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Capt Wardrobe - Aug 2021
Cosmic co-incidence
The Aspects of the cosmological "coincidence problem"
H.E.S. Velten, R.F. vom Marttens, W. Zimdahl
The observational fact that the present values of the densities of dark energy and dark matter are of the same order of magnitude(1), seems to indicate that we are currently living in a very special period of the cosmic history. Within the standard model, a density ratio of the order of one just at the present epoch can be seen as coincidental since it requires very special initial conditions in the early Universe. The corresponding "why now" question constitutes the cosmological "coincidence problem". According to the standard model the equality ρde=ρdm took place "recently" at a redshift z≈0.55. The meaning of "recently" is, however, parameter dependent. In terms of the cosmic time the situation looks different. We discuss several aspects of the "coincidence problem", also in its relation to the cosmological constant problem, to issues of structure formation and to cosmic age considerations.
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After my strange little experience with co-incidences
leading me along a merry path to a rather odd place of enlightenment one can only surmise,
that the internet is doing things to it's cybernetic dwellers.
On the 30th July -after posting my previous page up - I had a look at my Facebook feed & immediatly see "researcher", Poet & Glastonbury new age guru.. Kelfin Oberons post, 7 posts down my feed, pointing to a video - about ...real time A.I Bio-Machine Quantum surveillance & mind control
At 5am - 8/8 2021 whilst having a little cyber trawl, i see that Kelfin Oberon
Back to the plot:
anyhoo... wanting to see what Mr Oberons chat videos "On The Scottish Coast" are all about...it quickly becomes appararent
somebody shut down the server (to me?)
its address is https://peertube.biz/c/alison.mcdowell/
but there is another page here
Now getting a Gateway error to many would elicit -
But to me, it's like a red rag to a bull.
Some of you may know that we used to hang, and share info...and sadly that came to an end.
But I would add some advice - if you are thinking of breaking out from the social media giants and putting your content somewhere a bit niche. Far from me to point out that:
If you make your way researching massive Corporations and ties to a global social impact bond / industrial surviellance advanced tech / AI / DNA / Transhumanist agenda...to the minutest detail... you maybe, could expend that energy, into doing a background check on the programmers and funders of the platform you want to use, first.
I shall expand on this further: It led me on a path of coincidences which are very interesting indeed.
So - let's have a little peek at PeerTube
PeerTube, a federated (ActivityPub) video streaming platform using P2P (BitTorrent)
Started in 2017 by a programmer known as Chocobozzz,
The aim is to provide an alternative to centralized platforms such as
YouTube, Vimeo, and Dailymotion
Peertube is a free/libre software
funded by a French non-profit organization: Framasoft
Who we are
Pie-jacker875 runs the
The Alternative front end page here (https://video.asgardius.company/accounts/alisonmcdowell@peertube.biz.)
links to patrice.asgardius.
and points to user name
"Asgardius", who is another GitHub developer
so thats easy to see the background to the making of PeerTube.
take note of the name Asgardius
PeerTube funder Framasoft
has many media based assets & deals with gaming / social media
Framasoft is a not-for-profit popular educational organization, a group of friends convinced that an emancipatory digital world is possible, convinced that it will arise through actual actions on real world and online with and for you!
is partnered by The Plume Project
This site presents 116 Higher Education & Research Developments, mostly free libre open source software (FLOSS) of French universities and national research organisations (CNRS, INRA...) laboratories or departments
PLUME - FEATHER was initiated by the CNRS unit UREC. The UREC unit has been recently integrated to the CNRS computing division DSI. The different resources are provided by the main partners involved in the project.
Project Plume.org
is headed by the DSI, the computing division of the CNRS (National Center for Scientific Research, a French government-funded research organisation)
Plume Supporters page
The French National Centre for Scientific Research is among the world's leading research institutions. Its scientists explore the living world, matter, the Universe, and the functioning of human societies in order to meet the major challenges of today and tomorrow. Internationally recognised for the excellence of its scientific research, the CNRS is a reference in the world of research and development, as well as for the general public.
The French National Centre for Scientific Research lists it's
The French state has entrusted the CNRS with the role of advancing knowledge for the benefit of society. The organisation seeks to accomplish this national mission while respecting ethical rules and showing commitment to professional equality.
To identify and conduct, alone or with its partners, research that is in the interest of science as well as the technological, social, and cultural advancement of the country.
Mission entrusted by the state to the CNRS, decree of November 24, 1982
A five-pronged mission
1. Conduct scientific research
The CNRS conducts "research that is in the interest of science as well as the technological, social, and cultural advancement of the country". Oriented toward the common good, this research approach is multidisciplinary in nature, long-term in outlook, and open to the unknown.
2. Transfer research results
The CNRS's aim is for society to benefit from the advances it achieves, whether they relate to technologies, sustainable development, or societal issues. Numerous measures for technology transfer and application have been implemented to that effect, notably with industrial partners.
3. Share knowledge
The CNRS gives access to research results and data, for they are part of our common heritage. This sharing of knowledge is intended for different audiences, including the scientific community, the media, and the general public.
4. Train through research
Knowledge is also transmitted through training and the conduct of research, with the CNRS welcoming hundreds of future researchers, PhD students, and postdoctoral fellows in its laboratories each year.
5. Contribute to scientific policy
The CNRS participates in the national research strategy with its partners, notably at major French university locations. It also carries out evaluations and expert assessments on scientific matters.
The CNRS is a key player in innovation, both in France and worldwide. Finding applications for research results ensures that scientific advances benefit society, which is one of the missions entrusted by the French government to the CNRS. Innovation is founded on the scientific excellence of laboratories engaged in productive interaction with industrial actors. Each year this original model generates inventions, technologies, and start-ups that contribute to the nation's wealth.
As a French State organisation - It answers directly to the President of France
The French National Centre for Scientific Research (French: Centre national de la recherche scientifique, CNRS) is the French state research organisation and is the largest fundamental science agency in Europe.
Transfer Focus: 20 key domains
A leader in strategic scientific subjects, the CNRS focuses its national technology transfer policy on 20 key domains known as "Transfer Focus", which are based on a number of advantages: its scientific strength, patent portfolio, privileged links with industry, expertise in technology transfer, and high innovation potential at the highest national and international levels. The organisation is accelerating groundbreaking innovation in these fields (nanomaterials, oncology, Alzheimer's disease, service robotics, batteries, etc.), in other words the emergence of radically new concepts leading to major societal advances.
what research?
Interactions, particles, nuclei, from the laboratory to the cosmos
Condensed matter physics: structures and electronic properties
Computer and Information Sciences: Foundations of Computer Science, Computation,
Algorithms, Data and Knowledge Representation, Information Processing
Structural and materials engineering, solid mechanics, biomechanics and acoustics
Chemistry for living organisms and medicinal chemistry. Design and properties of compounds of biological interest
Solar system and distant universe
Molecular and structural biology, biochemistry
Biodiversity, evolution and biological adaptations: from macromolecules to communities
Language Sciences
Mathematics and interactions of mathematics
Physical theories: methods, models and applications
Atoms and Molecules, Optics and Lasers, Hot Plasma Physics
Condensed matter physics: structure and dynamics
Information sciences: Image and signal processing, computer graphics and vision, embedded systems and systems on chips, robotics, automatic control, human machine interaction, speech and language processing
Remember Asgardius?
here follows a weirdy woo interweb pinball game
from an obscure Cyprus based offshore company
to scalar gravity physics / CERN
To a Country in the sky
results for a search on Asgardia + company
Potentially Related to CHRISTIAN BOEHMER who is Limited Partner of ASGARDIAN & CO
A search for
Christian Boehmer
reveals this:
Modified gravity, Dark Matter & Cosmology
Initially I worked on exact solutions of the Einstein field equations, especially spherically symmetric solutions. I analysed the effects of the cosmological constant on such systems and thereby developed an interest in the cosmological constant and the dark energy problem. I analysed various dark matter models in the context of classical gravity, brane world models and Bose-Einstein condensates, and also worked on modified gravity. I was always intrigued by generalisations of general relativity where the manifold underlying the theory is for instance allowed to carry torsion as well as curvature, Einstein-Cartan theory. In recent years I have been working on dynamical system techniques in cosmology.
In continuum mechanics I am mainly interested elasticity with microrotations, also known as Cosserat elasticity or micropolar elasticity. This field shows some surprising similarities with general relativity, the equations are long and complicated, and are nonlinear. In particular I am interested in wave type solutions and other exact solutions that can be constructed in Cosserat elasticity.
I have also worked on the eigenspinors of the charge conjugation operator. Those spinors belong to a much wider class of so called non-standard spinors. In our most recent paper we introduce and carefully define an entire class of field theories based on non-standard spinors. Their dominant interaction is via the gravitational field which makes them naturally dark; we refer to them as dark spinors.
The dynamical behaviour of these dark spinors in cosmology is very similar to that of scalar fields. However, due to their more complicated and hence more interesting mathematical structure, some differences are present.
The world line (or worldline)
of an object is the path that object traces in 4-dimensional spacetime. It is an important concept in modern physics, and particularly theoretical physics.
The concept of a "world line" is distinguished from concepts such as an "orbit" or a "trajectory" (e.g., a planet's orbit in space or the trajectory of a car on a road) by the time dimension, and typically encompasses a large area of spacetime wherein perceptually straight paths are recalculated to show their (relatively) more absolute position statesto reveal the nature of special relativity or gravitational interactions. - wikipedia
Models of light-like charges with non-geodesic world lines
Christian G. Boehmer, Peter A. Hogan
Massless particles in General Relativity move with the speed of light, their trajectories in spacetime are described by null geodesics. This is independent of the electrical charge of the particle being considered, however, the charged light-like case is less well understood. Starting with the Maxwell field of a charged particle having a light-like geodesic world line in Minkowskian space-time we construct the Maxwell field of such a particle having a non-geodesic, light-like world line. The necessary geometry in the neighbourhood of an arbitrary null world line in Minkowskian space-time is described and properties of the resulting electromagnetic field are discussed. The electromagnetic field obtained represents a light-like analogue of the Lienard-Wiechert field, which generalises the Coulomb field of a charge having a time-like geodesic world line to the field of a charge having an accelerated world line.
extra dimensions:
Abstract: (arXiv)
D=11 cosmologies with teleparallel structure
Christian G. Bhmer(
University Coll. London
, Franco Fiorini(
Centro Atomico Bariloche
, P.A. Gonzlez(
Diego Portales U.
, Yerko Vsquez(
La Serena U.
The presence of additional compact dimensions in cosmological models is studied in the context of modified teleparallel theories of gravity. We focus the analysis on eleven dimensional spacetimes, where the seven dimensional extra dimensions are compactified. In particular, and due to the importance that global vector fields play within the conceptual body of teleparallel modified gravity models, we consider the additional dimensions to be products of parallelizable spheres. The global vector fields characterizing the different topologies are obtained, as well as the equations of motion associated to them. Using global dynamical system techniques, we discuss some physical consequences arising because of the existence of the extra dimensions. In particular, the possibility of having an early inflationary epoch driven by the presence of extra dimensions without other matter sources is discussed.
Dark Energy paper referencing Christian Boehmer
Scalar-Fluid interacting dark energy:
cosmological dynamics beyond the exponential potential
Jibitesh Dutta1,2-,
Wompherdeiki Khyllep3-,
Nicola Tamanini4-
4Institut de Physique Théorique, CEA-Saclay, CNRS UMR 3681,
Université Paris-Saclay, F-91191 Gif-sur-Yvette, France
(Dated: November 5, 2018
We extend the dynamical systems analysis of Scalar-Fluid interacting dark energy models per-
formed in C. G. Boehmer et al Phys. Rev. D 91, 123002 (2015), by considering scalar field potentials
beyond the exponential type.
As by now confirmed by precise cosmological observations [1-5], our Universe is presently undergoing through
a period of accelerated expansion. In the standard cosmological picture, this phenomenon can be explained by an
exotic repulsive cosmic fluid known as dark energy (DE), whose fundamental nature is still unclear. The easiest
theoretical model for DE, which well fits the present cosmological observations [3-5], is the so called ΛCDM
model, resulting by a simple addition of a positive cosmological constant Λ to the Einstein field equations. This
model accounts for both DE, through Λ, and dark matter (DM), the other invisible component needed to match
the astronomical data, through a pressure-less fluid which does not interact with electromagnetic radiation.
Unfortunately, although well in agreement with observations, ΛCDM is plagued by unsolved theoretical issues,
such as the cosmological constant problem [6, 7] and the cosmic coincidence problem [8].
In order to alleviate these problems, a dynamical scalar field, which is capable to reproduce the properties of a
cosmological constant at late times, has been proposed as an alternative explanation to the present cosmological
acceleration (see [9, 10] for reviews). Models based on scalar field theories are enough complex to produce a non
trivial cosmological dynamics and nonetheless sufficiently simple to handle. They are collectively known under
the name quintessence and can be well motivated by the lower energy limit of some well known high energy
theories like string theory. Moreover in a cosmological context, apart from describing DE, scalar fields are also
used to describe inflation [11], DM [12] and also unified dark sector models [1
Interacting quintessence from a variational approach Part I: algebraic couplings
Christian G. Boehmer, Nicola Tamanini, Matthew Wright
INSPIRE (http://inspirehep.net/)
is a trusted community hub that helps researchers to share and find accurate scholarly information in high energy physics.
It serves as a one-stop information platform for HEP community, comprising 8 interlinked databases on literature, conferences, institutions, journals, researchers, experiments, jobs and data.
Run in collaboration by CERN, DESY, Fermilab, IHEP, IN2P3, and SLAC, it has been serving the scientific community for almost 50 years. Previously known as SPIRES, it was the first website outside Europe and the first database on the web. Close interaction with the user community and with arXiv, ADS, HEPData, ORCID, PDG and publishers is the backbone of INSPIRE's evolution.
This is a weird tangent:
So - quantum physics explores the notion of
Cosmic Co-incidence & parallel states?
a further search for "Asgardia" reveals an off world "country"
a parallel state...if you will.
Mission of Asgardia
First Human Born in Space
Our key scientific goal is facilitating the first human childbirth in space -
a crucial step on our path to immortality as a species.
Digital Nation
To achieve our scientific goals and build a society of the future
we are creating a fully fledged independent digital state recognized by earthly nations.
Safe Earth and Peace in Space
Asgardia aims to ensure peaceful space exploration,
protect our home planet from cosmic threats and lead the development of new
Space Law to eliminate militarization of space.
Mission directive
Launch of the Asgardia-1 satellite
Magazine coverage
Asgardia in orbit
The Asgardia space nation has embarked on its maiden flight, creating the first independent outer space territory in world history. The historic beginning of a new era in human settlement of the universe was marked by the Asgardia-1 satellite with the signal 'Hello Igor' on its activation in Earth orbit. The satellite carries 0.5 TB of data storage comprising the nation's Constitution, national symbols and data uploaded by citizens.Liftoff off the OA-8 Antares-Cygnus cargo carrier with the Asgardia-1 satellite.
Lena De WinneNGO Asgardia, Vienna, Austria
Asgardia-1 opens door to humanity's space future
Astronautics offer citizens a chance to play their role in shaping the new nation."The most exciting aspect of the great Asgardian development is its commitment to trans-national democracy," he said. "My hope is that the parliament will be made up of people from all different backgrounds across the world. Together, they will be the engine that drives Asgardia forward into the next space age." Russian and Soviet rocket scientist and pioneer of astronautic theory Konstantin Tsiolkovsky is well remembered for his statement, "Earth is the cradle of humanity, but one cannot remain in the cradle forever", a sentiment that is today shared by many eminent scientists.It is also one of the reasons why wealthy individuals - some with the support of public funding - and space agencies are developing powerful new rockets to send explorers and would-be off-world settlers to the Moon and Mars. In contrast Asgardia is completely independent and equally available to all.
At the same time, it stands to reason that in order to move forward as a species we must do so together
as a unified humanity not limited or restricted by borders, religion, wealth or language - a notion that is
exemplified by the philosophy of Asgardia.
Asgardia-1 is the only satellite in the world which represents a new territory, even though it may resemble other satellites orbiting Earth. It is unique because it is laying a foundation for the
permanent residence of humanity in space.
Asgardia is developing its space territory and future settlements fully within the scope of the boundaries of exisiting legislation, such as the Outer Space Treaty which was ratified in 1967. Freedom of exploration and the use of outer space is not only allowed by the Treaty (and the 1963 Declaration of Legal Principles Governing the Activities of States in the Exploration and Uses of Outer Space) but has become a fundamental principle of international law applicable to all states.
Asgardia's first satellite launch means the nation is exercising its freedom in outer space whilst citizens and legal experts continue to manage its growth and development. As part of this, Asgardia is in the process of running parliamentary elections for its more than 150,000 and steadily growing number of citizens as they undertake the task of consolidating the leadership structure.
During the first half of 2018, 150 MPs will be selected (on the basis of the language selected by each voter during their registration in Asgardia), to take on the responsibility of leading the nation and setting its future course by adopting laws, calling referenda and appointing ministers and justices.To paraphrase world famous astronaut Neil Armstrong, the first person to walk on the Moon, the launch of Asgardia-1 can be seen as a first small step leading to another giant leap forward for humankind.
Much has changed since Armstrong first stepped on the Moon in 1969 when the magnitude of his
achievement resonated throughout the world - history may one day recognise the launch of Asgardia-1 in similar terms, marking the creation of the first nano territory in space and leading to a new era for humanity.
Following in those famous footsteps, Asgardia plans to create a network of satellites to help protect Earth against asteroids, solar flares, man-made space debris
and other space hazards.
These will be the precursor to Dr Ashurbeyli's ultimate goal of creating permanent Asgardia settlements both in orbit and on the Moon. Asgardia's approach is completely different because, instead of representing the inhabitants of one particular country or a slim cross-section of wealthy nations, its population already comprises a
unique mix of people from around the globe who share a common vision that humanity is destined for greater things.
Details of Satellite Launch
Asgardia-1 satellite is launched from Wallops launch site in Virginia, USA.
November 12, 2017 / Sagittarius 8, 0001
Details of mission
International Space Station
Asgardia-1 (Asgardia-1) - 10.18.17
Overview | Description | Applications | Operations | Results | Publications | Imagery
ISS Science for Everyone
Asgardia-1 determines the long-term fate and reliability of data in the high radiation environment of space. As on Earth, data is an electromagnetic signal that plays a vital role in space operations, but it is more vulnerable in space due to higher levels of electromagnetic noise. Asgardia-1 uses standard CubeSat technology to conduct a two-year radiation exposure test that measures data degradation rates on time frames relevant to long-term space missions.
The following content was provided by Mikhail Spokoyny, and is maintained in a database by the ISS Program Science Office.
Experiment Details
Principal Investigator(s) Mikhail Spokoyny, Asgardia AG-USA, Los Angeles, CA, United States
Experiment Description
Research Overview
Asgardia-1 is a satellite that stores long term data in an environment with radiation exposure during its orbital lifetime.
The satellite is a NSL 2U FastBus CubeSat Platform, weighs 2.8 kg, has 4 deployable solar arrays and 8 batteries.
The health and status of Asgardia-1 is measured throughout its lifetime.
Asgardia's Attitude determination is performed by a number of systems, including a passive neodymium permanent magnet located at the center of gravity of the spacecraft.
Asgardia-1 is pre-loaded with data provided by the citizens of Asgardia.
Asgardia-1 is conducted within 2 years of deployment from the external NanoRacks CubeSat Deployer (NRCSD).
The Asgardia-1 satellite expects to launch as a payload aboard the Orbital-ATK OA-8 rocket, a NASA CRS (Commercial Resupply Mission) inside a NanoRacks CubeSat Deployer (NRCSD), from Wallops Island, VA. About 90 days after this launch, the OA-8 unberths from the International Space Station (ISS), boosts to a higher orbit, and deploys the satellite.
The satellite is inserted into a near-circular orbit at 500 km at an inclination of 51.6 degrees from the equator. Transmission begins 30 minutes after deployment and remains active through the life of the mission. Atmospheric friction slows the satellite and reduce the altitude of the orbit until de-orbiting occurs, approximately 4.6 years after launch.
The primary goals of this investigation include long-term data storage in a radiation exposure environment in low-Earth orbit (LEO). The experiments should be completed within 2 years after launch. Data from the experiments are recovered via duplex link to the GlobalStar constellation - a group of satellites orbiting around the Earth. Asgardia-1 operates in its circular orbit, without propellants, until natural orbit decay results in reentry.
Space Applications
Asgardia-1 benefits space exploration by determining a critical information technology (IT) constraint that applies to long-term space missions. Space exploration depends on advanced hardware, software, and accurate remote sensing data. However, operational conditions and assumptions for these technologies may not apply under high radiation conditions. Asgardia-1 provides quantitative estimates of long-term data integrity that help engineers design better space-ready IT systems.
Earth Applications
Given the proliferation of IT infrastructure on Earth and growing awareness about risks associated with unusual solar events, Asgardia-1 informs a range of Earth-based engineering applications. Data plays an increasing role in outdoor settings and its growing overall footprint in human affairs raises the possibility of risk exposure hazard associated with sun storms. Constraints on the relationship between radiation flux and data integrity, like those provided by Asgardia-1, help manage risk and improve outdoor smart technologies.
Operational Requirements and Protocols
NanoRacks CubeSats are delivered to the ISS already integrated within a NanoRacks CubeSat Deployer (NRCSD) or NanoRacks DoubleWide Deployer (NRDD). A crew member transfers each NRCSD/NRDD from the launch vehicle to the Japanese Experiment Module (JEM). Visual inspection for damage to each NRCSD is performed. When CubeSat deployment operations begin, the NRCSD/NRDDs are unpacked, mounted on the JAXA Multi-Purpose Experiment Platform (MPEP) and placed on the JEM airlock slide table for transfer outside the ISS. A crew member operates the JEM Remote Manipulating System (JRMS) - to grapple and position for deployment. CubeSats are deployed when JAXA ground controllers command a specific NRCSD.
The WEF economic system - in space!
Leon Shpilsky, the Minister of Finance of Asgardia, delivers the concept of the Asgardian economic system to international officials and businessmen during the Caspian Week.
January 22, 2019 / Aquarius 22, 0003
On 22 January in Davos, Switzerland, the Asgardian representatives have introduced the First Space Nation at two sessions - economic and cultural at the Caspian Week Conference 2019. The economic session for Asgardia was opened with a welcome speech by a special representative of the Head of Nation Dr. Igor Ashurbeyli.
"The population of Asgardia as of today exceeds 1 million Earthlings who reside in more than 200 countries all over the globe. Asgardia's motto is: One humanity - one unity.
Asgardia's main mission is the birth of the first human in space. Such an event will be symbolic of humanity's eternal existence", said the special representative of the Head of Nation of Asgardia Ruslan Ashurbeyli.
Afterwards, Mr. Leon Shpilsky, the Minister of Finance of Asgardia, has delivered conceptual model of Asgardian economic system proposed by the Head of Nation Dr. Igor Ashurbeyli.
"Asgardia is the only Nation focused on networking cooperation and digital economy. It is a digital society connecting people who either already currently, or plan to in the near future, conduct their economic affairs both in the digital and non-digital formats", said Mr. Leon Shpilsky.
Speaking to the attendees at cultural session, Ms. Irina Nikitina, Chair of Asgardia's Parliamentary Culture Committee, explained why she had chosen to become a part of the Space Nation.
"Why am I involved in Asgardia? Because it is something that has no borders: no national borders, no religious borders, no borders at all. You know that you are quite free. And you can choose this country, this new kind of freedom", explained Ms.Nikitina.
The Caspian Week Conference is a meeting of global leaders, visionaries and experts. The Conference is held for the third time since the year 2017. The theme of the first event was the investment opportunities of the Caspian region. There were more than 500 participants who has discussed the potential of the region and possible difficulties, as well as practical steps for the future. In 2018, the number of participants rose to 1300 and discussions focused on the future of new technologies, especially blockchain based applications in the commercial and non-commercial fields.
Among the honored guests of the 2019 conference are representatives of UNESCO and the United Nations Environment Organization (UNEA) - Secretariat of the Tehran Convention, Minister of National Economy of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
The WEF links continue
Not affiliated with any poilitcal movement? really?
Head of Asgardia, the Space Nation
Igor Raufovich Ashurbeyli (Azerbaijani:born 9 September 1963, in Baku, Azerbaijan) is a Russian scientist, businessman, a politician of Azerbaijani origin, and a micronationalist, serving as the Head of Asgardia, the Space Nation. He is also the leader of the Party of Russia's Rebirth since 2016.
He was the CEO of Scientific Production Association (SPA) Almaz from 2000 to 2011. He is also the founder and chairman of the board of Socium Holding. He has a Doctorate of Science in engineering and a PhD in engineering, with a specialization in computer science.
Russian Rebirth Party
The Party of Russia's Rebirth (Russian: Partiya Vozrozhdeniya Rossii) is a political party in Russia founded by Gennady Seleznev, former State Duma speaker and a former member of the Communist Party of Russia (2002-2007).[2] The party took the name of the illegal Russian fascist party, which existed in the USSR, and abroad among the Russian expatriates, in the 1930s.[3][4] Igor Ashurbeyli is the current leader of the party.
Wikipedia entry for Russian rebirth Party
Originally founded in 2000 as a movement within the Communist Party of the Russian Federation, the Party of Russia's Rebirth was revived as an independent political party in 2013. The left-leaning party strives to form a strong socialist government and aims to restores Russia's status as a global superpower.
Is Asgardia a "communitarian cover story"
for global surveillence EXPERIMENTS justified
under outer threats (cosmic radiation / space junk / asteroids? etc)
Were the Asgard satellite tests (which ended 2018) linked to the storage and operations of possible future space based blockchain & Quantum systems?
Steering Humanity on behalf another prominent scientist / activist
Carol Rosin revealed Ex-Nazi / Nasa rocket pioneer Werner Von Brauns predictions
they have happened...threats as psyops
& a means for militarization intervention
geo-poliitcs of control over micro to macro
genetics / land / & space
rogue nations: check (war on terror)
asteroid doom
alien invasion (UAP UFO psyops)
A look at Carol Rosins career tells us that she:
"Managed set up of via satellite educational programs for 5000 villages in India via the ATS-6, the Application Technology Satellite 6, the largest satellite in existence at that time in early 1974.
Helped set up the first two-way audio/visual satellite communication systems in over 20 countries. Managed two-way satellite educational program development in Appalachia, Rocky Mountains, Washington state, Alaska, US Veteran hospitals for doctor and nurse training programs via satellite.
Former Vice President Montgomery County Chamber of Commerce, the third largest chamber in US. at that time, with nine local chambers in it. Created many youth projects including the first industry-education Adopt-A-School program, award winning Spaceship Earth world and space view educational /teaching /curriculum/ activity unit."
Traveled to Russia numerous times to discuss
a ban on all space-based weapons and
encourage joint ventures.
Brought the first list of proposed joint international
space ventures from the USSR experts to the USA-accomplished!
Spooky operations at a distance?
so, 7th August 2021 - I watched the New movie - The Suicide squad (spoilers alert!)
The protagonists have a mission to destroy a secret base on a South America island - called Jutenheim II
and on the base, unbeknownst to the Squad - The US govt. via a Dictator, control a Mad scientist, & secret research on humans as Hive mind control, victims of The Alien ET - Starro, who was discovered by NASA astronauts - the Project is called "Starfish".
The ET is a GIANT starfish.
Spooky operations at a distance? GIANT starfish!
Starfish? in reality operation starfish was a part of nuke testing in the atmosphere
Strong electromagnetic signals were observed from the burst, as were significant magnetic field disturbances and earth currents.
Jutenheim? a realm of the GIANTS in ASGARDIAN folklore
Van Allen described how the Earth is surrounded by belts of high-energy particles mainly protons and electrons that are held in place by the magnetic fields.
There are two Van Allen radiation belts that circle the Earth (shown here in purple): an inner belt and an outer belt. The belts are contained by the Earths magnetic field (pictured as gray lines). Red marks a radiation-safe orbit path for satellites.
Today these radiation belts are called Van Allen belts. Now comes the surprise: While looking through the Van Allen papers at the University of Iowa to prepare a Van Allen biography, Fleming discovered "that [the] very same day after the press conference, [Van Allen] agreed with the military to get involved with a project to set off atomic bombs in the magnetosphere to see if they could disrupt it."
Solar wind
Hacking: Solarwinds? Sunburst?
NASA / WEF / Asgardian Satellite experiment ended 2018
07 November 2018
On 5-6 November, CERN hosted a first-of-its kind workshop on quantum computing in high-energy physics. The event was organised by CERN openlab, a unique public-private partnership CERN runs with leading ICT companies to accelerate the development of computing technologies needed by the LHC research community.
Over 400 people followed the workshop, which provided an overview of the current state of quantum-computing technologies. The event also served as a forum to kick-off discussion of which activities within the high-energy physics (HEP) community may be amenable to the application of quantum-computing technologies.
The ambitious upgrade programme for the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) will result in significant ICT challenges over the next decade and beyond. It is therefore vital that members of the HEP research community keep looking for innovative computing technologies, so as to continue to maximise the discovery potential of the world-leading research infrastructures at their disposal.
"In CERN openlab, we're always looking with keen interest at new computing architectures and trying to understand their potential for disrupting and improving the way we do things," says Alberto Di Meglio, head of CERN openlab. "We want to understand which computing workflows from HEP could potentially most benefit from nascent quantum-computing technologies; this workshop was the start of this discussion."
Significant developments are being made in the field of quantum computing, but today's hardware has not yet reached the level at which it could be put into production. Nevertheless, technologies related to quantum computing are among those that hold future promise of substantially speeding up computationally expensive tasks (CERN Courier November 2018 p5).
"Quantum computing is no panacea, and will certainly not solve all the future computing needs of the HEP community," says Eckhard Elsen, Director for Research and Computing at CERN. "Nevertheless, quantum computers are starting to be available; a breakthrough in the number of qubits could emerge at any time. Fundamentally rethinking our algorithms may appear as an interesting intellectual challenge today, yet may turn out as a major benefit in addressing computing challenges in the future."
The workshop featured representatives of LHC experiments, who spoke about how computing challenges are likely to evolve as we approach the era of the High-Luminosity LHC. There was also discussion of work already undertaken to assess the feasibility of applying today's quantum-computing technologies to problems in HEP. Jean-Roch Vlimant provided an overview of work at the California Institute of Technology, with collaborators from the University of Southern California, to solve an optimisation problem related to the search for Higgs bosons with quantum annealing for machine learning. This work was published last year in Nature (https://doi.org/10.1038/nature24047).
Several large-scale research initiatives related to quantum-computing technologies were presented at the event, including the EU's €1-billion Quantum Technologies Flagship project. A very large initiative has also been launched in the US; presentations were given of ambitious programmes such as the Northeast Quantum Systems Center at Brookhaven National Laboratory and the Quantum Science Program at Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory (Fermilab), which includes research areas in superconducting quantum systems, quantum algorithms for HEP, and computational problems and theory.
Perhaps most importantly, the workshop brought members of the HEP community together with leading companies working on quantum computing technologies. Intel, IBM, Strangeworks, D-Wave, Microsoft, Rigetti, and Google all presented their latest work in this area at the event.
"Now is the right time for the HEP community to get involved and engage with different quantum-computing initiatives already underway, fostering common activities and knowledge sharing," says Federico Carminati, CERN openlab CIO and chair of the event. "With its well established links across many of the world's leading ICT companies, CERN openlab is ideally positioned to help drive this activity forward. We believe this first event was a great success and look forward to organising future activities in this exciting area."