium The development of fourth generation nuclear weapons is now underway, with the U.S. in first place, Germany and Japan tied for second place, followed by Russia and other nuclear and non-nuclear states. As an expert witness on the environmental and health effects of depleted uranium (DU) weaponry for the International Criminal Tribunal for Afghanistan, held in Japan in 2003, I discovered that there was a connection between the use of depleted uranium by the U.S. since 1991- in the Middle East, Yugoslavia and Central Asia - and fourth generation nuclear weapons. The iron triangle that ties politics to the military and big corporations exists between the Carlyle Group, President George H.W. Bush (1989-1993), the introduction in 1991 of depleted uranium weaponry, and the program at the University of Texas for development of fourth generation nuclear weapons. Frank Carlucci, former chairman of the Carlyle Group (1989-2003), sat on the board of directors of General Dynamics (1991-97), which is one of the main manufacturers of DU weaponry in the U.S. International scientists Drs. Andre Gsponer, Jean-Pierre Hurni, and B. Vitali, watch-dogging nuclear weapons developments globally, presented a paper which identified the use of DU weaponry as a way to test the radiobiological effects of the new nuclear weapons now under development: It is shown that the radiological burden due to the battlefield use of circa 400 tons of depleted-uranium munitions in Iraq (and of about 40 tons in Yugoslavia) is comparable to that arising from the hypothetical use of more than 600 kt (respectively 60 kt) of high-explosive equivalent pure-fusion fourth-generation nuclear weapons (Fourth International Conference of the Yugoslav Nuclear Society, Belgrade, Sept. 30-Oct. 4, 2002). The use of weapons in war are most effective when the weapons do not kill, but create long-term health and environmental consequences in soldiers and the civilian population, such as lingering illnesses which slowly destroy the health of the environment and the people, causing a decline in the productivity of a nation and the economy. The use of Agent Orange in Vietnam is a good example of an environmental disaster with lingering and long-term health effects on a population, as well as causing trans-boundary contamination. Depleted uranium is a permanent terrain contaminant with a half-life of 4.5 billion years, forms immense volumes of nano-sized particles - smaller than bacteria or viruses - which are lofted permanently as components of atmospheric dust, traveling around the world until they are rained or snowed out of the air. There is no possible protective clothing, air filters that will filter out the tiniest particles or treatment for internal exposure to this form of poison radioactive gas. DU was proposed as a military poison gas weapon in 1943 under the Manhattan Project. Even worse, uranium targets the DNA, and the Master Code (histone) which controls the expression of the DNA, and slowly destroys the genetic future of exposed populations (see Depleted Uranium: The Trojan Horse of Nuclear War). In federal law U.S. Code, Title 50, Chapter 40, Sec. 2302 - weapons of mass destruction are defined: The term weapon of mass destruction means any weapon or device that is intended, or has the capability, to cause death or serious bodily injury to a significant number of people through the release, dissemination, or impact of - (A) toxic or poisonous chemicals or their precursors; (B) a disease organism; or (C) radiation or radioactivity The U.S. has staged four nuclear wars since 1991 (see Washingtons Secret Nuclear War) using illegal DU dirty bombs, dirty missiles and dirty bullets as radiological weapons (see Depleted uranium: Dirty bombs) and released an amount of radiation into the atmosphere which is at least 10 times more radiation than the equivalent of 40,000 Hiroshima bombs, the amount released during atmospheric testing. In June 2003, the World Health Organization predicted in a press release that cancer will increase 50 percent globally by the year 2020, a result which can have only an environmental cause. Already, medical and scientific journals are reporting mysterious increases in infant mortality in 20 regions of Europe (Lancet, January 2004), the UK (Guardian, August 2004) and the U.S. (New Scientist, February 2004). Infant mortality should be decreasing now, as a trend continuing for more than a century due to improved education and prenatal care. Instead, it is increasing in the U.S. for the first time in 45 years, with no identified cause. For radiation specialists, infant mortality is the most sensitive indicator of radioactive pollution, a response researchers have identified as a result of exposure to low level radiation from atmospheric testing and nuclear power plant accidents, releases and startups. The story that dominates the front page of Sundays San Francisco Chronicle, Too young to die, reports that the infant mortality rate in Bay View Hunters Point is more than twice as high as the rate for all of San Francisco. Especially hard hit are the parts of this traditionally Black neighborhood closest to the Hunters Point Shipyard, headquarters of the secret Naval Radiological Defense Laboratory from World War II until 1969. The Shipyard remains heavily contaminated with radioactive pollution. The global pollution from thousands of tons of DU in nano-size particles, traveling around the earth and being deposited in the global environment, will have a devastating long-term effect. Not only will it cause illnesses and genetic mutations in the future generations of those internally exposed, but it will have a depopulating effect long proposed by the U.S. military. DU is the perfect weapon, delivering nanoparticles of poison, radiation and particulate pollution - the real killer directly into living cells where they cause the cells to go haywire and dysfunctional. As Marion Fulk, former Manhattan Project scientist and a Livermore Lab retired nuclear physical chemist, puts it, Particulates are screwing up the strings (Master Code) that pull the puppet (the DNA). If the development and escalation of technological wars between nation-states continues, radiological warfare may be an increasingly used strategy contributing to the extermination of large numbers of people, and an expedient way to empty out troublesome political centers in regions containing desired resources. It may be preferred over various biological alternatives now under intense development by the U.S. government. References for Part 4 Conn. City Uses Scanners to Nab Criminals by Diane Scarponi, Associated Press, Sept. 9, 2004, Summary of Thomas Young Report released on March 28, 2000, When the Best Must Do Even Better, remarks by NASA Administrator Dan Goldin at JPL on March 29, 2000, International Criminal Tribunal for Afghanistan,, Fourth Generation Nuclear Weapons: The Physical Principles of Thermonuclear Explosives, Inertial Confinement Fusion, and the Quest for Fourth Generation Nuclear Weapons by Andre Gsponer and J.-P. Hurni, 1999, A comparison of delayed radiobiological effects of depleted-uranium munitions versus fourth-generation nuclear weapons by A. Gsponer, J.-P. Hurni, and B. Vitale, Fourth International Conference of the Yugoslav Nuclear Society, Belgrade, Sept. 30-Oct. 4, 2002, Letter to Congressman McDermott from Leuren Moret Feb. 21, 2003, Preferential Staining of Nucleic Acid-Containing Structures For Electron Microscopy by Huxley and Zubay, Journal of Biophysical and Biochemical Cytology (J. Cell Biol.) 11 (2): 273, November 1961, Depleted Uranium: The Trojan Horse of Nuclear War by Leuren Moret, World Affairs Journal, August 2004, Washingtons Secret Nuclear War by Shaheen Chughtai, Al-Jazeera, Sept. 14, 2004, Depleted uranium: Dirty bombs, dirty missiles, dirty bullets - A death sentence here and abroad by Leuren Moret, San Francisco Bay View, Aug. 18, 2004, Global cancer rates could increase by 50% to 15 million by 2020, World Health Organization (WHO) press release, April 3, 2003, Sudden unexplained infant death in 20 regions in Europe: case control study by R.G. Carpenter et al, Lancet, Jan. 17, 2004, Vol. 363, p.185-191. Rise in stillbirths prompts inquiry by John Carvel, The Guardian, Aug. 20, 2004,,,1287041,00.html. US infant deaths rise for first time in 45 years by Shaoni Bhattacharya, New Scientist, Feb 12, 2003, Three Mile Island: Health study meltdown by Joseph Mangano, Bulletin of the Atomic Scientist, September-October 2004, Vol. 60, No. 5, pp. 30-35, Smart dust, roboflies, microbugs: UC is spying on you by Leuren Moret, San Francisco Bay View, Feb. 26, 2003, Too young to die, Part 1: Lifes toll by Erin McCormick, San Francisco Chronicle, Oct. 3, 2004, p. A1,
UC Regents lose control of nuclear weapons program Five admirals, Carlyle Group and Rand take over Part 5 by Leuren Moret Our children: uranium meat How was the truth about depleted uranium covered up and hidden from the American people? The same way Agent Orange was hidden for decades from Vietnam veterans and the public. As Henry Kissinger said, Military men are just dumb stupid animals to be used as pawns in foreign policy. The health impact of exposure to depleted uranium, known as Gulf War Syndrome, has been covered up under three presidents beginning in 1991, with former President George Bush. Establishment doctors and scientists helped with the cover-up. Dr. Joyce Lashof, appointed by President Clinton as chair of the Presidential Advisory Committee on Gulf War Veterans Illnesses (1995-1997), is a medical doctor and former dean of the School of Public Health at UC Berkeley. As a member of the faculty at the university that has managed the nuclear weapons labs for 61 years for the U.S. goverment, she had access to the best information on the health effects of depleted uranium. After all, the nuclear weapons labs are mandated to spend 5 percent of their budgets on research concerning the biological effects of radiation. Annual lab budgets at each facility are over $1 billion. Sandia Labs, now owned by Lockheed, of which 70 percent is owned by Carlyle, has been studying mitochondrial damage from DU exposure in Gulf War vets. Higher rates of mitochondrial related diseases Parkinsons, Lou Gehrigs (ALS) and Hodgkins disease have been reported in Air Force and Army Gulf-era veterans. Despite the fact that a nuclear weapons lab found a link between DU exposure in Gulf War veterans and these diseases, Lashof categorically stated that everyone gets Lou Gehrigs disease: We heard veterans describe their diagnosis that we know happened to the general population. I mean, amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) is a disease that happens to people Lou Gehrig's disease. And there is a veteran who has that. He feels it's due to his service in the Gulf. We don't know the cause of Lou Gehrig's disease, but we know it happens to lots of people who didn't go to the Gulf (from Update: Gulf War Syndrome, interview with Greg Krause, ONLINE NewsHour, Jan. 7, 1997, When asked during an interview on PBS what her findings were, after complaints from veterans resulted in her appointment by presidential order as chair of the investigative committee, Dr. Lashof stated in 1997: Well, we were critical of the Pentagon in one area and one area only. And I think its important to emphasize that the government has done a very good job of setting up physical examinations, of treating veterans as they come in, of launching a whole series of studies that should give us the kinds of answers were looking for. But the one area that we did fault them in was that they did not take very seriously the need to determine whether or not there were releases of chemical agents during - not only during the war but rather after the war as well and, indeed, whether people were exposed to these agents (same source). Terry Jemison of the Department of Veterans Affairs reported the astounding news to the American Free Press that as of August 2004, Gulf-era veterans now on medical disability number 518,739, with only 7,035 reported wounded in Iraq in that same 14-year period. A Gulf War I medical doctor reported that in a unit of 20 soldiers who served in Iraq in 2003, eight have malignancies just 16 months later. These 2003 soldiers were not exposed to chemicals or bioagents, but they were exposed to DU at levels many times more than in Gulf War I. And the Gulf-era veterans have been treated just as Vietnam veterans were theyve been ignored. Almost none have been able to get medical care. Dr. Joyce Lashof also downplayed birth defects in post-Gulf war babies reported in Gulf-era veterans. She said: It was heart-rending to sit and listen to the woman with a child with a congenital defect. She feels it's due to service in the Gulf. I think it's completely understandable, but it's just not valid. Birth defects are very common. About 3 percent of births have some type of congenital defect. The initial studies we have show no greater frequency of birth defects among those children born to veterans who were in the Gulf, either women veterans or men (same source). A 1995 Life photo-essay, The Tiny Victims of Desert Storm (see below), focused on the numerous cases of severe birth defects that had occurred in families of veterans from that war. It reported, Of the 400 sick vets who had already answered (Don Riegles Senate Banking) Committee inquiries, a startling 65 percent reported birth defects or immune-system problems in children conceived after the war. Post-war babies in that 65 percent have been born with severe births defects - some with missing brains, no eyes, missing organs or fingers, and blood diseases. "The legacy of the Gulf War should be a recognition by all Americans that the government acknowledges and honors its obligation to care for Gulf War Veterans, not the perception the government cannot be trusted to candidly address their health concerns" (from Clinton announces new money for Gulf War Syndrome Research, CNN, Nov. 19, 1997, The report produced by the presidential committee chaired by Dr. Joyce Lashof was another government whitewash by all too willing scientific and medical prostitutes. And Clintons administration was the second presidential cover-up of depleted uranium, which was used in Yugoslavia in 1995 and 1999 under President Clintons orders. References Henry Kissinger, quoted in Kiss the Boys Goodbye: How the United States Betrayed Its Own POWs in Vietnam (1990) p. 97, citing The Final Days by Woodward and Bernstein (Simon and Schuster 1976). Update: Gulf War Syndrome, interview with Greg Krause, ONLINE NewsHour, Jan. 7, 1997, Clinton announces new money for Gulf War Syndrome Research, CNN, Nov. 19, 1997, Birth defects: The Tiny Victims of Desert Storm, Life photo-essay (1995), |
UC Regents lose control of nuclear weapons program Five admirals, Carlyle Group and Rand take over Part 6 by Leuren Moret More-4-Us
Research on population control, preventing future births, is now being carried out secretly by biotech companies. Dr. Ignacio Chapela, a University of California microbiologist, discovered that wild corn in remote parts of Mexico is contaminated with lab altered DNA. That discovery made him a threat to the biotech industry. Chapela was denied tenure at UC Berkeley when he reported this to the scientific community, despite the embarrassing discovery that UC Chancellor Berdahl, who was denying him tenure, was getting large cash payments - $40,000 per year - from the LAM Research Corp. in Plano, Texas. Berdahl served as president of Texas A&M University before coming to Berkeley. During a presentation about his case, Chapela revealed that a spermicidal corn developed by a U.S. company is now being tested in Mexico. Males who unknowingly eat the corn produce non-viable sperm and are unable to reproduce. Depopulation, also known as eugenics, is quite another thing and was proposed under the Nazis during World War II. It is the deliberate killing off of large segments of living populations and was proposed for Third World countries under President Carters administration by the National Security Councils Ad Hoc Group on Population Policy. National Security Memo 200, dated April 24, 1974, and titled Implications of world wide population growth for U.S. security & overseas interests, says: Dr. Henry Kissinger proposed in his memorandum to the NSC that depopulation should be the highest priority of U.S. foreign policy towards the Third World. He quoted reasons of national security, and because `(t)he U.S. economy will require large and increasing amounts of minerals from abroad, especially from less-developed countries ... Wherever a lessening of population can increase the prospects for such stability, population policy becomes relevant to resources, supplies and to the economic interests of U.S. Depopulation policy became the top priority under the NSC agenda, Club of Rome and U.S. policymakers like Gen. Alexander Haig, Cyrus Vance, Ed Muskie and Kissinger. According to an NSC spokesman at the time, the United States shared the view of former World Bank President Robert McNamara that the population crisis is a greater threat to U.S. national security interests than nuclear annihilation. In 1975, Henry Kissinger established a policy-planning group in the U.S. State Departments Office of Population Affairs. The depopulation GLOBAL 2000 document for President Jimmy Carter was prepared. It is no surprise that this policy was established under President Carter with help from Kissinger and Brzezinski all with ties to David Rockefeller. The Bush family, the Harriman family - the Wall Street business partners of Bush in financing Hitler - and the Rockefeller family are the elite of the American eugenics movement. Even Prince Philip of Britain, a member of the Bilderberg Group, is in favor of depopulation: If I were reincarnated I would wish to be returned to earth as a killer virus to lower human population levels (Prince Philip Duke of Edinburgh, leader of the World Wildlife Fund, quoted in Are You Ready for Our New Age Future? Insiders Report, American Policy Center, December 1995). Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld has been proposing, funding and building Bio-Weapons Level 3 and Level 4 labs at many places around the U.S. even on university campuses and in densely populated urban locations. In a Bio-Weapons Level 4 facility, a single bacteria or virus is lethal. Bio-Weapons Level 4 is the highest level legally allowed in the continental U.S. For what purpose are these labs being developed, and who will make the decisions on where bio-weapons created in these facilities will be used and on whom? More than 20 world-class microbiologists have been murdered since 2002, mostly in the U.S. and the UK. Nearly all were working on development of ethnic-specific bio-weapons (see Smart Dust, Roboflies ). Citizens around the U.S. are frantically filing lawsuits to stop these labs on campuses and in communities where they live. Despite the opposition of residents living near UC Davis, where a Bio-Weapons Level 4 lab was planned, it had the support of the towns mayor. She suddenly reversed her position after a monkey escaped from a high security primate facility on the campus where the bio-weapons lab was proposed. Residents claimed that if UC Davis could not keep monkeys from escaping from their cages, they certainly could not guarantee that a single virus or bacteria would not escape from a test tube. The AWOL monkey killed the project (see Smart Dust, Roboflies). Population is a political problem. The extreme secrecy surrounding the takeover of nuclear weapons, NASA and the space program and the development of numerous bio-weapons labs is a threat to civil society, especially in the hands of the military and corporations. The fascist application of all three of these programs can be used to achieve established U.S. government depopulation policy goals, which may eliminate 2 billion of the worlds existing population through war, famine, disease and any other methods necessary. Two excellent examples of existing U.S. depopulation policy are, first, the long-term impact on the civilian population from Agent Orange in Vietnam, where the Rockefellers built oil refineries and aluminum plants during the Vietnam War. The second is the permanent contamination of the Middle East and Central Asia with depleted uranium, which, unfortunately, will destroy the genetic future of the populations living in those regions and will also have a global effect already reflected in increases in infant mortality reported in the U.S., Europe, and the UK. References Birth defects: The Tiny Victims of Desert Storm, Life photo-essay (1995), Statement by Prince Philip Duke of Edinburgh, Smart dust, roboflies, microbugs: UC is spying on you by Leuren Moret, San Francisco Bay View, Feb. 26, 2003, |
UC Regents lose control of nuclear weapons program Five admirals, Carlyle Group and Rand take over Part 7 by Leuren Moret The Council on Foreign Relations and the Trilateral Commission
The Council on Foreign Relations is the American branch of a society which originated in England (and) believes national boundaries should be obliterated and one-world rule established . The Trilateral Commission is international (and) is intended to be the vehicle for multinational consolidation of the commercial and banking interests by seizing control of the political government of the United States (With No Apologies, 1979, by former Sen. Barry Goldwater). In an interview with Michael Ruppert on Nov. 6, 2001, Dr. Johannes B. Koeppl, Ph.D., former German defense ministry official and advisor to former NATO Secretary General Manfred Werner said, "The interests behind the Bush administration, such as the Council on Foreign Relations, the Trilateral Commission - founded by Brzezinski for David Rockefeller - and the Bilderberger Group have prepared for and are now moving to implement open world dictatorship within the next five years. They are not fighting against terrorists. They are fighting against citizens." New world order: goodbye nations, hello corporations The Anglo-American conspiracy for world empire was described in 1966 in a book, Tragedy and Hope, by Prof. Carroll Quigley, an establishment insider: "In addition to these pragmatic goals, the powers of financial capitalism had another far-reaching aim, nothing less than to create a world system of financial control in private hands able to dominate the political system of each country and the economy of the world as a whole. This system was to be controlled in a feudalist fashion by the central banks of the world acting in concert, by secret agreements arrived at in frequent private meetings and conferences. The apex of the system was to be the Bank for International Settlements in Basle, Switzerland, a private bank owned and controlled by the world's central banks which were themselves private corporations." The media At this time in history, it is incomprehensible how a nation can enjoy the benefit of the most sophisticated communications technology in world history and remain so uninformed or dumbed down. The policies being carried out by the U.S. government that are destructive, both domestically and globally, are being conducted behind a veil of secrecy. The only possible way this degree of dumbing down and extreme control of information could occur is that it has been very carefully laid out by a power elite and implemented with the collaboration of the media. It is a conspiracy of lies, manipulation and disinformation which increasing numbers of Americans are aware of, and they should be calling it treason: The Rockefeller family has always taken a lead role in the CFR. In the 1960s, while American men and women were dying in the jungles of Vietnam and while the military-industrial complex was sucking trillions of dollars out of American taxpayers' wallets, the Rockefeller dynasty was financing Vietnamese oil refineries and aluminum plants. If there had ever been a formal declaration of war, the Rockefellers could be tried for treason. Instead, they reaped dividends. These are just a few of the abuses of power which demonstrate the results of the power elite's manipulations of our destiny as a society. If you've ever wondered why you don't hear about this network of power, just take a look at the CFR's membership roster. Many of the chief executives and newspeople at CBS, NBC/RCA, ABC, the Public Broadcasting Service, the Associated Press, the New York Times, Time Magazine, Newsweek, the Washington Post and many other key media outlets are CFR members. International power orgs depend on the masses remaining ignorant for their plans to come to fruition (The Council on Foreign Relations and the New World Order by Charles Overbeck, PSC Pirhana, Matrix Editor, Media membership in the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR) Trilateral Commission (TC) CBS: Laurence A. Tisch, CEO, CFR; Roswell Gilpatrick, CFR; James Houghton, CFR/TC; Henry Schacht, CFR/TC; Dan Rather, CFR; Richard Hottelet, CFR; Frank Stanton, CFR. NBC/RCA: John F. Welch Jr., CEO, CFR; Jane Pfeiffer, CFR; Lester Crystal, CFR/TC; R.W. Sonnenfeldt, CFR/TC; John Petty, CFR; Tom Brokaw, CFR; David Brinkley, CFR; John Chancellor, CFR; Marvin Kalb, CFR; Irving R. Levine, CFR; Herbert Schlosser, CFR; Peter G. Peterson, CFR; John Sawhill, CFR. ABC: Thomas S. Murphy, CEO, CFR; Barbara Walters, CFR; John Connor, CFR; Diane Sawyer, CFR; John Scali, CFR. Public Broadcast Service (PBS): Robert MacNeil, CFR, Jim Lehrer, CFR; Charlane Hunter-Gault, CFR; Harold Anderson, CFR; Katherine Graham, CFR/TC. Reuters: Micheal Posner, CFR. Baltimore Sun: Henry Trewhitt, CFR. Washington Times: Amaud de Borchgrave, CFR. Children's TV Workshop (Sesame Street): Joan Ganz Cooney, president, CFR. Cable News Network (CNN): W. Thomas Johnson, president, TC; Daniel Schorr, CFR. New York Times: Richard Gelb, CFR; William Scranton, CFR/TC; John F. Akers, director, CFR; Louis V. Gerstner Jr., director, CFR; George B. Munroe, director, CFR; Donald M. Stewart, director, CFR; Cyrus R. Vance, director, CFR; A.M. Rosenthal, CFR; Seymour Topping, CFR; James Greenfield, CFR; Max Frankel, CFR; Jack Rosenthal, CFR; John Oakes, CFR; Harrison Salisbury, CFR; H.L. Smith, CFR; Steven Rattner, CFR; Richard Burt, CFR; Flora Lewis, TC. Time, Inc.: Ralph Davidson, CFR; Donald M. Wilson, CFR; Henry Grunwald, CFR; Alexander Heard, CFR; Sol Linowitz, CFR/TC; Thomas Watson Jr., CFR; Strobe Talbott, TC. Newsweek/Washington Post: Katherine Graham, CFR; N. deB. Katzenbach, CFR; Robert Christopher, CFR; Osborne Elliot, CFR; Phillip Geyelin, CFR; Murry Marder, CFR; Maynard Parker, CFR; George Will, CFR/TC; Robert Kaiser, CFR; Meg Greenfield, CFR; Walter Pincus, CFR; Murray Gart, CFR; Peter Osnos, CFR; Don Oberdorfer, CFR. Sources for media membership: United States Government Manual 1991/92, Office of the Federal Register, National Archives and Records Administration; Standard & Poor's Register of Corporations, Directors and Executives 1991; Annual Report 1991/92, The Council on Foreign Relations, Pratt House, New York City. References Statement by Dr. Johannes B. Koeppl, Ph.D., Statement on role of Rockefellers on Council of Foreign Relations, Tragedy & Hope: A History of the World in Our Time by Prof. Carroll Quigley (1966). Media membership: Council on Foreign Relations (CFR), Trilateral Commission (TC), |