Spooky Halloween Extra Weirdness! A mumble rappers music is so incredibly bad... he kills 8 people with it?
Also this Halloween;
Did the Queen just Kill James Bond?
Capt Wardrobe - November 2021
Theater of the Elite:
The following screenshots from my previous page:
This is a global synarchist movement
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Does any of this seem at all similar
to the Covid 19 response of Lockdown / isolation / messaging techniques to you? It is Taken from Satanic Cult Awareness (US Dept Of Justice file) |
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Health based Lockdowns?
The effects of isolation, worry, depression on
the immune system, & psychology of a youth
locked in because of a Virus that only kills,
in the majority of cases, old people.
Its having a graduated effect
being stuck in on devices all the time.
Exposure to the wifi constantly is also a factor,
that would drive immune systems into a vulnerable state.
This applies psychologically too...
social media is not real life,
how can any of it be a health initiative?
one has to also look at the way lock downs and covid measured have affected the minds
of those who are now thinking they are now free because they are vaccinated -
pics taken from Vigilant Citizen
The Atrocity of shite! Vocoder'ed Mumble rap kills?
Rapper Travis Watches on singing a strange version
of vocal synthed rapping standing on a platform
- while below him people are hauled out after a stampede
at Houstons Astroworld festival sees a minimum of 8 dead.
Footage shows the response by the emergency laid on
and the stage crew were lacking at best.
At worst the organisers were indifferent and neglegent.
The Festival was apparently for the Vaccinated only.
It has been suggested that rumours quickly spread
about a person or people injecting random people
with a needle of unknown substance.
The symbology inherent at this performance in the stage design
has caught the attention of many commentators for it's Satanic
But if you observe this musician "Travis" in an earlier show,
actually incited his fans in the audience & his security road/set crew
to beat up a guy for nicking his shoe. Sure it was a dick move...but really?
what the fuck is that all about?
not good...is it?
What upsets & disappoints me, is that at a fucking skinhead neo-nazi concert -
One would fully expect the bands singer to incite the crowd or watch while
some people jump a suspected "fag" or "commie/jew/liberal"
infiltrator or something...why? because we associate neo nazi thugs with hate...White Hate. It is, for many... uncomfortable to consider anything but this to be a possibility.
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It would be interesting to revisit the Jeff Weisse shooting case
and read my examination of the use of social media steering agents / planted
in a vulnerable young mans network
while he was on anti depressants that debilitated his judgement
and emotional state, frequenting Native American neo-nationalist chat rooms
If the state sees fit...and it's for an operation...they can profile then radicalise a target using Chat rooms social media & finally physical recruitment...
How do you think the FBI manage to get so many people involved with Domestic terror?
The Cointelpro operations go back a long long time now.
So the violent tendencies seen in nazi-esque youth indoctrination of White middle class American Psycho-esque winner takes-all boot camps and predatory capitalism as a militarised Jock Culture VS Urban labelling as Minority youth experience promoted as Ghetto survivalism as aspiration to crypto-paramilitary psychopathy via rhyming words together as a musical art form...
is a well established element of Youth Culture mass media promotion that is
is being totally ignored yet again while everybody screams Satanic Panic!
I would posit it has links to the direction groups such as BLM & Extinction Rebellion have taken lately
as a steered organization for nefarious political purposes
a la strategy of tension by people acting as or "posing" as environmentalists / animal rights / AntiFa / Proudboys etc etc - but in reality are promulgated, invented & infiltrated by agent provocatuers
for deep state activity. They also operate this as New age gurus, alt medicine pushers, crypto currency entreprenuers, Black Magik
Satanists...and strange Peado sadist cult activities such as The Finders
...and, yes we must include high level media savvy conspiracy theorists; with full million dollar studios, earned from obedient fan bases - pushing deep state agendas that poison the information well with fully prepped psychologically loaded distractions.
Punk is like, totally dead, man!
Youth culture is constantly being radicalised to suit the needs of the ELITE... |
Lil Nas and his crass satanism...YAWN!
'Illuminati' fronted intelligence as Gazillion $ Music industry
These people are really just Over hyped |
Christianity needs Satan to exist...
it's the Big Brother bogeyman that scares the flock into obedience.
Do they make EVIL happen to justify a puritanical agenda?
Theatrics is all part of the game.
In the case of the Astroworld disaster we see on cue reactions such as:
"souls were being taken? There were black angels reaping souls for Satan!"
Say what? erm, sorry not buying that load of Christian affirming nonsense. Satan affirms Christianity.
The shock value of videos via the messaging confuses people who think they are god fearing - or normal. But then again Pop music always has. I do have to say; The whole Satanic symbolism is so obviously part of the Psychological OPERATION we see today as modern media, its the same as it ever was... today as it was yesteryear. ah memories!
Satanic Panic!
One only has to go back to the late 80's & the Neo-Macarthyite moral majority led by Tipper Gore and her crusade against Heavy Metal pioneers such as Wasp, Ozzy Ozbourne & Judas Preist. The Christian right decried their music as Satanic, listening to records backwards in a court room, to hear possible subliminal messages encouraging suicide in listeners...Later the whole thing went further against anyone deemed risque and led to warning stickers being placed on packaging.
It is impossible not to see a direct correlation to the reactions we see regarding rappers like Travis Scott and the events that unfolded in Houston.
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"Beware the big black rap bogeyman is coming to get you. Watch out for your Christian women!"
..um...yeah ok right ...whatever!
Ice T created a furore in Mainstream culture when his album 'Home Invasion' was released - it is a brilliant observation of fears of Rap musics "bad influence" by Middle Class Christian white America
Satanists verses Christians?
Black = evil?
White = good?
That kind of traditional linguistic oppositional programming is perhaps a sign that other forces are at play here...
"Black sheep black magic... kinda tragic, kinda sad"
Whatever happened to righteous Rap?
here we see Rebel MC (now Congo Natty), seminal black rights/awareness album "black meaning good" (Listen here)
Here's a video breaking down the symbolism |
But it gets a bit less demonic when you actually hear an explanation what the album is about
Travis Scott wants to bring back Astroworld - The 6 flags amusement park that was closed down...as a physical reality. He wants his childhood back but knows he can't have it - and everything is now a weird ride that he can't stop...an introspection into his own psyche.
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Did this Demonic influence help create a paranioa vibe in the "puffed up" crowd? Is Travis Scott a CIA Asset? Like a dolled up Air Hostess or manic Dinner lady, serving up a Happy meal of Shit Scam Satanist symbology on idiots who cannot part with their $$$ quick enough. Many after being locked down for months at a time & having jump through hoops to be seen as 'normal' to get vaccinated.
A never ending yawn-a-thon of shock sellout... I wonder how many redneck whites have tried to shock their parents with this kind of thing? Just like the shock fest seen with NWA, Tupac, Biggie, Ice T & Ice Cube etc etc... Haven't we seen this all before? Yet the shock and reaction seem very nascient. I wonder why that is? I wonder how much wealthier a lot of people involved in this will be in a weeks time. |
Art fans will appreciate Breugal being called Demonic LOL
The incident happened shortly after Grande had left the stage, according to eyewitnesses. Coral Long, the mother of a 10-year-old concertgoer, told CNN's Hala Gorani that they were getting ready to leave the arena when they heard a loud bang from the left side of the arena. People started running following the explosion, she said. "How we weren't crushed to death is a miracle." - Via CNN (click pic for source.) |
In fact, the whole NEEDLES angle in this event suggests that the panic rumour was rung in via a mobile device
- Just like an old style terror attack may been done a panic is caused by a form of theater.
There were oddities at the Arianna Grande Bombing in Manchester UK - which saw witnesses state they heard a panic and the noise of explosions (coming from the PA system?)...which created a surge rush for the door. 22 people died.
In the case of Astroworld - context is key. The crowds are vaccinated - and feeling entitled - that triggering element could have provoked the initial panic that caused the crush & the 8 deaths that day. All happening, strangely...as the theater...the spectacle of performance, is allowed to continue unabated.
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OK! Lets go Through the portal!
i'll see you on the other side...
It's a Cold, Cold War, folks!
In the 1950s and 60s, the CIA engaged in an extensive program of human experimentation, using drugs, psychological, and other means, in search of techniques to control human behavior for counterintelligence and covert action purposes.
The possibility that CIA itself engaged in human radiation experiments emanates from references in a 1963 CIA Inspector General's (IG) report on Project MKULTRA, which was a program "concerned with research and development of chemical, biological, and radiological materials capable of employment in clandestine operations to control human behavior."
Post WW2 - also saw
the Media of the time ramping up the fear of Communism & Sovietism as the Red Menace of Macarthyism - and throughout mass media as pulp fiction... notably in it's spy movies. It was all Intelligence steered as a political brainwashing operation. Even the prestigious Art world saw Abstract Expressionism used in the anti-communist cold war agenda.
Indeed as part of Operation Gladio "stay behind units" were trained & equipped to be ready to fight communism... which saw NATO recruit ex Nazis & Occult / Masonic linked lodge members, often ideologically alligned, leading Mass Fatal casualty event Terror campaigns against their own populations.
Now, many among you may say: wait up!
If this Rap dude Travis Scott was a Satanist -
Why would he want to kill people his own crowd? His fans...? his $$$
The Answer is simple he doesn't.
But maybe some other higher power does?
Why not gather Worshippers & instruct to kill a defined target / enemy, like Charles Manson did?
Cults sometimes go in a completely different direction...
Exposed as an intelligence led operation
to examine complicity via personality led behavioursim
"The story of charismatic sadist Jimmy Jones, and
the massacre in 1978, of over 900 men, women and
children of the People’s Temple in Guyana, remains
for many a chilling enigma. Billed by the media as a
mass suicide of religious cultists, this remains the generally held view.
However, evidence has continued to mount which strongly points to the
involvement of the Central Intelligence Agency in what numerous
observes and investigators now conclude was a “mind control” experiment
gone wrong."
David Guyatt - Masters of Persuasion
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Michael A. Aquino & the Temple of Set.
Michael A. Aquino is the founder of another Satanic Church named the Temple of Set. (Set being the Egyptian god of the underworld) Aquino was originally a member of LaVey's Church of Satan. Aquino served as the High Priest of the Temple of Set until he retired the position, which is now held by Don Webb. The Temple of Set was founded in 1975 by Michael Aquino and a group of other members of the Church of Satan who left that organization because of disagreements with its administration and philosophy. Aquino and his follows believed that LaVey and the Church of Satan were too commercial and not a serious enough Satanic organization. Aquino essentially accused LaVey of operating the Church of Satan merely for profit. In the book, The Book of Coming Forth by Night (1985) Aquino describes what seems to be a call to start the his cult and speaks in the first person as Set, the Egyptian Satan. The Temple of Set considers itself a real religion and unlike the Church of Satan is incorporated in and recognized as a religion by the state of California and the federal government of the U.S.A. The Temple of Set's official website is Xeper.org (An Egyptian word, roughly translated as "self-improvement" or "self-creation")
In 1981, Major Michael A. Aquino collaborated with Colonel Paul E. Vallely to produce a paper entitled From PSYOP to MindWar: The Psychology of Victory. The paper was submitted to Military Review and Parameter, the publication of the U.S. Army War College. The paper describes how psychological warfare should be used against the American people and, "MindWar should take full advantage of such phenomena as atmospheric electromagnetic activity, air ionization, and extremely low frequency waves." (Aquino - From PSYOP to MindWar p. 9-10) (See Mind Control) While on a NATO tour of Europe in 1982 he performed a Satanic ritual in the Westphalian castle that Heinrich Himmler's elite SS used for the same reason, and apparently unquestioned by others in the force. During the 1980s Aquino, his wife, and another were accused of ritual child sexual abuse involving a US Army base near Presidio, California, but no charges were filed against Aquino. Controversy still surrounds the allegations. Prosecutor Susan Gray had been able to get a grand jury to charge Gary Hambright, a worker at the daycare center with molesting only one child. Three months after Hambight's arrest the charges were dismissed. US District Court Judge William Schwarzer refused to allow the admission of so-called hearsay statements, and ruled that the children would not serve as competent witnesses because of their age. - the resistance manifesto.
Excerpt from the Paper - From Psyop to Mindwar - The Psychology of Victory
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Disease as a Broadcast
"The bottom line is that photons themselves can carry death and disease patterns between cells. Scalar EM technology allows the synthesis of the actual potential pattern (which after all represents total control of charge and charge distribution, hence biochemistry in the cell) of a particular cellular disease or death mechanism. Symptoms (and cellular death from them!) of nuclear radiation, chemical poisoning, bacterial infection, and other mechanisms were successfully induced by the Kaznacheyev experiments." WOODPECKER BEAMS INTERSECT OVER NORTH AMERICA. for an introduction to this field see also:Scalar Wars The Brave New World of Scalar Electromagnetics by Bill Morgan
Broadcasting Thoughts and Disease
The French scientist Kervran and Russian scientist Kaznacheyev, showed that it was possible to transmit disease over distance using longitudinal EM waves. The pattern created at the crossing of the LW beams contains a "disease engine," an actual "local spacetime curvature engine" which induces the disease in the interference zone. It is like an electromagnetic gun which shoots disease. It induces the LW patterns directly into the spacetime of the humans in the interference zone.
The entire electrical power grid or the country may be used as a kind kind of giant antenna, as one way of getting the waves to the people. The grid acts as a channel. A "spacetime curvature engine" creates the disease. "Quantum weapons" continue "spreading" the immune system.
Broadcasting Thoughts and Disease [A warning from "Paul Revere" Thoughts on the work of Tom
The Kaznacheyev Effect (see here)
Travis Scott owned by - SONY / Bertelsmann Music Group (BMG)
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BMG was the company that formed when HMV (formerly RCA)
RCA Records is an American record label owned by Sony Music Entertainment, a subsidiary of Sony Corporation of America. It is one of Sony Music's four flagship labels, alongside RCA's former long-time rival Columbia Records; also Arista Records, and Epic Records. The label has released multiple genres of music, including pop, classical, rock, hip hop, afrobeat, electronic, R&B, blues, jazz, and country. Its name is derived from the initials of its defunct parent company, the Radio Corporation of America[3] (RCA). RCA Records was fully acquired by Bertelsmann in 1987, making it a part of Bertelsmann Music Group (BMG) and became a part of Sony BMG Music Entertainment after the 2004 merger of BMG and Sony; it was acquired by the latter in 2008, after the dissolution of Sony/BMG and the restructuring of Sony Music. RCA Records is the second-oldest record label in American history, after sister label Columbia Records.
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The list of defendants is from a since-dismissed civil lawsuit that is separate from Maxwell’s upcoming criminal trial. The civil suit was filed against the estate of late disgraced financier Jeffrey Epstein and dozens of additional defendants in August 2020 by a plaintiff who alleged a group of celebrities, corporations and others were involved with Epstein in a human trafficking enterprise. The suit was dismissed as frivolous in September 2020
The civil complaint dates back to August 2020, when it was filed by plaintiff Charlene Latham, and does indeed list the 38 individuals from the tweets, including Maxwell, as "defendants." The records state that the case was "dismissed as frivolous" by a judge on September 24, 2020. As the news media previously reported, Latham's suit was one of several dozen filed against the Epstein estate in various states over the past two years.
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Epstein didn't kill himself
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who is the real boss?
Who has a bigger MOSSAD paygrade?
a 'pyramid scheme' of sexual abuse. "I said before Epstein was a manipulator… but he was also a mysterious man without attachment. He had no wife. He had no children. And he had no boss. Yet he attracted all these rich and powerful people before and after his fall from grace back around 2008, In many regards, he was like a 21st-century James Bond. His mystery has stirred interest." defence attorney Bobbi Sternheim |
In Profile : RCA, a London corporation with an American front
In the West we see the giant Intelligence operation SERCO GROUP PLC taking full control of all contingency systems administered by their own corporate government as outsource contractors.
They come in many forms with charitable status giving unaccountability and limited liability, ergo the taxpayers have no way of learning how much money they suck from the voters or how they actually spend that cash.
One thing we can state with absolute clarity is the fact the contracts (if you can find them) cost the taxpayer more each week while the services they are contracted to provide, disappear.
Serco is a prime example of the super spider in a web of deception, acting as king in all things contingency governance and as a subsidiary of RCA, for all its appearance for the masses it would seem to be an American affair, but this is certainly not the reality of the situation.
One thing to keep in mind, this system is today fully set up in the East, and, under the control of the same people controlling and dismantling the West. It’s the Central Banks
Radio Corporation of America
RCA Corporation, founded as the Radio Corporation of America, was an American electronics company in existence from 1919 to 1986. The RCA trademark is currently owned by the French conglomerate Technicolor SA through RCA Trademark Management SA, a company owned by Technicolor. The trademark is used by Sony Music Entertainment and Technicolor, which licenses the name to other companies like Audiovox and TCL Corporation for products descended from that common ancestor.[2]
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On 8 April 1919, naval Admiral W. H. G. Bullard and Captain Stanford C. Hooper met with executives of the General Electric Corporation (GE) and asked them to discontinue selling the company’s Alexanderson alternators (used in the high-power AM radio transmitters of that era) to the British-owned Marconi Company, and to its subsidiary, the Marconi Wireless Telegraph Company of America.
The proposal presented by the government was that if GE created an American-owned radio company, then the Army and Navy would effect a monopoly of long-distance radio communications via this company. This marked the beginning of a series of negotiations through which GE would buy the American Marconi company and then incorporate what would be called the Radio Corporation of America
The Bridge
Indicted Harvard carbon nanotube bio-warfare [likely constructed the
Coronavirus nanotube 5G delivery system] professor Charles M. Lieber has
hidden from public disclosure that his father (the son of a Romanian Jewish
émigré candy manufacturer Leo Lieber), Robert I. Lieber, was a satellite
tracking and radar spy for RCA’s AEGIS satellite system (Sir Geoffrey Pattie,
Privy Council, NBC, GE, BBC, Sarffno) now managed by Lockheed Martin,
SERCO, QinetiQ and the British Privy Council |
![]() ![]() does this help explain The DEAD Marconi Scientists Mystery |
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Stupid question of the decade:
Do the Elite Intelligence operators of I would say that sounds highly silly & very doubtful! Sometimes rabbit holes or portals can be like that.
I would say it's a little bigger than that... |
Imagine a global internet
WEF report; The Impact of 5G: Creating New Value across Industries and Society
beamed from satellites in space to
smart city infrastructure antennea
that create the symptoms of disease
as rewards & punishment
"This perspective is further strengthened in by the rapid advances of NBICs (Nanotechnology, Biotechnology, Information Technology and Cognitive Sciences) and the understanding of the brain. NATO's adversaries are already investing heavily in these new technologies."
Black Ops?
Satanist organisations like the 9 angles - are rife with sinister, intention to cause chaos for individual terror as
Neo-Nationalist / post Templar Crowleyites - performing random murder as non linear warfare - we see some members / founders of these splinter Satanists formerly as Military black ops & early ideological followers of shady Western Intelligence linked Muslim terror groups.
We have witnessed in the Military occupation of Iraq & so called
Islamic fundamentalism via Muslim Brotherhood, Al Queda & Isis - used to great effect as Psyops - (depending on your veiwpoint) as legitimising further use of Military Occupation force or simply celebrating it as Gamified Sexual torture.
One has to remember the NATO cognitive warfare paper
released only weeks ago
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UK Special Ops executing Afghans
The court heard a British officer provided a written statement to a commanding officer after a member of the special forces told him all fighting-age males were being killed regardless of the threat they posed.
The officer said: "It was also indicated that fighting-age males were being executed on target inside compounds, using a variety of methods after they had been restrained. In one case it was mentioned a pillow was put over the head of an individual being killed with a pistol."
Taliban Executing Afghan Special ops
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Many of these military units espouse mantras of:
"kill innocents to protect the nation state & western values at all costs."
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Elizabeth was very much interested in the occult. Dee was responsible for choosing the most auspicious date for Elizabeth's coronation which was on January 15th, 1559. The Queen was so impressed by Dee that she eventually travelled with her court to Mortlake, for the purpose of seeing his great library.
Dee has been defamed through the centuries as a necromancer, but it's the opinion of many writers that his angelic-cabalistic- alchemical work, his Philosophers Stone, the"Monad Hieroglyphica"(1564) may have been a cover for covert operations carried on in the name of her majesty. The 007 was the insignia number that Elizabeth was to use for private communiques between her Court and Dee. |
The New James Bond Movie was released in October 2021 -
John Dees famous 007 moniker used as Queen Elizabeth I council was
the genesis for the secret service, his occultism
was used as a template for the use of magik / illusion & subterfuge as a cover
for deep state activity - see the use of Actors, story tellers, Artists, even Game Show hosts - all illusionists of one form or another... as Secret Service agents & assassins.
Its all smoke and mirrors, folks!
Black mirrors indeed.
as Bond shows in 2021 - the unthinking Nationalist Secret Service Assassin for Queen & Country remains a hero & a supposed example to your woke children, killers of any apiring sexuality - if they are ruthless enough, can obtain a License to KILL - how lovely!
We perhaps should draw more conclusions from this as juxta-posed with the Events at Astroworld in Houston.
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Harry Houdini & Aleister Crowley were both intelligence agents. This is where the term 'Black ops' comes from the fact that military/royal intelligence used mysticism to cover its tracks with the puff of magik - think John Dee to QE and Sir Francis Bacon...with lots of speculation that Mr Shakespeare was in fact a women, a Mrs, ...all a Theater, hiding her sexuality in the male costumery of the period.
The very act of shaking a spear was Joan of Arc & Boudicca territory
William Shakespear
This would have been a major disgression of the time - even though in the actual plays as they were performed all female parts were played by men in drag.
How's that for a woke analogy if ever there was one! The enforcement of such things due to sexism against females - enabled possibly another male sexual tendency to thrive!
Don't knock it... until you've tried it Darling!
Are roles all being reversed in todays woke-aganda agender bender society?
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Conspiracies, Satanism, Evil..Murder... are, and always have been, a Mystery machine - a money spinning, book & movie selling industry...Take a look in any Airport book store...murder mystery anyone? Sherlock Holmes wasn't a Homeopath, was he?
Royal / Corporate / industrialist intelligence is the same thing: when you think magic what else comes to mind? entertainment? movies / art - popular culture - its all at its most seemingly popular - just simple fakery -
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Here, i freely admit I think I got took away mentally in to this dreamworld to an extent - back in 1988 - when i was a fine Art degree student at Falmouth School of Art in Cornwall UK.
But, we were taught a way to decode these symbols - as Post modern / structural critical thinking - deconstructionism.
Many people are saying that Post structuralism & it's linguistic formulaic approach to understanding the nature of reality have led to the woke-ism we see today...the cancel culture...the allegations of a culturally marxist re-structuring of modern society.
But, if you will bear with me on this, the tenet of my understanding of this situation is - the notions of Post Lacanian deconstruction as critical thinking has been used & steered by a political elite to control the minds of the masses.
They kept this method for the Politcal elite class to control society instead of allowing everyone access to information as education - enabling reverse engineering of not only advertising & media, but those who run society.
Thus, the education of such matters has been taken, kept far & away, in bastions of fake intellectualism, from those who need it most, as it is too risky to let simple people direct their own destiny & to observe the Tyranny of the Naked Emporer and to lift back the veil on the Wizard of Oz's curtain to gauge the mechanics of the Grand Wurlitzer.
Never forget you are experiencing all of this through - the codice of language through a window, which is the medium. |
I now believe, that human belief systems are what is at stake here - what many call a soul, your essence, your energy, your innovation & potential...Community? Belonging? Cult?
These Slavemasters want ownership of you; derived from this Theater. You; as an actor, as an Avatar.
Planet Earth [if this is what it is] is a colony - a slave built concentration camp - a cotton field. The industrial revolution was not a revolutionary act of freedom. The Slavemasters, via a false liberator A.Lincoln, freed the indigenoius 'slaves' of the colonies - in order to 'liberalise' ALL humanity as tools of a controlled market. a Cartel. a syndicate which is criminal.
It 'seems' that the majority of humanity is playing into the hands of these
fake owners - who have no right to own - who need your
compliance in this system.
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what are they seeing?
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nighty nighty campers & pray to your military entertainment complex that your Nazi Superman ideology dressed in an American flag will rescue you. |
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Even scarier!
Fuck that Noise!
with much more @Spacestation Earth