
ordinary day

V1) walk down the high street
and visit the bank for my booze
check out the soldiers
all checking out skirts like it's news
wash down the flashbacks
of talkbacks and positive views
i keep hearing people say
that we can't possibly lose
(whatever war we are fighting)

ch) ooo h oh oh oh!

V2) visit the place where we hang out
and try to relax
we're feeling pensive as people make verbal attacks
(on just about anything)
filing through checkpoints
that people set up in thier minds
soldiers on duty with guns
are a regular sight

ch) ooo h oh oh oh!

V3) climb down the ladder
and empty my bladder again
my eyes are still smarting from
the smog causing all of this pain
nothing seems easy with no choice
and nothing to gain
then something reminds me
are we doing this all again?

ch) ooo h oh oh oh!