
Casualty of war

you say - you say we're not healthy
and then you take our freedoms
for doing what you say

you made everybody captive
to virulant invaders
so we'll do what you say

ch) you think that we are fucking stupid
you think that we won't fight this
you think we'll go away

you're on the wrong side of Earths history
it's you who'll be in shackles
we start a brand new day

masks on face / standing in line /you locked us all in cells

its a matter of time / before it goes down / and we put you all in jail

and i lay awake at night
hoping it's not real
a cruel joke being played
upon the world

and i try to reconcile
the anger that I feel
The hypocracy of murder
as a health ordeal

you made everybody captive
to virulant invaders
so we'll do what you say

Brainwashed all the little children
into your life as data
so they'll act how you say


you're on the wrong side of Earths history
it's you who'll be in shackles
we start a brand new day

we'll make sure, none of you can do this
have power over systems
or anyone again

its a matter of time / before it goes down / and we put you all in jail

we'll rip off the veil / break from the line / freedom must prevail

They are counting on you
to not say a single thing
your soul to keep
you hide from truth
while they count the sheep

A marketed infection
surveillence state injection

lets play tag in the digital playground
let's play dress up as Drs. & nurses
roles reversed as above below

I'm mortified
at the cremation of care
buyer beware

be patient?

be aware