I am Losing faith
I am Losing hope
I am Losing control
I am Losing myself

I notice not many can tell the difference between art, humour, satire, irony & ultra extremist religious new age into full on transhumanist cultic dogma. This control grid is fully integrated & designed by corporate run pseudo nation states via militaristic industrial forces.

The command & control system being put into effect has the intention of controlling not only your essential critical thinking - but, also the way your brain functions on a neuro-synaptic level.

Big brother is "seeing through you" big style!

The cyber highways are a glitched digital spray of diarrhoetically confused dissonant post truthers, vulnerable & prone, & less than benign, sociopathic neo-religious nutso's, bored housebound middle classes escaping the endless drudgery of existence in a corporate police state shopping mall & those desperately lacking in decent braincell capacity, seemingly immune from any trace of perspective or irony.

Originally physical echochambers are a used in the sound industry - as a corridor of mirrors designed to bounce sound along to form reverberation.

This perfectly describes the digital realm. Here we also find the Carnies of the circus in full effect
inside the mystery machine. They treat your fear like a business model - they pretend to be an alternative to what you are told is mainstream.

But in reality - they have career paths and aspirations of wealth & giving them power to make mini alternative media empires hanging onto the ride for dear life as punters gawp & feel dislocated by the physical unease generated by the very thing itself.

They weave tall tales serving up lapdog snippets of what they consider important minutiae, never connected or expanded upon ...for the sole reason of selling the dumb & terminally gullible on to the drug they push...

The reveal = The next level up = The paywall becomes gateway as an access code gained by obedience to aspiration controlled by the promise of trancendence - This is the cult of ascension!

The conjob presents fractured versions in a hall of mirrors reflecting back at each other infintely. It is a cult. A pyramid scam.

You can see how scared & erratic they are

just by observing them on the hellish psycho-social media control platforms

blissfully unaware or plain numbed to the fact that they are in the virtual Monkeyhouse of a human zoo.

It is a Black Iron prison.



A HyperReal Theme Park atrocity attraction.

A dystopian amorphic meta construction.

A virtual narcotic

addictive & controlling -

invented to distract & deceive

as the new empire builders, themselves cult leaders adept in mass population control, construct a petry dish panopticon -

I sometimes wonder if this sort of thing you are reading right here, is to no avail, a vapid & pointless conceit.

Eventually, in a rather liberating disillusionary manner - I have come to realise that sitting in front of me - light searing bloodshot eyeballs from the battered old laptop - I was witnessing the death of sentient freedom & individuality for the majority and that the internet, and all the promise it held back in 1998 - was now in fact, dead...

Human sentience is at stake. Humans are not automotons, serfs or robotniks, neither kings queens or rulers.

Be aware & awake in the manner only you can know how to be.

Your Identity is yours & only yours.

Break your programming. Realise - & declare Peace.