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Capt wardrobe Aug 2021
There has been a graduated covert World War since 1945.
Korea / Vietnam was a proxy war against China -
This is possibly summed up best by Author Norman Mailer in The Armies of The Night - in the section entitled - Why are we in Vietnam?
"He thought we are in the war as the culmination of a long sequence of events which had begun in some unrecorded fashion toward the end of world war II. A consensus of the most powerful middle-aged Wasps in America - statesmen, corporate executives, generals, admirals, newspaper editors and legislators - had placed an intellectual troth: They had sworn with a faith worthy of Medievel Knights that Communism was the deadly foe of Christian culture. If it was not resisted in the Post War world, Christianity itself would perish. So began the Cold War with intervals of overt war mixed with periods of modest collaboration."
East Timor & Indonesia
The West regarded Indonesia in the hands of the dictator General Suharto as an investors’ paradise with a huge market in oil and other natural resources. President Richard Nixon called Indonesia ‘the greatest prize in South-East Asia’. - John Pilger
Philipines - Rodrigo Duterte was elected president of the Southeast Asian island nation in May 2016. Overtly Fascist policies on Law & Order, especially Drugs, have seen rounds up, of dissidents, encouragement to shoot dealers & death squads...He is a classic enigmatic braggart fascist...a bit like if Mexico had a drug lord as a leader, enabling the killing of all his competition. ssh! no one mention Drug running for the CIA narcotics complex.
oh and there's this:
Afghanistan proxy against Russia -
Described by then Carter deputy Brezinski, as a war of attrition in 1979 - Afghanistan was designed to wear down the Soviet military as an economic drain, in a Vietnam type arena. - in reality -
was an Opium manufacturing operation. Creation & training of "synthetic terror" Gladio B agents via Mujahadeen / Al Queda. But, by pure co-incidence, Heroin epidemics hit the streets in the Council estates of Britain & throughout Europe. Today Afghanistan is in transition once again, after a power vaccuum, caused by the Wests troop withdrawel gave China an opportunity to back the resurgence of a new Taliban leadership. 3 words. Belt and Road. 3 more words. Fourth Industrial Revolution. a further 3 words - World Economic Forum.
was divided in 1974 along Greek & Turkish ethnic lines - Cypriots are largely left out of the process - it is still unresolved, but helped keep 2 UK bases, Dekoria & Akrotiri Air base & a high range Middle Eastern monitoring & tracking station on the south of the island on the Troodos Mountain, as a Military sovereign US owned / UK run, five eyes Echelon system.
War in Yugoslavia / Kosovo -
NATO utilising CIA / MI6 created Al-Queda (The database)
(along with Cyprus) these wars were uselful to ensure safe passage of Opium & set into play a divide and rule ethnic war
which was useful in creating a drug Mafia front from the political vaccuum, an Operation in chaos, to oversee operations.
The War on drugs
- a cover for control of Mexico / Cuba / Central & South America as Cocaine was shipped into places like Mena, Arkansas, & Florida via Mafia deep state actors. But, by pure co-incidence, Crack epidemics hit the streets in the ghettos throughout The USA. Venezuala, Hiati, Chile are all in a state of flux - moving from chaos into bought & paid for tinpot fascist dictatorships. No one is talking of the golden lithium resources in the region.
911 was a terror coup - Iraq was an exercise to
contain Saddam Hussein on behalf of both Israel & the Saudi led Middle eastern undemocratic faux royal juntas. The regime change experiment has left a country in ruins. US/UK withdrawel has seen Iran forge an allliance protecting it's regional interests as with similar operations in Syria.
Syria was Isreali backed Five eyes attempt at Iraq part 2. Turkey are in the mix as the chosen ISIS train & equip program, with concessions for illegal oil in the North... so far, regime change has failed. With Russia as it's protectorate, santions are the alternative as a war of attrition. Energy & food shortages are hitting the country hard.
Palastine / Gaza -
Tit for tat localised attacks via Iran / Isreal in Syria, are symptoms of the continuing escalation in Palastine & Gaza - endless attrition and dehumanisation in these regions by ever fascist Isreal. The political process in Palastine & Gaza is in tatters. It's peoples are subject to massive energy & food shortages / under-representation in any meaningful political process.
Turkey - CryptoFascist Erdogans old Ottoman ties enabled his debt ridden failed economic policy to be bailed out by Qatar. The old alliance is based on the Ottomans helping to create the country. Turkey is enigmatic, and hidden from view is the fact they are sitting on the fence on many issues due to their huge land army - oh and the fact they have the worlds biggest supply of graphite, source for nano-conductive super material graphene oxide, an essential mineral for the development of the 4th Industrial control complex, hidden under the surface of their apparently dire economic situation.
Iran is a bought and paid for, Chatham House approved Elite Guard. Masking their influence over the belt & road project throughout the region in tandem with the dominant Israeli intelligence technology complex & Chinese protectionist funding. The very same thing is the case with Afghanistan today, as China moves to back a Taliban power grab for resoures & Belt & Road development concessions.
Ukraine -
according to Wikipedia - Ukraine gained its independence in 1991, following this, Ukraine declared itself a neutral state; it formed a limited military partnership with Russia and other CIS countries while also establishing a partnership with NATO in 1994. In 2013, after the government of President Viktor Yanukovych had decided to suspend the Ukraine "European Union Association Agreement" and seek closer economic ties with Russia, a several-months-long wave of demonstrations and protests known as the Euromaidan began, which later escalated into the 2014 Ukrainian revolution that led to the overthrow of Yanukovych and the establishment of a new government. These events formed the background for the annexation of Crimea by Russia in March 2014 and the War in Donbas in April 2014. On 1 January 2016, Ukraine applied for the economic component of the Deep and Comprehensive Free Trade Area with the European Union
in reality - NATO / Neocon Victoria Nuland & Soros backed Neo-Nazi elements within the deep state were activated & Chaos operations were put into play ensuring regime change enabling a geopolitically useful NATO ally on the Russian border.
Since the 19th century, wars have plagued Africa
Burundi /
Rwanda /
Kenya /
South Sudan /
Tanzania /
Uganda /
Cameroon /
Central African Republic /
Chad /
Congo (Republic of) /
Congo (Democratic Republic of) /
Sao Tome and Principe /
Djibouti /
Eritrea /
Ethiopia /
Somalia /
Somaliland /
Comoros /
Madagascar /
Mauritius /
Algeria /
Egypt /
Libya /
Morocco /
Sudan /
Tunisia /
Angola /
Lesotho /
Malawi /
Mozambique /
Namibia /
South Africa /
Swaziland /
Zambia /
Zimbabwe /
Benin /
Burkina Faso /
Cote d'Ivoire /
Gambia /
Ghana /
Guinea /
Guinea-Bissau /
Liberia /
Mali /
Mauritania /
Niger /
Nigeria /
Sierra Leone
/ Western Sahara
China have been busy forging it's Belt & Road initiative in the midriff zone, while Islamist splinter groups enforce terror on behalf of a destablising operation via NATO/CENTCOM
The Reality - The blood lust psychopaths in the Military Industrial complex & UK defense contractors are funding, training & equipping Saudi Arabia & many other nations in the region under it's “Gulf Advisory Group”, both sides of this promulgated disaster, are being played by a cynical eternal war machine. Trained & equipped Islamic groups via this arena have been pushed into Africa.
Libya was designed to qwell Ghaddaffis influence over
the African congress and nullify his proposal for a new gold
backed African economic policy. It is a failed state of deliberated chaos, which saw NATO members Turkey & France, confusingly back opposing factions, maintaining control over organised prolonged conflict.
The despicable US media giants were silent when undisputed proof surfaced
that the CIA, NSA, British Intelligence, the US Secret Service and the FBI
were all involved in the May 16th 2002 blast in a Philippine hotel room when
their agent, Michael Meiring accidently blew his own legs off while
constructing a bomb which was intended, if ignited as planned, to be a
staged Al Queda terror attack, justifying a tightened US- Philippine
military alliance.
Yemen according to UNHCR -
After six years of war, Yemen remains the world’s worst humanitarian crisis. More than 4 million people have been uprooted from their homes and more than 20 million are in dire need of humanitarian assistance. The risk of a large-scale famine in the country has never been more acute. Tens of thousands are already living in famine-like conditions, with a staggering five million more just one step away from it.
These were operational exercises in Full Spectrum Dominance, ensuring the funding and
expansion of the global surveillance state. State Military border oppositions are in reality ^ force multipliers for military industrial complex Research & development, ensuring exponential profit margins for psychopathic corporatist Elites.
This War, has the aim of creating a new economic order on the back of the Wall St 2008 collapse - and the panic created by growing investigative powers of entities such as Wikileaks, The Panama papers & the information revealed from the Jeffrey Epstein Scandal.
Under the cover of endless small localised divide & rule ethnic conflicts &
the disease fear index (Foot & Mouth / BSE / Swine flu / Avian flu / SARS / Covid 19) is in full effect.
Global Health crisis (one health) & Climate (green new deal) are the same game.
They will be merged via threats of zoonotic disease as crossover to humans & Pollution, created by the elites multi-national bioscience conglomerates (such as Dupont / Novartis) as disease force multiplier.
"The goal is to use Afghanistan to wash money out of the tax bases of the US and Europe through Afghanistan and back into the hands of a transnational security elite. The goal is an endless war, not a successful war"
Julian Assange speaking in 2011 |
Full Spectrum Dominance does not only refer to geo-political ambitions,
Covid 19 as the, prescribed global reset fix by a cure of extreme but necessary bio-security police state is taking it to the next level - a nano-genetic level.
Space has become Public / Private initiative - is real estate for futurist developers of mining & nearby planetary population, acting as cover for the continued weaponization program. Global surveillence via satellite is a reality.
The four horsemen
The World Bank / The IMF / U.N / NATO
have been steered from the highest level, a bred for purpose elite, via the undemocratic covert secret meetings of group talking shops such as The Bank of International Settlements, The Trilateral Commision, The Atlantic Council, Bilderberg & Bohemiam Grove, seeing World Economic forum morph into an overt global domination operation, actioning state policy, throughout nation states with no oversight or debate.
The chosen few now act as Gruppenfuhrer Slavemaster oversee'ers of a
Totalitarian system of debt control as socio-economic population management
At this very moment if we let these bastards continue, The second world war would become a historically pointless sacrifice - The 4th Reich take-over from the remnants of Third Reich, which was utilised via Op Paperclip - for CIA MKUltra & NASA / the Gehlen intelligence org - Operation Gladio via The Synarchism of Le Cercle, The Pilgrims society, The Templer Masonic Brotherhood / Fabian elite will have succeded in their sinster plan for Totalitarian global domination.
Those who fought the Nazis back in the day, The Millions, would have died for nothing...
When the WEF / elites face real actionable justice, hopefully it will come via
the destruction of the four horsemen system set up to govern world affairs.
We must be wary it is not replaced by a world government system,
which is the sole aim of The New World Order initiative.
A Global Prison system
The South China Sea, as it happens, has significant stakes. Its a passage between Asia and the rest of the world, to the east or west. Its Chinas primary maritime route in and out of Asia to the rest of the world, comprised of 64% of its shipping trade, one third of global shipping as a whole, and an accumulated value of $3.37 trillion. In a conflict scenario, China fears that the United States and its allies would attempt to navally embargo China via this encirclement strategy simply cutting it off to the world, bringing its economy to its knees, nixing its energy imports, as well as providing easy access for these countries to bomb Chinas territory.
Whilst this is one reason China is extensively pursuing transcontinental land routes via the Belt and Road initiative, its also the reason China is responding to American activities by increasing its military presence in the South China Sea through building up its navy, building military and air bases on contested islands, as well as radars, anti-aircraft weapons, and ballistic missile capabilities. This is all part of a conflict strategy premised on area-denial that is making it impossible for US forces to enter, ensuring it can secure the mainland and prevent others from aiding Taiwan.
What is really going on between Beijing and Washington in the South China Sea?
UK China arms sales:
The U.K. government has authorized the sale of 2.6-billion worth of military and civilian equipment with potential military use to China in the past three years, government figures show.
Last year saw a tripling in exports to China of "dual use" items defined as "civilian goods with a military purpose." Some 1.6-billion worth were authorised in 2020, compared to 526-million in 2019.
The increase coincided with the beginning of the coronavirus pandemic in early 2020. The exports have been approved while China is identified by the British government as "an increasing risk to U.K. interests" and "the biggest state-based threat to the U.K.s economic security."
Most British exports were for "dual use" equipment but 53-million worth classified purely as "military" went to China over the three years 2018-20, including components for combat aircraft and military support aircraft.
Other items licensed for use by China included military communications equipment and technology for air defense systems.
The U.K. has banned the sale of "lethal" military equipment to China since the Tiananmen Square massacre of 1989. However, the British exports are likely to benefit Chinas air force, which British ministers claim is a growing military threat.
26th April 2021 -
The London-based satellite operator OneWeb has just put up its sixth batch of broadband internet spacecraft.
Thirty-six new platforms were launched from Russia's Far East, bringing the total in-orbit constellation to 182.
Another two batch deliveries should see OneWeb rolling out connectivity services to locations above 50 degrees North in latitude by the year's end.
This would include the UK, northern continental Europe, Alaska, Greenland, Iceland, Canada and the Arctic Ocean.
Global provision will require even more satellites. The initial projected network would have roughly 650, but a second generation would likely take this up to about 7,000.
OneWeb is now majority-owned by the British government and the Indian conglomerate Bharti Global.
9th May 2021 -
In late April, a day before SpaceX launched its 10th batch of satellites this year, Chinese Vice-Premier Han Zheng attended a ceremony in Xiongan
, a megacity that is about a two hours drive south of Beijing, celebrating the creation of a new state-owned enterprise set up to operate Chinas answer to Starlink, run by Elon Musks SpaceX.
Known as China Satellite Network Group, the young company is tasked with launching low Earth orbit (LEO) satellites into space, beaming internet services to anywhere on the planet. It reports to the Assets Supervision and Administration Commission, which controls the Chinese governments stakes in state-owned companies.
Other details about the new firm remain shrouded in mystery.
"National Socialism is nothing but applied biology" - Rudolph Hess, 1934 |
"...IBM and the Rockefellers have equally interfered. From punch card to eugenics. IBM has been located in Germany since 1922. The enterprise was called Dehomag and in 1934 the director held a speech to high-ranking nazis in which he promised them to put all characteristics from populations on small cards. Dehomag gave the nazis punching card machines called 'Holleriths' which were used to register Jews.
Even before the nazis took power scientists were developing methods to promote the white race. The Rockefeller foundation was funding German eugenetic research in the Kaiser Wilhelm Institut in Berlin and the American quest for the perfect race in Cold Harbor Springs. IBM's role is a scandal! " |
"Sixteen coded categories of prisoners were listed in columns 3 and 4
hole 3 signified homosexual,
hole 9 for anti-social,
hole 12 for Gypsy.
Hole 8 designated a Jew.
Column 34 was labeled 'Reason for Departure.'
Code 2 simply meant transferred to another camp for continuing labor.
Natural death was coded 3.
Execution was coded 4.
Suicide coded 5.
The ominous code 6 designated 'special handling,' the term commonly understood as extermination "
Inclusive Fascism: Nobody is discriminated against by the Bio-Health Nazi party - as they break down your doors intimidate & threaten you.
"If anyone who doesn't have a legitimate medical reason for not getting fully vaccinated chooses to not get vaccinated there will be consequences"
- Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau - on Twitter |
QR code reads:
i am not a part of your inventory - i, or my data refuse to be listed / used / scanned / tracked / traced / stored / watched / databased / blockchained
We can only hope there are people looking at whats going on -
preparing to act from the shadows and that these people KNOW how to fight wars.
If this is YOU
I am ready to fight with and alongside you...
its getting very close, to not pissing about anymore
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