Is it an Invasion? A War?
There is a 3rd possibility - Russia is in on the Covid 19 rouse and they are as WEF infiltrated as the west.
Is this Special operations real objective a cover up & destroy any evidence of a potent bioweapon contructed in the Ukrainina Labs & prepped for future release?..
A weapomised Pathogen which is already manufactured, stored elsewhere & ready to roll out...?
Just look at what has been possible with a pseudo pandemic based on Manipulation of media & the influence of Big Pharma / Bill Gates on the WHO..imagine what they could do with a targeted controlled bioweapon release. Think Smallpox. Think Ebola. Now remember all those who have been vaccinated with a Mrna synthetic biological agent - now showing signs & symptoms of comprimised immune systems in the form of V-AIDS? - Their bodies now vulnerable & in need of "upgrade" via forever booster shots.
2021 Twelve Monkeys warning!
NOTE: Gates Foundation is major WHO funder The pastel sweatered lunatic warns of impending DOOM & also says he's hoping to write a book in a couple of years...so, um...not THAT impending then, is it?
Bill Gates has warned that governments must prepare for future pandemics and smallpox terror attacks by investing billions in research and development. Mr Gates made the warning during a Policy Exchange interview with the chair of the Health Select Committee Jeremy Hunt. The Microsoft founder also called for the formation of a new billion-dollar World Health Organisation Pandemic Task Force.
While the research may be expensive, he said that it could also lead to other innovations, such as eradicating flu and the common cold.
He said that countries like the US and the UK must spend "tens of billions" to fund the research.
"I'm hoping in five years, I can write a book called, ‘We ARE ready for the next pandemic', but it'll take tens of billions in R&D – the US and the UK will be part of that", he said.
"It'll take probably about a billion a year for a pandemic Task Force at the WHO level, which is doing the surveillance and actually doing what I call 'germ games' where you practise".
Mr Gates suggested that the "germ-games" could include preparing for acts of bioterrorism such as smallpox attacks on airports.
"You say, OK, what if a bioterrorist brought smallpox to 10 airports? You know, how would the world respond to that?
"There's naturally-caused epidemics and bioterrorism-caused epidemics that could even be way worse than what we experienced today", he said.
NOTE: 2005
"What I worry about is that there is rather too much done in this area and the minute you start fooling around with it in various ways, I think there is a danger," Professor Henderson said. "I'd be happier if we were not doing it and the simple reason is I just don't think it serves a purpose I can support. The less we do with the smallpox virus and the less we do in the way of manipulation at this point I think the better off we are."
Laboratory stocks of smallpox are stored at only two locations - one in America and one in Russia - but there are fears that samples of the virus may have fallen into the hands of terrorists.
Scientists advising the WHO believe that creating a GM form of the virus would accelerate research into developing new antivirals. The WHO is due to consider the recommendations of its scientific committee at the world health assembly in May.
it is understood there are seven recommendations in the proposal, including permission to allow relatively large fragments of the virus - up to 20 per cent of its entire genome - to be shipped from the two secure laboratories to other research institutes in the world.
Hard-hitting investigative journalist Dilyana Gaytandzhieva discusses her groundbreaking work uncovering diplomatically protected international arms traffic from Western governments to terrorists as well as her discovery of Pentagon-funded bio-laboratories scattered throughout Eurasia. She learned how the whole of Eastern Europe was involved in a network for arming terrorists with weapons paid for by the USA, UAE, and Saudi Arabia, all under diplomatic cover. She visited numerous bio-labs and found they were located in residential areas where people subsequently complained of pollution, death, and disease. She even interrogated Robert Kadlec. The Pentagon funded 11 bio-labs in Ukraine and has been seeking the DNA and blood samples specifically of Russian nationals. |
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Another possible scenario: Did Russia intecept intell that NATO were planning to pin Covid on them via a lab leak like the Wuhan narrative that was roundly & vehemently dismissed, then strangely, allowed to be discussed in media? (Think the huge event media span out of the supossed Russian Novochick poisonings )
and that, that incident would justify NATO to expand & start a WW3 scenario
so the Russian President sought to gain the initiative?
Was Putin at the WEF last October to warn the elites?
It's a possibility, an KGB/FSB intelligence agency leader; experienced, bullish & perceptive - would & could play the Globalists like this.
2014 - fuck the EU!
Should such an attack occur in Ukraine, there's "no doubt in my mind" that Russia would be behind it and called the planned move a "classic Russian technique to blame on the other guy what they're planning to do themselves." |
2022 - BioWeapons! It's the Russkies!
The common reaction in elite liberal circles? A Washington Post reporter called it a "fringe theory" that "has been repeatedly disputed by experts." The Atlantic Council accused Cotton of abetting an "infodemic" by "pushing debunked claim that the novel coronavirus may have been created in a Wuhan lab." A writer for Vox said it was a "dangerous conspiracy theory" being advanced by conservatives "known to regularly spew nonsense (and bash China)." |
US President Biden in his own words: Yugoslavia & Post Trump Ukraine
Daily Mail Reports: Hunter Biden DID help secure millions in funding for US contractor in Ukraine specializing in deadly pathogen research, laptop emails reveal, raising more questions about the disgraced son of then vice president video below attributed to Anonymous: US Biolabs In Ukraine Confirmed - Nefarious Players In Charge
"The US Agency for International Development (USAID), the George Soros Foundation, and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention also provide financial support to the Pentagon program, the Russian Defense Ministry added" (OpIndia) |