
Cheer up Paul

when i was a little boy
i had an action man doll
we used to burn his hair off
and dad chucked me tank down the hall!

cheer up paul
don't be so miserable
don't be so glum
just smile and be on your way
cheer up paul
cheer up paul
cheer up paul
then me and my little bro
got caught nicking mars bars at tescos
when the bloke from the meat counter chased us
we ran away into the park and hid!

cheer up paul
ain't all that bad
cheer up paul
just laugh and observe the day
cheer up paul
cheer up paul
cheer up paul

we all pegged it and caught our breath
U hid in the bushes till it cleared
but he caught us
and dad went bananas
and he made sure
we never did that again!