The Endless Pandemic emergency scenario
part 4 Situation Update; Capt Wardrobe - End March into April 2021
4 April 2021 - things are moving quickly
England will launch a vaccine passport trial in a comedy club, a nightclub and FA Cup matches at Wembley in the coming weeks to determine how it can reopen the economy and host mass events safely.
The government said a COVID-status certification system was being developed that would show whether a person had had a vaccine, a recent negative test or natural immunity from a positive test taken in the last six months.
The trial, to be run at nine events including the FA Cup semi-final and final, will be used to assess whether large events can be held in closed settings without social distancing. The system is unlikely to be used for public transport, shops or pubs.
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Germany has announced plans to allow people vaccinated against Covid-19 people certain privileges over their unvaccinated peers, in a significant step towards introducing so-called "vaccine passports."
Jens Spahn, the country's health minister, said on Sunday that vaccinated people would be allowed to travel without quarantine, visit hairdressers and go shopping with minimal restrictions after new research indicated vaccinated people only pose a minimal risk of transmitting the virus.
“Anyone who is vaccinated can go to the shop or the hairdresser without further testing. In addition, according to the Robert Koch Institute (Germany’s peak health research agency), completely vaccinated people no longer have to be in quarantine,” Spahn told Germany’s Bild tabloid on Sunday.
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Mar 25 2021, [excerpts]
"For the past year, an assumption " sometimes explicit, often tacit " has informed almost all our thinking about the pandemic: At some point, it will be over, and then we’ll go “back to normal.” This premise is almost certainly wrong. SARS-CoV-2, protean and elusive as it is, may become our permanent enemy, like the flu but worse."
"SARS-CoV-2, protean and elusive as it is, may become our permanent enemy, like the flu but worse. And even if it peters out eventually, our lives and routines will by then have changed irreversibly...
"In the case of SARS-CoV-2, however, recent developments suggest that we may never achieve herd immunity. Even the U.S., which leads most other countries in vaccinations and already had large outbreaks, won’t get there. That’s the upshot of an analysis by Christopher Murray at the University of Washington and Peter Piot at the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine."
New survey from People's Vaccine Alliance shows urgency of vaccinating all countries
Epidemiologists, from some of the world’s leading academic institutions, delivered a stark warning today of the risk the world is taking by failing to ensure all countries have sufficient vaccines to protect people from COVID-19.
In a survey of 77 epidemiologists from 28 countries, carried out by The People’s Vaccine Alliance, two-thirds thought that we had a year or less before the virus mutates to the extent that the majority of first-generation vaccines are rendered ineffective and new or modified vaccines are required. Of those surveyed, almost a third gave a timeframe of nine months or less. Fewer than one in eight said they believed that mutations would never render the current vaccines ineffective.
The overwhelming majority "88 percent" said that persistent low vaccine coverage in many countries would make it more likely for vaccine resistant mutations to appear.
Jean-Luc Mélenchon, of the leftist Unbowed France, called it a "disgrace" and a "masquerade".
"It really is April 1 today," he told MPs. "Everything has already been decided and we are invited to come and acclaim…the presidential monarch, the best virologist in France apparently, and modesty's best friend. We will boycott this vote.
"You are responsible before history of a health disaster the likes of which this country has never seen. You let the wave rise by aggravating everything."
Mandated vax for health workers. Creating "haves/have nots" and "access aspiration" to "top tier" the initiates into "the vaccinated" CULT.
Separating the proles from state workers is very 'Mussolini'...
Covid test twice a week
4th April -
Everyone in the country will be encouraged to take two Covid tests a week to show they are not infected, Boris Johnson will announce on Monday.
The rapid lateral flow tests will be paid for by the Government and can be delivered to homes free of charge from Friday.
The multi-billion-pound expansion of testing is designed to catch Covid outbreaks early as the economy reopens.
While the tests are voluntary, the announcement could pave the way for workplaces or businesses to ask staff or customers to show they have a negative result.
The Government is also understood to be considering how the mass testing system could form part of an official “Covid certification” scheme, through which the public would be required to prove they have been vaccinated, show an up-to-date negative test result or prove that they have antibodies from recent infection in order to attend events or venues.
Humour from ex GCHQ whistleblower
Katherine Gun
| "The fourth wave is going to be larger," said Wada, a professor at Tokyo's International University of Health and Welfare. "We need to start to discuss how we could utilize these targeted measures for the Tokyo area." |
Israeli protestors labelled anti-vaxxers, while rest of world labelled Covid-deniers?
Does this reveal that the term 'denial' is being used by Western media as a smear - subconsciously linking to Holocaust denial?
Freedom; Lost or STOLEN?
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6 Apr, 2021 - The World Health Organization (WHO) has rejected the use of Covid passports over fairness concerns and fears they would not prevent the spread of the virus, as experts worry vaccinated people could still transmit the disease.
Speaking at a press briefing on Tuesday, WHO spokesperson Margaret Harris ruled out supporting the use of Covid passports due to “the question of discrimination” and because they “are not certain at this stage that the vaccine prevents transmission.”
"WHO are saying at this stage we would not like to see the vaccination passport as a requirement for entry or exit."
There has been some opposition to the use of Covid passports until everyone has been offered a vaccine, due to the belief it would discriminate against citizens domestically and internationally who, through no fault of their own, have been prevented from getting inoculated. |
The European Court of Human Rights (ECHR) in Strasbourg ruled Thursday that compulsory vaccinations would not contravene human rights law and may be necessary in democratic societies.
The ruling came following conclusion of a complaint brought to the court by Czech families regarding compulsory jabs for children.
"The measures could be regarded as being 'necessary in a democratic society,'" the court judgment read.
Although the ruling did not deal directly with COVID-19 vaccines, experts believe it could have implications for the vaccination drive against the virus, especially for those who have so far stated a refusal to accept the jab.
This judgment "reinforces the possibility of a compulsory vaccination under conditions of the current COVID-19 epidemic," Nicolas Hervieu, a legal expert specializing in the ECHR, told AFP news agency
Last year, a law came into effect in Germany requiring all parents to vaccinate their children against measles or face a fine of up to €2,500 ($3,000; £2,160).
France and Italy have also changed their vaccine rules following a measles outbreak in recent years, while similar suggestions were made in England amid falling uptake of the MMR jab in England in 2018-19.
Only the Vaccinated are Evacuated?
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"The Covid pandemic is still ongoing, and you're talking about moving people for what may be weeks, possibly months," Ms. Joseph said in a telephone interview. "This is a huge cost in terms of a humanitarian effort."
Prime Minister Gonsalves said on Thursday that in order to board the cruise ships sent to evacuate people from the island, evacuees must be vaccinated, while the nearby island nations that are planning to accept refugees will also require vaccinations. He also recommended that those who arrive in shelters on St. Vincent be vaccinated.
Islands that have said they would accept evacuees include Antigua, St. Lucia, Grenada and Barbados.
NY Times
why have they been in use for the past year...?
Covid Deaths NOT COVID Deaths?
isn't that all a conspiracy theory?
xenophobia / invasion PSYOP on an island nation
18th April [excerpts]
Britons who have received their first vaccine dose have subsequently become infected by variants of Covid-19, NHS Track and Traces chief medical adviser has said.
Dr Susan Hopkins told the BBCs Andrew Marr Show that both the South African and Kent variant have been identified in people "who have had their first dose of vaccine".
Dr Hopkins said that there is not yet enough data to classify the strain as a "variant of concern" but investigations are ongoing. "To escalate it up the ranking we need to know that it is increased transmissibility, increased severity or vaccine evading, and we just dont have that yet," she said.
Rapid spread of coronavirus variants could necessitate the reimposition of lockdown measures, a scientist advising the Government said.
Professor Peter Openshaw said his fellow scientists were "very concerned" after a cluster of cases of the South African coronavirus variant were found in London.
Some 44 confirmed cases of the variant have been found in Lambeth and Wandsworth with a further 30 probable cases identified, the Department of Health and Social Care (DHSC) said.
Surge testing for those who live, work or travel through those areas is being made available.
NHS Test and Trace is also providing additional testing in an area of Southwark where a case linked to the other cluster has been identified.
Prof Openshaw, a member of the Covid-19 clinical information network, told BBC2s Newsnight: "A lot of we scientists are very concerned about whats happening at the moment.
"I think were all just hoping that the staged reduction in lockdown is going to be ok. It is being done reasonably cautiously but I think this is not good news.
"If we get rapid spread of the South African or other more resistant variants, it may well be that we are going to have to put the reductions of lockdown into reverse."
confusing mixed messaging propaganda for fear based society
The new restrictions, including a two-week extension to the provinces stay-at-home order until May 20, were announced amid dire warnings from government scientific advisers that the pandemic was only set to worsen.
Other measures include further restrictions on outdoor gatherings and indoor religious services, while recreational facilities such as golf courses are now closed. Ontario intends to shut its borders with Quebec and Manitoba to non-essential travel effective Monday.
"Outdoor activities are vital for mental and physical health, especially with stay-at-home orders," Dr. Isaac Bogoch, who sits on the provinces COVID-19 Vaccine Distribution Task Force, said in a tweet.
Open Letter from Christian Leaders to the Prime Minister Concerning Vaccine Passport Proposals
If you are a leader in a church or a Christian organisation and you live in one of the four nations of the UK, please consider signing your name to this letter by completing the form below. We will send this letter with signatories to the Prime Minister with copies going to the First Ministers and all MPs. Your name will appear in the list of signatories which can found by clicking on the Signatories tab. The signatories page will be updated manually so please allow some time for your name to appear. Please do not input your details twice and please complete the form as fully as possible otherwise your entry might not be useable. Thank you.
To: The Prime Minister Boris Johnson
April 2021
Dear Prime Minister,
As Christian leaders across a range of denominations, we continue to pray at this time for your government "and all in high positions, so that we may lead a quiet and peaceable life in all godliness and dignity" (1 Timothy 2:2).
However, we write to you concerning an area of the most serious concern, namely the potential introduction into our society of so-called "vaccine passports" which have also been referred to as "COVID-status certificates" and "freedom passes". We are wholly opposed to this suggestion and wish to make three points about the potential consideration of any scheme of this type.
Firstly, to make vaccination the basis of whether someone is allowed entry to a venue, or participation in an activity, makes no logical sense in terms of protecting others. If the vaccines are highly effective in preventing significant disease, as seems to be the evidence from trial results to date, then those who have been vaccinated have already received protection; there is no benefit to them of other people being vaccinated. Further, since vaccines do not prevent infection per se even a vaccinated person could in theory carry and potentially pass on the virus, so to decide someones "safe non-spreader" status on the basis of proof of their immunity to disease is spurious.
Secondly, the introduction of vaccine passports would constitute an unethical form of coercion and violation of the principle of informed consent. People may have various reasons for being unable or unwilling to receive vaccines currently available including, for some Christians, serious issues of conscience related to the ethics of vaccine manufacture or testing. We risk creating a two-tier society, a medical apartheid in which an underclass of people who decline vaccination are excluded from significant areas of public life. There is also a legitimate fear that this scheme would be the thin end of the wedge leading to a permanent state of affairs in which COVID vaccine status could be expanded to encompass other forms of medical treatment and perhaps even other criteria beyond that. This scheme has the potential to bring about the end of liberal democracy as we know it and to create a surveillance state in which the government uses technology to control certain aspects of citizens lives. As such, this constitutes one of the most dangerous policy proposals ever to be made in the history of British politics.
Finally, as Christian leaders we wish to state that we envisage no circumstances in which we could close our doors to those who do not have a vaccine passport, negative test certificate, or any other "proof of health". For the Church of Jesus Christ to shut out those deemed by the state to be social undesirables would be anathema to us and a denial of the truth of the Gospel. The message we preach is given by God for all people and consists in nothing other than the free gift of grace offered in Christ Jesus, with the universal call to repentance and faith in him. To deny people entry to hear this life-giving message and to receive this life-giving ministry would be a fundamental betrayal of Christ and the Gospel. Sincere Christian churches and organisations could not do this, and as Christian leaders we would be compelled to resist any such Act of Parliament vigorously.
We draw your attention to the recent Judicial Review overturning the Scottish Governments ban on public worship, which demonstrates that such disproportionate prevention of the right to worship is a clear infringement under Article 9 of the European Convention of Human Rights. We cannot see how any attempt to prevent people gathering for worship on the basis of either testing or non-vaccination would not similarly be ruled to be a breach. We agree with those members of Parliament who have already voiced opposition to this proposal: that it would be divisive, discriminatory and destructive to introduce any such mandatory health certification into British society. We call on the government to assert strongly and clearly that it will not contemplate this illiberal and dangerous plan, not now and not ever.
Yours sincerely,
Rev Dr Jamie Franklin, Curate, St George in the Meadows, Nottingham, England |
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When asked if vaccine passports were un-British, Mr Johnson said that they would definitely have a role to play when international travel resumes.
"On the issue of vaccine certification, theres definitely going to be a world in which international travel will use vaccine passports", he said.
"You can see already that other countries, the aviation industry, are interested in those and theres a logic to that."
The Prime Minister then appeared to go a step further in the same answer, referencing the need to provide "maximum confidence" to business and customers in the UK.
"I think when it comes to trying to make sure that we give maximum confidence to business and to customers here in the UK, there are three things theres your immunity, whether you have had it before, so you have got natural antibodies, whether you have been vaccinated, and then of course whether you have had a test.
"Those three things working together will be useful for us as we go forward."
Michael Gove is visiting Israel to study a COVID "green pass" smartphone app that could soon be the model for vaccine passports in the UK.
The Cabinet Office minister, in charge of a Whitehall study into how coronavirus certification might work in the UK, has been a big fan of the Israeli scheme for weeks.
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He is being accompanied on his visit by Jonathan Van-Tam, England's deputy chief medical officer, who is hugely influential in the government's COVID strategy.
Their visit involves meetings with Israel's health minister, Yuli Edelstein and Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu.
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Herd immunity impossible? aaagh! confused? you are meant to be
Businesses should make vaccination a requirement for employment. A COVID outbreak can shut down a business and be financially devastating. And failure to enforce basic health and safety measures is not fair to employees who have to work in offices, factories, and stores where close contact is required. Things should get personal, too: People should require friends to be vaccinated to attend the barbeques and birthday parties they host. Friends dont let friends spread COVID. |
The European Unions Parliament has given its nod to the establishment of a certificate in order to restore the freedom of travel within the block, over a year after the Member States started introducing border controls and entry bans on each others citizens in a bid to prevent the spread of the Coronavirus in their territory.
The MEPs adopted their negotiating position on the proposal for such a document to be created while agreeing that instead of the Digital Green Certificate, as proposed by the Commission, the certificate should be called the EU COVID-19 certificate.
The proposal has been approved by 540 MEPs, while 119 have voted against and another 31 abstained, on Wednesday, while the results were announced on Thursday.
According to a press release of the Parliament,the certificate should be in place for a maximum of 12 months, and not longer.
Zahawi said that clearly a number of countries are going ahead with vaccine passports so the government would much rather do it in a co-ordinated way |
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Vaccine passports may be necessary for the long term and more neutral language needs to be used when discussing them, an expert has said.
On Wednesday, Transport Secretary Grant Shapps announced that the NHS app will be used by holidaymakers in England to prove their coronavirus status to destination countries.
The app, which is currently used to book medical appointments and order repeat prescriptions, will display evidence that someone has been vaccinated or recently tested, he said.
But experts says any form of certification may be needed for the foreseeable future.
I think theyre here for the long term, were finding our way forwards on these both internationally and domestically, but I think the system is going to settle down nationally and internationally into a long-term form of certification and protection
Professor Christopher Dye, professor of epidemiology at the University of Oxford, told the Science and Technology Committee the language around any vaccine passports or certificates needs to be carefully considered.
He said: I think we need to discuss this in terms of neutral language and the term passport and certificate has been difficult.
So, a word like pass is more neutral, but we should try to have a conversation in neutral terms.
He added: I think the question about using passes is a question of whether we now have the option to explore those greater freedoms that vaccination gives us and that there isnt too much of a downside, in terms of discrimination lets use that word as others have used.
Prof Dye was asked whether vaccine passports might be a short-term measure or if they may be around for some time.
He told MPs: I think vaccine passports, or certificates, passes, whatever you want to call them, are going to be a very helpful short-term measure I think theyre going to be in place for the long term as well.
For one reason, on the latter part, Covid is not going to go away, and its going to be endemic around the world it is going to keep resurfacing.
He added: I think theyre here for the long term, were finding our way forwards on these both internationally and domestically, but I think the system is going to settle down nationally and internationally into a long-term form of certification and protection.
As well as considering vaccine passports for international travel, the Government is trialling Covid-19 status certificates domestically.
The temporary certification scheme requires event attendees to be vaccinated, have natural immunity, or present a negative Covid-19 test within a set period of time prior to arrival.
One such country where a similar system is in place is Israel, which currently has low Covid-19 infection rates, has relaxed a number of restrictions, and has vaccinated a large majority of its adult population.
The green pass rules allow these people to go into a restaurant, to go into a concert hall, to participate in some of these high-risk activities with the lowest risk possible
Ran Balicher, director of Clalit Research Institute and professor of public health, Ben-Gurion University, Israel, told the Science and Technology Committee it was difficult to say which measures had been directly responsible for the fall in cases, whether it be vaccines or green passes for specific settings.
He said: The key aim of the green pass in Israel is to provide for those people who are interested in participating in activities within high-risk settings, especially high-risk indoor settings, is to provide them with an opportunity for a safe participation in such an event.
He added: So, especially for some of the people within the highest risk groups, when they go about and participate in such an event that takes place in an indoor setting, there is a residual meaningful risk that needs to be tackled.
The green pass rules allow these people to go into a restaurant, to go into a concert hall, to participate in some of these high-risk activities with the lowest risk possible.
A green pass in Israel is an app that requires people to enter details, such as when they last tested negative for Covid-19, and then grants them a pass to enter certain settings like restaurants.
Prof Balicher said Israels reopening economy had been a gradual process with the highest-risk settings opening last.
He added there had been no outbreaks in the settings the green pass had been deployed in, even when there was a significant number of daily infections in the country.
Asked when he thought such a pass may stop being required, Prof Balicher said: At this point we cannot put a sunset clause and we think that this will be probably one of the last things to survive in the overall recommendations that we have.
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