
Immersion Complete


I wake to this strange little world
where everyones all on their phones
and being here seems such a shame
everyone seems so alone

inside them its bright and so gay
they all seem so happy this way
changing their avatars each day
for access with tokens they trade


and oh what a world
everyone seems so remote
the streets & the shops are all closed outside
there's no where else left to go
to explore

immersion complete


oh what have we done to deserve this
oh what have we done to deserve this

time we are in
immersion complete



the play for today is a game
no single angles the same
but dress up is normal for play
it helps hide the pain of the slaves
their trading their futures away
life wasted in cynical frames
goggle box strapped to their face
while outsides discarded & grey


and no one wants to remain
excluded in dull normal days
they shuffle skuttle and merge as one
communion in digital purge as one
against all the rules to exclude as one

and no one
wants to lose out
from all this fun

they're amazed

immersion complete

oh what have we done to deserve this
oh what have we done to deserve this

time we are in

immersion complete


to exist to fight this repression
is to be seen as somehow regression
self delusory ape descendents
trying to acheive mass transcendence
completley lost in a maze
meant stuck in a daze

crass manipulation
freedom as superficial charade
cosmetic illusion of power
global casino is open
for business
as usual today

immersion complete