And uber-corporate communism / fascism
is the global punchline...
Capt Wardrobe - July 2021
first: a picture
Ahh... the good old BBC - on The Knights Templars
Temple Church is not just an important architectural, historical and religious site
The warrior monks who invented banking
By Tim Harford - 30 January 2017
On London's busy Fleet Street, opposite Chancery Lane, is a stone arch through which anyone may step, and travel back in time.
A quiet courtyard houses a strange, circular chapel and a statue of two knights sharing a single horse.
The chapel is Temple Church, consecrated in 1185 as the London home of the Knights Templar.
But Temple Church is not just an important architectural, historical and religious site. It is also London's first bank.
The Knights Templar were warrior monks. A religious order, with a theologically inspired hierarchy, mission statement, and code of ethics, but also heavily armed and dedicated to holy war.
How did they get into the banking game?
The Templars dedicated themselves to the defence of Christian pilgrims to Jerusalem. The city had been captured by the first crusade in 1099 and pilgrims began to stream in, travelling thousands of miles across Europe.
Those pilgrims needed to somehow fund months of food and transport and accommodation, yet avoid carrying huge sums of cash around, because that would have made them a target for robbers.
An etching commemorating Pope Honorius II's granting official recognition to the Knights Templar in 1128image sourceAlamy
image captionPope Honorius II granted official recognition to the Knights Templar in 1128
Fortunately, the Templars had that covered. A pilgrim could leave his cash at Temple Church in London, and withdraw it in Jerusalem. Instead of carrying money, he would carry a letter of credit. The Knights Templar were the Western Union of the crusades.
We don't actually know how the Templars made this system work and protected themselves against fraud. Was there a secret code verifying the document and the traveller's identity?
Financial fixers
The Templars were not the first organisation in the world to provide such a service. Several centuries earlier, Tang dynasty China used "feiquan" - flying money - a two-part document allowing merchants to deposit profits in a regional office, and reclaim their cash back in the capital.
But that system was operated by the government. Templars were much closer to a private bank - albeit one owned by the Pope, allied to kings and princes across Europe, and run by a partnership of monks sworn to poverty.
Pope Honorius II granted official recognition to the Knights Templar in 1128
King Henry III took advantage of the Templars' financial services
The Knights Templar did much more than transferring money across long distances.
As William Goetzmann describes in his book Money Changes Everything, they provided a range of recognisably modern financial services. If you wanted to buy a nice island off the west coast of France - as King Henry III of England did in the 1200s with the island of Oleron, north-west of Bordeaux - the Templars could broker the deal.
Henry III paid £200 a year for five years to the Temple in London, then when his men took possession of the island, the Templars made sure that the seller got paid.
And in the 1200s, the Crown Jewels were kept at the Temple as security on a loan, the Templars operating as a very high-end pawn broker. The Knights Templar were not Europe's bank forever, of course. The order lost its reason to exist after European Christians completely lost control of Jerusalem in 1244, and the Templars were eventually disbanded in 1312.
So who would step into the banking vacuum?
If you had been at the great fair of Lyon in 1555, you could have seen the answer. Lyon's fair was the greatest market for international trade in all Europe.
Bills of exchange allowed Florence's celebrated wool trade to flourish in the Middle Ages
Sophisticated exchange
But at this particular fair, gossip was starting to spread about an Italian merchant who was there, and making a fortune.
He bought and sold nothing: all he had was a desk and an inkstand. Day after day he sat there, receiving other merchants and signing their pieces of paper, and somehow becoming very rich.
The locals were very suspicious.
But to a new international elite of Europe's great merchant houses, his activities were perfectly legitimate.
He was buying and selling debt, and in doing so he was creating enormous economic value.
A merchant from Lyon who wanted to buy - say - Florentine wool could go to this banker and borrow something called a bill of exchange. This was a credit note, an IOU, but it was not denominated in the French livre or Florentine lira.
Its value was expressed in the ecu de marc, a private currency used by this international network of bankers.
And if the Lyonnaise merchant or his agents travelled to Florence, the bill of exchange from the banker in Lyon would be recognised by bankers in Florence, who would gladly exchange it for local currency.
Through this network of bankers, a local merchant could not only exchange currencies but also translate his creditworthiness in Lyon into creditworthiness in Florence, a city where nobody had ever heard of him - a valuable service, worth paying for.
Every few months, agents of this network of bankers would meet at the great fairs such as Lyon's, go through their books, net off all the credit notes against each other and settle any remaining debts.
The last grandmaster of the Templars, Jacques de Molay, was burned to death in Paris in 1314
Our financial system today has a lot in common with this model.
An Australian with a credit card can walk into a supermarket in Lyon and walk out with groceries.
The supermarket checks with a French bank, which talks to an Australian bank, which approves the payment, happy that this woman is good for the money.
Checks and balances
But this web of banking services has always had a darker side to it.
By turning personal obligations into internationally tradable debts, these medieval bankers were creating their own private money, outside the control of Europe's kings.
Rich, and powerful, they had no need for the coins minted by the sovereign.
That description rings true even today. International banks are locked together in a web of mutual obligations that defies easy understanding or simple control. They can use their international reach to try to sidestep taxes and regulations.
And, since their debts to each other are a very real kind of private money, when the banks are fragile, the entire monetary system of the world also becomes vulnerable.
We are still trying to figure out what to do with these banks.
We cannot live without them, it seems, and yet we are not sure we want to live with them.
Governments have long sought ways to hold them in check.
Sometimes the approach has been laissez-faire, sometimes not.
Few regulators have been quite as ardent as King Philip IV of France. He owed money to the Templars, and they refused to forgive his debts. So in 1307, on the site of what is now the Temple stop on the Paris Metro, Philip launched a raid on the Paris Temple - the first of a series of attacks across Europe.
Templars were tortured and forced to confess any sin the Inquisition could imagine. The order was disbanded by the Pope.
The London Temple was rented out to lawyers. And the last grandmaster of the Templars, Jacques de Molay, was brought to the centre of Paris and publicly burned to death.
Tim Harford writes the Financial Times's Undercover Economist column.
The 2008 collapse of the Lehman Brothers bank led to financial instability across the globe
The Vanguard Wellington fund
Vanguard reopens its oldest mutual fund
Rob Kozlowski 29th July 2021
Vanguard Group announced the reopening of the $120.3 billion Vanguard Wellington Fund.
The reopening is effective Thursday, spokesman Freddy Martino said in an email. It is Vanguard's oldest mutual fund and the nation's oldest balanced mutual fund, and it has been subadvised by Wellington Management since its inception in 1929.
The Vanguard Wellington Fund had been closed to new accounts from institutional investors or financial advisers since March 2013. A spokeswoman for Vanguard said at the time that "reducing cash flow is necessary to preserve each investment adviser's ability to produce competitive long-term returns for current shareholders."
Improved fund liquidity and capacity were cited as reasons for the reopening of the fund, according to a news release Thursday.
As of June 30, Vanguard Group had $8 trillion in assets under management.
The Wellington Fund was the first balanced mutual fund in the United States, and is one of the oldest surviving mutual funds. It was established in 1928 by Walter L. Morgan with $100,000 raised from relatives and business people in Morgan's home state of Pennsylvania.
It was originally called the Industrial and Power Securities Company, but was later renamed after the Duke of Wellington.
Wellington Management Company was incorporated in 1933, and while it still manages the Wellington Fund, it is a private firm, independent of Vanguard. wikipedia
is written by Professor Richard Roberts of Kings College London, the official historian of HSBC and Schroders
The Battle of Waterloo on June 18, 1815 — 200 years ago this week — finally banished the spectre of Napoleon’s domination of Europe. No one was more delighted than the denizens of the London Stock Exchange, Nathan Rothschild especially, as Gilts soared on the good news.
For the preceding two decades of war since the French Revolution, bond prices had been buffeted by news from battlefields. A victory by Britain or its allies sent prices north since it reduced the risks of defeat, default and more government borrowing. A defeat sent prices south for opposite reasons.
These conditions provided plenty of opportunity for market manipulation through the manufacture of battlefield news given that information travelled at the speed of horses and sailing ships.
The most notorious scam occurred in February 1814.
Napoleon was in trouble and his fall seemed likely. A bungling concert party of speculators built up huge positions in Gilts expecting prices to rise. The plan was to trade "within the account", meaning that they only had to put up a modest amount of margin. But then came news of French successes that left them facing large losses.
Two days before the end of the account, an officer dressed in the uniform of aide de camp to the British commander in France appeared in Dover in the middle of the night claiming to have just crossed the Channel with urgent news.
Napoleon had been killed by Cossacks and the French monarchy restored. He sent word to the Dover Port Admiral evidently hoping that he would inform the government via the Admiralty’s system of semaphore relay stations resulting in an official announcement. But it was too foggy for the semaphore system to operate.
The next day around noon, an open carriage containing three men dressed as French Royalist officers crying “Vive Le Roi” drove around the City.
Again, the story was that Napoleon was dead and the French monarchy restored. They then supposedly set off for Downing Street to tell the Prime Minister. The appearance of the "royalists" and their news was a tonic for Gilt prices that rose 20%. But they slumped again when Stock Exchange messengers to Whitehall returned without confirmation.
The authorities were unamused by the pantomime hoax.
The Stock Exchange quickly identified sales by seven individuals that “stank to high Heaven”.
Sensationally their number included Lord Cochrane MP, a naval hero (and real-life model for Horatio Hornblower RN). They were found guilty of fraud and jailed for a year. Cochrane went abroad and commanded the Chilean and Brazilian navies in their wars of independence, enjoying markedly greater success than in Gilt manipulation.
Nathan Rothschild, founder of the London firm, was supremely aware of the value of early and accurate information. His firm’s fortune was made by supplying the Duke of Wellington’s army in Spain and France with gold and silver coin to pay the troops.
Rapid and reliable communications were crucial for his complex and risky payments and arbitrage operations. He set up a private courier system with shipping agents in Dover, Calais and Ostend with fast light vessels ready to sail at any time. There were relays of horses to speed messages from the Channel to London. And a farm on the coast at Hythe for courier pigeons.
As night descended at Waterloo on June 18 a Rothschild agent dashed to Dunkirk. Conveyed by a Rothschild ship and Rothschild steeds, Nathan received news of the victory on the night of Monday 19th — just 24 hours afterwards. Wellington’s official messenger didn’t arrive until Wednesday evening.
In the meantime, Nathan called on the Prime Minister but was refused entry by a butler, because the PM was resting.
His duty done, he proceeded to the Stock Exchange where he was in sole possession of the momentous news. It is not known how much Rothschild made from Waterloo but it must have been a great deal. The collective assets of the five Rothschild brothers in spring 1815 came to £500,000 (at a time when the average wage was about £50 per year); in July 1816 it was £1 million.
The Iron Duke observed that Waterloo was: ‘A damn close-run thing — the nearest run thing you ever saw in your life." Maybe on the battlefield, but not on the Stock Exchange with Rothschild’s information system.
"In 1858 Britain reined in the East India Company, dissolving its territorial power and making India the responsibility of the British crown. The Company continued trading opium to China, which led to the Opium Wars of the 19th century."
The First Corporation
Prior to the 17th century, the first corporations were created in Europe as not-for-profit entities to build institutions, such as hospitals and universities, for the public good. They had constitutions detailing their duties overseen by the government. Straying outside these was punishable by law.
Colonial companies
Only in the 17th century did making money become a major focus for corporations. Their wealth was used to finance European colonial expansion. Companies were used by the imperial powers to maintain draconian control of trade, resources and territory in Asia, Africa, and the Americas.
First in an ignoble line was the East India Company, set up by British merchant adventurers and granted the Royal Charter of Queen Elizabeth I in 1600. Partners combined their personal stock, turning it into company stock to create the world's first commercial corporation. It shipped out gold and silver to Asia in return for spices, textiles and luxury goods. The East India Company expanded into a vast enterprise, conquering India with a total monopoly on trade and all the territorial powers of a government. At its height, it ruled over a fifth of the world's population with a private army of a quarter of a million.
There will be a global centralized bank with several information reserve banks
controlling regions of the world.
Mar 24, 2011 -
A Rothschild Plan for World Government
" in 2008, Simon Linnett wrote a policy document on the issue, published by The Social Market Foundation. Linnett is Executive Vice Chairman of N M Rothschild, London. In the Linnett manifesto, he defines “greenhouse emissions” as the new form of “social market;” a speculative new global currency.
Linnett states that while it must be market forces and free trade that operate in defining the value of the carbon emission exchange, what is required is a world government.
Market forces plus an “international institution” with a constitution equals a World State under oligarchic control.
He writes: “That such a market has to be established on a world basis coordinated by an international institution with a constitution to match.”
Foriegn Policy Journal
The Climate change banking cartel scam
Because greenhouse gas emissions are a truly global phenomenon, this document puts forward the idea that the only solution can be through a world market.
This paper attempts to describe:
Why a market is the best solution for this impending crisis: it is more effective than tax and a mechanism with which regulation should be a collaborator (but subordinate to);
That such a market has to operate as such: there should be no distortion through the free allocations of allowances and with the permissions to emit auctioned sensibly by those who sanction them (i.e. governments) into the market;
That such a market has to be established on a world basis coordinated by an international institution with a constitution to match;
That, perhaps, it might be regarded to as having wider benefits than merely “saving the planet” - perhaps it might be the basis for a new world order, one that is not based on trade and/or conflict resolution - and, even
Perhaps one can see a way to achieve this goal, through leadership, vision and some marginal and manageable renunciation of national sovereignty, how the world might just get there.
“The few who understand the system, will either be so interested from it’s profits or so dependant on it’s favors, that there will be no opposition from that class.” — Rothschild Brothers of London, 1863
A New World Order - Rothschild Globalised central banking system Guardian
2011 map of countries without a Central Bank
2012 Olympics Opening Ceremony - nothing to see here, move along
A ritual in an arena watched over by a Bloodline Elite
note the colours...
Masonic symbolism
Sir John Dee - 007 & Rosicrucian
Elizabeth was very much interested in the occult. Dee was responsible for choosing the most auspicious date for Elizabeth's coronation which was on January 15th, 1559. The Queen was so impressed by Dee that she eventually travelled with her court to Mortlake, for the purpose of seeing his great library.
Dee has been defamed through the centuries as a necromancer, but it's the opinion of many writers that his angelic-cabalistic- alchemical work, his Philosophers Stone, the"Monad Hieroglyphica"(1564) may have been a cover for covert operations carried on in the name of her majesty. The 007 was the insignia number that Elizabeth was to use for private communiques between her Court and Dee.
Dee signed his letters with two circles symbolising his own two eyes and indicating that he was the secret eyes of the Queen.The two circles are guarded by what may be considered a square root sign or an elongated seven. For Dee, seven was a sacred cabbalistic and lucky number.(Richard Deacon)
When the Spanish Armada loomed over the English Channel it was Dee as the wise sage who suggested to hold the course and be still. He had correctly anticipated that devastating storms would destroy the mighty Spanish Fleet and that it would be best to keep the English ships at bay. Some have suggested that it was Dee himself who conjured up that storm. Whatever it was that allowed England to defeat the Armada, John Dee was having his finest patriotic moment. One can see why some commentators have Dee associated with being the inspiration for the protagonist Prospero (to hope for the future) from The Tempest. Francis Yates in her seminal exploration Majesty and Magic in Shakespeare's Last Plays, comments, "Dare one say that the German Rosicrucian movement reaches a peak of poetic expression in The Tempest, a Rosicrucian manifesto infused with the spirit of Dee, using theatrical parables for esoteric communication?"
Daniel Craig reprises his role as British secret agent James Bond 007 as he accompanies Her Majesty The Queen to the opening ceremony of the London 2012 Olympic Games.
Note that The 007 was the insignia number that from 1559 - Elizabeth I was to use for private communiques between her Court and Sir John Dee.
Dee signed his letters with two circles symbolising his own two eyes and indicating that he was the secret eyes of the Queen.The two circles are guarded by what may be considered a (set) square root sign or an elongated seven. For Dee, seven was a sacred cabbalistic and lucky number.
Masonic symbolism? 007
Our figurehead is not what she seems...
Daily Mail use picture February 26th 2021
The Craft - 2017 -Masons at The Albert Hall?
A ritual in an arena watched over by a Bloodline Elite
note the colours...
The Grand Old duke of Kent
he had 300,000 men
he marched them up to
prominant & influencial
places in UK society...
will we ever see the end?
The Tercentenary program of the United Freemason Grand Lodge of England was held at the Royal Albert Hall in October 2017. The event was held in celebration of the 300th anniversary of the founding of the Premiere Grand Lodge in London in 1717.
Membership of this Christian Masonic Order (usually known as the ‘Rose Croix’) is open to any Brother who has been a Master Mason for at least one year and wishes to expand his Masonic knowledge beyond the three Degrees of Craft Masonry. He must be prepared to sign a Petition and Obligation of Allegiance in the prescribed format declaring that he professes the Trinitarian Christian Faith, i.e. a belief in God as Father, Son and Holy Spirit.
The Order is governed by The Supreme Council 33° of the Ancient and Accepted Rite for England and Wales and its Districts and Chapters Overseas from its headquarters at: 10 Duke Street, St James’s, London SW1Y 6BS .
In the preface to a book entitled Long-Livers, published in 1772, Eugenius Philalethes, the Rosicrucian initiate, thus addresses his Brethren of the Most Ancient and Most Honorable Fraternity of the Free Masons:
"Remember that you are the Salt of the Earth, the Light of the World, and the Fire of the Universe. You are living Stones, built up a Spiritual House, who believe and rely on the chief Lapis Angularis which the refractory and disobedient Builders disallowed.
You are called from Darkness to Light; you are a chosen Generation, a royal Priesthood.
This makes you, my dear Brethren, fit Companions for the greatest Kings; and no wonder, since the King of Kings hath condescended to make you so to himself, compared to whom the mightiest and most haughty Princes of the Earth are but as Worms, and that not so much as we are all Sons of the same One Eternal Father, by whom all Things were made; but inasmuch as we do the Will of his and our Father which is in Heaven.
You see now your high Dignity; you see what you are; act accordingly, and show yourselves (what you are) MEN, and walk worthy the high Profession to which you are called. * * * .
Remember, then, what the great End we all aim at is: Is it not to be happy here and hereafter? For they both depend on each other. The Seeds of that eternal Peace and Tranquillity and everlasting Repose must be sown in this Life; and he that would glorify and enjoy the Sovereign Good then must learn to do it now, and from contemplating the Creature gradually ascend to adore the Creator."
The following is the "Jesuit Extreme Oath of Induction." This oath is taken by a Jesuit of minor rank when he is to be elevated to a position of command.
This material is contained in Congressional Record, House Bill 1523, Contested election case of Eugene C. Bonniwell, against Thomas S. Butler, February 15, 1913, pages 3215-16.
The oath also appears in its entirety in the book, The Suppressed Truth About the Assassination of Abraham Lincoln by Burke McCarty, pages 14-16.
The Jesuits are a military religious order of the Roman Catholic Church.
The Oath
"I___________________, now in the presence of Almighty God, the Blessed Virgin Mary, the Blessed Michael the Archangel, The Blessed St. John the Baptist, the Holy Apostles, Peter, and Paul, and all the Saints, sacred hosts of Heaven, and to you, my ghostly Father, the Superior General of the Society of Jesus, founded by St. Ignatius Loyola, in the Pontificate of Paul the Third, and continued to the present, do by the womb of the virgin, the matrix of God, and the rod of Jesus Christ, declare and swear that his holiness, the Pope, is Christ's Vice-regent, and is the true and only head of the Catholic or Universal Church throughout the earth; and that by the virtue of the keys of binding and loosing, given to his Holiness by my Savior, Jesus Christ, he hath power to depose heretical kings, princes, states, commonwealths and governments, all being illegal without his sacred confirmation, and that they may be safely destroyed."
"Therefore, to the utmost of my power, I shall and will defend this doctrine and his Holiness' right and customs against all usurpers of the heretical of Protestant authority whatever, especially the Lutheran Church of Germany, Holland, Denmark, Sweden and Norway, and the now pretended authority of the Church of England and Scotland, the branches of the same, now established in Ireland, and on the continent of America and elsewhere...I do now renounce and disown any allegiance as due to any heretical king, prince or state named Protestant or Liberals, or obedience to any of their laws, magistrates or officers."
"I do further declare, that I will help and assist and advise all or any of his Holiness' agents in any place wherever I shall be, and do my utmost to extirpate the heretical Protestant of Liberal doctrines and to destroy all their pretended powers, legal or otherwise."
"I do further promise and declare, that notwithstanding I am dispensed with to assume any religion heretical, for the propagating of the Mother Church's interest, to keep secret and private all her agents' counsels, from time to time as they may instruct me, and not to divulge directly or indirectly, by word, writing, or circumstances whatever; but to execute all that shall be proposed, given in charge or discovered unto me, by you, my ghostly father..."
"I do further promise and declare, that I will have no opinion or will of my own, or any mental reservation whatever, even as a corpse or cadaver (perinde ac cadaver) but unhesitantingly obey each and every command that I may receive from my superiors in the Militia of the Pope and Jesus Christ."
"That I will go to any part of the world, whatsoever, without murmuring and will be submissive in all things whatsoever communicated to me...I do further promise and declare, that I will, when opportunity presents, make and wage relentless war, secretly or openly, against all heretics, Protestants and Liberals, as I am directed to do to extirpate and exterminate them from the face of the whole earth, and that I will spare neither sex, age nor condition, and that I will hang, waste, boil, flay, strangle and bury alive these infamous heretics, rip up the stomachs and wombs of their women and crush their infants' heads against the wall, in order to annihilate forever their execrable race."
"That when the same cannot be done openly, I will secretly use the poison cup, the strangulation cord, the steel of the poniard, or the leaden bullet regardless of the honor rank, dignity or authority of the person or persons whatsoever may be their condition in life, either public or private, as I at any time may be directed so to do by any agent of the pope or superior of the brotherhood of the holy faith of The Society of Jesus."
The Bullingdon Club’s ‘Class of ’87’ photograph
Featuring David Cameron (top left, second along), Boris Johnson (bottom right, first along)
The photograph also features Ralph Perry-Robinson (as quoted) (top centre, third along from left)
29 November 2020 - The Old Boys network Bullingdon bully Boris Johnson
In the 1980’s, the ‘Buller’ – as it was affectionately named by members – welcomed several high-seated Conservative MPs to its ranks. As well as David Cameron, Boris Johnson (pictured alongside Cameron in the below portrait) and George Osborne also adorned the famous blue-velvet tails and took active roles in the club during their undergraduate years.
‘Hilarious’ hijinks
Not just a symboliser of wealth and elite, as is the case with other well-known aristocratic drinking clubs, the Bullingdon’s activities are a purposeful display of decadence, excess, and entitlement. An “ostentatious wealth celebration”, to quote one Oxford student.
Vandalism and destruction are at the very core of the Buller philosophy. Stories of the Cameron-Johnson-Osborne era include burning £50 notes in front of homeless people, dressing up in Nazi uniforms, and destroying priceless collections of art, history, and public and private property.
nothing to see here, move along
note the colours...
and Matt Hancocks Crown of Infinity -
also present is Jay Flatley, who now works with
Ex Pentagon / DARPA / Facebook Tech guru
Regina Dugan at Wellcome Leap - another Biotech company deeply linked with the biosecurity state
Two senior Conservatives are facing questions over their links to a secretive foreign affairs group.
Rory Stewart and Nadhim Zahawi did not declare their chairmanship of transatlantic body 'Le Cercle' despite also sitting on several related Commons select committees, PoliticsHome can reveal.
The group organises gatherings of powerful figures from politics, business and the intelligence services to discuss foreign affairs.
But despite the nature of the meetings, neither Mr Stewart or Mr Zahawi declared their involvement with the group during their time as members of the powerful Foreign Affairs Select Committee.
Both senior Tory MPs confirmed to PoliticsHome they had held the chairmanship of Le Cercle, with Mr Stewart's tenure as chair lasting from 2013 until 2014, while Mr Zahawi held the top post from 2015 until his appointment as Children's Minister in early 2018.
Conventionally MPs declare their involvement with any groups related to their Parliamentary business, but neither registered their involvement with Le Cercle either in the committee's minutes or the wider Parliamentary register.
The Cercle Pinay was founded in the early 1950s as an elite clandestine forum to promote the vision of a Catholic and conservative Europe and to oppose the threat of Communism. Shrouded in secrecy, the Cercle brought together statesmen such as Antoine Pinay, Konrad Adenauer, Franz-Josef Strauss, Giulio Andreotti, Otto von Habsburg, Henry Kissinger and David Rockefeller, as well as top figures from the American and European intelligence services.
Following the rise of student counter-culture in the 1960s, the Cercle focused on domestic subversion, using its network of propagandists and intelligence operatives to smear progressive politicians such as Willi Brandt, Franscois Mitterrand, Harold Wilson and Jimmy Carter and to promote their favoured candidates: Ronald Reagan, Margaret Thatcher, Giscard d'Estaing and Franz-Josef Strauss. Throughout the 1970s, the Cercle also worked to defend apartheid South Africa and Franco's Spain. After the electoral victory of the Right in 1979-1980, the Cercle targeted peace campaigners and the new Soviet regime under Mikhail Gorbachev, playing a key part in the fall of the Iron Curtain and then ensuring the integration of Eastern Europe into the European Union.
Born in Ravensburg in 1938, Klaus Schwab is a child of Adolf Hitler’s Germany, a police-state regime built on fear and violence, on brainwashing and control, on propaganda and lies, on industrialism and eugenics, on dehumanisation and “disinfection”, on a chilling and grandiose vision of a "new order" that would last a thousand years.
Schwab seems to have dedicated his life to reinventing that nightmare and to trying to turn it into a reality not just for Germany but for the whole world.
Worse still, as his own words confirm time and time again, his technocratic fascist vision is also a twisted transhumanist one, which will merge humans with machines in “curious mixes of digital-and-analog life”, which will infect our bodies with “Smart Dust” and in which the police will apparently be able to read our brains.
And, as we will see, he and his accomplices are using the Covid-19 crisis to bypass democratic accountability, to override opposition, to accelerate their agenda and to impose it on the rest of humankind against our will in what he terms a “Great Reset“.
Entrust, a global IT firm, was awarded two contracts by DHSC to work on the Government’s Covid vaccine certification system.
The company had previously boasted about being able to “redeploy” vaccine passports into a national identity programme, and said they would enable governments “to collect valuable data” about citizens.
WorldReach acquired by Entrust as digital identity industry consolidates
“The ability to verify identity and manage trusted access digitally is the key to transforming travel and citizen services around (the) world. WorldReach is a great fit for Entrust, with deep experience in identity verification and digital onboarding solutions implemented at scale for governments and global travel providers. With the WorldReach acquisition, Entrust can help these organizations reshape government and travel service experiences around secure digital identities,” says Todd Wilkinson, CEO of Entrust.
Nazi links to "Entrust" Digital ID / Covid passport system
Entrust, a U.S.-based IT corporation owned by Nazi Joseph Goebbels’ step-grandchildren, is expected to earn about £840,000 from the UK Government to help manufacture digital COVID-19 certificates via the National Health Service (NHS) app, according to documents released on Wednesday, July 28.
The contract is expected to be extended until mid-2023, with pricing for a two-year deal already formally established though it is scheduled to end in July of next year.
In a separate Government deal earlier this year, Entrust received £250,000 for its UK vaccine passport program project.
Entrust Inc. was repurchased for $500 million in cash in 2013 by Data Card Corp, which is 97% owned by the children of Harald Quandt, who was the stepson of Nazi Joseph Goebbels.
Harald was a biological child of the “German Industrialist” Günther Quandt and his second wife Magda Ritschel. Ritschel later divorced Günther in 1929 and remarried to Goebbels who served as Adolf Hitler’s Propaganda Minister.
BMW automobiles and Altana (chemicals), a spin-off of the VARTA manufacturing company Günther Quandt owned just after World War I was among his legacies.
Günther and several family members provided clothes for German soldiers during World War I, and this is where a large portion of his start-up funding came from.
He later bought Accumulatorenfabrik (AFA) AG, a battery factory that later became VARTA, a potash mining company, many metal-working enterprises, and significant holdings in BMW and Daimler-Benz.
In 1933, shortly after Hitler’s ascension to power, Günther became a member of the Nazi Party.
Hitler bestowed the title of Wehrwirtschaftsführer on him in 1937. Günther was called a “Leader in the Defense Economy” as a result of this.
Günther’s enterprises produced ammunition, rifles, artillery, and batteries in at least three factories using forced labor obtained from concentration camps when the war broke out.
Herbert Quandt, Günther’s older son, helped him with many of his World War II projects, including the massive use of slaves.
Herbert and Harald inherited about 200 companies when Günther died in 1954.
In August of 1987, the Quandt family acquired 43% of Data Card Corporation. They bought almost the entire leftover portion of the company a month later, giving them a 97% stake in Data Card Corporation.
MPs and civil rights activists criticized the company’s digital COVID-19 certificate deal after Entrust boasted of being able to “redeploy” vaccine passports into a national ID scheme, according to inews.
In January, the business held a webinar explaining how vaccination passports would allow governments to “collect valuable data” on residents.
“You’ll understand why it’s not just for travel, you can take it and repurpose it to do such things as national IDs and permits,” said senior product manager John Bejjani.
“Deploying something like a mobile travel credential also enables governments to collect valuable data.” Bejjani added, “It also doesn’t hurt that this information can be used to identify criminals and other bad actors as they move around the same system trying to hide anonymously in the crowds.”
In May, Entrust published a blog post on its website that offered tips on obtaining a government contract. The corporation permits staff to spend on “nominal gifts, meals, and travel,” but meals with government leaders are subject to price limitations.
Some MPs, however, believe the government is simply using the prospect of compulsory COVID-19 certification as a tactic to scare people into getting vaccinated.
According to Foreign Secretary Dominic Raab, Vaccine passports are a way of “coaxing and cajoling” youngsters to get inoculated.
“I was bringing it up to demonstrate that what you can actually do in some areas, if you’re careful, is encourage take-up of vaccination,” the secretary said.
"There are several curious things about these Pilgrims functions. In the first place there is present at these dinners an array of notables such as it would be difficult to bring together under one roof for any other purpose and by any other society... Among the guests were John D. Rockefeller and J.P. Morgan, Thomas W. Lamont and other members of the House of Morgan... We are entitled to know what the Pilgrim Society is, what it stands for, and who these powerful Pilgrims are that can call out the great to hear a British Ambassador expound to Americans the virtues of a united democratic front."
Pilgrims history
At the turn of 20th century a number of influential persons were interested in bringing the establishments of the United States and Great Britain closer together. The St. George's Society in New York, the American Society in London, and the growing network of Anglo-American League branches in England (founded by a good number of later Pilgrims Society members), were seen as inadequate, so the idea arose to form a new, elitist society with branches in both London and New York. This became the Pilgrims Society, which organized regular meetings in such prestigious hotels as the Victoria, the Waldorf Astoria, the Carlton Ritz, and the Savoy.
The idea of setting up what ultimately became the Pilgrims Society was first discussed by a number of Americans working in London. One of them was Lindsay Russell, a well-connected lawyer from New York, who regularly visited London in those days to set up his law firm Alexander and Colby. It was Russell who got together with General Joseph Wheeler (on a visit in London), General Lord Roberts, and Sir Harry Brittain. Together they organized the original meeting of the Pilgrims of Great Britain at the Carlton Hotel on July 11, 1902. The meeting was a success and two weeks later Lord Roberts was elected president of the Pilgrims. Lord Grenfell and Admiral Hedworth Lambton became vice presidents. Two other vice presidents were the Americans Senator Chauncey M. Depew (Yale Skull & Bones 1856; lawyer to Cornelius Vanderbilt; member of J.P. Morgan's elite Corsair Club, together with William Rockefeller) and General Joseph Wheeler. Sir Harry Brittain became secretary and the Archdeacon of London, William MacDonald Sinclair, was elected chairman of the executive committee.
Official Pilgrims logo. "Hic et Ubique" means "here and everywhere", apparently a reference to the idea that the United States and Great Britain should stand together side by side everywhere. The eagle represents the United States; the lion Great Britain.
At the July 11 meeting the attendants also discussed their plans of setting up a branch in New York. Lindsay Russell and Chauncey Depew went back to the United States and approached such men as Bishop of New York Henry Codman Potter, J. P. Morgan, Sr., and Morgan family friend and former U.S. president Grover Cleveland. Under the leadership of Bishop Potter, the Pilgrims of the United States organized their first formal diner on February 4, 1903. The two societies have been organizing meetings ever since. [3]
The Pilgrims network
Over the years more and more influential persons joined the Pilgrims Society, including virtually all the well known bankers, robber barons and their associates. Going through membership lists of the Pilgrims of the United States one will find the following families:
(Copeland) Du Pont
Within the ranks of the British Pilgrims one comes across a great many Barons, Viscounts, Earls, Marquisses, and Dukes. Members of the British royal family have been patrons of the Pilgrims Society since its inception and regularly attend meetings. Here also well known banking families as Baring, Hambro, Harcourt, Keswick, Rothschild, Kleinwort, Loeb, and Warburg can be found, just as the heads of Barclays and the British managers of U.S. banks as Chase Manhattan and J. P. Morgan - banks that later merged into JPMorgan Chase.
At the moment of this writing the membership list compiled by ISGP contains 1496 names, the vast majority of them from the United States (rough estimate: about 82% or 1227). Analyzing the biographies of these members doesn't just show that the Pilgrims are part of the WASP elite - they are the WASP elite.
In 1974, Sir Colin Crowe submitted the secret Crowe Report, recommending that IRD should take control of the Counter-Subversion Fund (a Foreign Office fund used to finance propaganda operations). The department was then merged with the Institute for the Study of Conflict (ISC), a right-wing propaganda group set up by the CIA and British intelligence in 1970, and run by Brian Crozier.
Crozier was a journalist who worked for both MI6 and the CIA. He was also head of Forum World Features, a commercial news agency which sold weekly packets of news stories to newspapers all over the world. At its peak, Forum supplied over 250 newspapers world-wide. The CIA used it as a conduit for propaganda and also as a cover to send agents posing as "journalists" around the world. Forum received backing from the CIA through Kern House Enterprises, a publishing firm which was a front for the Agency. Further backing came from British companies such as Shell and BP.
A 1968 memorandum from CIA headquarters to CIA director Richard Helms described Forum as having "provided the United States with a significant means to counter propaganda, and it has become a respected feature service well on the way to a position of prestige in the journalism world." Hand-written at the bottom was a note stating that Forum functioned "with the knowledge and co-operation of British intelligence".
Brian Crozier, the MI6/CIA operative involved in extensive covert propaganda activities against the left in Britain. He stated that he preferred to call dirty tricks "benign deceptions."
Forum was suddenly closed down in 1975, shortly before its exposure as a CIA /British intelligence front. Forum's library and some of its research staff were absorbed into the ISC. Files removed from the offices of research director Peter Janke in 1975 showed extensive contacts between ISC and the British police and military establishments.
In June 1972, Janke visited the Police College at Bramshill at the invitation of its commandant, John Alderson, who later became Chief Constable of Devon and Cornwall. Alderson wanted ISC to assist in developing a training programme on subversion and terrorism for the police. ISC members have since lectured on numerous occasions at the college and the police make use of the ISC's Manual on Counter Insurgency. The ISC also provides lecturers for several military establishments, including the National Defence College, where courses on psyops are taught.
The ISC has produced a series of special studies on subversion. The first such report was written by Nigel Lawson in 1972, entitled Subversion in British Industry. The report was not for the general public; it was aimed at the heads of industry itself. Brian Crozier noted that the Lawson report "unlocked doors, gave courage to the timid and opened purses".
Amongst the ISC's converts and allies were John Dettmer, chairman of the Economic League (a right-wing private vetting agency for British industry, which kept intelligence files on left-wingers), Michael Ivens, director of Aims of Industry (a right-wing pressure group) and John Whitehorn, Deputy Director-General of the Confederation of British Industry (CBI).
Conservative MP Geoffrey Stewart- Smith (who was funded by MI5) arranged distribution of the group's anti-left propaganda in the run-up to the 1974 general election. Just before polling day, the ISC's report Sources of Conflict in British Industry (which blamed left wing militants for industrial unrest) was published with unprecedented publicity in the national press.
The ISC encouraged the use of pre-emptive surveillance and other measures against a broad range of "subversives", a term which easily included law-abiding trade unionists and anti-establishment intellectuals. Crozier wrote articles advocating military intervention to crush "left-wing insurgency" in Britain.
The ISC's impact extended far beyond its base in Britain. In France, the Pinay Circle, a group of right-wingers formed around former Prime Minister Antoine Pinay, helped pay for an ISC study European Security and the Soviet Problem. The Pinay Circle members were so delighted with the report that they personally showed it to President Nixon, Pompidou, Kissinger and the Pope. In the Netherlands, Crozier worked closely with the East West Institute and its International Documentation and Information Centre, which recorded left-wing activities in Europe.
The ISC's records also show close contacts with top politicians in South Africa and other right-wing leaders around the world. Crozier helped set up a Washington-based Institute for the Study of Conflict in 1975, despite a supposed congressional ban on any CIA-backed propaganda campaigns within America.
Despite supposedly closing down in 1990, the ISC still functions today under the name of the Research Institute for the Study of Conflict and Terrorism (RISCT), based at 136 Baker Street, London W1N 1FH. The Institute's director is Paul Wilkinson, a leading government advisor on counter-terrorism.
The RISCT's council is composed entirely of figures from academia, politics and the military, including former Defence Intelligence chief Sir Louis Le Bailly; counter-insurgency expert Sir Robert Thompson; former Deputy Supreme Allied Commander of NATO Sir Henry Tuzo; Thatcher speech-writer Robert Moss; and ex-diplomat Sir Edward Peck. The calibre of its personnel, with their intimate knowledge of the workings of the state, makes the institute an influential part of the right-wing lobby in Britain.
Brian Crozier also helped set up the National Association for Freedom (NAFF), along with Norris McWhirter, Lord De L'Isle, Michael Ivens of Aims of Industry, Winston Churchill MP, merchant banker John Gouriet, and Robert Moss.
NAFF was a network of senior military and intelligence figures, senior industrialists and cabinet ministers; its members included Churchill, Jill knight, David Mitchell, Rhodes Boyson and Nicholas Ridley.
When Harold Wilson resigned as prime minister (amidst allegations of an MI5 smear campaign), NAFF's journal Free Nation carried a lead article written by Crozier entitled Affront to the Queen, which stated that the Queen would be within her constitutional rights in refusing to see a new left-wing Labour prime minister and in ordering a dissolution of Parliament and fresh elections.
NAFF changed its name to The Freedom Association (FA) in January 1979, under the chairmanship of Norris McWhirter.
In 1976, Brian Crozier set up a covert advisory committee called Shield, in order to brief Margaret Thatcher and her closest colleagues on security and intelligence. Crozier met secretly with Thatcher on many occasions, at the Thatchers' London home at 2 Flood Street, Chelsea, in her room in the House of Commons, and later at Chequers and 10 Downing Street. The Shield Committee was composed of Crozier, MI6 agent Stephen Hastings MP, Conservative backbencher Nicholas Elliott and Harry Sporborg of Hambros Bank.
With the resources of the ISC at their disposal, Shield produced some twenty papers on various aspects of "subversion" which were made available to Thatcher and three other members of her shadow cabinet: Lord Carrington, William (later Lord) Whitelaw and Sir Keith Joseph.
Crozier considered it one of his prime tasks to strengthen Thatcher's "self confidence" and to "suggest ways in which to cultivate and consolidate a public image of clear-headedness and resolution", to which end he instructed her in a programme of "Psychological Action". Crozier described the programme thus: "The essence of the technique is to find short, sharp answers to three questions: What do people want? What do they fear? And what do they feel strongly about?.... Psychological Action has nothing to do with the intellect and everything to do with gut emotions. Having made a list, the next step is to find the right things to say to carefully selected groups of voters."
As part of his Psychological Action programme, Crozier proposed a list of selected questions to be put in political speeches such as: "Do you think it right that people like Jones and Scanlon (union leaders of the TGWU and AUEW) should tell the government what to do?" and "Is it right that Trots and Commies should order you to strike?" and suggested judiciously chosen side arguments such as: "The trade unions are pricing Britain out of the market and you out of a job," and: "American workers are three times as well-off as you - because of free enterprise".
After reading Crozier's paper, Thatcher sprang to her feet and exclaimed: "From now on Brian, these are my ideas".
Protected source contributions to state security. Personal for the state minister only.
"The militant conservative London publicist, Brian Crozier, Director of the famous Institute for the Study of Conflict up to September 1979, has been working with his diverse circle of friends in international politics to build an anonymous action group, a 'transnational security organization, and to widen its field of operations. Crozier worked with the CIA for years. One has to assume, therefore, that they are fully aware of his activities. He has extensive connections with members, or more accurately, former members, of the most important western security and intelligence services..."
What the group can do:
provision of contributions by certain well-known journalists in Britain, the US and other countries
access to television
creation of a lobby in influential circles directly or indirectly through middlemen whether they are informed of this or not
organization of public demonstrations in particular areas on themes to be decided and selected
the involvement of the main intelligence and security agencies both as information sources and as recipients for information in these institutions
undercover financial transactions for political aims.
What the group can do if financing is available.
Conduct international campaigns aiming to discredit hostile personalities or events.
Creation of a (private) intelligence service specialising according to a selective point of view.
The establishment of offices under suitable cover each run by a co-ordinator from the central office. Current plans cover London, Washington, Paris, Munich and Madrid.
Jean Violet has a murky past to say the least. In French and later English literature,Violet is named as a pre-WWII member of the Comite Secret pour l'Action Revolutionnaire (CSAR), a secretive fascist group which, like Freemasonry, had its own initiation rites (2).
Some authors have suggested that CSAR, popularly known atthe time as the Cagoule, or "hooded ones", was one of the most important branches ofthe legendary Synarchist Movement of Empire and worked to undermine the French Republic in preparation for the coming Nazi invasion (3).
Whatever truth can be foundin this claim, it is known that Jean Violet was arrested after the war for having collaborated with the enemy. He was released however "on orders from above"(4),went to work as a lawyer in Paris, and decided to become a member of Opus Dei (or,possibly, he became a member first, which resulted in his release).
In 1951, Violetcame into contact with Antoine Pinay, a Catholic also said to have been in bed withOpus Dei, who asked him to solve a problem with a Geneva-based firm that had been sieged by the Nazis during WWII. As the story goes, Pinay was so impressed with the way Violet handled his assignment that he recommended him to French intelligence, the SDECE (5).
Also, Violet soon managed to hook up with Opus Deiluminaries as Alfredo Sanchez Bella and Otto von Habsburg (6), who had founded theEuropean Centre of Documentation and Information (CEDI) in 1949 (7). Habsburg was chairman for life of CEDI and later also of the Paneuropa Union. Sanchez Bella was the Spanish ambassador to Rome under Franco in the 1960s while his brother was head of Opus Dei in Spain (8). Violet also became an associate of Father Yves-Marc Dubois, a senior member of Vatican intelligence and possibly its head
"... the CIA funded the covert anti-communist war in Europe, including Radio Free Europe, the Economist, the European Council of Princes, the Gehlen Organization, the Stay-Behind networks, the Pinay Circle, and the overall European moverment.
A lot of this money was funneled through American Committee on United Europe (ACUE), which was established at the direction of Duncan Sandys, Joseph Retinger, Allen Dulles, and William Donovan.
Dulles and Donovan were top CIA chiefs and Knights of Malta, Retinger a Vatican agent, and Duncan Sandys a son-in-law of Churchill. Besides the CIA's clandestine efforts, the Ford Foundation and the Rockefeller Institute were the prime sponsors of the ACUE
Thatchers plan B - Tony Blair
1991 - UK takes part in US-led military campaign to liberate Kuwait from Iraqi occupation.
1992 - Major re-elected as prime minister. Labour party chooses John Smith as its leader.
1994 - John Smith dies. Tony Blair becomes Labour leader. July 21st - Blair becomes party leader by block votes
1996 - Government announces that BSE, or 'mad cow disease', can be transmitted to humans. Crisis for beef industry follows, with mass slaughtering of animals, collapse of markets and export bans. Many beef farmers face financial ruin.
1997 May - With the Conservative Party deeply divided over policy towards Europe, Labour under Blair wins landslide election victory. British military presence in southern Iraq is open-ended
2001 September/November - Following September 11 attacks on targets in the US, PM Tony Blair offers strong support for US-led campaign against international terrorism. British forces take part in air strikes on targets in Afghanistan after Taleban leaders there refuse to hand over prime suspect Osama bin Laden.
2001 April - Blair postpones country-wide municipal elections due in May as an outbreak of foot and mouth disease amongst cattle, sheep and pigs continues to spread.
2001 June - Blair's Labour party wins a second successive general election victory, with a majority almost as large as that of May 1997. The leader of the opposition Conservative party, William Hague, resigns in the wake of his party's defeat.
2003 March - UK joins US-led military campaign against Iraq after UN-based diplomatic efforts to ensure Baghdad has no weapons of mass destruction are perceived to have failed.
2003 August - Prime minister, defence secretary, government officials and aides, BBC managers and journalists testify at Hutton inquiry into death of government scientist at centre of row over claims government embellished case for Iraq war.
2004 January - Lord Hutton delivers findings from inquiry into death of government scientist. His report exonerates government, heavily criticises BBC.
2004 June - EU & Local elections reliant on Postal Voting - Voters later describe how they were persuaded to hand their completed ballots to Labour canvassers to be delivered to the election office. The votes appear to have been opened and changed, using correction fluid, in favour of Labour before being counted in the poll. - Times - BBC
2004 October - Iraq Survey Group concludes that Iraq did not possess weapons of mass destruction in run-up to US-led invasion. Tony Blair acknowledges flaws in pre-war intelligence but stands by case for war.
BSE = Behavioural social engineering
Foot & Mouth = pre election PSYOP
Disease scare as Psyops in fear.
Pollution was cause.
A theory about how prions are formed suggests that organophosphate pesticides could be partly to blame. Two people have already died defending this theory, apparently at the hands of professional assassins working either for the British government or the chemical industry. So the theory needs to be taken seriously.
Mark Purdey, a British farmer from Somerset . . . has a theory which might explain the mystery of why BSE and new variant nvCJD started in the UK, and why they are so much more serious there. However, since he went public with his ideas, some rather unfortunate things have happened:
Both his vet and the lawyer defending his case died in suspicious road accidents. His second lawyer also had a car crash, but survived. When an article about his work appeared in the "Independent", a national British newspaper, his telephone lines were cut. He was therefore unable to take follow up calls from other papers and television stations. His farm house was burnt down just before he was about to move in. His science library was destroyed by a collapsing barn. When he travels around the country to talk about his theory, he is constantly trailed.
Purdey believes that the root cause of BSE is an imbalance of magnesium and copper, exacerbated, in the case of the UK, by the use of a highly toxic pesticide known as phosmet. Phosphet is an organophosphate nerve toxin, originally developed by the Nazis.
Thatchers plan B - Tony Blair uses Media to push Covid agenda - Teams are embedded...?
Tony Blairs 3rd way cabinet mostly Fabian Society
Links to "power elite"
After Tony Blair’s landslide victory in 1997, over 200 Fabians sat in the House of Commons, including many of the cabinet. The society developed its role as a critical friend, supporting the Blair and Brown government’s in developing policy
The Fabian Society derives its name from the Roman general Quintus Fabius, known as Cunctator from his strategy of delaying his attacks on the invading Carthaginians until the right moment. The name Fabian Society was explained in the first Fabian pamphlet which carried the note.
“For the right moment you must wait, as Fabius did most patiently, when warring against Hannibal, though many censured his delays; but when the time comes you must strike hard, as Fabius did, or your waiting will be in vain, and fruitless.”
The first aim was to be achieved by the centralisation of capital, means of production, etc. The second was to be gained through organising the workers and through promises of a larger share in resources. These aims coincided with those of the Socialist movement of which the Fabians aimed to become the leading element.
As pointed out by H. G. Wells, big business was by no means antipathetic to Communism as “the larger big business grows the more it approximates to Collectivism” (Wells, p. 100). Similarly, Joseph A Schumpeter, who taught David Rockefeller at Harvard, wrote:
The true pacemakers of socialism were not the intellectuals or agitators who preached it but the Vanderbilts, Carnegies and Rockefellers (Schumpeter, p. 134).
The window carries the logo: “Remould it [the World] nearer to the heart’s desire,” the last line from a quatrain by the medieval Iranian poet Omar Khayyam which reads: “Dear love, couldst thou and I with fate conspire/To grasp this sorry scheme of things entire,/Would we not shatter it to bits, and then/Remould it nearer to the heart’s desire!” and which expresses the Fabians’ plan to destroy and reconstruct society along Fabian lines.
"THE RULE OF THE MARKET. Liberating "free" enterprise or private enterprise from any bonds imposed by the government (the state) no matter how much social damage this causes. Greater openness to international trade and investment, as in NAFTA. Reduce wages by de-unionizing workers and eliminating workers' rights that had been won over many years of struggle. No more price controls. All in all, total freedom of movement for capital, goods and services. To convince us this is good for us, they say "an unregulated market is the best way to increase economic growth, which will ultimately benefit everyone." It's like Reagan's "supply-side" and "trickle-down" economics -- but somehow the wealth didn't trickle down very much. "
[source= - link now gone]
The Third Way is a political-economic approach that is neither left nor right wing – it is neither capitalism nor socialism, but something in between, or a combination of both. The Third Way is a centrist economic philosophy which emerged and grew in the 1990s in the United States and United Kingdom, Europe, and then the rest of the world.
The Public Private Partnership concept [PPP] championed by Reagan &
Thatcher morphed into the death of the Left as
Tony Blairs love affair blossomed with Bill Clinton & and saw the PPP
renamed as The Third way.
Society was made to fail. National infrastructure Sectors, Transport, Education, Health, Defense etc... increasingly privatised, or partnered with Global uber Corporate psychopathic greed scheme machines.
The 911 attacks saw GW Bush & Tony Blair cosy up in a new relationship in the War on Terror psyop initiative...reshaping the Middle East & Afghanistan extending the notion of full spectrum dominance across the globe.
While Berlusconi's rapid ascent took most observers by surprise, the stage was set for it by nearly 50 years of U.S. interference in Italian politics. In the name of fighting communism, the U.S. helped generate a level of political turmoil that sometimes approached civil war. U.S. agents and their Italian surrogates took control of key government agencies, at times reducing Italian democracy to little more than a proving ground for the CIA's and the White House's aggressive tactics. The undercover campaign, known as ``Gladio,'' for a double-edged Roman sword, was officially acknowledged for the first time in 1990, when it was finally closed down.
Italy horrified as list reveals alleged members of ˜secret state™
Ordinary Italians were stunned and the country™s elite rocked to the core on this day in 1981 when a list was made public of alleged members of Propaganda Due, a secret Masonic lodge which sought to run the country as a ˜state within the state™.
Italy on this day
P2 (Propaganda Due)
In the course of their sniffing around the Vatican Bank scandal which claimed the life of Roberto Calvi, Italian magistrates repeatedly encountered the name of Licio Gelli, Grandmaster of the Italian Masonic Lodge Propaganda Due (P2). Eventually, in March 1981, enough proof of Gelli's role in the Vatican's money-laundering operation emerged for the police to raid his villa in Arezzo, where they found evidence that P2 was engaged in a crime far larger and more sinister than dealing dodgy money. It was plotting to take over Italy.
A list of 962 P2 conspirators found in Gelli's safe included three cabinet members, 40 MPs, the heads of the army and navy, police chiefs, intelligence officers, 14 judges, numerous industrialists (among them one Silvio Berlusconi) and Victor Emmanuel, Prince of Naples. Shortly afterwards, police found under the false bottom in Gelli's daughter's briefcase a copy of a document entitled Piana di Rinascita Democratica ("A Plan for the Rebirth of Democracy). The title was a misnomer: the document set out a plan for a fascist coup in which unions would be banned and the media put under state control. Following the discovery of the P2 list and Piana di Rinascita Democratica the then prime minister Arnaldo Forlani was obliged to resign, causing the fall of the Italian government. Later a court indictment charged that P2's infiltration of the Italian state had "the incredible capacity to control a state's institutions to the point of virtually becoming a state-within-a-state.
Born in 1919, Gelli was a Mussolini-era fascist who had fought with the SS on the Eastern Front before fleeing to South America, where he was a financial backer of Argentinian dictator Juan Peron. Returning to Italy, he became a Mason in 1963 before taking over P2 in 1966. Under his tutelage P2 expanded nearly a hundredfold to 1,000 members, including branches in Argentina, Uruguay and Brazil. Funding P2 was the Mafia, whose role in the Lodge was so conspicuous that in 1976 the Italian Masonic authorities officially closed P2 down, after which it was obliged to meet in secret.
The Mafia wasn't P2's only provider. According to supergrass P2 member Mino Pecorelli, the Lodge was funded by the CIA and Gelli himself was a CIA officer. (Pecorelli was later found shot dead.) A 1990 article in the London Observer cited declassified US secret papers which linked Gelli to the CIA's Rome station and the continuance of the notorious Operation Gladio, the CIA-funded and”armed anti-Communist network set up in Italy in the wake of the Second World War. There have been frequent accusations of P2 complicity in the 1978 assassination of Italian Prime Minister Aldo Moro and the 1980 Bologna railway bombing, events which were part of the "strategia della tensione intended to create the conditions for a P2 coup. (According to former CIA agent Richard Brenneke, Gelli and P2 were also entangled in everything "black from the assassination of Swedish politician Olof Palme to the Iran-Contra Scandal.) In 1994 Gelli and other P2 members were acquitted of charges of "conspiracy against the state, though, as Gelli's detractors were quick to point out, the state which was judging him was still riddled with P2 members. Gelli was, however, convicted on charges relating to the Banco Ambrosiano crash and in 2005 was formally indicted for conspiring to murder Roberto Calvi.
P2 was formally banned by the Italian authorities in 1981. Gelli seemingly found some solace in his prison cell from the activities of Silvio Berlusconi's government outside, telling La Repubblica: "I look at the country, read the newspaper, and think: ˜All [the Piana di Rinascita Democratica] is becoming a reality little by little, piece by piece.'
Licio Gelli, a masonic leader implicated in some of the darkest scandals of Italy's recent political history, has died in Tuscany aged 96.
Gelli was the head of the secretive 'P2' lodge “ a masonic structure that exerted considerable political power until it was discovered by Italian investigators in 1981.
P2, or Propaganda Due, was an influential secret network that counted politicians, judges, bankers and senior military figures amongst its members.
Its tentacles stretched throughout the upper echelons of the Italian establishment, although an attempt to have its members jailed for political conspiracy and attempting to destabilise the state finally failed in 1994.
It is best known internationally for having been at the heart of a murder mystery involving both the mafia and the Vatican which centered the body of œGod's banker Roberto Calvi being found hanging beneath London's Blackfriars bridge in 1982.
Born in Pistoia, Tuscany, on April 21st 1919, Gelli was always politically minded and a self-described fascist.
Aged 18, he volunteered to fight as part of an expeditionary force sent by Italy's dictator Benito Mussolini to help General Franco's fascists win the Spanish Civil War.
In the years that followed, Gelli rose to prominence serving as liaison officer in the Italian army “ during which time he had frequent correspondence with German Luftwaffe commander Hermann Goring. As the fascist tide began to turn in Europe, Gelli defected and began working for the American secret service.
After the war, Gelli joined the Freemasons and became head of the P2 lodge in 1966.
But the lodge was expelled by the Italian Freemasons in 1974 and made illegal by the state “ or at least by the parts of the state that P2 didn't count among its members.
As Gelli's power and reach grew, he was able to acquire the leading Italian newspaper, Corriere della Sera, in 1977, after which he fired the paper's editor and gave the popular daily's take a more right-wing political stance.
Newspapers aside, opinion varies over just how much influence P2 had over Italian political life.
But the group has been implicated in a number of scandals, including the execution of Italian Prime Minister Aldo Moro in 1978 and the bombing of Bologna train station in 1980.
A list of P2 members found in Gelli's villa by police in 1981 named 962 notable and powerful people from across all walks of society. They included bankers,secret service chiefs, former premier Silvio Berlusconi and Victor Emmanuel, the son of Italy's last king.
The secret society has often been described as a 'shadow government' of Italy and documents found hidden in Gelli's daughter's suitcase in 1982 outlined its goals for political and economic domination.
Plans revolved around defeating the influential communist party and destroying Italy's then powerful trade union movement.
Speaking in 1996, Gelli explained that that then Prime Minister Berlusconi was carrying out P2's plans.
œHe's implementing my plan for democratic rebirth to perfection, he said. œHe should at least give me copyright.
Similar comments were made frequently and only fuelled conspiracy theories about the power and reach of P2.
It was only following the high-profile collapse of the bank, Banco Ambrosiano, that the existence of the secret society became common knowledge and theories began to emerge about its power.
At the centre of Ambrosiano's collapse was Gelli and P2. Following the scandal, Gelli went on the run to Switzerland, and after to Pinochet's Chile.
Italian investigators finally caught up with Gelli in 1987 and he was sentenced to eighteen years for his role in Ambrosiano's failure. He also received another eight year sentence from a court in Florence for inciting right-wing terrorism.
While answers to the questions 'who killed Aldo Moro?' and 'who was behind the Bologna bombing?' are still liable to divide Italians, according to which side of the political divide they lie on, figures like Gelli are still central to how many Italians view politics.
Italians even have a word for it: dietrologia. This is the belief that hidden realities lie below the accepted version of events. It is a concept that many other cultures lack, or at least struggle to express in just one word.
Perhaps they've just never come across a figure like Gelli, who is in some ways symbolic of much of Italian politics.
Gelli, it should be added, never served a day in jail despite his convictions, dying at the ripe old age of 96 at his home of Villa Wanda, overlooking the Tuscan countryside.
Governments commiting
acts of terror on their own populations
strategy of tension - state actuated TERROR
You would expect, wouldn't you, a man who is in charge of an operation to inject every man, woman and child in the country with a vaccine to be an upstanding, honourable, ethical individual who places the safety and health of the public before any other interest? You would expect Boris to appoint a person who conducts his affairs with good intentions - the wellness of society being at the forefront of his mind. Only someone with a background of decorum, responsibility and integrity would be fit for this role, right?
Well, this is certainly not the character of Nadhim Zahawi. Instead, we have a man who is wholly entrenched in the affairs of the political ruling class of the world and one who has connections to a secretive, invitation-only organisation that has been involved in everything from mysterious Masonic Lodges, terrorist attacks, accusations of sadistic child abuse, election meddling, sexual blackmail, entrapment, assassinations and, above all else, Fascism.
As the 50th anniversary of the end of the war is celebrated,
some unpleasant truths will become further buried beneath the
myth of the triumph of freedom and democracy” over fascism. For
if fascism itself was the great evil that had to be stopped at
any cost, how are we to explain the total failure of the British,
French and American governments to do anything about the war in
Spain from 1936 to 1939, when Franco’s fascist forces, openly
supported with arms and troops by Hitler and Mussolini, destroyed
the democratically elected” republican government?
working class.
The answer is
not hard to find. For Western capitalism the real enemy was not
fascism but the popular revolution inaugurated by the Spanish
In fact the Greek based Operation Sheepskin” mentioned in
relation to the 1967 coup was but one part of a European wide
Stay Behind” network, established by the British and Americans.
Ostensibly this network existed to provide the nucleus of a
guerilla army to fight on after any Soviet invasion, using arms
and explosives which had already been planted. However, the
evidence leaves little doubt that this network also had the
intention of resisting internal subversion
The Stay Behind network was conceived by the US Joint Chiefs
of Staff and put into operation in 1948 by the National Security
Council which set up the Office of Policy Co-ordination to run
it, staffed and funded by the CIA. Ultimately, coordination of
the network took place under the auspices of NATO. It involved
personnel from the official” security services in each country
and received covert funding from industry and the state. Indeed
funding and support of such groups was one of the main tasks of
the newly-formed CIA. However, members of the network were mainly
recruited from the civilian population, notably ex-fascists” and
others whose anti-communist” credentials were unimpeachable.
The existence of the Stay Behind network was not a matter
for public knowledge. However, the activities of the Italian
branch – codenamed Operation Gladio – was exposed in a series of
judicial investigations, particularly between 1990 and 1992.
Operation Gladio was set up in 1958 with help from British
Intelligence and the CIA, with funding from the latter. This
assistance continued, with Gladio units being trained in Britain
in the early 1970s and by US instructors at a military base in
the Canary Islands from 1966 to the mid-70s. Gladio was
controlled by the Italian secret services from Office R It had
strong links with P2, a fascist Masonic Lodge composed of most of
the top military officers, political leaders, industrialists,
bankers and diplomats in Italy. P2 has been described as
effectively constituting a right wing parallel government in
Italy. In addition, Gladio became a focal point for fascist
members of Marine Star” a veteran’s group set up after the
Second World War, and was to make use of other fascist groups in
the 70s and 80s.
In fact Gladio was deeply involved in the so-called
strategy of tension” in the late 60s and 70s. The aim of the
strategy, of which the principle tactic was terrorist outrages”
carried out by fascists, was to spread panic and unrest and to
directly attack the Left and provoke them into an armed response,
which would both justify increased state power under the pretext
of a national emergency” and isolate the Left from popular
Designed as case-management software for federal prosecutors,
PROMIS has the ability to combine disparate databases, and to track people by their involvement with the legal system.
Hamilton and others now claim that the DOJ has modified PROMIS to monitor intelligence operations, agents and targets, instead of legal cases.
...the real power of PROMIS, according to Hamilton, is that with a staggering 570,000 lines of computer code, PROMIS can integrate innumerable databases without requiring any reprogramming. In essence, PROMIS can turn blind data into information. And anyone in government will tell you that information, when wielded with finesse, begets power.
"Orr was impressed with the power of PROMIS (Prosecutors Management Information Systems), which had recently been updated by Inslaw to run on powerful 32-bit VAX computers from Digital Equipment Corp. "He fell in love with the VAX version," Hamilton recalled.
Dr. Orr never came back, and he never bought anything. No one knew why at the time. But for Hamilton, who has fought the Department of Justice (DOJ) for almost 10 years in an effort to salvage his business, once his co- workers recognized the man in the second photo, it all made perfect sense.
For the second photo was not of the mysterious Dr. Orr, it was of Rafael Etian, chief of the Israeli defense force's anti-terrorism intelligence unit. The Department of Justice sent him over for a look at the property they were about to "misappropriate," and Etian liked what he saw. Department of Justice documents record that one Dr. Ben Orr left the DOJ on May 6, 1983, with a computer tape containing PROMIS tucked under his arm.
By virtue of the role of many Mega Group members as major political donors in both the U.S. and Israel, several of its most notable members have close ties to the governments of both countries as well as their intelligence communities. As this report and a subsequent report will show, the Mega Group also had close ties to two businessmen who worked for Israel's Mossad ” Robert Maxwell and Marc Rich ” as well as to top Israeli politicians, including past and present prime ministers with deep ties to Israel's intelligence community.
One of those businessmen working for the Mossad, Robert Maxwell, will be discussed at length in this report. Maxwell, who was a business partner of Mega Group co-founder Charles Bronfman, aided the successful Mossad plot to plant a trapdoor in U.S.-created software that was then sold to governments and companies throughout the world.
That plot's success was largely due to the role of a close associate of then-President Ronald Reagan and an American politician close to Maxwell, who later helped aid Reagan in the cover-up of the Iran Contra scandal.
Whitney Webb
BCCI's unique criminal structure -- an elaborate corporate spider-web with BCCI's founder, Agha Hasan
Abedi and his assistant, Swaleh Naqvi, in the middle -- was an essential component of its spectacular
growth, and a guarantee of its eventual collapse. The structure was conceived by Abedi and managed by
Naqvi for the specific purpose of evading regulation or control by governments. It functioned to frustrate
the full understanding of BCCI's operations by anyone.
Unlike any ordinary bank, BCCI was from its earliest days made up of multiplying layers of entities,
related to one another through an impenetrable series of holding companies, affiliates, subsidiaries,
banks-within-banks, insider dealings and nominee relationships. By fracturing corporate structure,
record keeping, regulatory review, and audits, the complex BCCI family of entities created by Abedi
was able to evade ordinary legal restrictions on the movement of capital and goods as a matter of daily
practice and routine. In creating BCCI as a vehicle fundamentally free of government control, Abedi
developed in BCCI an ideal mechanism for facilitating illicit activity by others, including such activity
by officials of many of the governments whose laws BCCI was breaking.
BCCI's criminality included fraud by BCCI and BCCI customers involving billions of dollars; money
laundering in Europe, Africa, Asia, and the Americas; BCCI's bribery of officials in most of those
locations; support of terrorism, arms trafficking, and the sale of nuclear technologies; management of
prostitution; the commission and facilitation of income tax evasion, smuggling, and illegal immigration;
illicit purchases of banks and real estate; and a panoply of financial crimes limited only by the
imagination of its officers and customers.
Among BCCI's principal mechanisms for committing crimes were its use of shell corporations and bank
confidentiality and secrecy havens; layering of its corporate structure; its use of front-men and
nominees, guarantees and buy-back arrangements; back-to-back financial documentation among BCCI
controlled entities, kick-backs and bribes, the intimidation of witnesses, and the retention of well-placed
insiders to discourage governmental action.
BCCI's systematically relied on relationships with, and as necessary, payments to, prominent political
figures in most of the 73 countries in which BCCI operated. BCCI records and testimony from former
BCCI officials together document BCCI's systematic securing of Central Bank deposits of Third World countries; its provision of favors to political figures; and its reliance on those figures to provide BCCI
itself with favors in times of need.
These relationships were systematically turned to BCCI's use to generate cash needed to prop up its
books. BCCI would obtain an important figure's agreement to give BCCI deposits from a country's
Central Bank, exclusive handling of a country's use of U.S. commodity credits, preferential treatment on
the processing of money coming in and out of the country where monetary controls were in place, the
right to own a bank, secretly if necessary, in countries where foreign banks were not legal, or other
questionable means of securing assets or profits. In return, BCCI would pay bribes to the figure, or
otherwise give him other things he wanted in a simple quid-pro-quo.
The result was that BCCI had relationships that ranged from the questionable, to the improper, to the
fully corrupt with officials from countries all over the world, including Argentina, Bangladesh,
Botswana, Brazil, Cameroon, China, Colombia, the Congo, Ghana, Guatemala, the Ivory Coast, India,
Jamaica, Kuwait, Lebanon, Mauritius, Morocco, Nigeria, Pakistan, Panama, Peru, Saudi Arabia,
Senegal, Sri Lanka, Sudan, Suriname, Tunisia, the United Arab Emirates, the United States, Zambia, and
In 1977, BCCI developed a plan to infiltrate the U.S. market through secretly purchasing U.S. banks
while opening branch offices of BCCI throughout the U.S., and eventually merging the institutions.
BCCI had significant difficulties implementing this strategy due to regulatory barriers in the United
States designed to insure accountability. Despite these barriers, which delayed BCCI's entry, BCCI was
ultimately successful in acquiring four banks, operating in seven states and the District of Colombia,
with no jurisdiction successfully preventing BCCI from infiltrating it.
The techniques used by BCCI in the United States had been previously perfected by BCCI, and were
used in BCCI's acquisitions of banks in a number of Third World countries and in Europe. These
included purchasing banks through nominees, and arranging to have its activities shielded by prestigious
lawyers, accountants, and public relations firms on the one hand, and politically-well connected agents
on the other. These techniques were essential to BCCI's success in the United States, because without
them, BCCI would have been stopped by regulators from gaining an interest in any U.S. bank. As it was,
regulatory suspicion towards BCCI required the bank to deceive regulators in collusion with nominees
including the heads of state of several foreign emirates, key political and intelligence figures from the
Middle East, and entities controlled by the most important bank and banker in the Middle East.
Equally important to BCCI's successful secret acquisitions of U.S. banks in the face of regulatory
suspicion was its aggressive use of a series of prominent Americans, beginning with Bert Lance, and
continuing with former Defense Secretary Clark Clifford, former U.S. Senator Stuart Symington, connected former federal bank regulators, and former and current local, state and federal legislators.
Wittingly or not, these individuals provided essential assistance to BCCI through lending their names
and their reputations to BCCI at critical moments. Thus, it was not merely BCCI's deceptions that
permitted it to infiltrate the United States and its banking system. Also essential were BCCI's use of
political influence peddling and the revolving door in Washington.
"Stanley told me the world is run by pedophiles, Nicole Kidman said while promoting HBO's Big Little Lies, in Los Angeles.
"He studied secret societies his whole life, he was fascinated by them, and he said the elite, the top secret societies, they are full of men with a certain predilection. They are tied together, sort of bonded, by pedophilia."
"They all know each other's dark secrets. There is no way out for any of them. It's a lifetime bond. Even if one of them wanted to go straight, repent, so to speak, he can't. His peers will bring him down. They are in it until death, driving the world to ruin. That's kind of how Stanley explained it but it was all very complex. I'm probably not doing it justice."
Dr. Antony Kidman was in the Laboratory of Preclinical Pharmacology, which Dr. Joel Elkes had helped to create. Elkes was an LSD and mind control researcher who attended Scottish Rite sponsored events. The lab at the time of Kidman’s work was run by Dr. Erminio Costa, who made critical discoveries regarding the effect of LSD on the human brain. Like Elkes, Costa attended the same Scottish Rite sponsored events on Schizophrenia and so did Dr. Benjamin Weiss, Kidman’s trainer at St. Elizabeth’s during the 1969-72 period. Weiss later received hundreds of thousands from the SRSRP for research and even chaired a SRSRP event. Kidman published a research paper regarding a rat experiment with both Costa and Weiss involved. His CIA connections have been detailed in the previous article, Kidman, Trauma Research & His Abuse of Fiona Barnett.
More troubling than any of this is the connection between Le Cercle's Bonvoisin and Boeynants and the well known Marc Dutroux child abduction and murders that rocked the nation of Belgium in the mid-1990s. Soon after Dutroux's arrest and with the eyes of the public planted firmly on the case, many witnesses began to come forward to speak of abuse at the hands of a paedophile ring, which they had attempted to report in the past, only to be ignored and rejected. It became very apparent that the lowly Dutroux was part of a much wider network of child abusers in the country. Dutroux himself has on many occasions stated that he was involved in the kidnapping of children as a means to earn money via trafficking and that he would subsequently supply powerful and wealthy individuals with the abducted kids.
During their interviews, five of the witnesses named Le Cercle members, Baron de Bonvoisin and Paul Vanden Boeynants as their abusers and described an entrapment and blackmail operation in which high-target individuals were raping underage girls. Worse still, they described violent, sadistic child abuse, as well as the shooting dead of children as part of a ˜hunting' exercise on the grounds of a large mansion.
The Cercle has been tied to organized crime and more than a few of its most prominent members have been accused of child abuse and child murder. Think, for instance, of Baron de Bonvoisin, Paul Vanden Boeynants, Jean-Paul Dumont, Count Herve d'Ursel, Roger Boas, Charly De Pauw, Guy Mathot, Ado Blaton, General Rene Bats, Philippe Cryns and the de Merode family
ISGP - Beyond the Dutroux Affair.pdf
Jolly good shot old boy!
Canadian Mass Graves
Canada Commits $321 Million to Searching for More Unmarked Graves and Supporting Residential School Survivors
...basically what's running the world right now.
"This crowd really believes that the unwashed masses are ignorant, that we are people who are not capable of governing ourselves, that we need this elitist group to control the country, and the world¦¦My experience with them is that they could be certified as criminally insane and put away in a rubber room and have the key thrown away. That's how dangerous they are. But they're powerful, and they're educated. And that makes them twice as dangerous. And that's basically what's running the world right now.
Former CIA officer - Gene Wheaton - security contractor who later became an insider working with Le Cercle Member, Ted Shackley. As the head of the group's US affairs through The Atlantic Cercle corporation in Miami, Florida
The seven-decade old Five Eyes — Canada, Britain, New Zealand, Australia and US — alliance has been central to Washington’s anti-China push. To counter China the component countries recently announced plans to coordinate the production of strategic goods and collectively denounced Beijing’s policy in Hong Kong. More significantly, they’ve sought to weaken the “Crown Jewel of China Inc.”
The Five Eyes partnership oozes of white supremacy. Settler colonialism and empire unite an alliance that excludes wealthier non-white nations (Japan and South Korea) or those with more English speakers (India and Nigeria). It’s not a coincidence that the only four countries (Canada, Australia, New Zealand and the US) that originally voted against the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples (UNDRIP) in 2007 are part of the Five Eyes.
The Octopus - Did Danny Casalaro stumble upon early plans for the 4th industrial revolution global security state?
A Private Echelon - Intelligence agency
Project Echelon
is a multinational government venture between the USA, UK, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, etc.
The purpose is to be able to gather ALL information and process it via using computers, satellites, and all telecommunication equipment.
France has tried to build their own system, and CHINA has one now. We can understand the reason why countries desire such a protect their sovereignty.
Danny Casolaro found out that Project ECHELON was going private, and that a listening post, an underground base, was set up on the tiny Island of Dominica.
The builders of such a system included the "OCTOPUS COMPANIES" plus the power Elite of the world.
In the new millennium, it is the direction of control of information that will rule the world...this is accomplished by the "NEW" Private (non USA) Echelon Project, and one of the KEY locations exist on the Island of Dominica.
This last bit of information cost him his life, and in an indirect manner it cost the lives of Dr. Moshe Lubin of Hampshire Instrument, and was instrumental in the murder of Joan LoDato, the brother of one of the principals of BBE.
Probably within a 20 year period, E-Money will come about or a unified one world currency. We will be using smart cards. At present the basic problem with these smart cards is that they can be duplicated.
In order to stop the duplication one must embed chips that cannot be duplicated. Hence it is imperative to have chips with design rules of the order of 0.1 microns and they must be mass produced in a cost effective manner. No technology exists today to produce these Dram, Asic, etc. chips in mass production.
The only way to do this is via an x-ray lithography process and a unique step and repeat tool. Such tools will cost over $15,000,000 per tool and would have an extremely high throughput with at least a 70% efficiency, and no one person, company or nation could buy one in an undetected fashion. There will be no more counterfeiting.
This is why this high cabal, need to control this chip making and the x-ray lithography process.
Several years ago the head of Sematech personally told me over the phone that there is to be only one stepper manufacturer in the world for x-ray aligners. I didn't understand it; and thought that it didn't make sense... but it does now.
These tools are the printing presses for E-MONEY, the plates are the masks, etc... and the boys must control them gold etc will have a different place in the world as it has today.
There will be a global centralized bank with several information reserve banks controlling regions of the world. Chip Tatum hinted about "the Corporation" and this centralized Global banking system. He said the cabal has members living in Jupiter Island in Florida. We have found that Douglas Dillon has a summer house at Jupiter Island. (It is alleged that he has connections with the Dominica Non Secret Echelon Project--See lower notes.) If what Tatum wrote in his Pegasus file is correct, he connects the Bush family to the Corporation. Nevertheless, the "Corporation" that Tatums speaks about fits directly with Echelon, and the secret NON USA base in Dominica. Tatum states that our past President George Bush is pushing "this Idea" through his NWO agenda. He also shows a letter signed by George Bush authorizing some WET operations.
Here are excerpts from the Pegasus File:
I copied this directly from the site:
"The so-called Pegasus group's organizational structure as provided by Tatum, demands recounting in detail. The various presidential orders, which led to the formation and operation of the covert activities in which Tatium and others participated, are significant for they constitute a secret government within a government. This is the power that hides behind to open face of democratic government. Some have called this power base "the Octopus". Activities include high level narcotics trafficking, illegal transfers of ultra-high tech weaponry, money laundering on a massive scale and an odd "hit" or alignment to keep wobbly-kneed individuals on the straight and narrow."
"...the question remains:What did George Bush intend to do with his 'black' $3.8 billion. What was the ultimate purpose of the operation? Perhaps some of the money was to be used to grease palms and otherwise finance Bush's bid for the presidency following the completion of President Reagan's second term. Maybe it was used to finance other lucrative projects. Perhaps it was used to be used to inject finanical muscle into another, grander scheme, of which Tatum has recently spoken, involving George Bush's "scope and mission" paper for a New World Order.
A copy of the "scoping" paper supplied to Tatum by George Bush outlines the formation of a Corporation whose purpose is to "...provide a central network of information, analysts and strategists on an international basis in pursuit of world order and economic stability". The scope of the Corporation involves four features:
1)Centralization of informational services.
2)Analysis of data by region-specific analysts;
3)Provided recommendations based upon analysts' reports by international experts;
4)Provide international master plan for world growth and economic stability.
The Corporation is to be privately owned with a board of directors "consisting of Twelve members, elected annually by the shareholders. In addition there are five departments: "Data Resources, Political Management; Economic Management; Military Management; Environmental Management". 14
The foot note 14 in the Pegasus file says. It is impossible to judge the veracity of this document for a number of reasons. Principally, the name of the Corporation is not stated and the document itself is typed on blank A4 paper running for three pages. Readers must make of it what they will."
In another post it claims that Ross Perot was the target of this WET operation if he proceeded with his 1992 bid for the presidency. These are strong allegations. I have no way to check them out, but nevertheless they are published on the web. (And Chip Tatum has credence.) Further investigations are needed by law enforcement agencies.
The five Intelligence Agencies form the "Accuser" pact. They are bound by a secret agreement signed in the forties. The clandestine UKUSA agreement provides for sharing facilities, staff, methods, tasks and product between the participating governments. Due to a fast-growing UKUSA system called Echelon, millions of messages are automatically intercepted every hour, and checked according to criteria supplied by intelligence agencies and governments in all five UKUSA countries. The intercepted signals are passed through a computer system called the Dictionary, which checks each new message against thousands of "collection" requirements. The Dictionaries then send the messages into the spy agencies' equivalent of the Internet, making them accessible all over the world. Plucky Australians Spoil World Conspiracy
"With its 40,000 staff, NSA is the world's largest electronic spying organisation. Its key base in Europe is at Menwith Hill, a windswept, high-security facility near Harrogate in the North of England. Its futuristic radar domes are linked to NSA satellites spinning in outer Space or geo-positioned halfway to the moon. The listening station can intercept two million phone calls an hour from satellites.
Menwith Hill is linked to GCHQ by secure lines. Its 7,000 staff are regularly "tasked" by Britain's two main intelligence services, MI6 and MI5. Its computers trawl millions of phone calls and emails every day.
[Menwith Hill.] Its state-of-the-art computers were at the core of the station's Echelon system. At the heart of Echelon is a system called the Dictionary: its computers can target specific telephone numbers, words and "voice prints".
Global surveillence
A segment of [a] voice is fed into the Dictionary computers. These are linked to the worldwide network of NSA satellites in Space. The Dictionary was programmed to track every word [...]
UN Ambassadors know their missions are bugged by a number of spying weapons. One is a laser beam fired at a window to detect minute vibrations in the glass caused by people speaking. Another is a computer system known as "Tempest" which also deciphers voices by equipment in a room. The operation against [...] was run through the Echelon Dictionary.
All the information obtained was downloaded to the Menwith Hill computers. There, interlinked banks of computers decoded and analysed the data and fed down a secure line to GCHQ. There the material was turned into transcripts. All were marked "Highly Classified". These were then sent to John Scarlett, chairman of the Joint Intelligence Committee in his Whitehall office.
The information was carried by Scarlett to Downing Street in buff-coloured files. Each file had the bold Cross of St George on its cover. It was an open indication of Scarlett's patriotism."
Tracking systems - from Radar / Satellite / Covid19
Over the next 40 years, Mitre was behind the scenes of now-famous air surveillance technologies such as the Airborne Warning and Communications Systems (AWACS) and the Surveillance Target Attack Radar System (STARS). It also played a significant role in the development of much-used tech like GPS and the commercial airline Traffic Collision Avoidance System. Today its remit is even wider, leading all manner of cybersecurity initiatives and healthcare projects, while sticking to its core role of protecting national security.
The $200,000 contract (microscopic by Covid spending standards) states: “As the pandemic progresses, the contractor will identify, collect and analyze data to enable near real-time learning to state and local leaders for the eventual appropriate retrograde of NPI implementation efforts.” In other words, Mitre is helping America’s leaders decide when and how to open up again. (Neither Mitre nor the DHS explained why the CWMD unit was managing such a contract.) And pro bono, Mitre has created a contact tracing system called Sara Alert that’s been helping various states—Arkansas, Pennsylvania and Vermont, to name a few—monitor outbreaks. The system lets people known to be at risk of Covid-19 infection to upload their symptoms and temperature to their state and local health bodies’ databases. In Arkansas, 12,861 have enrolled since early April, updating the health department via text, call, email or website on their condition. “This system allows us to more readily identify secondary cases, really establishing a better handle on social clusters, which has been a challenge,” says Dr. Mike Cima, chief epidemiologist at the Arkansas Department of Health. It’s been so successful, Cima plans to carry on using Sara Alert for other infectious diseases beyond Covid-19’s eventual demise.
A ritual in an arena watched over by a Bloodline Elite
1st July - Hong Kong 1997
Hong Kong returned to China
At midnight on July 1, 1997, Hong Kong reverts back to Chinese rule in a ceremony attended by British Prime Minister Tony Blair, Prince Charles of Wales, Chinese President Jiang Zemin and U.S. Secretary of State Madeleine Albright. A few thousand Hong Kongers protested the turnover, which was otherwise celebratory and peaceful.
In 1839, Britain invaded China to crush opposition to its interference in the country’s economic, social, and political affairs. One of Britain’s first acts of the war was to occupy Hong Kong, a sparsely inhabited island off the coast of southeast China. In 1841, China ceded the island to the British with the signing of the Convention of Chuenpi, and in 1842 the Treaty of Nanking was signed, formally ending the First Opium War.
Britain’s new colony flourished as an East-West trading center and as the commercial gateway and distribution center for southern China. In 1898, Britain was granted an additional 99 years of rule over Hong Kong under the Second Convention of Peking. In September 1984, after years of negotiations, the British and the Chinese signed a formal agreement approving the 1997 turnover of the island in exchange for a Chinese pledge to preserve Hong Kong’s capitalist system. On July 1, 1997, Hong Kong was peaceably handed over to China in a ceremony attended by numerous Chinese, British, and international dignitaries. The chief executive under the new Hong Kong government, Tung Chee Hwa, formulated a policy based on the concept of “one country, two systems,” thus preserving Hong Kong’s role as a principal capitalist center in Asia
The Octopus Card, the first card employing FeliCa technology, was introduced in Hong Kong back in 1997. Today, over 12 million cards are in circulation, making Hong Kong one of the world's leading nations with extensive history in employing an automatic payment system in form of a contactless IC card.
The Octopus Card was initially used as a payment system for public transport such as the bus, metro, ferry boat and light rail. However, the services have greatly expanded for use in addition to public transport, today. Now, it can be used to pay for purchases at a convenience stores, fast food stores, and vending machines. The card also serves as employee ID, student ID and other ID cards, and has grown into a major choice for office entry/exit control, parking area entry/exit control and various other scenes. Simply put, the Octopus Card featuring FeliCa technology providing multi-application use, has grown into a modern and indispensable daily item.
The major characteristic of FeliCa is that it can be applied for items regardless of shape, as long as the application comes with a FeliCa IC chip and antenna. As result, many products are becoming a focus of interest. This can be witnessed with the wristwatch called the "Octopus Watch" and keyholders that are incorporating the FeliCa module.
e-Payment with FeliCa Technology
Use of "Edy" a form of e-money applying FeliCa technology is also on the rise.*1
Edy can be used at any Edy member store presenting the Edy mark. This means Edy users can pay for their purchases at major convenience stores, major shopping complexes and even vending machines with an Edy mark. Edy is also an advantage for the store since it simplifies the payment registering process, unlike time consuming payments with coins.
Payment of the charges can be easily be made from a payment reader that is setup in the store, as well as over the Internet by connecting "PaSoRi" (USB Reader/Writer)to a PC.*2
By using "eLIO", users can safely pay for items over the internet since there is no need to input a credit number for every payment.*3
KDDI = Carlyle Group
The Carlyle Group, of course, is known for hiring up big shot political insiders and other world leaders (such as Lou Gerstner) so they certainly have a few connections up their sleeves. -
One of the strategic visions that Gerstner set for IBM in 1993 was to make e-business its heart and soul. He believed in the potential of B2B e-commerce and wanted to expand the application of the internet to more than just web-page browsing and consumer marketing. He argued that a network-centric approach would shift the workload from personal computers to larger enterprise-systems and allow the internet to be embedded into all aspects of business operations.[14] IBM's initial vision for how e-business could transform the world included electronic debit services that would allow customers to place orders online and eventually shop at virtual stores, creating virtual databases of movies, books, and music that would be available from anywhere in the world, and more.[15] Soon after, Gerstner announced e-business as IBM's growth strategy and formed the IBM Internet Division, led by Irving Wladawsky-Berger. In 1996, IBM's marketing department established the term e-business for any kind of business or commercial transaction conducted over the internet.[16] Under Gerstner, e-business transformed IBM and within six years, they became the market leader in providing the products and services needed to transform any of their customers businesses into a network-centric e-business
...the Island of Dominica, (...) is a NON USA GOVERNMENT facility. Some of the people who are aware of this base are the leaders of the octopus companies such as: Dr Armstrong the present ceo of AT&T, Louis Gerstner, the CEO of IBM, John Akers, a Partner in Lehmann Brothers. All three are members of the CFR and two are members of the Trilateral Commission. This base is a NWO secret information center (their Project Echelon)
It was stolen in the early '80's by Ed Meese, Earl Brian, the Reagan administration, and, in intelligence agencies, several different strains, if you will, of PROMIS developed. One was developed by the Israeli's, one by CIA, etc. But, they were incorporated with a backdoor that allowed intelligence agencies to go into somebody's database, while they weren't aware of it, and extract data, manipulate data, to find out what everybody was doing.
PROMIS became very useful in that it could integrate, let's say in terrorist cases, if you had a bunch of terrorist suspects you could incorporate their telephone usage, their water usage, their power usage, their grocery shopping bills off their credit cards, and you would know, for example, that if the power at Terrorist Z's house was off for three days, and the power at Terrorist Y's house had doubled, that he doubled his grocery purchases, that maybe Terrorist Z had gone to visit Terrorist Y... and you wouldn't even need to conduct a surveillance. That's how powerful the software is. It's been applied and enhanced many times.
It's been stolen and modified. I was visited by members of the RCMP national security staff in August of 2000, who were in the US. I was just one of people they came to visit, and I still have their cards. I pulled their cards out recently on a one-hour special in Canada, where I was debating the former Canadian Solicitor General, Ron Atkey on September the 11th. And I reached down and pulled out these two cards which say Canadian RCMP National Security Staff... there they are right there. And they admitted to me that Canada's RCMP version of PROMIS software, which they admit was used, among other things, to track stock trades in real time, but used for scientific research, had probably been compromised. They were uncertain as to who had compromised the software, and that was the investigation. Whether it was CIA or CSIS [Canadian Security and intelligence Service -- there are two intelligence services in Canada. CSIS and the RCMP National Security Section]... that's the other intelligence service in Canada.
And that software is everywhere. Israel has had a hand in it. We know, since September 11th, that Osama Bin Laden is reported to have the software. It was a great story that, actually, FOX News broke. I'm sure someone in the progressive movement will call me a right-wing because I quoted something from FOX News, but that's all right. It was a good story. I followed up and got admissions from the FBI who had denied for 18 years that they ever had the software.
When I called them they said, "We stopped using it now." Which means that they had it. PROMIS is very powerful. It doesn't need to be applied necessarily to scientific ends. It's very widely used in the financial community worldwide.
Picture PROMIS having the ability to integrate the data from a bank in Portland to a bank in Los Angeles to a bank in New York to Bank of America... wherever... so that you can use your ATM card to withdraw cash.
Excerpt from: 9.11 investigation: indymedia interviews Mike Ruppert in Portland by drew & josie 8:16pm -
Track & trace moves from goods / supply chains via RFID
to treating People like cattle, because of Covid,
via Smartphone/wireless/satellite 4/5g systems
soon Humans will be ledgered via Blockchain - END TO END VISIBILITY> with increased automation efficiency.
Today’s supply chains are global networks that generally include manufacturers, suppliers, logistics companies, and retailers that work together to deliver products to consumers. As modern supply chains continue to expand, they also are becoming more complex and disparate. Typically, traditional supply chains use paper based and disjointed data systems that lead to information silos and make tracking products a time consuming task. Lack of traceability and transparency is an industry-wide challenge that leads to delays, errors, and increased costs. Modern supply chain participants need a unified view of data, while still being able to independently and privately verify transactions such as production and transport updates.
Supply chain solutions built using Amazon Managed Blockchain can provide the end-to-end visibility today’s supply chains need to track and trace their entire production process with increased automation efficiency.
The terror attacks in New York in 2001 & the Bush/Blair led subsequent War on Terror enabled a global intelligence & surveillence tech industry to thrive...
body scanners / CCTV / drones ...and Identity Cards were tabled
2002 - Questions over eye scan plan (BBC News)
"Smart" passports holding fingerprints and eye scans could be used in Britain within four years, according to the head of the UK Passport Service.
Bernard Herdan said the idea could link in with Home Secretary David Blunkett's plans for an "entitlement" card - seen as a move towards controversial compulsory ID cards. "
"The ID card database is only one component of the ID card proposal. The ID card will be a "system of systems" linking dozens - perhaps hundreds - of databases containing sensitive information. This system in future years will give government an opportunity to comprehensively dip into citizen's bank accounts to recover money from any agency."
The War on terror has given way to the War on Covid 19 - and it's aims are exactly the same. The plan is for an all encompassing Global Surveillence State,
behaviour control / monitoring for access to goods & services
Artificial intelligence and facial recognition technology will be used to monitor social distancing.
The 'Big Brother' technology can detect those with high temperatures and alert businesses of any breaches.
Prime Minister of Malaysia: Which New World Order would you like?
IBM & post democratic Technocrats @ The WEF
The Info-State
When discussing the notion of "Big Data," Khanna noted that Singapore's prime minister is a computer scientist, and "With the completion of a nation-wide fiber optic Internet roll-out, Singapore's physical sensor network ('˜Internet of Things'), provides enormous volumes of data . . ."
Khanna urged that Western democracy be replaced by Singaporean technocracy. According to Khanna,
". . . it's time to admit that America needs less of its own version of democracy-much less . . . Democracy alone just isn't good enough anymore."
He argued, "The search for an optimal state form continues into the information age-and it should logically be called the 'Info-State'."
Khanna continued, "Info-states such as Switzerland and Singapore are also the places where we can witness the best efforts at direct technocracy . . . Experiments in direct technocracy are already visible around the world from Estonia and Israel to the UAE and Rwanda to India and China-across both democracies and non-democracies."
Khanna emphatically urged, "Technocracy becomes a form of salvation after society realizes that democracy doesn't guarantee national success. Democracy eventually gets sick of itself and votes for technocracy."
nothing to see here; Kuala Lumpar, Home to the other "Twin Towers", Malaysia
IBM & Covid 19 - Supercomputer modelling
US Dept of Energy Brings the World’s Most Powerful Supercomputer,
the IBM POWER9-based Summit, Into the Fight Against COVID-19
IBM and NVIDIA technology helps identify compounds that could guide researchers to a cure
By Dave Turek, Vice President of Technical Computing, IBM Cognitive Systems
Technology has been at the center of scientific advances for decades. Just 16 years ago, IBM’s Blue Gene supercomputer debuted as the first supercomputer to break the petascale barrier and went on to play a critical role in sequencing the human genome. That breakthrough helped open the door for new drugs and treatments, and Blue Gene went on to simulate approximately one percent of a human cerebral cortex, containing 1.6 billion neurons with approximately 9 trillion connections, leading to a greater understanding of the most complex computer ever created: the human brain.
But some problems require a more immediate response, and that’s why the US Dept of Energy announced a powerful new ally in the fight against the COVID-19 epidemic that has swept through 84 countries, and every continent except for Antarctica per the CDC’s latest summary: the IBM-built Summit supercomputer.
Viruses infect cells by binding to them and using a ‘spike’ to inject their genetic material into the host cell. When trying to understand new biological compounds, like viruses, researchers in wet labs grow the micro-organism and see how it reacts in real-life to the introduction of new compounds, but this can be a slow process without computers that can perform digital simulations to narrow down the range of potential variables, but even then there are challenges. Computer simulations can examine how different variables react with different viruses, but when each of these individual variables can be comprised of millions or even billions of unique pieces of data and compounded with the need to be run multiple simulations, this can quickly become a very time-intensive process using commodity hardware.
Using Summit, researchers were able to simulate 8,000 compounds in a matter of days to model which could impact that infection process by binding to the virus’s spike, and have identified 77 small-molecule compounds, such as medications and natural compounds, that have shown the potential to impair COVID-19’s ability to dock with and infect host cells.
IBM Newsroom
IBM & UK Behaviour Change
The Human Behaviour-Change Project (HBCP) is creating an online "Knowledge System" that uses Artificial Intelligence, in particular Natural Language Processing and Machine Learning, to extract information from intervention evaluation reports to answer key questions about the evidence. It is a collaboration between behavioural scientists, computer scientists and systems architects.
The Knowledge System will continually search publication databases to find behaviour change intervention evaluation reports, extract and synthesise the findings, provide up-to-date answers to questions, and draw inferences about behaviour change. Practitioners, policy makers and researchers will be able to query the system to obtain answers to variants of the key question:
"˜What intervention(s) work, compared with what, how well, with what exposure, with what behaviours, for how long, for whom, in what settings and why?"
The project team is committed to open science and generating products and resources for the scientific community to use. These will be accessible via this website. There is strong engagement of the scientific community as the project evolves, with an International Advisory Board and peer review panels to comment on specific components.
The Great Health reset
Similarly, the emergence of AI, with its myriad applications, promises to examine vast swathes of data and extrapolate a trajectory of parameters that would suggest an imminent viral threat in the future.
At a more foundational level, CRISPR-Cas9 (Top 10 2018), the technology enabling precision gene editing, may allow us to alter the genetic code of those species known to host vectors of disease. Similarly fundamental was the 2017 Top 10 entry elaborating on the emergence of genomics-based vaccines, now in fact in phase 3 COVID-19 trials by Pfizer and Moderna.
Have you read?
5G communications protocol, capable of supporting Gigabit data rates, is a game changer in facilitating a level of global connectivity and in-depth data to track events relevant to the early identification and mitigation of a potential pandemic outbreak.
These and other technologies are all key tools to mitigate the next pandemic – but only with global commitment to transparency and cooperation across and within geopolitical boundaries.
The value of data comes with trust
In the Great Health Reset, we must address and overcome concerns regarding national and personal data privacy. Countries must lead by example, supporting the standardization and sharing of medical records pertinent to transmissible disease. Utilizing autonomous monitoring of such data, assisted by AI, would see the recognition of small signals of risk as early as possible.
Bernard Meyerson - Chief Innovation Officer, IBM
Mariette DiChristina - Dean, College of Communication, Boston University
Covid 19 as global catalyst for systems update (RESET)
In a span of a few months, what started as a global
health crisis snowballed into an economic crisis. Such is
the impact that the International Monetary Fund (IMF)
declared the global GDP per capita due to the COVID-19
crisis to decline twice as much as the Global Financial
Crisis of 2009.
But experts agree on one thing which
is that this crisis is unprecedented not just in terms of
the impact it had so far but the kind of next normal it is
going to leave in its aftermath.
But what will make the aftermath of this crisis
different? We believe that it is the rise of the
contactless economy. It is therefore not a surprise
when an advanced nation such as South Korea
announced a national push to reshape its economy
around the concept of “untact” – a clever synonym
of contactless.
Untact has become a key plank of
South Korea's 76 trillion won ($62 billion) “New Deal”
A 136-page report released detailing the
program mentions untact 47 times and calls for
further investment in robots, drones, self-driving
vehicles, and other technologies that will reduce the
need for person-to-person contact1. Similarly, Japan
plans to encourage more use of contactless and
remote services that have gained renewed attention
due to consumers' fear of touch and will explore
the use of low-speed, autonomous delivery vehicles
after the country saw increased demand for delivery
services due to the coronavirus epidemic, according to
a draft strategy.
Pandemic as convenient economic driver: Physical Money spreads disease?
Why During The Pandemic?
If you look at it, contactless payments are very convenient. It should’ve been the standard practice for a very long time. And yet, it only rose in usage during the pandemic – a time where many industries initially struggled and economies had a hard time keeping up with the challenges.
How Contactless Payments Rose Up Through The Pandemic
It’s good to take a look at how contactless payments began to increase in parts of the world. For instance, Dutch consumers used to pay cash for 30% of their purchases around January to February 2020 – before the pandemic. By June 2020, the number significantly dropped to 20%.
By October 2020, consumers began using contactless payment methods for 67% of their purchases. By the start of the year, the number was only at 50% for Dutch consumers. It’s not just in that country as well, other people worldwide are becoming more accepting of contactless payment methods.
In the US, people anticipated an event called the “death of the wallet” in 2018. Theories about this were brought about by the rise of digital wallets and cryptocurrencies Although the ‘death of the wallet” isn’t happening anytime soon, the rise of contactless payments is a precursor to it.
To understand why contactless payment rose during the pandemic, it would be wise to first understand the science behind the Covid-19 virus.
The virus is spread in various ways. They can be through droplets produced by coughing and sneezing. One of the reasons why the virus is easily spread is because the virus can last for a few hours on surfaces. So yes, the virus can latch on to money, bank cards, coins, and other mediums used for payments.
In theory, it’s possible to get infected with Covid-19 if you are given a change that’s contaminated. That’s why you should sanitize your cards, your money, and change is given to you by others. However, if you use contactless payment, this is no longer necessary.
The keyword is “contactless”.” You simply tap your card or your smartphone, or any of your digital wallets on a terminal, and then the transaction will be made. It removes the middleman from the transactions. As such, you can go shopping without having to come in contact with anyone else.
This is the primary reason why contactless payments rose through the pandemic. It gave people a means to continue buying what they want without having to be worried about getting infected. Be it groceries, clothes, or leisurely items, anything is purchasable because of contactless payments.
It’s not just the consumers that benefited from contactless payments too. Even businesses benefit because they can proceed with their operations with less concern. For the employees of these businesses, there are lesser risks as contact is minimized even further.
An online luxury pure player decided to blend their
core digital channels with physical channels to
enhance the physical shopping experience, strengthen
emotional connection and in the process collect key
data on how customers behave in luxury stores.
entering the store, customers log in to their profiles by
scanning their smartphones, which avails their profiles
to sales assistants and allows them to be better
attended to. While browsing and trying on clothing,
a connected clothing rack will record selected items
in a smartphone app, within which selections can be
edited and finalised. In addition, the store comes with
smart dressing room mirrors that allow for customers
to browse and request for alternatives without
stepping out. Holographic displays allow customers
to create and try customised shoes with reduced
interactions with sales assistants.
Leveraging data
generated from this store, the business can tap into
next-level insights that can help transform the overall
shopping experience and further deepen customer
During COVID, a global incumbent luxury player
launched a social retail store. This store leverages
the retail technology provided by a large tech giant
and therefore can get access to the latest features to
cater to this new segment and can potentially scale
fast in the future.
Features such as pre-booking fitting
rooms, QR code connected digital screens that allow
customers to access the history of the brand, and
dedicated client services through an immersive app
help customers to not only have personalised yet low
human touch service journeys but also maintains the
luxury heritage of the brand.
From the Deloitte report - Contactless payments - are you prepared tabled at the Singapore Summit
Sony Wireless contactless payments
Tokyo-based Sony, a household name for decades, is into blockchain technology and cryptocurrency solutions. Sony Computer Science Laboratories, a subsidiary of the group, announced on October 23 that it had developed a hardware wallet for digital assets. The new technology uses the IC card protocol, an application that enables high-speed communication with payment readers.
The company said the card is “contactless” because it uses “mutual authentication / encrypted communication” with the IC protocol. According to the documentation for the wallet, the company has developed and refined the IC protocol over the past few years.
“The IC card-type hardware wallet is small, portable and useful, unlike the typical existing hardware wallet that connects to PCs via USB,” said Sony. “In addition, it is possible to securely generate and store a private key with an extremely reliable tamper-proof module on the IC card.”
How Digital ID can help citizens access government services from anywhere
Over the last 18 months, the digitalisation of public and private services has accelerated like never before. Due to limitations on physical contact and lockdowns around the globe, citizens – often out of necessity – have had to turn to the digital equivalent of services they previously accessed in person. From internet banking to filling out tax returns online, the pandemic has acted as a catalyst for a wholesale change in consumer behaviour.
Even as we start to return to a sense of normality, this digitalisation of services looks set to gather momentum. This is, in part, due to governments around the world asking their citizens to carry digital health passes to prove they are doubly vaccinated or have a negative test before they can access certain services. As a recent example of this, the UK government made proof of ‘full vaccination’ a requirement for entering nightclubs from September and countries like Italy or France are following a similar path.
So-called digital ‘vaccination passports’ will play a key role in enabling citizens to access all manner of services and will act as a precursor to the rollout of mobile digital IDs.
A gateway to other government services
In some regions, the deployment of Digital IDs and modernisation of once analogue services is already well underway. Florida, for example, is about to provide mobile Driving Licenses to its citizens as it aims to develop more convenient and secure identification methods. The same is true of Queensland in Australia, where the state’s first Digital License App was recently piloted before deployment.
In both cases, the deployment of a digital wallet – primarily for digital driving licenses – will act as a gateway and the foundations for other vital government services, such as health passes.
Meeting the EU digital wallet ambitions
In June this year, the European Union took a step towards one of the largest digital identity projects ever when it proposed a framework for a Europe-wide Digital Identity. This would be available for all EU citizens, residents and businesses in the EU.
The ambition is huge; both in terms of scale – as it applies to all EU member states – and also in the power it would grant to citizens throughout the Bloc. For the first time, citizens would be able to use a European Digital Identity wallet, from their phone, that would give them access to services in any region across Europe.
It will also help governments to carry out modernisation projects across public sector departments as they digitise to match the capabilities of these virtual identities.
The wallet would, in essence, transform access to government services for EU citizens.
It would be based on some key principles:
Enabling citizens to prove who they are: The ability to prove who you are is something many of us take for granted, but without an identity, you’d be surprised at how difficult it is to access basic services like healthcare. The foundation of proving your identity is trust and the EU Digital Wallet will help citizens prove who they are at the click of a button. Public and private organisations can also be confident that the ID is authentic.
Security first approach: One of the key principles of the digital wallet is its approach to security. At the core of the wallet are cybersecurity protocols which protect the device’s EU sovereignty, amongst other things. Citizen’s expectations for mobile security are high which is why the deployment of regional mobile wallets will have to take a layered security approach. This means that potential hackers would encounter different security measures in every part of the wallet. Ensuring this level of security is a priority for markets wishing to address consumer fears as well as ensuring strong take-up of the EU Digital Identity.
Multiple documents in one place: The digital wallet is convenient as it can hold multiple documents in a single place – instead of citizens having to carry around wallets bulging with cards. Even more interesting when you think that 90% of users have a mobile device in reach at all times.
Combining payment and identity: It gets really exciting when you realise that the wallet can host both digitalised identity and payment credentials. This could allow people, for example, to pay a deposit on a new apartment or settle an outstanding speeding fine directly from their smartphone.
Allowing digital signatures: Digital wallets can manage digital signatures, enabling contracts to be signed and accepted at the convenience of the user (for the apartment, they’re in the process of buying for example).
Built with data privacy in mind: People are increasingly wary of how their data is being used. Digital wallets can help address these concerns in a couple of ways through security and transparency of data use; firstly, citizens can choose which information they show businesses and organisations. Need to prove your ID at a bar? You can just show your date of birth without having to share your address. Secondly, the Digital ID will comply with EU data principles (GDPR) ensuring data minimisation, data protection and privacy rights management.
Cross-border identity: Last but certainly not least, the EU Digital Identity will allow citizens to use their documentation across the entire region. Each member state will be responsible for providing their own citizens with a wallet, but these will become universally accepted wherever people are across the European Union. This should allow citizens to access government services of any member state just as they do at home, heavily reducing extra costs and complexity.
In order to meet the EU target of 80% of its citizens using eIDs by 2030, it’s vital that governments address these pillars and work with a provider that can satisfy these requirements.
If they do, the impact on people and how they access services has the potential to be truly transformative and will usher in a period of accelerated digitisation for governments across Europe.
2021 contactless payments rolled out in Bulgaria
You will be part of their supply chain inventory
The Octogon?
Resident Evil zombie lab leak franchise logo for the Umbrella corporation is Octogon / Templer / Masonic cross
Shanghai bio lab is blue & white version (masonic)
The Octogon? The swiss beast - is this what Danny Casalaro named The octopus
In 2009
GAVI - Bill Gates Vaccine Alliance, was granted same privelidges as Swiss inter-Government Agencies. why?
Under the headquarters agreement signed today on behalf of the Federal Council of Switzerland by Ambassador Paul Seger, Director of the Department of Public International Law, the Geneva-based GAVI Alliance enjoys privileges and immunities similar to those enjoyed by other intergovernmental organisations in Switzerland.
all linked - Le Cercle - Gladio terror ops ... all run from Switzerland
Novartis hired a company in Poland to test a vaccine for bird flu following the Europe-wide outbreak of the H5N1 virus.
The trials were carried out on homeless and poor people in the Polish city of Grudziadz, where they were paid around two francs for participation. But one former subject, named as Grzegorz S, says participants were told the vaccine was for the conventional flu virus, and he has launched a civil suit against the Basel-based company.
Novartis are manufacturing two different
mRNA-based COVID-19 vaccines
the Pfizer-BioNTech & CureVac
Blueprint for a Prison Planet
The Global Fascist State
It is believed that there exists an "elite cabal" at the apex of banking and industry, operating through government and the media, and controlling our political, social and personal lives to ever-increasing degrees. This elite group has been pursuing its ambitions for centuries and is operating to an agenda entirely not in our interest. It has ruthlessly manipulated the political landscape via the strategic destabilization and reorganization of nation states; and its ultimate objective is to take the incredibly diverse range of human cultures once existing on Earth and slowly mould them into a single, homogenized trading and consuming block under their centralized control.
The principal means by which it is believed this group is seeking to do this is via the expansion of their own developmental prototype for world culture - America; a set of cultural values that is systematically being expanded across the world, progressively eliminating a wealth of ancient peoples and beliefs, and leaving in their place a standardized, consumerist stereotype.
The ultimate goal of this proposed elite group is to bring about a single global marketplace, controlled by a world government, policed by a world army, financially regulated by a world bank via a single global currency, and populated by a microchipped population connected to a global computer, a computer that both monitors and updates our personal location and financial status, and regulates our emotional state via transmitted electrical signals - technology that already exists.
This ambition of thus rendering the Earth a "prison planet" - a self-contained, interactive social structure under total centralized control - is chiefly being pursued via activities in two areas - commerce and culture. In "commerce," the elite group have created the corporations, the vehicles for the planet's enslavement, and in "culture," the elite group have created both the drivers and passengers of those vehicles - us.
The company boasts over 5 billion in revenue yearly, in British Pounds.
What if I told you there exists a multinational corporation with 40+ subsidiary companies across the globe which services a vast array of governmental agencies?
And what if I told you this very same corporation has been involved in scandal after scandal, ranging from overcharging governments for electronically tagged inmates, to falsifying billing documents, to mismanaging vital patient information, to drug smuggling enterprises found within their facilities, and finally sexual abuse and terrible living conditions in their immigration/refugee centers?
What if I also told you that this same company is protected under “commercial confidentiality” and the details of its inner workings are not open to Freedom of Information requests?
You’d probably ask me, “What is this corporation you speak of?”
Well, this corporation’s name is Serco, and it’s the biggest company you’ve never heard of. And that’s no accident. Since 1987, Serco has quietly and clandestinely taken over many of the world’s public services, and has cleverly avoided too much media attention. That is until in 2013, a taxpayer scandal broke and collapsed its share price. Since then, Serco has been fighting a steady battle in the UK media, with little attention to it in other areas of the world.
What a lovely colour scheme for the uniform eh?
Let’s Get Into Serco’s Vast Array of Services
Serco has an icebreaker ship Design, Build, Operation and Maintenance (DBOM) contract with Australia for expeditions to Antarctica.
They provide electronic tagging of offenders and asylum seekers in UK’s Ministry of Justice.
It operates the National Border Targeting Center for UK Visas and Immigration. It runs four prisons, a Young Offenders Institution and a Secure Training Centre. It operates two Immigration Removal Centers, including Yarl’s Wood Immigration Removal Centre in Bedforshire. Remember that name for later.
The group also operates the Santander Cycles scheme in London, and the NorthLink Ferries Northern Isles lifeline ferry service in Scotland.
Serco also has a joint venture in which it operates passenger trains in the UK and with the Dutch national rail operator Nederlandse Spoorwegen. Serco also has its fingers in the Caledonian Sleeper between London and Scotland, Merseyrail in Liverpool, the Northern Rail franchise, and also operates speed camera systems throughout the UK and until 2013 the group designed wrote and tested software that controls message signs, traffic signals and emergency roadside phones. They also participated in traffic monitoring on England’s motorway network and the National Traffic Control Centre.
Serco also holds contracts for the maintenance of the Ballistic Missile Early Warning System at RAF Fylingdales, and also for operation and maintenance of RAF Brize Norton, RAF Halton, RAF Northholt, and RNAS Culdrose. Serco also manages many aspects of the Defence College of Management and Technology in Shrivenham.
They maintain and operate air traffic towers in the United States, Canada, and United Arab Emirates. Serco managed airports in Iraq during the United States occupation.
Serco also provides facilities management services and housekeeping at several hospitals in the UK. They also held contracts for out-of-hours general practitioner services in Cornwall until 2013.
The group also held a ten-year contract with Bradford City Council from 2001-2011 to manage and operate the local education authority, providing education support services to the City’s schools.
Serco also handles Drivers’ licensing in Ontario, parking meter servicing for the City of Chicago, and parking enforcement for Inglewood, California.
In 2013 Serco was awarded a $1.25 billion contract to manage the implementation of the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act.
Science – Serco managed the UK’s National Physical Laboratory until 2015. It also provides IT services and cryogenic maintenance at CERN.
Some other facts about Serco’s services:
They manage and can set Greenwich Mean Time/ZULU.
Serco has 47 staff in Antarctica. What are they doing? I don’t know!
Detention and prisons profiteering: “Serco Justice and Immigration”
Serco runs six adult prisons in the UK, with a total capacity of 5400. They are HMPs Ashfield, Doncaster, Dovegate, Lowdham Grange and Thameside in England, and Kilmarnock in Scotland.
Serco has long been a player in the UK immigration detention business. However it currently only has one detention centre: Yarl’s Wood. It continues to bid for new ones. It bid unsuccessfully for the major deportation “escorting” contract won by Mitie at the end of 2017.
In Australia, Serco won the 2009 contract to run all detention centres on the Australian mainland and an offshore processing centre on Christmas Island. The contract was renewed for another five years in 2014, valued then at $1 billion. However, its value has been dropping as Serco is paid “per immigrant”, and refugee arrival numbers are down due to interceptions at sea.
In 2016, Serco tried to enter the US market with extensive lobbying at federal and local level to open a family detention centre near the Mexican border. The proposal was eventually rejected by officials in Texas.
Asylum Housing
However, one “Justice and Immigration” deal has not performed so well: the COMPASS asylum housing contracts. Serco has been losing substantial sums on these deals – though it still appears to be bidding for the new round of asylum housing tenders currently underway.
In 2012, the Home Office reorganised its system of housing asylum seekers (outside detention). Previously, there was a mixture of housing arrangements run by local authorities as well as private companies. Now all housing is provided by large private companies under regional contracts called “COMPASS” – “Commercial and Operational Managers Procuring Asylum Support Services”. The Home Office said it hoped to save £150 million over seven years through this arrangement.
The six contracts were awarded to just three companies: G4S, Serco, and Clearsprings Group. Serco has the contracts for “Scotland and Northern Ireland” and “North West England”.
In August 2002, then Attorney General John Ashcroft called for American citizens who are deemed ‘enemy combatants’ to be detained indefinitely without charge and independently of the judiciary. [21] This legal position was upheld in the case of a US citizen detained abroad by the 4th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals in a January 2003 ruling. [22]
In October 2006 the Military Commissions Act was passed by Congress. [23] The legislation applies to non-US citizens and permits individuals labeled as ‘enemy combatants’ to be imprisoned indefinitely and without charge. It also denies non-military tribunal judicial review of detainment (Section 7), disregards international treaties such as the Geneva Convention, and states that it is the President who defines what constitutes torture (Sections 5 & 6).
In January of 2007 the American Civil Liberties Union released a report based on documents obtained by a Freedom of Information Act suit showing that the Pentagon had monitored at least “186 anti-military protests in the United States and collected more than 2,800 reports involving Americans in an anti-terrorist threat database.” [24]
For some time FEMA has been renovating and constructing new detention camps throughout the country. In January 2006 Haliburton subsidiary KBR announced that it had been awarded an “indefinite delivery / indefinite quantity contract to construct detention facilities for the Department of Homeland Security worth a maximum of $385 million over 5 years. [25]
Stated Purpose
Little has been said about the purpose of the detainment camps but when official comment has been made it has stated that the camps are for the temporary detainment of illegal immigrants. [26]
Quantity and Locations
Citizens who are concerned about the purpose and potential use of the detainment camps have documented and, when possible, filmed the detainment facilities. A current estimate of the number of detainment camps is over 800 located in all regions of the United States with varying maximum capacities. [27] If one includes government buildings currently used for other purposes the number is far greater. Video of renovated but empty detainment camps has also been released. [28]
by John Connolly - SPY Magazine - Sept 1992 - Volume 6
What? A big private company - one with a board of former CIA, FBI and Pentagon officials; one in charge of protecting Nuclear-Weapons facilities, nuclear reactors, the Alaskan oil pipeline and more than a dozen American embassies abroad; one with long-standing ties to a radical ring-wing organization; one with 30,000 men and women under arms - secretly helped IRAQ in its effort to obtain sophisticated weapons? And fueled unrest in Venezuela? This is all the plot of a new best-selling thriller, right? Or the ravings of some overheated conspiracy buff,right? Right?
We have uncovered considerable evidence that Wackenhut carried the CIA's water in fighting Communist encroachment in Central America in the 1980s (that is to say, during the Reagan administration when the CIA director was former Wackenhut lawyer William Casey, the late superpatriot who had a proclivity for extralegal and illegal anti-Communist covert operations such as Iran-contra). In 1981, Berckmans, the CIA agent turned Wackenhut vice president, joined with other senior Wackenhut executives to form the company's Special Projects Division. It was this division that linked up with ex-CIA man John Phillip Nichols, who had taken over the Cabazon Indian reservation in California, as we described in a previous article ["Badlands," April 1992], in pursuit of a scheme to manufacture explosives, poison gas and biological weapons-and then, by virtue of the tribe's status as a sovereign nation, to export the weapons to the contras. This maneuver was designed to evade congressional prohibitions against the U.S. government's helping the contras. Indeed, in an interview with SPY, Eden Pastora, the contras' famous Commander Zero, who had been spotted at a test of some night-vision goggles at a firing range near the Cabazon reservation in the company of Nichols and a Wackenhut executive, offhandedly identified that executive, A. Robert Frye, as "the man from the CIA. " (In a subsequent conversation he denied knowing Frye at all; of course, in that same talk he quite unbelievably denied having ever been a contra.)
Wackenhut Changes Name to Geo Group, Politics Remain the Same
Loaded on June 15, 2004 by Michael Rigby published in Prison Legal News June, 2004, page 16
The old maxim, the more things change, the more they stay the same," could have been tailored to Wackenhut these days. Although Wackenhut Corrections has spun off from its parent company, Wackenhut Corporation, there's no indication that the political involvement which brought it this far will change anytime soon.
Wackenhut Corrections was born as a subsidiary of the Wackenhut Corporation in 1984 when George Zoley presented the idea of a separate prison management company to Wackenhut founder George Wackenhut. Although Wackenhut Corrections began trading its stock separately in 1994, it remained a subsidiary of Wackenhut Corporation. In May 2002, the Danish securities firm Group 4 Falck bought Wackenhut Corporation for its security guard division. The sale included 57 percent of Wackenhut Corrections (43 percent was owned by investors). Group 4 immediately announced it would sell the corrections division for $170 million [PLN, October 2002].
Since that time, Zoley, who is Wackenhut Corrections' Chairman and CEO, has focused on buying Corrections back. He succeeded in July 2003, purchasing Group 4's 57 percent stake for $132 million. The move boosted Corrections' bottom line by 70 cents per share.
However, even with the discounted buy back and the sale of its 50 percent stake in a United Kingdom prison venture (which netted it $52 million after taxes)
Wackenhut Corrections remained $250 million in debt.
For Wackenhut owned Group 4 - a life costs £10,000:
The price list: 30 performance measures
The contract sets out 30 performance issues which can lead to a deduction. The NAO report lists all of these. The two biggest deductions are for:
escapes: £10,000 to £30,000
“self-harm resulting in death”: £10,000
The other deductions are all in the order of a few hundred pounds per day. The most serious is understaffing, which can be charged at between £134 and £1,790. Other failures such as insufficient cleaning, not reporting problems to the Home Office, health and safety breaches, or inadequate cell standards, may cost anywhere between £18 and £857 a day.
A life costs £10,000: how G4S’ Brook House detention contract works
In 2017, security company G4S was in the headlines again after the Panorama TV programme exposed new revelations of brutality in Brook House, one of two immigration detention centres the company runs for the Home Office. Two years later, the National Audit Office has published a report on G4S’ contract to run the centre.
The report doesn’t contain many surprises for anyone familiar with the grim reality of life inside privately-run detention centres. But it makes public for the first time some information on just how companies like G4S rack up substantial detention profits.
For example, it reveals G4S is fined just £10,000 when someone kills themselves in its “care”. And it confirms the money G4S makes from detaining migrants. It has made comfortably over £2 million a year for most of its time running Brook House, with a profit margin typically between 18 to 20%. Or more than 200 times the cost of a detainee’s life.
But the report also shows that the company has made even more money in other detention centres. And these windfall profit rates look set to go even higher under the goverment’s plans for the new Brook House contract, which is due to start in May 2020.
The (Chorley) prison is part of the government’s ‘New Prisons Programme‘, formally branded the ‘Prison Estates Transformation Programme’ (PETP). It is spending £4 billion to create 18,000 additional prison places by the mid 2020s. Ten thousand of these places are due to be created in six new prisons and eight thousand will come from expanding existing prisons. Scroll down to see the status of these various mega-prison projects across England.
In documents about the project, Alex Chalk MP, Prisons and Probation Minister, said that prison numbers change over time, which is why it must have ‘robust plans in place to make sure we will always have enough places available’. However, it is clearly tied to the growth of other areas of the prison industrial complex, such as policing:
“The increasing numbers of police, in line with the Prime Minister’s commitment to recruit 20,000 additional officers, is also likely to contribute to a higher prison population, and we therefore believe that creating 18,000 additional prison places will help to mitigate pressure on prison places in England and Wales in the coming years.”
Many existing prisons do not have facilities for extensive workshops to exploit prisoner labour. This is one of the reasons that the government is building the mega-prisons. In the consultation notes about the prison, the MOJ explicitly talks about building workshops inside:
“Workshops will help prisoners to gain new skills and qualifications. This will help them to gain work after release. Having work can help stop people re-offending. The workshops will include both heavy and light industry. For instance, prisoners can learn how to weld or how to make clothes. The exact industries will be decided closer to the prison opening.”
Mega prisons being built around the country
The state currently has a number of prison construction projects happening around the country:
Wellingborough: HMP Five Wells in Wellingborough is at the most advanced stage of construction and is due to open in early 2022. It will be run for-profit by G4S who have a ten-year contract until 2032.
Leicestershire: HMP Glen Parva is still under construction. The prison lies on the outskirts of Leicester. It is due to open in 2023.
East Yorkshire: A new mega prison next to HMP Full Sutton is in the final planning stages. It received outline planning permission but are still processing ‘reserved matters’ through the planning system.
Buckinghamshire: The MOJ has announced plans to build a prison on land next to HMP Grendon and HMP Springhill in Buckinghamshire. The announcement came just before Christmas to reduce the likelihood of objection. The prison would lock up 1,440 people and be a category C prison like the new one announced for Chorley.
Inside Wellingborough's new mega prison, featuring river views and barless windows
The privately-run complex will be Britain's biggest ever prison
Here are the first pictures behind the walls of the UK's first privately-run mega prison in Wellingborough, where the cells look more like hotel rooms. The photos show off the rooms having plenty of natural light, views of a river and barless windows, as the government aims for more of a focus on rehabilitation in the English prison system. One picture shows a light and airy double room at Her Majesty's Prison Five Wells, with brightly coloured walls and a spacious layout.
The Northants mega prison, which has buildings in the shape of crosses, has just been structurally finished and is set to be completed by October. The new-style £253 million super prison will hold 1,680 inmates, making it England’s biggest prison, with the first prisoner due on January 8, next year, says the Mirror.
HMP Five Wells tweeted: “Been a busy day on site today but took the opportunity to grab a couple of pics for you.
The category C jail is seen as a flagship example of the Government’s aim to create a “modern, efficient prison estate that is fit for the future” and will have a clear focus on rehabilitating offenders.
It will not hold the most dangerous prisoners.
It has been built on the site of the former HMP Wellingborough site, which closed in 2012, and held a maximum of 650 adult male inmates.
The jail designers have ditched the usual K-shaped formation of prison housing blocks and instead used seven staggered cross-shaped buildings.
The K-block style has been favoured since Victorian times, with the idea that a single prison officer could be placed in the centre of the radial arms of corridors and survey all the cells quickly.
Older jails have come under criticism for overcrowding and filthy conditions in recent years.
The new cross-shaped buildings mean the corridors are broken up into smaller zones, rather than miles of long corridors, which will enable prison staff to have more direct contact with prisoners.
The buildings have been arranged around landscaped courtyards, with the cross-shaped design offering better use of outside space for sports and gardening facilities.
ex prisons minister Rory Stewart named as member of le Cercle in 2019
New Opium war? China - addiction to technology solved by boot camps?
will we see rehabilitation of wrong thinking Covid 19 deniers / dissidents who have been researching on the interwebs?
They try to make it look all lovely, but which one do you think is coming soon? retreat or prison re-education camp?
Adults seeking to change their digital use patterns come together in a life-sharing community retreat designed to feel like home. It is not a “rehab,” or a “mental health facility,” or a “residential treatment center.” After all, you’re not broken. You are not considered an “inpatient” participant. You are simply a person distracted with digital media. For some, use may rise to the level of addiction. For others, use patterns interfere with day-to-day living. Regardless of your level of technology use reSTART believes that connection with others, along with digital abstinence in a safe, structured and healthy environment fosters physical and emotional health and healing.
Hiring today...
Internment/resettlement specialists are primarily responsible for day-to-day operations in a military confinement/correctional facility or detention/internment facility.
Job Duties
Supervision of confinement and detention operations
External security to facilities
Counseling/guidance to individual prisoners within a rehabilitative program
Records of prisoners/internees and their programs
Geo-zonal behaviourism from National to Global
Are you in the Green Zone?
"That Thing They Said They're Not Doing? They're Totally Doing", - Jon Stewart
Virginia - NATO / Smart City testbed
military surveillance / command and control of civilian behaviour data?
The Virginia Smart Community Testbed in Stafford County, Virginia, is the home to developing smart technology for the Commonwealth. It is the first Smart City Testbed involving an IoT platform, fully integrated with 5G and other new and emerging technologies for Smart Cities around the country. The Testbed will accelerate smart technology growth in the Commonwealth.
The testbed is a "shared knowledge platform” to develop practical and relevant smart technologies solutions. The Virginia Smart Community Testbed is a true public-private partnership involving multiple industry partners who will focus on relevant and practical use cases to produce innovative solutions using emerging and smart technologies.
Setting up a third joint force command in Virginia
"creates a link between North America and Europe and helps to further develop the desired 360-degree approach for our collective defense and security. Joint Force Command Norfolk is the first operational-level NATO headquarters in North America and is the Atlantic advocate within the alliance, enhancing NATO's readiness and responsiveness"
is stationed at Naval Support Facility Dahlgren, VA is located 53 miles south of Washington D.C. The detachment is a geographically separated unit of the 21st Space Wing, Peterson Air Force Base, Colorado.
In 1971, the Alternate Space Control Center was activated at Eglin Air force base and their back-up computation center was at Dahlgren. In 1987, the Alternate Space Control Center mission transferred to Dahlgren and operations were integrated with Navy Space Surveillance System.
"science in its higher form is magic"
The official explanation:
King Solomon’s Temple has a central place in Freemasonry - This structure depicts the capabilities of men when they work collaboratively, using the right tools to diligently develop themselves in order to be better for the world.
Transhumanist utopia? - A New Atlantis?
New Atlantis and other writings of Bacon inspired the formation of the Royal Society & influenced B. F. Skinner's 1948 Walden Two.
New Atlantis is an incomplete utopian novel by Sir Francis Bacon, published posthumously in 1626. It appeared unheralded and tucked into the back of a longer work of natural history, Sylva sylvarum (forest of materials). In New Atlantis, Bacon portrayed a vision of the future of human discovery and knowledge, expressing his aspirations and ideals for humankind. The novel depicts the creation of a utopian land where "generosity and enlightenment, dignity and splendour, piety and public spirit" are the commonly held qualities of the inhabitants of the mythical Bensalem.
The plan and organisation of his ideal college, Salomon's House (or Solomon's House), envisioned the modern research university in both applied and pure sciences.
Hidden links between The New Atlantis and Shakespeare's Tempest
These two final works of Bacon and Shakespeare are matched bookends. Each is a summing up and a farewell. In The Tempest travelers arrive at an island ruled by Prospero, the Magus who has mastery over all nature, and Prospero's farewell to his art in the play is the Bard's farewell to his work. In The New Atlantis the travelers arrive at an island ruled by a Society called Solomon's House which has achieved mastery over all nature. The New Atlantis depicts Bacon's vision of man's mastery over nature, and this work is a summing up and a farewell to Bacon's lifework. Both works depict travelers who arrive at an island filled with wonders. In the first case the wonders of science, in the second case the wonders of magic, both of which gives a mastery over all nature. Bacon, it is important to note, said that science in its higher form is magic. The surface parallels between The New Atlantis and The Tempest are obvious. But beneath the surface there are more parallels, and more specific identities between the two works. So many, in fact, that they provide strong evidence for Bacon's authorship of The Tempest.
Much of this material will be familiar to investigators, reformers, and conspiracy buffs. But Thomas and Keith have found some new material and put the pieces together in some new ways that make sense. Time will tell how much of it is true. But the evidence, if not all valid, certainly needs to be explained.
If you thought all you had to worry about was the feds reading your email, or perhaps picking up the RF from your computer keyboard, consider what is said in an interview in this book with Michael Riconosciuto, the computer expert who modified the PROMIS package for the U.S. government:
Q: There was that one interview with [William] Hamilton where he was talking about how PROMIS is some kind of system that includes chips that broadcast directly to NSA satellites.
MR: They are not chips as such. The existing chips in the machine are tricked into doing it. I'm getting ready to go on television explaining that chapter and verse.
Q: On national television?
MR: German television. I will explain in hardcore, unambiguous technical terms how it's done. Unambiguous to people who are technically competent.
Q: When I describe these things to other people they say "That's not possible", particularly people who like to think of themselves as computer jocks. My thought is that ordinary people with PCs can do incredible things now, particularly with the CD ROM stuff.
MR: If you know what you're doing.
Q: But the people who actually invest enormous amounts of money and resources into it, like the National Security Agency, can do things untold, I'm sure.
MR: I'm letting the cat out of the bag where PROMIS is with the NSA. It's in the MOSIS program. The Metal Oxide Semiconductor Implementation System.
Metal Oxide Silicon Implementation Service (MOSIS)
Other Architecture Projects
The VLSI program supported research on a number of innovative computer architectures other than RISC. Most of this work centered on designs for parallel computers. A range of projects supported a variety of configurations for linking microprocessors and memory, from the connection machine to the cube machines for general-purpose computing and the WARP architectures for special-purpose applications, such as signal processing. Several of these approaches were commercialized through start-up companies, such as Thinking Machines Corporation, or established firms, such as Intel Corporation. Although successful technologically, many of these designs failed to achieve commercial success.
DARPA also worked to establish ongoing technical and human infrastructure for VLSI. Of note was establishment of the Metal Oxide Silicon Implementation Service (MOSIS). Based on the innovative MultiProject Chip (MPC) service created by Lynn Conway at Xerox PARC (Conway, 1981), MOSIS provided university researchers with a means of quickly manufacturing limited numbers of custom or semicustom microelectronic devices at reasonable cost. New designs could be implemented in silicon within 4 to 10 weeks (less than the duration of an academic term).
archived source
MEMS - Micro Eelectronic Machines
The MOSIS Service (located at the University of Southern California's Information Sciences Institute) offers a route to obtain custom designed, prototype quantities of ASICs, Multichip Modules (MCMs) and MEMs devices.source
Micro-electromechanical systems (MEMS) is a process technology used to create tiny integrated devices or systems that combine mechanical and electrical components. They are fabricated using integrated circuit (IC) batch processing techniques and can range in size from a few micrometers to millimetres.
The Internet of Bio-Nano-Machines, Neuro-Nano-Technology & mind control
Carlyle Group - Custom nanoparticles, gene therapies and vaccines
Unchained Labs does it again for gene therapy and vaccine researchers, adds nanoparticle suite to Stunner
July 1, 2021 – Pleasanton, CA – Unchained Labs, the life sciences company that’s all about getting biologics and gene therapy researchers the right tools for the job, launched a new application suite for the characterization of nanoparticles on Stunner today. Stunner is already the go-to solution for AAV titer and empty/full ratio measurements, and now it takes on payload quant and sizing of custom nanoparticles used in gene therapies and vaccines.
Until now, life’s been hard for researchers stuck using complicated, destructive and inaccurate workflows to quantify the RNA, DNA or protein components of their nanoparticles. To make things worse, they would have to use up even more sample on another instrument just to measure their size. Stunner is the only platform that can simultaneously quantify nanoparticle payloads and measure their size distribution – two critical qualities that make for an effective nanoparticle vaccine or gene therapy. It only uses 2 µL of each sample and gets it done completely label-free.
“Stunner’s unique combination of UV/Vis and DLS makes it the perfect tool for characterizing the wide variety of nanoparticles being developed for vaccines and gene therapies,” said Taegen Clary, VP of Marketing at Unchained Labs. “Researchers simply input some basic info about their nanoparticle and in just minutes Stunner provides them with their payload amounts and size distribution. Gone are the days of busting up their carefully crafted particles and the hassle of prepping dyes and standard curves.”
New research opens up an avenue for developing smart membrane technologies
could revolutionise the field of artificial biological systems.
Graphene smart membranes can control water
Researchers at The University of Manchester’s National Graphene Institute (NGI) have achieved a long-sought-after objective of electrically controlling water flow through membranes, as reported in Nature.
This is the latest exciting membranes development benfitting from the unique properties of graphene. The new research opens up an avenue for developing smart membrane technologies and could revolutionise the field of artificial biological systems, tissue engineering and filtration.
Graphene is capable of forming a tuneable filter or even a perfect barrier when dealing with liquids and gases. New ‘smart’ membranes developed using an inexpensive form of graphene called graphene oxide, have been demonstrated to allow precise control of water flow by using an electrical current. The membranes can even be used to completely block water from passing through when required.
The team, led by Professor Rahul Nair, embedded conductive filaments within the electrically insulating graphene oxide membrane. An electric current passed through these nano-filaments created a large electric field which ionises the water molecules and thus controls the water transport through the graphene capillaries in the membrane.
Prof Nair said: “This new research allows us to precisely control water permeation, from ultrafast permeation to complete blocking. Our work opens up an avenue for further developing smart membrane technologies.
“Developing smart membranes that allow precise and reversible control of molecular permeation using external stimuli would be of intense interest for many areas of science; from physics and chemistry, to life-sciences."
The achievement of electrical control of water flow through membranes is a step change because of its similarity to several biological process where the main stimuli are electrical signals. Controlled water transport is a key for renal water conservation, regulation of body temperature and digestion. The reported electrical control of water transport through graphene membranes therefore opens a new dimension in developing artificial biological systems and advanced nanofluidic devices for various applications.