
The Remedy

The Doctors bending over
I'm strapped into this chair
I can see his facial features
horned rimmed glasses, nasal hairs
my hands have no sensations
my neck feels warms and wet
i have no recollection
of getting in this chair

There's bloodstains on the carpet
filing cabinet opens
details self presenting
a ledger, written down
reactions to the prick test
subject has delusions
for the good of queen & country
we recommend this cure


i'll continue
to fight against a system
that rules by fear

i'll continue
to make my observations
while i'm here

hands clench leather armrest
fists tighten from the pain
a dream thats not forgotten
am i really here again?

Safety's our priority
we're concerned with your condition
we'd like to treat you to our cure
but you say you just don't know
if its the

Right thing for your body
so we're here to make your mind up
we can brush vagus connection
you can wave you brain goodbye

end chorus)

i'll continue
to fight against a system
that rules by fear

i'll continue
to make my observations
all quite clear

I'll continue (repeat to end)