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Capt wardrobe Aug 2021
Imagine, if you will,
a world
where the news promotes politicians & doctors,
rock stars, actors, talk show hosts & and comedians,
suddenly started telling you
that drinking Coca Cola cured cancer
and that everyone had to drink a litre a day
to end cancer forever. Humanity had to work together: for the greater good;
"To rid this cancer from ze Vurld!"
And then after a while, called a trial period...
it is announced the cancer is
building resistance so Pepsi works better.
But if anyone refused to drink it
they were labelled cancer denialists.
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Then laws were bought in so that
you had to drink a litre of it before doing anything.
An ever growing list of participatory activity
was drawn up by the teams of behavioural scientists
advising Governments.
But then, 2 years later after
Pepsi gave way to Tango and
then Gatorade took over
from Dr Pepper.
Then 7up was replaced by Fanta on the list of cures.
For some reason, they really pushed the Fanta...
(see pic right)
![]() Fanta is one of the most popular drinks in the world. But the brightly colored drink now known for its bold fruit flavors was actually first made from food scraps in Nazi Germany by The Coca-Cola Company. |
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And then you found out, on a channel thats not banned yet,
that the people all over the media on sponsored, specially psychologically prepared slickly produced adverts...
stakeholders in the KOOL AID industry...
and, strangley, everybody was suddenly overweight, and started developing heart problems & diabetes.
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It is this Holiday highlighted here as a potential window for Terrorist activity
So, this is Christmas?
This all actually happened, except we weren't told it was Cancer Coke would cure...and no one was forced to drink it...but we were brainwashed for decades. Told that if we drank a fizzy carbonated liquid we would be experiencing fun & freedom...
Oh, and Coca Cola, the very same people who brought Fanta to The Nazis had re-imagined St Nicholas as "Father Christmas" - to sell people shit they didn't really need. They helped turn a religious holiday into a Globalised Mind control operation. A Consumer based Holiday, which in reality, for many, is still a yearly Nightmare of guilt, poverty, debt & emotionally compromised relinquishment to corporate control.
The UK Behavioural Hygeine aspirational circular economy of the Bio Police state
"Citizen as consumer indoctrination program"
Remember the post war dream? After a lot of peoples houses were bombed during a World war, an industrial capitalist consumer heaven was promised by social architects, planners & behavioural scientists. A modern lifestyle with products that saved time, enabling citizens to enjoy a life of lesuire. High rise blocks & Prefabs, packed the lower classes into cheaply made "new dream" boxes.
Supermarkets sprung up, it was the Americanized Corporate dream. These slowly dominated the post industrial landscape morphing into faux hyper real villages / malls in grey faceless industrial areas, designed to instill doclity in a force fed slave class.
Suburbia lined people up, next to designated Lesuire zones, golf clubs, cinaplexes, theme parks & Casino resorts. In the middle class green belts the population is on a ride, a hyper normal aspirational journey to becoming independantly Famous or wealthy. For the majority, it just never happens. The game is rigged. Also rigged are Million dollar Lotteries & Gameshow culture, permeating the dreams of hopium filled masses.
The dream never ever worked out they way it was advertised.
Poverty lines were maintained, keeping people in hovels, with no choice but to be on benefits, just above accepted norms of deriliction, by bureaucratic Old Boy networks, suited & tied in to the business of being open prison wardens of a fake Managed democracy, all to keep the worker drones & the middle classes in line. All slavery home & abroad are the result of The Elites directed policy. The unemployment figures, like the lottery were fixed to appear progressive.
Education was streamlined, the Humanities were all but eradicated and the average IQ plummeted to the infantile levels of repeated data as a standard of graded acheivement. Education became bland indoctrination, enabling nothing but a production line of more obedient factory workers & battalions of office drones working to maintain the system of debt via mortgages and loans for aspired for goods & small business ventures. While elitist centers of excellence were spewing the elites psychotic spoonfed spawn into top influencial positions. Corporations became personhoods legally, and were found to have the personality of the psychopath.
Plastic Junk Food is sold as a cheap, fun...lesuire activity. Mass media is turned into a hellish propaganda~a~thon of 24 hour a day infomercial advertising - mainstream information has become sickening pollution.
Illness was rife, with living standard plummeting. Health became ever privatized, along with access to freedom of movement via public transport being misfunded & ground to a halt. Along with the public sectors such as Ambulance & Fire service - the health service- was graduated to run on a skeleton crew, paid ever dire wages completely out of touch with inflation. The privatised alternative, a corporatization agenda, was promoted & gradually installed.
Aspiration to be wealthy, a media star, a millionaire...a mover and a shaker was all a fakery...in reality nepotism & corruption were endemic, and became the norm.
The social credit initiative calls for the establishment of unified record system for individuals, businesses, and the government to be tracked and evaluated for trustworthiness. Initial reports suggested that the system utilized numerical score as the reward and punishment mechanism; recent reports suggest there are in fact multiple, different forms of the social credit system being experimented with. Numerical system has been implemented only in several regional pilot programs, while the nationwide regulatory method has been based primarily on blacklisting and whitelisting. The credit system is closely related to China's mass surveillance systems such as Skynet, which incorporates facial recognition system, big data analysis technology, AI, and Project Maven -- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Social_Credit_System |
They screwed it all up into a cynical twisted version of freedom. Everything could be a commodity.
The whole sorry state of affairs is kept in momentum by unquestioning people who follow the rules, the orders, laid down by the kkkontrol system. The slick trickery works like a charm, a magik spell.
All are convinced they are exercising freedom of choice, because either:
Everybody else is doing it, so it must be normal.
Nobody is like me, therefore I must be different.
Thus any form of normalcy, resembles a sinister cultish promotion of values that are concretized and polarised as "traditional" versus "modern & progressive". People are willfully wearing "badges" to denote their ethnicity / ideology / identity / sexual politics, as a virtue signalling exercise. The population generally organise themselves into malleable groups, in a tribal way. The owners of plantation Earth know this...and are confident in the cattle branding process as a tried & tested divide & rule tactic.
We now see a strangely familiar aspiration culture being promoted by the same people who brought us the huge hedge fund debt based economic crash of 2008, caused by the greedy misuse of mortgage debts mis-sold via the Banking cartel & Public / Private finance initiatives.
It seems "Health" as an all encompassing consumer demographic - is now being "globalised" - turned into a behaviour based commodity for global hedge fund backed social impact investors. A Humanity constantly measured, tracked, traced, it's locality & actions monitored as Contact tracing Data Nodes on a digitised system that paves the way for the techno slavery of social credit scoring as Big Brother total state surveillence. |
read - QR tests - Gateway to GeoZonal Behaviourism & constant DNA based health monitoring |
Apple, Samsung, and Google want to make it possible for users to store their vaccination status in the phones’ digital wallet, a scenario that would make vaccination verification simpler. However, the developments raise concerns for privacy and civil liberties advocates and the Big Tech support will further normalize the invasive practice.
Google, Samsung, and Apple have announced such plans.
Samsung, on Wednesday, announced that it was partnering with the Commons Project, the developer of CommonHealth, a vaccine verification app. The partnership would enable users to verify their vaccination status using the digital wallet Samsung Pay.
“Rather than having to pull up CommonHealth — which is a personal health records app, which isn’t really designed for walking into a grocery store and showing a QR code — now you can store this in a much more convenient place,” said JP Pollak, CommonHealth’s chief architect.
“You can imagine that at some point in the future, your vaccine record happens to be something you need with that great of frequency,” Pollak added.
Can someone explain to me how denying people |
The Covid emergency is a deliberate act of
psychological warfare on the Global population.
"vaccinated people are at risk of transporting the disease". There is state of constant confusion over the insipid Totalitarian rules invented by faceless behavioural science units. These state pronounced & law and order enforced, maxims, create a useful cognitive dissonance, the results from the simultaneous conflicting concepts ensure order as obedience can be moulded from the ensuing chaos.
following from the story linked via picture (left)
When early field data showed that vaccinating people cuts transmission of the SARS-CoV-2 virus, researchers were cautiously optimistic. But they warned that many of those studies, although promising, took place before the fast-spreading Delta variant proliferated worldwide. Now, reports from various countries seem to confirm what scientists feared after the variant tore through India with alarming speed in April and May: Delta is more likely than other variants to spread through vaccinated people.
- click on pic for source
PSYOP example: Act like you've got it
The UK Government ran a targeted PR campaign basically telling the entire public they had to act like VICTIMS of the Pandemic.
This served to enable victimhood entitlement into the masses, a community that all felt ill could save Granny...
This dangerous PR campaign was a labelling & branding exercise: It created a scapegoat class of those who opposed the "Health" measures. The perception management helped marginalise the obedient from an apparent minority, suggesting into the public mind that those questioning the new normal were 'murderers'.
This was all happening while care homes were being filled with untested suspected covid patients.
The sinster aspect of this cannot be ignored. Who are the REAL murderers? I think you know.
Slight changes / modifications in the concepts of PCR testing / Social Distancing / Masks / Lockdowns / Quarantines & finally, enforcement & mandating of "Vaccines" & the ever new "Variant strain" psyop are creating, especially when amplified through a compliant mass media 24 hour-a-day TV & internet news wire, an ever growing feeling of global Pandemic emergency Panic.
This justifies more obedience from the order followers, who are blindly enabling it to continue, even when the evidence is so overwhelmingly to the contrary, & many people are obviously suffering.
Entire Countries are locking down over 1 case. Not even a death... Why are people agreeing & enforcing this?
They are told THE IMPOSSIBLE CULT MANTRA - "we have to get to ZERO COVID" & "Everyone must be vaccinated" to get back to a fast fading concept of normality.
Except, now we are receiving data, (it's trustworthyness unknown) that apparent mutant strains are more prevalent in those who have, in good faith, took the experimental Gene therapy.
Could it really be that the more people get vaccinated, the more the disease mutates, thus further infecting those 'vaccinated'?
Now to a regime who wants to run a bio-security police state in perpetuity,
that scenario is starting to look a lot like a golden goose...
So, are you starting to see what's happening here?
(moving the goal posts - Example: The W.H.O changes definition of Herd immunity)
"If anyone who doesn't have a legitimate medical reason for not getting fully vaccinated chooses to not get vaccinated there will be consequences"
- Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau - on Twitter
Take time to examine what is happening here:
National leaders are now openly threatening the public with consequences.
Is it just to sell a product for a billion dollar market?
Or, is it to enable an ideology that cynically perpetuates
I submit that it is both.
This statement is perhaps illumintating of the real agenda -
The control of populations in this way is evidence of a failed democratic society.
This is happening globally, folks.
Right now, in the Covid 19 Operational testing "Pandemic", Humanity is marching up the hill and down again to the tune of ever changing dictats. It would be wise to be suspicious of all data coming from the Corporate State Machine.
Soon, perhaps, with more information coming in from trusted sources about the real effects of Synthetic Messenger RNA gene therapy, known to the great unwashed as "VACCINES", we will be able to observe that we are being kept in a state of CONSTANT ILL HEALTH to enable the furthering of this sinister global fascist takeover.
This circular economic control mechanism is seeking to envelop humanity entirely into the concept of Human & Planetary Hygiene.
In exactly the same model of the post war dream. A new Industrial revolution seeks to place humans in a goldfish bowl of constant, real time, health monitoring - linked to the bowl itself...Earth, and the myriad of satellite systems that monitor it, via the corporate / military industrial complex.
Climate change will be linked to Human health monitoring. Both will be managed on a scale - that will be made to be constantly unreachable. It is the familiar ruse of Aspiration culture. The 99% will never be able to acheive full potential on the fitness scale, and the information collected from Planet Earth, just like the Human data, will be fixed via politicised trickery, to ensure constant compliance.
It is the Cancer industry part 2. Promoted as a social impact scheme, it's simply Business as usual.