


Sitting in my grey cell
typing out what
i'm supposed to

letters on the keyboard
present to my minds eye

looking out my porthole
i see this ship is sinking

look to other workers
their eyes will simply
not engage with mine


They're changing the bars on the windows
They're replacing the locks on the doors
upgraging humanity prison
from Humans in a zoo
to petry dish panopticon

but it won't take long
no, it won't take long
maybe to the end of
this song


We've taken all the courses
educated up to date
injection pass

I crawl around obeying
contradicting new restrictions

Am i the only person here
who sees what's really going

Filling up their coffees
from a robot to a robot
They're 'gone'

(mid 8 break)

I just want to escape
I want to run away
but doors are all sealed tight
even though they're in invisible frames

I'm desperate to get out
sick of trying to hide
inside my monitored mind
i've made a space that's mine.

(CH 2)

They're just changing the bars on the windows
And replacing the locks on the doors
upgrading humanity prison
from Humans in a zoo
to petry dish panopticon

but it won't take long
no, it won't take long
maybe to the end of
this song