It's only a Game! Capt. Wardrobe - December 2021 - Jan 2022 To start with i'd like to round up a little on the Massive investment behemoth Vanguard - it's background, philosophy, intent. Moving on to the Social Credit System that was introduced in China and from that move into the proposals for different metaverse scenarios and what they might mean for a world that on the surface looks like it's politically polarised - but upon further inspection seems to be pushing the same totalitarian agenda, but from different points on the psuedo polemics of a politcally mapped out opposition. The Global Elite are the stakeholders. Part 4 - Collect token & Unlock to proceed Part 5 - Centraland? or Automatic for the people? Part 6 - A critical element is time Part 7 - Will Children be playing? Part 8 - Bending reality - literary drug references: partial origins Part 9 - Corporatism? Syndicalism? High Rollers in anti-Democratic putsch |