"Today, America would be
outraged if U.N. troops entered Los Angeles to restore order . Tomorrow they will be grateful! This is especially true
if they were told that there were an outside threat from beyond, whether real or promulgated , that threatened our very existence. It is then that
all peoples of the world will plead to deliver them from this evil. The
one thing every man fears is the unknown. When presented with this
scenario, individual rights will be willingly relinquished for the
guarantee of their well-being granted to them by the World Government."
Dr. Henry Kissinger, Bilderberger Conference, Evians, France, 1991
Quotes from Illuminists
"In our obsessions of antagonisms of the moment we often forget how much unites all the members of humanity. Perhaps we need some outside universal threat to make us recognise this common bound. I occasionally think how quickly our differences, world wide, would vanish if we were facing an alien threat from outside this world..." - Ronald Reagan
what next?
The Aliens are coming?
Psyops for theocratic martial law?
2012 - the magic number?
what a co-incidence...2012 - Apocalypse - The rapture ?
let's just see if we can find any reason why concepts such as the Rapture, Second Coming, and Judgement are being connected with 2012. It will suffice to say that there are biblical reasons for expecting a 7-year period of Tribulation (troubled times), and that either before, after, or halfway through this period, the Rapture will occur; (when the 144,000 chosen ones will be taken up to heaven). Judgement Day (usually taken to be the Second Coming, though some call the Rapture the Second Coming), will then occur either at the end of the 7-year period, or after a further thousand year period.
One New Age position is that in 2012, a dimensional split will occur, that corresponds to the Rapture. Jack Van Impe says that the second coming of Christ will occur between 2001 and 2012 and gives some interesting clues as to the reasoning in the summary of his video, Left Behind.
However, the first part of the answer can be found at The Book of Revelation website. It is explained on the pre-sign page that the re-capturing of Jerusalem by the Israelis in the six-day war of 1967, is a key date encoded in the words of Jesus, that starts off a 45-year period ending in 2012. The Second Coming of Christ will occur during this 45-year period, and it was the prophet Daniel who revealed it.
Examination of the Book of Daniel provides the second part of the answer. The key verses are the last 3 verses in the last chapter. However, we must first take note of the biblical code where "a day" represents a year. Earlier in his Book, (Dan.9: 24), Daniel speaks of "seventy weeks of years", representing a 490-year period, (70 x 7 days = 490 days) and giving us a clue about a day-year code.
In the last 3 verses of the book of Daniel, it says there is a period of 1290 days from the taking away of the continual burnt offering until the abomination of desolation is set up...but "blessed is he who waits and comes to the 1335 days...the end of days". The difference between these periods is 45 days, and using the "day = year" rule, this gives the 45 years between 1967 & 2012.

The Mayan long count calendar is a list of days in the Fourth Sun, the current cycle of the world. The calendar simply ends on Dec. 21, 2012 (the winter solstice), and the Mayans did not offer a calendar addendum to specify anything much happening after that.
A variety of modern intepreters have taken this to mean that this is pretty much the end point of time, but since the Mayan language is still largely incomprehensible to scholars, the details of the whole thing are kind of obscure. One could argue that the Mayans just figured they had enough time to get around to doing the next 5,000 year cycle, but then bear in mind you're dealing with a mentality that felt it was reasonably urgent to chart out the first 5,000 years in hourly increments. Procrastination doesn't seem to be one of their big problems. - Rotton.com
Tibetan Remote veiwing? or memetic warfare?
Remote viewing is nothing new in Tibetan monasteries. For thousands of years remote viewing in the middle of other spiritual activities have dominated Tibetan culture. What some Indian tourists came to learn from a few Tibetan monasteries under the current Chinese rule is extremely alarming and fascinating.
According to these tourists remote viewers are seeing world powers in the course of self-destruction. They also see that the world will not be destroyed. Between now and 2012 the world super powers will continue to engage in regional wars. Terrorism and covert war will be the main problem. In world politics something will happen in and around 2010. At that time the world powers will threaten to destroy each other.
Between 2010 and 2012, the whole world will get polarized and prepare for the ultimate dooms day. Heavy political maneuvers and negotiations will take place with little progress.
In 2012, the world will start plunging into a total destructive nuclear war.
And at that time something remarkable will happen, says, Buddhist monk of Tibet. Supernatural divine powers will intervene. The destiny of the world is not to self-destruct at this time.
Scientific interpretation of the monksí statements makes it evident that the Extra Terrestrial powers are watching us every step of the way. They will intervene in 2012 and save the world from self-destruction. - India Daily via Rense
'Time traveller' John Titor: Civil war in 2012
When the civil conflict got worse, people generally decided to either stay in the cities and lose most of their civil rights under the guise of security, or leave the cities for more isolated and rural areas. The conflict consumed everyone in the U.S. by 2012 and ended with a very short World War III.
How can we survive the war?
If you want to survive the coming conflict, learn to let fear keep you alive. Too many of you turn off the life-saving natural instincts and premonitions when it's convenient. The same person who has five dead-bolt locks on their door will think nothing about getting into a parking-garage elevator with a total stranger. If you want to live, keep your eyes open
Disney Propaganda?
Representing John Titor's supposed family is Larry Haber, a pricey entertainment lawyer based in Celebration, Florida. Also the location of the headquarters of the John Titor Foundation, Celebration is a master-planned community on Disney-owned real estate outside Orlando. Haber, one of Celebration's first residents, has been a Disney attorney. Some suspect that Haber or his teenage son may have originally propagated the hoax as a merchandising scheme or as a way to bring traffic to TimeTravelInstitute.com, where Titor's first postings appeared. Interestingly, the Web site originally had the same bulletin board administrator as the town of Celebration. Oliver Williams (the current editor of JohnTitor.com and compiler of our accompanying interview) is also suspected of being the supposed time traveler, using the John Titor Foundation as a cover.
- from: Time Travel: John Titor's Startling Predictions
Walt Disney with the Richard Nixon family at the 1959 opening
of the atomic submarine ride at Disneyland.

Photo courtesy of Mark Langer.
SMITH: Have you ever made any pictures in your studio that contained propaganda and that were propaganda films?
DISNEY: Well, during the war we did. We made quite a few -- working with different government agencies. We did one for the Treasury on taxes and I did four anti-Hitler films. And I did one on my own for air power.
SMITH: From those pictures that you made, have you any opinion as to whether or not the films can be used effectively to disseminate propaganda?
DISNEY: Yes, I think they proved that.
SMITH: How do you arrive at that conclusion?
DISNEY: Well, on the one for the Treasury on taxes, it was to let the people know that taxes were important in the war effort. As they explained to me, they had 13 million new taxpayers, people who had never paid taxes, and they explained that it would be impossible to prosecute all those that were delinquent, and they wanted to put this story before those people so they would get their taxes in early. I made the film, and after the film had its run, the Gallup poll organization polled the public, and the findings were that 29 percent of the people admitted that it had influenced them in getting their taxes in early and giving them a picture of what taxes will do.
Testimony of Walter E. Disney before House Un-American Activities Committee
"With more & more scientific evidence of alien encounters and UFO sightings, the idea of creatures from another planet might not be as far fetched as we once thought. In fact, one of you out there could have the next alien encounter"
Micheal Eisner, CEO of Walt Disney in a 1995 Disney Documentary on UFOs.
- Disclosure Pattern
Flashback: Escape to Witch Mountain [Disney 1975]
"Escape to Witch Mountain," tells the story of two children--brother and sister Tony and Tia Malone (Ike Eisenmann and Kim Richards)--with amazing powers of telepathy and levitation.
[MK Ultra victims are taught they have these as a cover to discredit them if they are discovered]
We first meet them as they are being placed in an orphanage after the deaths of their foster parents.
[Orphaned children were prominant among the victims of Dr Ewan Camerons Mind control experiments]
When on a school outing, they use their powers to save a stranger from certain death and are seen by Deranian (Donald Pleasance), assistant to evil billionaire Aristotle Bolt (Ray Milland). Bolt, who is looking for ways to increase his fortune and sees the pair ripe for exploitation, convinces the orphanage that he is their grandfather and takes them home to live with him. All is well until the pair discovers his plan and runs away, stowing away in a Winnebago driven by crusty widower Jason O'Day. O'Day, of course, is annoyed upon finding them, but warms to the pair and ultimately agrees to help them find their way "home" if they can ever decypher the meaning of Tia's recurring "nightmares" which are obvious clues to their mysterious past. This leads to the chase between them and Bolt that consumes the rest of the film. -
adapted from jimu63's synopsis/review @ imdb.com
In this film we discover in it's finale that, in fact, the children are Aliens...
A remake in X-files/Roswell style?
Walt Disney Pictures have announced that they plan to remake their 1975 movie Escape To Witch Mountain, the film that starred Donald Pleasence, Eddie Albert and Walter Barnes. The film will be brought up to date but the plot will be similar to the original movie, based on the book by Alexander Key.
Disney's thrilling fantasy adventure about the psychic powers of two young orphans. Their clairvoyance prompts evil millionaire Aristotle Bolt (Ray Milland) to lure them to his mansion to exploit their powers. While escaping, they meet a friendly camper (Eddie Albert) and begin to unravel the mystery of their origin. Soon, all three are fleeing townspeople who have branded the children witches.
But then IT happens! Someone with even greater powers takes over and leads the children -- and the audience -- into a dazzling and unexpected experience ... one that is truly out of this world!" (Disney's synopsis of original movie).
Director David Nutter is a veteran television director with credits that include Smalleville, Millenium and Dark Angel. Disney have apparently hired Nutter because of his background and want Escape To Witch Mountain to have a distinctive the studio "X-Files" and "Roswell" feel to it. - source
Return from Witch Mountain [Disney 1978]
Three years after the successful Escape to Witch Mountain, John Hough, Kim Richards and Iake Eissinmann returned to the Disney studios to film the sequel Return from Witch Mountain, a movie so exciting and wonderful that perhaps it even rivals the first. This time around, there are new villains, new locations, but still has the clever effects (dated, but clever) that made the first movie so great.
A very God-looking
Alien wouldn't you say?
The movie opens much as the first one ended, with the flying saucer. Uncle Bene (Denver Pyle) sends Tony (Iake, then Ike Eissinmann) and Tia Castaway (Kim Richards) off for a vacation in LA. While heading to their hotel, the taxi driver runs out of gas, and then Tony has a vision that someone is going to get hurt. Leaving Tia in the taxi, he goes out looking for this man. What he doesn't know is that Sickle (Anthony James) is part of a maniacal plot of Professor Victor Gannon (Christopher Lee) and his endorser Letha (Bette Davis).
Victor has built an instrument that can control the mind of another human; Letha wants money. After witnessing Tony's rescue of Sickle, Victor drugs him and they haul him away, believing that he has "molecular control."
Meanwhile, Tia goes out searching for Tony and gets lost in the worst parts of LA. Thankfully she meets up with the Earthquake gang, a group of four boys who are not exactly what we'd think of a gang today. They help Tia look for Tony after she helps them escape from the Goons, another gang. [note: the Goonies dir Spielberg]
The movie continues with Tia chasing after Tony (who is now a zombie under Victor Gannon's control) [see MKULTRA] and finally climaxes up to a battle between the siblings in a plutonium plant. And who do you think wins? (After all folks, this is Walt Disney Productions from the seventies). - adapted from a review by Captain Hook
Professor GANNON??? Mind Control???
Andy Stephenson, a blogger from Seattle familiar with the details of the Johnny Gosch case and the child sex rings in Nebraska detailed in the Book, "The Franklin Cover-Up," began, with a group of other writers and investigators, to ponder the claim. They looked at markings on Gannon's body and compared them to those reported on Johnny Gosch. They considered the lack of personal information about Gannon's early years. They considered that Johnny was alleged to have been used as a gay prostitute for blackmail purposes. They considered that the high-powered people alleged to have kidnapped and brainwashed children as part of the government's Monarch Project and MK-Ultra program, including Johnny, did so to use them in a variety of ways to advance their own agendas. And they contacted Noreen Gosch and discussed the idea with her - the first she'd heard of the theory - and they, too, came to the conclusion that Jeff Gannon is none other than Johnny Gosch.
From Witch Mountain to Devils Tower....co-incidence?
Child Abduction is OK if it's done by E.T.?
What deep seeted Maternal fear is Spielberg playing on?
Remember...the film he made before this was JAWS [1975].
With a the Shark attack scene on a teen which could be read as Male rape fantasy,
or as a warning to mothers to watch out for predators of their children
Director Steven Spielberg [1977]
Pychic transferrence
Telling him to go to Devils Tower
Devils Tower

INWO Concordance
The Illuminati
Roy is invited to join the red-uniformed team of "pilgrims" for a space journey in the alien ship: We see them receiving the blessing of a preist. Roy Neary is last in the line of these red-uniformed space travelers to be taken aboard - on the sleeves of the uniforms are Triangle shaped badges with a dot in the top. The song "When You Wish Upon A Star" is incorporated a few times in the closing music score.
"black helicopters" appear to gas any uninvited witnesses to the extraterrestrials' visit
Devils Tower remains a symbol of the Pioneer, The American Empire.
The first documented visitors were several members of Captain W. F. Raynold's (A tributary of the Missouri River that flows through the Yellowstone National Park) Yellowstone Expedition who arrived in 1859. Sixteen years later, Colonel Richard I. Dodge led a U.S. Geological Survey party to the massive rock formation and coined the name Devils Tower. - source
Richard Irving Dodge, U.S. Army - was a career Army officer who served many years in the Western Plains, and participated in a number of the conflicts with the indigenous Indians. In 1882, he published "Our Wild Indians: Thirty Three Years Experience Among The Red Men Of The Great West, an acclaimed primary source about U.S. Army operations of the time and the Lives of the Native Americans Warriors of the Plains. Buried in Section 1, Arlington National Cemetery.
Controversy swirls around Devils Tower National Monument in northeast Wyoming. [...]
Northern Plains Indian tribal groups consider the name offensive. The tower is a sacred site for them. And while they do not have a concept of "devil" in their languages, they do understand that the "devil" in European theology is evil incarnate. That magnifies the offensiveness of giving such a name to a place regarded as holy.
Elaine Quiver, Oglala Sioux who is a tribal elder and a member of the Grey Eagle Society, expressed her feelings this way: "In this modern day and age, with the chaotic way of our culture, we should have a spiritual name for every town and church. There should be a spirituality with every name." - 1st Ammendment
Interesting parallels between the film and Bunyan's Pilgrim's Progress have been drawn by English-born physicist Paul Davies:
... Speilberg's aliens ... appeared in a halo of bright light and possessed a serene, other-wordly quality reminiscent of biblical encounters with angels. Much of the imagery ... was Bunyanesque, especially near the final scene when the alien mothercraft appears in the sky, awesome, brilliantly illuminated and suggestive of [the] Celestial City. Throughout the story the aliens set the agenda, and privileged humans were drawn psychically and with religious, pilgrim-like fervor towards the all-important encounter after many trials, tribulations and doubts.
The release of Close Encounters coincided with a new wave of UFO sightings and public interest which filtered up through official circles. This culminated in a debate by the United Nations General Assembly special political committee, in which there was a call by Grenada's delegate (unsuccessful as it turned out) for an international agency to study the phenomenon. - david darling
According to William Cooper
Astronomy professor at Ohio State University, who went on to become Associate Director of the Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory (1956), and chairman of the Astronomy Department at Northwestern University (1960). He is best remembered, however, for his involvement with research into unidentified flying objects. This began in 1949 when he was invited by the U.S. Air Force to become the astronomical consultant to Project Grudge, based at nearby Wright Field (later Wright-Patterson AFB), in Dayton. He continued in this position with the subsequent and much longer Project Blue Book, gradually shifting over the years from a position of extreme skepticism to one in which he believed that UFOs represent "an aspect or domain of the natural world not yet explored by science." In 1973, four years after the cancellation of Project Blue Book, Hynek founded the Center for UFO Studies (CUFOS), based in Chicago. He also served as technical advisor to the producers of the film Close Encounters of the Third Kind. - david darling
alleged FBI files on Hynek
At first, Dr. Hynek was skeptical of the whole UFO business, but after examining hundreds of UFO reports by credible witnesses, he became convinced UFOs were worthy of serious study. With the closing of Project Blue Book in 1969, he began to seriously consider forming a private, scientific UFO organization composed of scientists and other highly-trained technical experts, who would work together to solve the UFO enigma. In 1972, Hynek published his classic book, The UFO Experience: A Scientific Study, in which he presented his categories for grouping UFO sightings and coined the phrase, "Close Encounters." In 1973, he started the Center for UFO Studies and served as its scientific director until his death in 1986. - cufos.org
The aliens are coming?
Your destiny out of your hands...

FOX News gets in on the act

The MERLIN Project
MERLIN: Future predictions made by futurist NEOCONS
based on shady computer technology.
There was an extremely interesting hour on last night's FOX News Live with Alan Colmes when guests Paul Guercio and George Hart came on to discuss something called the Merlin Project which is, supposedly, a scientific way of predicting the future.
George Hart, a noted scientist, has invented computer program that "taps into patterns that are in the universe, time and geometry patterns."
do these Predictions seem familiar?
At the end of 2005, something profound will happen. They're not sure what, exactly, it may be but it could be an asteroid strike or a massive UFO invasion.
In 2008-2009, something even more profoundly changing will happen that will affect about 4 out of 6 people.
Things to Come: the "Merlin Project"
Who is behind - or perhaps, in front of - the Merlin Project: a "high-tech crystal ball" which boasts of a "track record of timely and accurate predictions"? The two names linked to Merlin are "futurist" Paul Guercio and "SDI physicist" Dr. George Hart. According to the Merlin website, this is how it began:
Physicist, Dr. George Hart first hears Futurist, Paul Guercio with Dr. David Brudnoy on WBZ Radio in Boston in October 1988 and is intrigued with Paul's theory of “Time-Patterns” since it parallels his own extensive research as a highly respected theoretical physicist and inventor of the excimer laser.
In January 1989 Dr. Hart comes to Paul's office for a professional consultation. The consultation never took place and instead, the two researchers spent six hours comparing notes on time-related anomalies. The MERLIN Project evolved from a series of five meetings over the subsequent six months.
The MERLIN Project is officially born on July 4, 1989 after Dr. George Hart offers to design software built around Paul Guercio's Theory of Time. A team of SDI (Star Wars) physicists is recruited to design the MERLIN Project software, which becomes known as TimeTrak.
First working copy of the MERLIN software (October 5, 1989) forecasts the imminent demise of the Soviet Union or alternately, World War III. Both Paul and Dr. Hart consider either scenario unlikely at best. Soviet Union collapses as the Berlin Wall comes down (November 5, 1989) and Eastern European Communism quickly disintegrates. The newly designed MERLIN software has proven to be a stunning success.
Merlin is definitely coddled by the American right, and it returns the favour. (Matt Drudge is described as a "friend and fellow traveller," and Richard Perle gets a namecheck). Guercio and Hart claim that Merlin's "unflattering forecasts of upcoming Clinton scandals and excesses" made it a "target of a concerted effort, likely orchestrated by Administration loyalists, to be discredited and marginalized. If it hadn't been for FOXNEWS commentator and long-time client (and friend) Alan Colmes...." You can guess the rest.
Merlin's connections to America's conservative establishment run deeper than ties to Fox, Drudge and Perle, and Hart's own legacy as a Star Wars physicist. Merlin also reaches into the Pentagon:
"Worldwide - The period of 2010-2012 is unusual, in that 4 out of 6 people have high levels of activity on their TimeTraks.
MERLIN speculates that perhaps an asteroid hit or very rapid climate change may occur, such that a great number of people will be affected during this time frame."
Here's what the MERLIN team predicted for 2005 on Fox TV!!!
"... Something profound would begin to appear in 2005 that would culminate between 2009 and 2012 and that it could be (1) the beginning of major climate changes (2) the 'first (significant) contact' with extraterrestrials (3) some form of medical pandemic or other equally dramatic event (and) that their 'Timetraks®' indicated that the effect they were seeing appeared to affect as many as four out of every six individuals, worldwide."
"... Osama Bin Laden would resurface in some significant fashion in the period beginning in 2005-2006 and that the later portion of the decade could see increased and pronounced Al Queda domestic terrorist activity."
"... Bush's second term would likely be disastrous, especially near the halfway mark in 2006 and that he'd be lucky to finish the full four years."
"... The Iraqi election, scheduled for January 30th, 2005 might not occur at all and that if it did, it would be a useless exercise culminating in probable civil war as early as the summer of 2005."
Wise words:
"I'm not convinced of the prophetic prowess of the "Merlin Project," but I do think it prudent, given the times, to pay attention to the work of a pair of right wing futurists who have been retained by the Pentagon and Perle, one of whom is an SDI researcher, and who are frequently awarded public forums on conservative corporate media. Rather than gleaning prophecy, it may help us to know what they are preparing for us." - Jeff Wells @ rigorous intuition
December 22, 2012
The date set for the alien invasion, confirmed by [FOX] Mulder at the Mount Weather Complex at Bluemont, Virginia. (The Truth)
The end of the calendar of the Mayan people, whose calendar was also incorporated into the calendar of the Aztec, who worshiped lizard gods. (Archeological accounts, setting the moment anywhere between December 21 and 23.) Could the lizard gods be based on the reptilian early/larval form of the grey aliens? -
x files timeline
The Lone Gunmen Episode 1: Pilot
"World Trade Center -- they're going to Crash the Plane into the World Trade Center"
In March of 2001 Fox TV aired Episode One of a new show spun-off from The X-Files. In the first episode of this new show, The Lone Gunmen, an inside faction of the government posing as terrorists hijacks a 727 by remote control. They do this because the cold war is over they need an excuse for war to increase arm sales. They target the World Trade Center, but their plot is foiled at the last minute.
- infowars
911 a military grade hologram?
MK 9-11
Independance Day - made by those who brought you 'The Day After Tommorrow'
NASA censors opinion on 2004's BIG movie???
The Day After Tomorrow," from 20th
Century Fox, is directed by Roland Emmerich, whose "Independence
Day" in 1996 depicted an alien invasion of earth and included such
memorable special effects as the White House exploding in flames.
The new movie's script contains a host of politically uncomfortable
situations: the president's motorcade is flash frozen; the vice
president, who scoffs at warnings even as chaos erupts, resembles
Dick Cheney; the humbled United States has to plead with Mexico to
allow masses of American refugees fleeing the ice to cross the
The initial efforts by NASA headquarters to limit comments
angered some government researchers. "It's just another attempt to
play down anything that might lead to the conclusion that something
must be done" about global warming, one federal climate scientist
said. He, like half a dozen government employees interviewed on this
subject, said he could speak only on condition of anonymity because
of standing orders not to talk to the news media." NASA Curbs
Comments on Ice Age Disaster Movie
Opposition to 'Global Warming'
is portrayed as in the pay of the Oil/Energy conglomerate [corporatism]
Proponants of Climate Change
playing into the hands of the political use of Fear of Catastrophic Global decline to implement another global based power slavery - [corporatism]
The question never addressed:
Is Global warming a result of the Suns Natural cyclic changes - from Ice Age to Ice Age?
[buckle up - adapt and survive - throw off the shackles of corporate controlled energy slavery grid and the reliance on the consumer market]
Has NASA doctored this picture?
Are they taking part in Pentagon Psyops?
Airbrushing UFO's [in / out of the picture?]
Confessions of a NASA airbrusher
[from this source]
A former employee of the National Aeronautics and Space Administration reveals how NASA covers up and erases UFOs from satelite photos. But first a little bit about this former employee: DONNA TIETZE HARE. Formerly of NASA, female slide technician, the recipient of numerous space awards including 1969 Apollo Achievement award from the National Aeronautics & Space Administration, 1973 Skylab award, a medallion for success on the Skylab-Suez Test project, numerous other awards for her skill as a technical Artist, honors, awards and a 1994 reccomdation by Texas Governor Ann Richards to the Advisory Committee of Psychology Associates.
Donna Tietze has spent most of her professional life involved in the Space Program as a technical illustrator. She drew lunar maps, landing slides, she worked in the photo lab, Precision Slide Lab, reducing art work to one inch by one inch drawings. She drew launch sites, landing sites and was employed as a sub-contractor to NASA for over 15 years. She worked on flight manuals for astronauts & has the wonderful ability to put words into images but uniquely, learn to do everything backwards, including mathematical computations, the writing of words, to put it simply, this woman has seen just about all the different kinds of images one could see that are used in Space Programs.
Donna Tietze interviewed on Washington D.C. Radio Station
The following is a partial transcript of a radio talk show that occurred 5/6/95 on WOL-AM in Washington D.C. which is simulcast on WOLB-AM in Baltimore Maryland. The show is broadcast every Saturday night at 12:00am. The show is called "UFOs Saturday Night". The guests on that date were Stanley McDaniels, author of the McDaniel Report, Erol Toron, a cartographer and who provided valuable information for Richard Hoagland in preparing his book, "The Monuments Of Mars". Also on the program was keith Morgan, Dan Drazon and Donna Tietze, a former employee of NASA in Houston, Texas.
The transcript was transcribed by Donald Ratsch, "Operation Right To Know" (ORTK) from an audio recording of the show.
Elaine Douglass (ORTK) host of the show:
Elaine Douglass: This is Elaine Douglass, WOL News-Talk Network, our show is UFOs Saturday night and here in the studio with Keith Morgan and our topic is the Face On Mars. We have a new guest on the air with us, Donna Tietze. Donna, you are also with three scientists who are on the air with us and that would be Stan McDaniels from California, Erol Toron from the east coast and Dan Drason whose in Colorado. The reason that I asked Donna to come on the show, Donna is in Houston, Texas and kind enough to join us tonight to tell us some very interesting things she observed while working at NASA. Donna is an educator and she is working on her Masters in Education. In the past Donna, as I understand it you held a position for 15 years with a contractor at the NASA Johnson Space Center in Houston. You were a photo technician?
Donna Tietze: Correct!
E.D.: Donna welcome to UFOs Saturday Night. Tell me and tell everyone the incident that you recall as they say in the law court, did there come a time when you walked in a photo lab and someone told you something quite astounding? What happened that day?
D.T.: Yes Elaine, thats true. During the Apollo mission I worked at NASA throughout those Apollo missions and I did leave NASA at the time the space shuttles began. I worked in building eight in the photo lab. I had a secret clearance so I thought I could go anywhere in the building. And I did go into one area that was a restricted area. In this area they developed pictures taken from satelites and also all of the missions, the Apollo missions, flight missions. I went in and I was talking to one of the photographers and developers and he was putting together a mosaic which is a lot of photos, smaller photos into a larger photo pattern. And while I was in there I was trying to learn new methods and new things about the whole organization and I was looking at the pictures and he directed my attention to one area, he said, Look at that. I looked and there was a round oval shaped, well it was very white circular shape of a dot and I, it was black & white photography, so I asked him if that was a spot on the emulsion and he said, well I can't tell you but spots on the emulsion do not leave round circles of shadows.
E.D.: So there was a shadow on the ground?
D.T.: Right, a round shadow! And I noticed that there were pine trees, now I don't know where this area was or what, you, pretty close to the ground what I saw but I didn't see outline of the continent. But I did notice that thre was shadow under this white dot and I also noticed that the trees were casting the shadows in the same direction as this shadow of the circle of this aerial phenomena because it was higher than the trees but not too much higher than the trees but it was close to the ground and it was spherical but slightly elongated, not very much but slightly. I then said, is it a UFO? And he said, Well I can't tell you. And then I asked him, what are you going to do with this piece of information? And he said, well we have to airbrush these things out before we sell these photographs to the public. So I realized at that point that there is a procedure setup to take care of this type of information from the public.
E.D.: Isn't that remarkable gentlemen?
Stan McDaniels: Elaine, I was unable to really hear very much of that.
E.D.: Oh really?
SmcD: I did catch air brush it out.
E.D.: Alright, Stan can you hear this station break coming up?
SmcD: Uh, sure.
E.D.: So alright, we are going into that, we'll be back in just a couple of minutes BREAK
E.D.: Erol Toron, you are here?
E.T.: I'm still here
E.D.: Alright fine, Stan you said you could not hear the account that Donna gave?
SmcD: Not very well.
E.D.: Alright, Keith would you like to recapitulate what Donna said?
Keith Morgan: Stan, what she said was that she was in the photo lab at NASA and that she was looking at some photos and one showed an elliptical object, white object that was casting a shadow on the ground above some trees and the technician in there, she asked him if it was a UFO? He said I can't tell you. She said what are you going to do with this kind of information? He said well that is the kind of stuff that we airbrush out.
SmcD: Oh I see, thanks for that!
E.D. So Donna thats approximately, essentially correct what you said, right?
D.T. Right!
E.D.: Yes well I, Stan I think thats quite startling, don't you?
SmcD: Its speaks for itself.
E.D.: Yes it certainly does, Now Donna there is another matter that you learned about when you were there at NASA. I believe this was through a third party, a person that you were spending some time with who was a fellow NASA employee?
D.T.: Right, in fact after we talked, I thought about another incident with a guard that I would like to convey too thats very important. This man that I had dated was in quarantine with the astronauts when they had come back from the moon and I had talked to him about seeing this saucer (satellite photos) and asked him if he had heard anything about that and he told me that every astronaut, every moon trip had been followed by craft, by saucers, that every one of them, every astronaut that went to the moon, now I don't know about other sites but they all had seen it and all had been told to keep quite about it and they were threatened with jail and their whole retirement, everything taken away from them. They were also, this told me that if I ever told that he said it, that he would deny it, that he would never admit that he told me all of that.
E.D.: Did you hear that Stan?
SmcD: No
E.D.: Alright, ah, go ahead Keith, recapitulate.
(Keith repeats everything of that part that Donna Tietze stated, to McDaniel)
SmcD: Oh yes I see
E.D.: Yes and I believe that Donna you related to me, you friend came to believe that the UFOs were instrumental in geting Apollo 13 that was, ah, our disable mission to the moon, was it 13?
D.T.: Right, well he said that it shouldn't have come back, I mean, there was no, ah, they had help. And thats was all he would say.
E.D.: All he would say?
D.T.: He said it was impossible for that craft to have gotten back home
E.D.: Donna you said that there was another matter that you wanted to relate to us.
D.T.: Yes, something that I didn't talk to you about earlier. When I had quite work, I had an office, I was doing ilustration work at another office, in another part of town. And a man that had been a guard at NASA during the time came into my office and he had a large gash scar on his forehead and he told me that he was a guard at NASA and that he was burning a lot of photographs of UFOs. That was his job.
E.D.: Really (surprised)
D.T.: And he said he stopped to look at one too long and one of the other, I gathered it was some type of military man, hit him in the head with a gun butt and knocked him out.
E.D.: What? (shocked)
D.T.: Because he had looked at one of the photographs too long, he did describe the photograph to me which I tend to believe was an accurate photograph.
E.D: Oh, my god!
D.T.: He explained that it was a craft on the ground and it looked like, it was like a regular saucer with like little bumps all over and he said it was like it was burnt. He said cows in the field all had their tails stuck straight up. At the time he said he didn't know when cattle were frightened, that their tails would stick staight up. And he described this to me and since then, I did describe it to someone that I thought might have looked at some of these photos, possibly and they did look kind of frightened that I shouldn't know about that one.
(the next several minutes later the conversation is more about UFOs following Apollo crafts to the moon)
E.D.: The second part of her account had to do with the stalking of our space mission by UFOs of our space missions to the moon and so on. She even said that they apparently helped in one case by bringing the Apollo 13 back, that was the impression that she got and..
D.T.: yes but they (aliens) also didn't want that craft to investigate the part of the moon that they was going to, so they may have caused some of it too, but it was supposed, we were told not to go but we ignored it. Now thats what I've heard, that some of the stuff he was telling me.
E.D. Did he say that, your direct contact?
D.T.: Yes!
E.D.: That the United States was told not to go to the moon?
D.T.: To that certain place on the back side of the moon.
E.D.: And did he know why we weren't supposed to go there?
D.T.: I guess they didn't want us to see something back there, I don't know, I don't know that part.
(interview winds down a few minutes later and the show is out of time)
An Alien Base on the Moon [?]
Creating a base on the moon has been a dream for many people over the years, but is there actually a base on the moon already - one that's not of our making?
To many people the idea that the moon could be an alien base sounds preposterous; a fanciful claim straight out of comic books, but there are many strange facts about the moon and the Apollo landing itself that do suggest that our knowledge is far from complete. In fact there is sufficient evidence for us to consider the idea that the moon itself is an artificial construct, a massive extraterrestrial base
One of the most notable pieces to support the alien base theory are several radio transmissions between the Apollo crew and mission control. Part of the transmission where Armstrong mentioned 'strange lights' was apparently broadcast live as was Armstrong's comment 'We have company' before NASA officials hurriedly pulled the plug. A variety of sources claim that radio hams picked up the following communication before the crew switched to a secure channel.
"These babies are huge, sir...enormous....Oh, God, you wouldn't believe it! I'm telling you there are other spacecraft out there...lined up on the far side of the crater edge...they're on the moon watching us..."
Transient Lunar Phenomenon (TLP)
Transient Lunar Phenomenon is the term used to describe the inexplicable change of colour or shape that occurs on the surface of the moon. Could this account for what the Apollo 11 astronauts witnessed? It is thought that some of these phenomena which appear as red or white hazes are caused by gas escaping from underground cavities after moonquakes, so it can't be ruled out as natural phenomena. The question is, would two highly trained astronauts mistake escaping gas for alien craft? It's certainly possible but if that was the case surely NASA would have been quick to tell us this?
It's not just strange coloured lights that appear on the moon. In 1953, John J. O'Neill and Dr H. Wilkens both independently observed a 12-mile-long 'bridge' straddling the crater Mare Crisium. The bridge later disappeared!
Telling Transcripts and the NASA Officials who spoke out
Ten years after the moon landings, Maurice Chatelain, the former chief of NASA Communications Systems, confirmed that Armstrong did report seeing two UFOs on the rim of a crater. "The encounter was common knowledge in NASA," he revealed, "but nobody has talked about it until now."
Another NASA official, Christopher Kraft, who was director of the NASA tracking base in Houston during the Apollo Moon missions, revealed the following conversation between Neil Armstrong, Buzz Aldrin and Mission Control after he left NASA:
Apollo 11: "Those are giant things. No, no, no .... this is not an optical illusion. No one is going to believe this!"
Mission Control (Houston Center): "What...what...what? What the hell is happening? What's wrong with you?"
Apollo 11: "They're here under the surface."
Mission Control: "What's there? Emission interrupted...interference control calling Apollo II."
Apollo 11: "We saw some visitors. They were there for awhile, observing the instruments."
Mission Control: "Repeat your last information."
Apollo 11: "I say that there were other spaceships. They're lined up on the other side of the crater."
Mission Control: "Repeat...repeat!"
Apollo 11: "Let us sound this orbit a ..... In 625 to5...automatic relay connected...My hands are shaking so badly I can't do anything. Film it? God, if these damned cameras have picked up anything. What then?"
Mission Control: "Have you picked up anything?"
Apollo 11: "I didn't have any film at hand. Three shots of the saucers or whatever they were that were ruining the film."
Mission Control: "Control, control here. Are you on your way? Is the uproar with the U.F.O's. over?"
Apollo 11: "They've landed there. There they are and they are watching us."
Mission Control: "The mirrors, the mirrors...have you set them up?"
Apollo 11: "Yes, they're in the right place. But whoever made those space ships surely can come tomorrow and remove them. Over and out."
If the Apollo report was a one off, we could maybe put it down to the effects of space or some unknown anomalous lunar phenomena. However, there have been several other 'contacts' between NASA craft and UFOs, notably in the early 90's when according to author William Kliner the following conversation between David Walker, Endeavours shuttle and mission control was recorded.
Walker: "Bogey at 3 o'clock . . . God . . . what is it? My God - it's coming right at us . . ."
NASA: What's there?
Walker: THERE'S NO WAY! Oh God! Get back. MOVE!"
NASA: Endeavour! Endeavour! What . . . explain . . .
Walker: What the . . . where are we? Where is it? Where . . . it's gone IT'S GONE. Not (unintelligible) . . . UFO. Spacecraft . . . huge . . . intelligent . . . OVER THERE!
NASA: Endeavour. Switch . . . NOW!
The tape ends abruptly with what would appear to be a NASA order for Walker to change radio frequency.
According to Kilner,
"...the spacecraft was the size of a small city and glowed bright green as it approached the shuttle. At some point during the encounter, the UFO veered off course to avoid a collision."
If this really was an alien spaceship, where was it coming from or going to we wonder? Could it be that sitting there on the far side of the moon is an alien base?
- Thothweb
According to international think tanks of world heath issues, a version of H5N1 that can spread from Human to Human is forming and it is just a matter of time. If that happens the virus can wipe out the entire human civilization by 2012.
India Daily
On June 10, 2004, the city of Guadalajara witnessed undoubtely the most spectacular UFO fleet sighting in known history.
At 12:30 PM, the sky over the city became filled with hundreds of sphere-shaped objects grouped together in a massive formation and all moving in unison - like a spectacle straight from a major Hollywood Sci-Fi film.
The number of luminous spheres was in the hundreds, and among them, in a certain spot within the formation was a much bigger craft, disc-shaped, which might have been controlling the whole armada. - via Rense
videos of the UFO fleet
Man summons UFO in Vegas
On May 25 Ramon Watkins, aka "the Prophet Yahweh," issued a press release with the irresistable title "Spaceships Will Appear Over Las Vegas On My Signal":
...starting June 1st until July 15th (45 days) Prophet is going public by opening up to the news media. He will demonstrate his ability to call down UFOs and spaceships, on-demand, for them to film and photograph.
Prophet is in direct telephatic contact with his space being friends. They have revealed that they will send UFOs as soon as Prophet starts asking for them to appear.
Also, before the 45 day summoning period has ended, a spaceship will descend and sit in the skies over Las Vegas on Prophet's signal. The spaceship will hover in the sky, not far from Nellis Air Force base, for almost two days. All Las Vegans will be able to see it, day and night, before it goes back up into space.
If I understood Yahweh correctly, the arrival of the aliens is Phase One and they won't get off the ship until Phase Two whose date wasn't specified. At that time, Yahweh claimed, they will get off the ship and go to the podium and tell the public what they want done on this planet - to set up an eternal kingdom on this planet. This is the start of their domination.
exerpts from rigorousintuition.blogspot
Save The Date! Aliens Due To Land In Las Vegas Sometime Between June 1 and July 15th.
An ABC-TV affiliate in Las Vegas broadcast images of a UFO summoned by a self-styled "prophet" who predicts many more will be seen throughout the area next week. Ramon Watkins, also known as "Prophet Yahweh" agreed to meet with a reporter and camera crew of KTNV at a location of their choice and time.
What they witnessed, and captured on camera, stunned the reporter and crew.
Watkins claims to have seen some 1,500 UFOs over the last 25 years and has learned to summon them by reading the Old Testament.
World Net Daily
In the news segment that was broadcast (SEE IT HERE), the t-shirt-clad Prophet Yahweh can be seen praying fervently for the UFO to appear so that people will not think him "mentally ill." The tv reporter waits patiently nearby; this is, after all, the Biggest Story of All Time, therefore worth waiting for.
Then, suddenly, just when we are about to lose faith in Prophet Yahweh, the wait is over. It happens. A Glowing Round Thing appears in the sky. It hangs there for a while, then shoots away to ...
Nellis Air Force Base. -
Mack White
False Miracles In The Sky;
Is the US Military in the business of hoaxing UFOs?
Holographic Quasi-Information Warfare/Psychological Operations Program
A massive UFO sighting took place on Friday June 24, 2005 in Xalapa, Mexico. This stunning event was witnessed by Xalapa's governor, Fidel Herrera Beltran, members of his staff, many officers of the Xalapa police department, newspapers and television reporters and many people gathered at Casa Veracruz for an official ceremony for the delivery of new police patrol cars to the police department.
The amazing incident took place at 10:30 AM causing commotion, excitement - and some alarm - among the people and officials. Just after governor Fidel Herrera Beltran finished a speech inaugurating the new units, his attention was called by his officials signaling to the sky where a strange spectacle was appearing.
A spectacular UFO fleet of at least 14 unkown flying objects shocked the entire gathering at casa Veracruz who, pointing to the sky, screamed "OVNIs OVNIS!!" in a tremendous state of excitement. The police officers were also signaling to the sky wondering what these unknown flying obJects could be. - via Rense
UFO-spotters tell tales of the extra-terrestrial
04 Oct 2005 22:42:24 GMT Source: Reuters - By Jude Webber
LIMA, Peru, Oct 4 (Reuters) - One minute Jonathan Reed was hiking with his golden retriever in a forest in Seattle. The next, his pet was being torn apart by a "gray" -- an alien being with an elongated head, smelling of rotting fruit.
A scene from a sci-fi film? No, maintains Reed, a former child-developmental psychologist who says he took the alien home and lived with it for nine days in which it communicated via telepathy and was able to pull thoughts from his mind.
Reed and others -- including Uruguayan Rafael Ulloa who says aliens in spaceships spirited away people from New York's twin towers in the Sept. 11, 2001, attacks -- gather in Lima this week for a world extra-terrestrial congress.
Peru has long been a mecca for mystics and there have been abundant reports of flying saucers, especially over the southern town of Chilca. Some locals reckon aliens imbued mud springs there with special curative and fertility powers. The congress, organized by the Alfa y Omega group that believes a fleet of UFOs will fly to Earth at the end of the world and Christ could use one for his second coming, during its Oct. 6-9 run will pore over photos and grainy films of bright flashes and spooky shapes they say point to alien life forms.
Retired U.S. air force Lt. Col Donald Ware, 69, told a news conference on Tuesday his first contact with aliens was in 1953, when he saw seven spacecraft flying over Washington, D.C. He spotted no signs of extra-terrestrial life during his service, but said he had seen alien craft eight times since retiring in 1982.
Seeing isn't always believing. Wendelle Stevens, a retired U.S. Air Force colonel, said he believed in aliens after having investigated 100 cases, despite never having seen any himself. Stevens, thought to have the largest archive of photographs of alleged UFOs in the world, says he worked from 1947-49 in Alaska with B-29 planes fitted with special scientific instruments to "detect the visitors." His work there began the year the U.S. military is believed by some to have hushed up two purported crashes of alien spacecraft within a month. The Air Force denies the stories. Stevens, who said he did not believe in aliens before his work, said it was his job to debrief the crews of the B-29s and recounted how "the radio frequency spectrum went completely haywire ... and the temperature in the airplane increased. (The crew) looked out and there's a disc next door," he said.
He said the crew shot photographs with four different types of camera, but the military suppressed the pictures. No Air Force spokespersons could immediately comment on his remarks. One of the most unusual testimonies comes from Reed on his 1996 experience with the alien he came to call Freddie.
Reed, who says he has a bracelet belonging to the extra-terrestrial, said Freddie had skin "almost like that of a pig." It breathed and had red blood, but did not speak. Tests showed he had 46 chromosomes, like humans, but 9 were different and resembled those of dolphins and sea turtles, Reed added.
Aliens enthusiasts and UFO spotters are used to raised eyebrows, ridicule and worse. Reed says he was shot after his alien encounter and blames a "government faction which doesn't want this information out". - alertnet.org
West Germany - Video/Battle Of Two Spheroids
Date: February 5, 2005 Time: 11:38 a.m.
On that day I was testing my video camera because I just bought it two days before. I see a plane in the clear sky and start testing the zoom. There is an airport half an hour away from my home so I see planes all the time.
I was just looking in the monitor of the camera and not recording it at that time...then after some seconds I saw a big thing in the sky, just above my house, appearing from nowhere. It was looking like a big egg but very shiny like gold. It was very hard on the eyes because of its light reflection.
After a second I just saw another strange object that it was more on the left and more high then the other one. So, it was two flying objects I can say, and it was appearing to me like they were fighting or playing with each other.
It was all too fast for about a second or two, then after that, I press the red button and start recording it.
I watching the video many times, again and again, and I just can say from what I saw with my own eyes and also from this footage that it was a battle of two spheroids, and that the darker spheroid was after the light one. Strange things is happening in these days in our blue sky.
Video clip - West Germany - Video/Battle Of Two Spheroids